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Fallout Equestria RP (Private)



8 users have voted

  1. 1. Would it bother you if I used Ideas from the original FoE? (Namely Watcher and the character and general story behind him - try not to reveal it to those who haven't read the story plz)

    • Yes - make it all original please.
    • A bit - try to limit what you copy.
    • No - do whatever, I will love it either way!

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Ago, somewhere in Ponyville, Artistic Purple was painting one of her latest portraits. Suddenly, she heard a loud "BOOM!" come from outside. She came to check what it was, confusedly nervous.



20% cooler in 10 seconds flat.


-Rainbow Dash

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Ago, somewhere in Ponyville, Artistic Purple was painting one of her latest portraits. Suddenly, she heard a loud "BOOM!" come from outside. She came to check what it was, confusedly nervous.


(Dude, you aren't part of this RP. Get out.)

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Sorry, just bored. Okay, and sorry again for my patience. I forgot this was private. :blush:


(It's okay. Sorry I was so rude, I just felt like you were trying to troll us :mellow: )

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(well, I have a bit to catch up on, so I'll just start when evil shy passes out)


Jettson picked up his wrench and slammed it into the nearest bandit he saw, knocking it down, he then smashed it in the head until it died, reached over and grabbed its gun and start shooting


(this will be my last post in a while :()

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Gizmo looked behind the rock cover and had a bullet whiz past his head. He decided to take a more indirect path and levitated a small metal plate on the ground. He changed it to reflect and used it to see around the rock to aim two of his screws into two different ponies, knocking them out with the electricity in them. "That's what? Three or four? We can take them."

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(It's okay. Sorry I was so rude, I just felt like you were trying to troll us :mellow: )


It's okay. I'm very nice, and I would never troll anyone on this site. ^_^ (Besides, I never trolled before. :l)



20% cooler in 10 seconds flat.


-Rainbow Dash

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Autumn saw that the unicorn who had rescued them was injured, so he knelt by him and brought out his medical supplies. "Somepony cover me while I deal with this." Even though he had no experience dressing wounds, he managed to stop the bleeding for the moment.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Enemies were closing in from all sides. Let's hope this works! Lunar thought as he emptied the bullets from his pistol. He levitated them up, and sent them flying in all directions. Just then, a bullet pierced Lunar's shoulder and he fell to the floor in pain...

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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Gizmo saw the bullets flying out in all directions and assisted their trajectory to hit their mark. Once all the enemies were down, he ran over to the colt on the ground and looked at the wound. The bullet had gotten stuck inside. He pulled it out as carefully as he could and called out, "Hey, one of you guys. This one needs some medical treatment." He left the rocks and went towards the barren field, gathering up any guns he could find to distribute amongst the group. He picked up any and all ammo he could find and put as much as he could in his pockets. Even used, the metal from the bullets would prove useful for him.


He dropped the guns on the ground by the group and began to split them up by how they looked.

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After Autumn finished dressing Sigh's wound (yes I know Autumn doesn't know his name yet), he rushed over to Lunar and began treating him. I hope I remembered to copy some medical texts onto my Pipbuck. I'm going to need them at this rate.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Melody hid behind the rock where Lunar was downed. She hadn't looked around the rock yet to see the results of the bullets whipping through the air, and definitely didn't want to. She had fished the gun out of the bottom of her saddlebag with a shaky hoof and held it with her back against the rock, completely convinced she was going to die. As Gizmo called out for medical treatment for somepony, she turned her head. Autumn had run over to help, but she pushed him away - who was the trained medical pony after all?


"I'll do this." she said, wanting to help


Lunar lay in a small puddle of blood. She crawled over to him and removed a medical bandage from her bag and some disinfectant for the wound.


"This is going to sting."


She quickly dabbed up some blood, seeing that the bullet hadn't struck bone, then applied the disinfectant, followed by quick and practiced rapping of the wound with the bandage. The ordeal left her shaken, but not because of the blood. It was the fact that this wound was intentional - somepony had purposely inflicted pain upon him in an attempt to kill him.

Edited by Authetius

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Thank goodness, Autumn thought. He backed away and let Melody take over. I'm just as likely to kill them myself if I try to help.


(Sorry. Fixed.)

Edited by Slendermane


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Thank goodness, Autumn thought. He let Melody take over and went back to fending off the enemies. I'm just as likely to kill them myself if I try to help.


(All the enemies are dead. Check here:)


"Hey, I'm crashing and might pass out for a little while now. There are only 6 or 7 left, you can handle them."


(6-7 left)

Lunar gulped and stuck his head up from behind the rock. There was a pony racing right towards him. Lunar pulled out his new pistol and shot the pony in the head. A small scream escaped the mouth of Lunar. He just killed a pony! He sadly brought the body around the other side of the rock and started taking everything he could find...


(5-6 left)

Jettson picked up his wrench and slammed it into the nearest bandit he saw, knocking it down, he then smashed it in the head until it died, reached over and grabbed its gun and start shooting


(4-5 left)

Gizmo looked behind the rock cover and had a bullet whiz past his head. He decided to take a more indirect path and levitated a small metal plate on the ground. He changed it to reflect and used it to see around the rock to aim two of his screws into two different ponies, knocking them out with the electricity in them. "That's what? Three or four? We can take them."


(2-3 left)

Enemies were closing in from all sides. Let's hope this works! Lunar thought as he emptied the bullets from his pistol. He levitated them up, and sent them flying in all directions. Just then, a bullet pierced Lunar's shoulder and he fell to the floor in pain...


Gizmo saw the bullets flying out in all directions and assisted their trajectory to hit their mark. Once all the enemies were down, he ran over to the colt on the ground and looked at the wound.


