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Fallout Equestria RP (Private)



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  1. 1. Would it bother you if I used Ideas from the original FoE? (Namely Watcher and the character and general story behind him - try not to reveal it to those who haven't read the story plz)

    • Yes - make it all original please.
    • A bit - try to limit what you copy.
    • No - do whatever, I will love it either way!

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I'm too young to get shot. "I'm sorry, but the Stable closed back up, and will be for some time. Our Overmare is pretty paranoid. My name is Autumn Scroll. Pleased to meet your aquaintence. Could you please tell us where you come from, and if there is a town nearby? Perhaps we can trade informaton?"


(Sorry guys, but I'm going to bed. It's midnight here. See you all tomorrow morning.)

Edited by Slendermane


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Gizmo whispered back to his two companions who were talking, "I've handled delicate situations before. I know what I'm doing, trust me. Remember what I said about the land here? If we don't act like that, our chances of survival will be a lot less with others."

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The old pony looked puzzled. "You mean the Stable isn't opening? Are you sure? We'd love to trade with you all, we have plenty things that are useful to newly emerged Stablers. Simple food to help your stomachs get used to real food after all that fancy Stable crap. Medicine to help with all the magical fallout still permeating the air." he chuckled. "Don't worry, the magic in the air isn't dangerous, but it might male you sick until you used to it. We have herbal remedies that will help speed the process up. All we ask in return is a small bit of technology, or advanced medicine from inside the Stable." He held out his hoof. "We can both benefit from this. What do you say, can you get then to open the Stable so we can help each other out?"

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As much as Strong Hooves wanted to disagree, he saw the serious look in Gizmo's eyes, he sighed, "Fine, but if this gets screwed up and they start shooting, I'm kicking your flank first before I even think of them, stay back Mr. Autumn, let Gizmo do this"...


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Gizmo shook his head. "We'll most likely need this technology and there's no way for us to even come close to getting them to open the door. We should be able to offer some sort of service other than that though. If you've got the materials, I should be able to fix anything that you have that's broken, if that counts for anything." He was giving them more advice then he'd like to, but he had to admit, they weren't going to get on someone's good side by not sacrificing something, even if it was just time.

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Strong Hooves liked where Gizmo was taking this, he stood next to him, his hulking size towering over the unicorn, "And if it amounts to anything, I can pull any load no matter how heavy, plus I have minor knowledge in weapon identification and repair" Now I'm glad I brought that weapon book with me, he thought...


(Well, Im getting off. I will try to get to this in the morning, but if i dont, then i will be back on here about, threeish in the afternoon)

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"Can't get it open, eh?" the old one said, shaking his head. "That's a damn shame. Well, at the very least, you'll make good slaves."


Faster than one of his age normally moved, he drew a pistol from inside his coat and pointed it at Gizmo. Behind him, his motley band raised their weapons and pointed them at the small group. The old pony smiled again, a sinister smile this time.


"Now how about you put those weapons down nice and slow. No need for anypony to get hurt here."

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Gizmo sat down suddenly, his jacket pocket opening and screws falling out, helped slightly by magic. When they had lost the attention of the enemy and his group had dropped their weapons, he began to work their way around the hill and up the side to get under them. "Is there nothing we can do to change that? No bartering of our skills willingly?"

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Lunar peeked out from behind the rock and saw the old stallion pointing a gun at the group. Lunar didn't want to cause too much trouble, so he just levitated the shotgun on the ground slowly towards him... Gee, I hope I can help them!


(I'm trying not to start the big fight that ended the last thread :/ Also, if it was not clear, I was levitating the shotgun towards me to cause a distraction)

Edited by SuperTheAwesome

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(ok maybe a couple more posts)


this is bad... very bad, thought Strong Hooves as he dropped his pistol and baton, he mirrored Gizmo and sat on his haunches, he'd never been in a situation like this, he was always the one with the upper hoof, now... he just felt vulnerable...


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The old pony was tense. He made a hand motion and several ponies stepped out of the crowd, wielding hunting rifles.


