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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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something was bothering shade... she didn't know where her place was.... since discord made it clear that he works alone... now shade keeps thinking about what she was to do... she didn't know.. she cant go back to changeling city, since she isn't a normal changeling... she cant go back to cloudsdale and risk her changeling secret...

below her were ponies that where the elements of harmony... but something didn't make sense... why were there 9 ponies? there are only 6 elements... it made shade puzzle...


she then got onto her hooves and sneaked inside the castle... she wanted to see if there would be any answers to anything 



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What Discord did first was go to his bedroom and go to sleep.  He slept on his upside down bed which seemed to be attached to the ceiling.



Princess Celestia wondered what Discord was planning exactly.  The sky seemed fine as she lowered the sun slightly.  Soon, Luna would have to raise the moon.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was snooping around the castle... She wanted to find out more about the elements of harmony... She turned a corner and saw Celestia walking about.... She desided to avoid her and turned around...


She walked around the castle seeing the windows of the ponies who were the previous elements of harmony...


Shade was still wandering around and saw the unicorn that put thoes tree roots around her hooves...


She tried her best to stay hidden and listen to the conversation



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Princess Celestia looked up as a shadow passed over her.  She turned and saw no pony standing there.  Knowing she must be careful during this drastic times, she walked slowly, her hooves moving silently across the floor, following the shadow.

She saw the pony.  She didn't remember her from before.  But maybe it was just her.  Nonetheless, Princess Celestia stood behind the corner, pretending to look out the window as she listened.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was still trying to hide and listen in on the ponies conversation


"But it still dosnt make sence, why would there be 9? Magic, honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, and loyalty are the six... Could there really be more? Maybe... I know that love is a powerful thing... It's what runed the changeling rade during that wedding a long time ago... Could that be an element? Then the crystle empire could have something... But I know nothing about what goes on overthere... Hm... Guess il just find out soon enought"

Said shade quietly underneath her breath



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Princess Celestia barely heard what the pony was saying.  Her horn and ears glowed for a moment, as she increased her hearing.  She only ended up missing the first two sentences though.

Who is this pony?  What is she doing here?  Is she an Element or has she wandered in...or is there something more to this...



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Why is this so hard to figure out? And why is it bothering me?... Well I wonder what it would be like to be an element... You get a neckless or a crown thingy (see what I did there? XD)... That probably it... Unless the element has a special effect on the pony... Hm... As I recall the six ponys from years back were the bestist friends no matter what... But thees ponies have just met throught the force of the princess... If the elements of harmony are not friends... Then how dose it work? Sigh* haha... Oh I gotta stop talking to myself it's..."


Shade notesed something behinde her... She quickly turned around and saw princess Celestia listening to her with a spell.


She was suprised and shocked to see the princess and jumped out into the open in panic

"Oh dear Celestia!"

She said in panic



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Princess Celestia jumped.  She turned to Shade with wide eyes.  She was caught.

"Uhm...yes?" she said casually, as if nothing had happened.  Then she pretended to see her expression.  "Are you okay...?"

She didn't know if it was working or not...probably not.  Should I call the royal guards?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was stunned and scared... She didn't know what to do...


*should I run? Should I fly? Should I stay? Should I attack? Should I... What to do what to do!?!?!?!?!? Oh this was one bright idea you had there shade... What could she do? She could cure me of this curse, she could banish me into somewhere, she could end me right here right now*


Shade didn't think she had been this scared in all her life...


She was parelized from fright



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Princess Celestia paused.  She raised an eyebrow.  She took a few steps forward.  "Are...you okay?" she asked softly.

What should she do now?  Could she bring herself to call the royal guards on this pony who seemed so scared, so frightened?  Celestia stared at Shade for a moment.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I I ... I"

Was all she could get out


Shade started to step backwards as Celestia approached her

*oh she's going to do it... She's going to end me... Wich may not be such a bad thing... I would be free from the cureses that were laid appon me... But something brought me in here... And I don't know what... Now I... I..."


By then shade didn't know what to think



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Discord awoke immediately.  He sat up in bed and floated out of it.  His ear twitched.  Hmm?  Discord disappeared from the room.



Princess Celestia stopped.  "Wait...really...its okay."

Discord appeared at the window behind them.  He flew right in.  Princess Celestia barely had time to react.  Discord flicked her forehead with his talons and she fell to the tiled floor, unconscious.

