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Fine Beat shook his head, smiling slightly. "Nevermind. It was a silly question anyways, for an Element of Harmony."


He turned to the vibrant colored pegasus who was catching his breath and then fly back down to the firing range.


"He's sure... enthusiastic." Thought Fine Beat.

Edited by MrBeatnikSoul
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At the firing range, Supernova was... not that accurate, yet he still tried... and failed.

He looked around. "If i'm goin' to be fighting alongside those ponies, I might as well get to know them. "


He decide to approach Shade first. "Okay... Don't be akward..."


"Uh, hey there. I'm Supernova. Guess we'll be in the same squad, eh? Sooo... huh...", he spoke with an anxious smile.

Edited by Supernova


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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(occ Im going to have to take control of AJ for a bit because i need her with the group.)


AJ finished getting to the top of the mountain just as a bright pink balloon floated down from the clouds. It had a rather large basket that had a few plates of metal on the bottom. it was also completely inclosed with a roof and everything. there was one door at one end. "Ah the balloon is here it is about time. Good now all of you get in the basket and it will take you to the drop zone. When you get there you will practice your jump formations and maneuvers upon landing. When you are all on board you will be told how to drop correctly and what to do on the ground. Now hurry up." stated Trixie walking through the door. Twilight followed close behind.

Edited by irobern2857
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Shade was almost at the top of the moutain... She saw a hot air baloon...


Once she got to the top


"Hay trixie! You forgot to give my wings back! Not that it's a problem... But what in the hay are all of you doing?"


Rarity went up to shade "aperently were sky dividing... Oh how I prefer to keep my hoofs on the ground... Il do what I must!"


"Skydiving? Something easy like that? Come on... Skydiving is one of the first things you learn at flight school..."



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Fluttershy was almost asleep with how long she had been on the floor, just flopping around. She got up, her muscles aching after that run, and tried to trot to the door of the hot air ballon.

(OOC: glad someone decided to help fluttershy up, you lazy bastards :P)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Fine Beat trotted over to the basket and hopped in. His eyes scanned the inside of the basket, noting the thin steel interior and simple structure.


"This couldn't possibly survive any kind of AA fire from the ground." Thought Fine Beat as the others started to load into the balloon.

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Upon hearing the command, Supernova hastily ran to the balloon.


"How come I have a bad feeling in my gut...? Eh, it shouldn't be a big deal."


In the basket with the others, for some reason, he started to ponder as to how he ended up there.


"Hmmm... Nice weather we're having today."


He meant that both as an ironic and serious statement.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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"Eh, little too hot for me." Fine Beat responded without thinking. He turned to the wild-looking pegasus curiously. This one looked uneasy, why else would he ask that kind of question?


"Guess I looked a little too forward to rain.What's your name?." Asked Fine Beat smiling. "Any reason for enlisting?"

Edited by MrBeatnikSoul
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"Don't worry Shade after one normal jump you will earn your wings. All right there are parachutes for all you that don't have wings, so here is what happens the Pegasus, because the can control their flight, will jump first dogging fire then they clear the DZ or drop zone. the unicorns drop in later and setup a magical shield over the area, then the earth ponies will land and start the ground combat. of course this is just a training exercise so there will be no enemies, and no guns yet you get those in the next jump." Trixie explained to everypony
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Looking back at Fine Beat with a slight smile, "Supernova. Name's Supernova, or ya could call me Nova for short.

Also... I'm not sure why I enlisted. Maybe I just felt the call of duty.. Maybe because I wanted to serve my country. But I can tell you it wasn't out of pure boredom.

Looks like Trixie's making an announcement. I should shut up."

Edited by Supernova


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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"the pegasi drop first" That was something fluttershy did not want to hear. she moved slowly to the back, away from trixie with the hope she wouldn't be seen and so could jump near the end. slowly but surely, she crawled backwards, untill she hit the edge of the baloon.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Rainbow could see that Fluttershy was obviously nervous. Dash put a foreleg over her, pulling her into a comforting hold. "Don't worry 'Shy, just stick with me and you'll be sweet." She gave a reassuring smile to her, still hoping that Fluttershy wouldn't pull out at last minute. "What's the worst that could happen?."


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"I... forget to fly. Or i hit all the fire. or forget to fly while hitting all the fire!" Thinking about what could happen if she didn't fly just terrified her. But she had to do it, if she did, things would be alot easier when it comes to the real thing. She had to try.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Fine Beat nodded at Nova. He watched Dash encouraging Fluttershy, who was terrified for the jump. Fine Beat began to move on to the back, since the Earth ponies were going last.