"Watch the unicorns, boys." said the old pony. "If you see so much as a spark come off one of their horns, light 'em up."


The pony fired into the air, over Strong's head; a warning shot. to keep them nervous. he thought. He motioned with his gun.


"now you all slowly walk over here so these fine stallions can get some ropes on you. No hurry, we have plenty of time. No sudden movements, now, or we might get jumpy and accidentally pull a trigger."




Sigh heard the gunshot and began to run faster, shedding his cost and hat to reduce drag. Shit, that didnt take long. Doesn't sound like a battle yet, though.

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Strong Hooves flinched as the shot whizzed right over his head, he gulped down a knot that had formed in his throat, Alright, just stay calm, he thought, what would dad have done? I gotta keep my cool. He stepped forward as the stallions on the hill came down with ropes, one thing that he noticed was, they were puting their ropes extra tight on him...


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Gizmo kept using his magic, keeping it slow and little enough to not cause his horn to glow. Gizmo got up and walked towards the ground. He took his time going towards the group and by the time he was roped, the screws had reached a point that he would be able to fly them directly at the enemies. There were ten screws and more than ten enemies so he'd have to pick his targets carefully. Still keeping his magic low enough to not be noticeable, he moved them closer. As they were, they'd just be painful annoyances. If he could charge them up, they'd do something more, but that wouldn't be possible.


(Anyone who doesn't post by Evil's next post also walked up to them and got tied up if they knew they were there.)

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(Anyone who doesn't post by Evil's next post also walked up to them and got tied up if they knew they were there.)


(I'm assuming this does not include me, since I am out of sight)


Lunar was surprised when the shotgun slid over to him without anypony noticing. Are these guys that stupid? Lunar though as he checked the ammo in the shotgun. About three shots left. He kept it close in case something were to happen.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(well, I'm going to bed now, anyway, so there's plenty of time for anypony to post before I do.

Shit, forgot about the shotgun lol. Ok, lets say that lunar did get it :))

Edited by Evilshy

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(well, I'm going to bed now, anyway, so there's plenty of time for anypony to post before I do.

Shit, forgot about the shotgun lol. Ok, lets say that lunar did get it :))


(Well, you are kinda controlling the main event right now... thanks for the shotgun, though! :lol: )

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Slaves? Damn, I knew I didn't like this guy for a reason. He quietly walked along with the others, keeping both eyes open.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Melody had hidden the pistol deep in her saddlebag the moment she had received it, assuming it would not be needed any time soon - not that she would even be able to shoot somepony. Suddenly, this group of ponies was upon them and they were to be slaves? She gulped as she approached the stallions who were to bound them up, shivering a bit. The moment one of them touched her, she panicked, a quick burst of magic shooting from her horn. A magically amplified shrill note escaped her mouth, blasting right as the stallions who were to bound her. The kick from the physical force of the harsh sound waves lifted her off her feet for a moment as she turned and ran to hide behind the rock where Lunar was.


(I may or may not be able to post a ton today. I will be in and out at the least though. My network and all my electronics are having various problems that started all of a sudden last night and I haven't gotten around to troubleshooting).

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Sigh reached the crest of the hill and hid behind a rock, peering out from the side to observe the action. He saw that several ponies had been taken prisoner. shit, this is going to be harder than I thought. I hate to use my chems for this, but looks like I'll have to. He dug through his bag, pulling out teo needles, one purple and one green. He was injecting himself with the purple, the magical enhancer, when a piercing sound came from one of the prisoners. He saw that many in the mob had been taken completely off guard. Now's as good a time as any. He quickly shot the other needle into his arm, and waited a few seconds for them both to start taking effect. He walked out from behind the rock; nopony was even looking towards him, all eyes were focused on the unicorn who had made the sound.


The harsh sound left a few of the stallions to recoil, but they managed to keep their hold. One of them grabbed Melody by the neck and brought he face close to his.


"What the hell was that!" he yelled. "Some kinda signal? You got back up coming now?"


Sigh heard the question and couldn't resist answering. He magically amplified his voice.


"Backup? Of a sort." he called out.