"It's so easy, its almost sad!" Discord said.  He looked behind him at Shade.  "It's fun to keep tabs on you.  You sure do like getting in trouble dontcha?" Discord grinned at her, ignoring the army of guards that started towards them.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at Luna and spoke."Luna, i don't know about being an element but do know one thing iam doing this for my home and for you, I will go through with this becasue i care for you greatly". Yavolin sat down on Luna's bed and didn't smile he liked Luna more then as a friend but he wasn't sure how to say that.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Luna looked down at the blanket.  "I...me and Tia---I mean, Princess Celestia will be joining in on the fight," she looked up at him.  "We've both been standing around, doing nothing for too long, just watching in the background.  Its time for us to fight back as well."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin nod head."Luna, when this is all over i was  wondering if you would like to come with me to the gala next year". Yavolin knew he was asking the princess out on a date which was fine becasue most ponies never even asked Luna out of fear. Yavolin didn't fear Luna but he actually loved her.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna looked at him, slightly surprised.  She felt warmth fill her.  No pony ever asked her to go anywhere...together.  No pony ever...seemed to remember her.  Princess Luna smiled.  "Of course, Yavolin.  I would love to," Princess Luna turned to the window.  "i must raise the moon."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Hm... Well... When you have nothing to loose, you gotta have some fun... But seriously discord... I was doing fine untill you showd up... I was looking for info on thees new elements... Now quickly.... Get out of here before Anypony noteses you!"


Shade needed discord to get out if the castle, she needed to continue on finding the info she needed... But with Celestia on the ground, he might have destroyed her plan.



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"Awh really. Were you?  You looked like a Fluttershy," he laughed.  "Not that you would know what that was.  Boo.  And I thought you were fun," Discord sighed.  "Fine, fine," he said with a wave of his paw, flying back out the window on his mismatched wings.  "I'll still be keeping tabs on you.  You ponies are fun...oh wait, you're not a pony," he paused.  He shrugged.  "Psh, whatevs," and then he was gone.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin nod his head."o,alright, i'll leave you to that". Yavolin gave Luna a slight kiss on  the forehead he hoped that this didn't make her unconformable becasue he loved her and he wanted to show her that she meant everything to him, Yavolin turned to leave. 

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade ran to Celestia


She used her electrified mane as a defibrillator to wake up Celestia



*like a flutershy??? I know who flutershy is... She was the previous element of kindness...*

She looked at Celestia after defibrillating her a bit more.





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Bright spark had been walking with electro dash, seeing as how everypony else had gone to do their own thing.

"so can you believe that were two of the elements of harmony?!" Electro Dash exlaimed

"yes, i know..." bright spark replied

"i mean which one do you think youd be?

Bright Spark wanted to tell her that she was annoying him, but he didnt want to hurt her feelings.

"i dunno, loyalty mabye?"

"nah i think your more of a generosity."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Luna nodded, not responding to the kiss.  She hurried down stairs and saw Princess Celestia on the ground as a pegasus revived her.

"Wha-what happened?!" Luna cried in horror, trotting over to her sister.

Princess Celestia opened her eyes and gasped.  She rolled over onto her stomach and pushed herself off of the floor.  "Di-Discord," she whispered to Luna.


Princess Celestia looked at Shade, thinking that she must be an element...but why was she so scared?  Did she sense Discord's approach.  "Thank you."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin ran down satires with Luna, he saw Celestia on the ground he went towards shade wanting some answers. He spoke to her,"Now this is how it is going to go, i want answers and your going to give them to me now tell me what happen"?  Yavolin gave shade his best stink eye to let her know that she better not lie to him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Sister, this is getting out of hoof!  We must do something as soon as possible!" Luna said, throwing her front legs around Celestia's neck.

"We...we'll have to react tomorrow.  We can't do anything at...night.  Most of us need to sleep at night..." Celestia said softly.  "Maybe you should sleep as well Luna.  Perhaps you should wake early tomorrow."

"I like to be awake during the night...but...for Equestria."

"You must raise the moon before ponies get upset."

"Of...course, sister."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade bowed as she was thanked by the princess...


Then a pony trotted up to her demanding answers...


"Discord... Discord is what happened... He attacked the princess, then left."

She answerd him with a shy tone


* it's good that I'm on the princesses good side... It will let me learn about the new elements, now if only discord dosnt blow my cover... And il go back to him when the time is right *





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