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oh look i wrote something

Silver Bells

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it's not really meant to have a plot, it's some scene i wrote for kicks



Sunchaser had decided that taking her friend out for a walk along the older section of town would cheer her up. It was a pleasant night, with the sound of crickets thrumming in the air; it was a kind of night that would make anypony happy.

But Silver Bells, who walked at a slow, lethargic pace beside her, seemed to be completely oblivious to it all. Her eyes looked lost and glazed over, ones that looked like they belonged to a corpse instead of a living being.

"Silver Bells?"

The black filly ignored her. Instead, and rather suddenly, she galloped away and disappeared into a decrepit mansion just up the path.

"Hey, wait, where are you going?" she called after her friend, clearly surprised and very baffled. Sunchaser pursued her into the old structure, worry and alarm tingling in her hooves and her chest.

She stepped tentatively into the entrance. The place was rotting, and full of cobwebs. A thick, musty scent hit her immediately, causing the pony to cough and reel from the stench.

But Sunchaser continued walk through the dark mansion, her heart pounding with fear. And all the while, she followed Silver Bells' hoofprints, which had been imprinted onto the dust covered floor.

“Silver Bells?” she called. “Where are you?”

No answer came, not even the slightest whinny.

The filly finally reached the wide balcony near the back of the building. Silver Bells was standing at the edge, looking out over the fence and to the darkness beyond.

To her surprise, Sunchaser noticed that she was in her Equi Magi garb.

"You're here," was all she said.

"Yeah, here I am!" Sunchaser answered a bit too cheerfully. "So, um, what's up?"

"There's a witch here. Get into your costume." Her voice had lost that tinkling, friendly tone to it. Ever since she had found out about the awful truth, Silver Bells had never been the same since.

"Ooooookay. But my Soul Gem isn't really reacting to anything..." But she transformed anyway.

The dark filly didn't reply.

"Um, Silver Bells...?"

Silver Bells looked over her shoulder. "Are you truly happy like this?"

What kind of question is that? Sunchaser chuckled nervously and smiled. "Well, um, it's been interesting."

"Really?" Silver Bells walked up to her, her blue pupiled eyes glinting strangely. "Because I'm not."

Her voice was low. Sorrowful. As though she had lost somepony she loved.

The white filly swallowed the fear that was rising in her throat. "Look, I know. It's been hard for you, but you have to remember--"

"I was happy at first. I thought becoming an Equi magi would be fun. That I'd become some sort of hero to my friends and family and everypony." Silver Bells looked down at her hooves, shaking her head slowly. "But I was stupid. So stupid. Myubey lied to me. To all of us."

Sunchaser reached out and attempted to press her snout to her friend's cheek, trying to console her, but Silver Bells deliberately avoided her touch.

"I don't deserve your comfort," she said coldly.

"...well, what about the witch?" her friend asked, trying to change the subject. "You said there was one."

"That's exactly the point," Silver Bells whirled around, her eyes glaring at her. "There is no witch. So what's the point?"

"I...what?" Sunchaser was confused by her friend's odd behavior, as it had done for the past few days.

"I said, what's the point?"

"Silver Bells, you're not really making any--"

But her friend ignored her. "There isn't any point anymore!" Her voice rose in urgency as she said it.


"What's the point?" neighed Silver Bells, her face spread in a terrible, sorrowful grin. "What's the point of going on when you aren't even yourself anymore?"

The beautiful black filly looked down at the Soul Gem around her neck, shaking her head sadly. "This is me! I'm just...I'm just nothing!"

Barely any light emanated from it. Sunchaser considered rummaging through her bag to find any Grief Seeds to help her friend, but she knew that she had none left...

"...I’m just some stupid body, a package, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!" She ended her sentence in a shrill wail, stamping the ground each time she said the word.

All there was left for Sunchaser to do was just reason with her, even though deep inside the white filly knew that it was going to be inevitable.

"But...Silver Bells, please!,” Sunchaser begged desperately. “Didn't you ever say that--?"

"To hell with that! I was stupid at the time!" Tears cascaded from her massive blue eyes. "How was I supposed to know? I didn't know!"

Sun Spark knew the unicorn was going to kill herself. There was just no other explanation to it.

"I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know, I'm so STUPID!"

"You're not stupid, Silver Bells--"

Silver Bells angrily cut her off. "Stupid, stupid me! Silly me! Silly me!" Her eyes began to cloud over as the last of her sanity slipped away from her mind. She seemed to be staring off into space, seeming to be shouting at somepony who wasn't there. "I don't see what's the point. I'd rather be dead. And I don't see what the point is for anyone else, either!"