However, he trotted up to Fluttershy and placed a comforting hoof on the pegasi's shoulder. Feeling her tense up, he only gave as warm of a smile as he could give and returned to the back in silence.

Edited by MrBeatnikSoul
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"Sooooooooooo... Do I qualify as a Pegasus or an earth pony? I'm confused...."


"Shouldn't we be training for something practical? Discord can take away wings, horns and magic... While changeling could be eather one of us..."


Shade just glared at trixei then got into the basket.



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"This is not going to be a one battle war. And how do you expect the infantry to land on the shores of Prance if nopony gets behind the enemy lines and takes out the defenses. As for Discord he is staying in his fortress in the center of Gerpony. and for the changelings we have a way around that. Challenge word is Solar. The response is Lunar. If you challenge a pony and they don't give that reply expect it to be a Change, if you are challenged and you fail expect to get blown away. Ok we are over the DZ. the flair is the correct spot. Fake defenses will shoot at you as you try to land avoid getting hit. It is the job of the pegasus to take these out. again there will be fake defenses firing when you land. a button on the side of the turret will shut it down. Then you will get your arms and ammunition and we will work on your accuracy then you ship out."


"oh and here are your wings Shade you probably are not much use without them."

Edited by irobern2857
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"Easy peasy. Just make sure everypony has a good view of me. I'll show them how it's done." Rainbow stretched out her wings and readied herself for the mission. This was going to be a walk in the park, but what about Fluttershy? Damn, I'm gonna have to watch out for her as well. She wont be able to handle it out there. Can I put on an impressive display and watch out for my pal?


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"Unicorns count to three when the last Pegasus jumps, then you will jump and pull the cord to activate the parachute. Earth ponies do the same count after the unicorns jump. Ok the assult starts on your jump Rainbow Dash. The Great and Powerfull Trixie will be watching and judging your performance then Trixie will report back to Luna on where you stand." sid Trixie opining the door to show that the turrets had already started firing. Edited by irobern2857
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"Ready 'Shy?" Dash didn't wait for an answer and was out like a bolt. She plummeted some 50 yards before pulling up on her wings. As skilled as she cold she dodged past fire and projectiles, showing off her acrobatic capabilities. 'Wait, don't forget Fluttershy.' She spun round to see where the yellow Pegasus was, hoping she hadn't panicked.


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Fluttershy heard what trixie said, and could also hear the turrets outside. Niether helped her confidence. She shakingly followed rainbow dash to the door * I have to do it* she thought *I cant let my friends down!* She waited about three seconds after rainbow dash had jumped, before jumping herself.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Lt. Trixie!" Shouted Fine Beat over the strong winds as Dash zipped out the door. "So since we don't have our equipment, all we're doing today is jumping?"


Fine Beat folded his beret and stuffed it into the folds of his uniform. Fake tracers lit up the sky as Fluttershy jumped out the door.

Edited by MrBeatnikSoul
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shade watched as flutershy jumped out the door... thing.... what ever.... after about 5 seconds, shade jumped, a black thundercloud appeared above her, she bucked the cloud giving her a thunder boost to the ground... she smashed on to the ground and gets ready for the unicorns to jump...



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Guess Fluttershy is just that... well shy, Nova wondered to himself as he was just about to jump.


"Wait until 50 yards.. then open wings.." He was muttering to himself, taking mental notes on how to jump.


"*deep breath* Here goes nothin'!" He donned his goggles then proceeded to jump.


He did the same thing Rainbow did, though not as successfully or speedily, but still in one piece.


As soon as he hit the ground, with a silent cheer, he thought Can't get any worse than this, right? Yeah, this place'll be easy!


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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After jumping out of the hot air baloon, The first thing fluttershy wanted to do was scream. This was the one set of classes she never attended in her almost perfect attendence. She was flailing her arms about, and eventually started screaming, as the blanks went off around her.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Rainbow landed on the ground with poise, but quickly her mind turned back to the panicking yellow mare tumbling to the ground. Without a seconds hesitation, Rainbow was off. She shot up and held onto Fluttershy by her forelegs. "What did I say about sticking with me?" Dash pulled her down, tumbling through the air, avoiding the incoming fire and managing to pull off the landing without too much of a crash. "You... okay." She was puffed, the sudden rush of urgency left her exhausted.


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