The mob turned around to see a unicorn slowly walking towards them. His eyes and horn were flowing brigt red fromthe chems he had taken, and his mouth was curved in an insane smile. A few of the mob shot at him, but he dodged to the side. He set off an explosion in the middle of the of the mob, killing a few ponies and scattering the rest. He ran to the prisoners, his chems adding to his speed, and he burned through the ropes.


"quick, grab a few guns and get behind cover. My chems ain't gonna last forever, and I need to do some highly dangerous shit." he tossed a few random weapons at them and turned back to the mob. Most were just picking themselves off the ground, but a few were up and scrambling for weapons. Sigh took great pleasure in shooting the the hooves of ponies as they were about to grab a gun.


"Nope" he laughed as they clutched bleeding stumps were their hooves used to be. "Mommy says not to play with guns."


He set a few ponies on fire and was about to set off another large explosion when he heard a pony yell his name. He turned to find a group of ponies with grenades, all threatening to throw them towards where the stable dwellers were hiding. son of a bitch. They're too far away from each other for a single explosion to hit them all. He stood there motionless, thinking quickly, aware that a few ponies behind him had recovered and were now armed, and most likely putting his head in their sights. hmm... I wonder if it would work... He engulfed himself in flames, using a spell to keep himself from being burned, and dropped to the ground. He heard numerous bullets whiz over his head as the mob all shot at the bonfire he had created. drugs, don't fail on me now. He ran as fast as his enhanced body would take him towards the first grenade wielding pony, his body still on fire. He tackled him, kicked the grenade away, and shot a cone or flame towards two of the other ponies. They screamed and dropped their grenades as the went for cover. He was too slow to stop the last one, however, and he watched as the grenade fell near the stable dwellers. He shot the pony who had thrown it in the face and yelled to his targets.



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"KICK THAT THING AWAY IN THE NEXT SECOND OR YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" yelled the pony that had helped them, Strong Hooves looked to the ground and saw the grenade just a few feet from him, immediately, he darted torward it, threw the grenade in the air and sent it flying with a buck. The grenade didnt go far though before it exploded, the shockwave of it sending Strong Hooves rolling into the rest of his group...


(Okay, this will be the last post until about 3 or 4 this afternoon, I got basketball lol, anyway, if anypony has to take control of Strong Hooves for the sake of moving the story along, then I will allow either Auth or Evilshy, and only if it is absolutely needed. anyway, I'll be back ASAP)

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Gizmo launched his screws into his and other ropes to set them free and the others into any enemy he saw taking aim. He made it behind a rock as the pony had commanded and began to charge a few screws incase he'd need to fight again really soon.

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As soon as Autumn was free, he grabbed a pistol and dove for cover. He brought up his S.A.T.S. (targeting spell) from his Pipbuck and started firing at the mob. As soon as he could, he ran from his cover towards Strong Hooves and dragged him behind cover. Luckly, he wasn't hurt, only dazed for a moment. Strong Hooves quickly ot back up and started firing. Autumn did the same. I don't know who that unicorn is who's helping us, but I'm glad he's on our side. I just hope it stays that way.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Lunar didn't know what to think. All of this fighting and killing was going on around him, and he didn't know why. Slaves? Lunar thought We've never been out of the Stable before! How could we be useful?


Lunar just hid behind the rock. He didn't want to kill anyone! Lunar just wondered what would happen if he had stayed in the Stable. Would it have been better in there?

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Sigh took a few shots when it hit him. The woozy feeling, the headache. His vision started to blur, and he quickly jumped down behind cover with the stable ponies. He struggled to stay on his feet.


"Hey, I'm crashing and might pass out for a little while now. There are only 6 or 7 left, you can handle them."


And with that, he fell over, unconscious.


(Sigh will wake up in about 20-30 in-game minutes.)

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Lunar gulped and stuck his head up from behind the rock. There was a pony racing right towards him. Lunar pulled out his new pistol and shot the pony in the head. A small scream escaped the mouth of Lunar. He just killed a pony! He sadly brought the body around the other side of the rock and started taking everything he could find...


(Because I have so much respect for the dead)

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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