(0 left)



Gizmo finished separating the guns and wandered around their camp, checking everything around to make sure he left nothing that they could use.

Edited by Linguz
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"Thank you", is what Lunar was trying to say, but it came out very quietly. Lunar peered over the rock to see what had happened. Not a single pony in sight! Lunar thought, nervously. He grabbed the shotgun by his side and noticed that Gizmo had collected all the guns. "I hope you don't mind me taking this", Lunar said as he took a pistol from the pile of guns. He stared over at the unicorn that taken out most of the enemies. Lunar noticed the unicorn had a lit match as a cutie mark (Is that right?). "Is he going to be OK?" Lunar asked the group.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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(yay im finally back, darn i missed the fight)


Strong Hooves breathed heavily, he was shaking slightly from the carnage that surrounded him, I... I killed those ponies, he thought. he limped over to the rest of the group, who were tending to Lunar and the unicorn that had helped them. He himself had many graze wounds where the bullets went past him, but nothing too serious, his father's barding had done its job. I'll tend to my own wounds later he thought. He looked around, not sure it was safe to stay in one area, he walked to Melody and asked, "Is he stable enough for travel? I think we should get a move on"...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Melody stood up and wandered over to sigh, attempting to ignore the bodies strewn across the ground. She quickly examined the wounds - bound up well enough to stop the blood, but not much more. She removed the bandages and gently removed a bullet with her magic, then quickly decided that multiple bullet wounds would be best left to potions rather than bandaging him up. She grabbed a potion out of her bag and poured half the liquid down his throat, watching as the wounds mended and sealed up.


*Good thing ponies swallow while sleeping.* She looked around the group. "Anyone else need something medical?"

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Strong Hooves looked back at his wounds, many were bleeding still, he asked melody if he could have the other half of the healing potion that she had given Sigh. As he did, he glanced over at the weapons Gizmo had collected, "Hey Gizmo, find any... you know, big weapons?"...


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Melody shook her head.


"I think we are going to need these for more serious wounds than just scratches and niches - unless your going to say that you have a bullet hole somewhere I can't see, then I think it would be better to use the bandages and my magic."

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Strong Hooves nodded, mentally kicking himself for not thinking about the others, and took the bandages, I seriously hope I dont mess this up, he thought as he was about to attempt wrapping his wounds...




(Is it ok if he finds a battle saddle, or is it too early for that Auth?)

(P.S. I fixed up that bit with the medical tape)

Edited by Strong Hooves


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(Battle Saddle Denied - for now. Also - rewind a second - nopony is doing there own wounds, melody refuses to let that shiznits happen. The weapons in the pile are hunting rifles, 32/10 mm pistols, double barreled and combat shotguns and a few automatic rifles - most with some sort of problem or state of disrepair as compared to the stable issued pistols).


Melody quickly snatched the bandages back - "I don't think you know exactly how to properly dress a wound anyway. And I can help accelerate the healing by quite a bit."


She examined each wound one by one, softly singing to each. The smaller wounds, scratches and bruises, mended almost instantly. The flesh weaved itself back together slowly under her horn and soft music. Some of the larger ones, niches from bullets and larger gashes, merely got smaller and she applied to the disinfectant and bandages to those. When she was finished, she looked at the carnage and flinched. She had seen death before, every medical pony had, but not to this scale. This was slaughter. Melody grabbed the pistol she had dropped by the rock and examined it for a moment - she couldn't picture herself ever using it, but placed it in her bag anyway, this time closer to the top.


"What do we do now?..."

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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(Gizmo had removed Lunar's bullet already...)


Gizmo sat down by a rock and sighed. "I don't know. We should probably find a place to rest until that pony wakes up. He obviously knows more than us." Gizmo's body wasn't shot anywhere, but some of the bullets had passed by his flesh, cutting it slightly. The largest of his wounds was above one of his eyes where a bullet had whizzed by before he took down two ponies. That wound had bled over his eye and made it hard for him to see. He looked over and found the two ponies he had knocked out and took some of the rope and tied them together. He set them down at his camp and sat back down. "These two should just be knocked out. I didn't hit them anywhere vital nor did I have shock them enough to kill. We can ask them questions, see what we can find out." The two ponies were earth ponies luckily so they wouldn't have to worry about magic.

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"Those ponies came from somewhere. It could be used as shelter or there could be supplies, but it's more likely that there will be more ponies like them there. We need more information. As soon as he wakes up," (indicating Sigh) "we should see what we can find out." Autumn looked around at the others. "Any idea on what we should do? We could try to find their camp, we could stay here for now, or we could try to get away and not be seen by any other enemies."


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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"I agree with Mr. Autumn" said Strong Hooves after picking through and taking two combat shotguns from the pile, "Were sitting ducks just sitting here in the open, we need to find some sort of shelter and soon, I can carry the unconcious one no problem, is everypony well enough to travel?" he turned to melody, seeing how serious she took her medical job, he figured it should be up to her to deem who is and isnt able to travel...


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Lunar saw how broken the new pistol he grabbed was, and emptied out it's bullets into the Stable issued pistol. Lunar also decided to grab a hunting rifle, in case he needed it. Lunar checked how many bullets were left in each gun. "About 5 shots each", Lunar thought aloud.


Then, Lunar saw the hole in his saddlebag. There was food and knives all over the ground. Oh, Celestia Lunar thought, I put the knives at the bottom! Lunar was lucky that he put the knives in only one saddlebag, or their food supply would be gone. Lunar picked up the knives with an embarrassed look on his face.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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