Sunchaser mulled over her friend's confusing gabble, struggling to understand what she meant.

"They should rather be dead, too! It'd be for the best!" Silver Bells concluded, whipping her tail. "Put them out of their misery...they'll all become miserable eventually!"

And at those words Sunchaser finally understood.

She was going to kill all the other Equi Magi around the area. She was going to kill her. Ting-a-ling and Cloud Jumper's blood would be on her hooves.

"NO!" she wailed to her. "You can't do this, Silver Bells, you just can't!"

"Shut up!"

Sunchaser trotted right up to her without hesitation. "I won't allow it."

The black pony stared at her, dazed, a storm of emotions swirling in her eyes.

"I won't."

Enraged, Silver Bells shoved her back with her front hooves. With a thud, Sunchaser’s back hit the floor. She stared at her with disbelief.

"You can't kill us. Me, Ting-a-ling, Cloud Jumper...we're your friends."

"I'm only trying to save all of you!" Silver Bells screamed. "Why can't you understand that?"

She put her head down and ran towards Sunchaser, her horn aimed straight at the filly's chest.

Sunchaser got to her hooves and dodged her as quick as a fly, causing Silver Bells to crash directly into a row of potted plants in front of her. The snap of bone and the shriek of pain was clear as day in Sunchaser's ears. She winced, tears starting to well in her eyes when she saw the cuts on Silver Bells' body. The broken horn.

Shame and terror rippled through her body as she tried to prevent her face from crumbling into tears.

But I have no choice! I have to defend myself...

The nightmare black mare screamed in frustration, her pupils dilating with both fury and desperation.

"I'm only trying to save you!" she wailed.

"I don't need any saving! You've got to understand--"


She charged again, and this time Sunchaser was not fast enough. She wailed in agony as the unicorn's horn, or what was left of it, slashed her hindquarters.

"What's the point of a cutie mark, Sunchaser?" her friend screamed at her, a shred of skin on her bloody horn. "What's the point? There isn't any point!"

Sunchaser flew and landed onto the roof of the building behind them as Silver Bells attempted to impale her again.

"At least it's something else I can hold on to!" she shouted back.

"But you don’t have it anymore, so you have nothing else!" And with those words a swarm of knives materialized from the dark Equi magi's mane and shot out towards Sunchaser like quills.

She managed to dodge most of them, but a few sank into her legs, her hindquarters...the pain from it all spread through her body.

I can't just stand here and dodge her! She quickly retaliated by pulling the spear out of her cloak. With a single heave, it flew out of her teeth and towards her friend.

I'm sorry, Silver Bells, but I have to do this.

It landed right in her Silver Bells' hind leg. The pony shouted in agony and pulled it out using the magic in her broken horn. It clattered to the ground.

"WHY WON'T YOU ACCEPT MY HELP?" she shrieked desperately, her voice cracking at the last word. Sobs tore from her throat, and Sunchaser knew that her friend had given up.

She fluttered down to the ground with a thud. Cautiously, she walked up to the devastated Silver Bells. Sunchaser's heart fell to the pit of her stomach when she saw how heavily Silver's hind leg was bleeding.

I did that! To my own friend! she thought, terrified. Oh, Celestia, why can't you just let all of this end?

"Please, you have to listen. I know how hard this stuff's been for you--"

Sunchaser never finished her sentence. Out of nowhere a single, sharp dagger shot towards the white pony, catching her completely off guard--


--and it landed square in her left eye.


Blood spurted out, staining the marble floor crimson. Her face felt like it was on fire, but even fire didn't hurt as much as this did...

Sunchaser let out a shrill, bloodcurdling scream, her body and mind plunged into an terrible miasma of pain beyond her comprehension.

Then the knife was wrenched out of her socket, eye and all. The pony's legs gave out from under her. She caterwauled all the more harder; the pain was just too much...

Silver Bells stood over the wailing filly, her eyes teary and blank.

"I'm so sorry, Sunchaser, I really am..." she said softly, almost gently. "But I will help you later, and you won't have to hurt so bad anymore."

And then the bloodstained knife fell to the floor, and the black Equi magi galloped away back into the mansion.

And a bleeding Sunchaser was left lying in agony on the tiles, sobbing harder than she ever had in her entire life.



Edited by Silver Bells
  • Brohoof 3
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