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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade was in her room... Knowing that there was a guard guarding her door... Shade was too tired to care


She lied on her bed and fell asleep...


She dreamed about the day of chaos... And it was a beautiful site... But shade had a crown on her head she looked at it strangely as a gem the shape and color of her cutie mark was on it... Then saw the other elements and the princesses suffering under the chaos... Watching them sink into chaos with discord


(Next morning)


Shade woke up...

"I can't possibly be an element... Nah... I just hope Luna didn't see my dream... She dosnt have her horn, so I don't think she did"



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Angel Feather had finally drifted to sleep.  As did Mystical.  Mystical, in fact, fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.  She hadn't even realized she was tired.



Princess Celestia stood in Luna's bedroom.  Luna was curled up on her bed, trying to get some sleep to make up for what she had missed.  Celestia couldn't fall asleep if she tried.  And she needed to guard Luna.

In a area guarded with a magical force field, sat the box of elements.

And outside, sat Discord, who smiled through the window, unnoticed.

It's time.

  • Brohoof 1



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin saw Luna's room he saw that the room had a shield but he didn't care he was friendly and he felt like he needed to be there for Luna, he went inside , as quietly as he can be and slept on a chair inside the room but he kept his hear to Luna waiting for any cry for help.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia glanced over at Yavolin.  She turned back to staring out the window, waiting. 

Discord disappeared from the tree.  He appeared outside the room in the form of a royal guard.  His energy was slowly depleting.  He called into the room.

"Princess!  Discord has been found in the main hall!" he called.  Then he disappeared, appearing in the main hall.

Princess Celestia looked towards the door.  She looked at Luna.  She was as safe as she could get.  The room had the force field, and Yavolin was here.

Celestia raced to the main hall, sometimes using her legs, and other times using her wings.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked out of her room... Snorting at the guard that was standing there...


She saw Celestia running/ flying to the main hall...


Shade opened her wing... And flew off... But crashed remembering that she only had one wing... So she darted off following Celestia

"Let me guess, discord spotting?"

Shade said to the princess



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Maybe Lightning Dancer shouldn't have put her head out of the door so fast. Her hair literally caught fire, and they spent the next few minutes trying to extinguish it. The second its last blaze burned out, Lightning Dancer rushed out of the room, leaving a streak of purple light. She did not land near Celesta however, she floated above high enough to see what was going on.


Metal easily persued Lightning as the purple streak gave it away. However, he couldn't see what was going on, so he jumped onto the lowest pillar in the room, jumping until he reached one high enough to see.

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"Apparently, so," Princess Celestia said as she raced into the main hall.  She skidded to a stop and looked around the hall.  "Oh, I hope I haven't been tricked," she said when she didn't see any pony.  "The room with the elements has a really strong force field.  I made sure of---"

Princess Celestia felt a lash of pain at her side and went flying towards the wall.  She quickly opened up her wings and gave them a quick flap before she hit the wall.  She looked up at Discord.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Hey Discord! Try and check who is IN the room before you go in!", Lightning Dancer said, amused that he would show up in Canterlot; in front of Celestia all the same.


Metal face-hoofed, smiling. 'I'll never understand that mare..', he thought to himself, successfully holding back a laugh. He jumped down from his spot to land under Lightning.

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"Princess!!! Are you ok???"

Yelled shade... Then looking at discord, she quickly took a defensive position infront of Celestia...



"I suppose your here to do to Celestia what you did with Luna... Well your going to half to go through me first"


* I think he's going to go right through me... *



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Yavolin awoke, and went to princess Luna's bed side, he went to sleep right next to her to just make sure she would be alright but in his dream he dreamed that Discord killed Luna.He began to cry in his sleep he didn't know that Luna could still get inside his head or not.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord laughed at Lightning.  "Oh, shes a funny one.  Is she a Pinkie Pie?  I think shes a Pinkie Pie," Discord grinned. 

Then he turned to Shade.  "Oh, if you insist."

He flew forward and became translucent as he flowed right through Shade.  He grinned at Princess Celestia who gazed up at him uncertainly.  Her horn began to glow.  Discord tried to grab it with his paw and it seemed to electrocute him.

"O-h m-y C-e-l-e-s-t-i-a!" he gasped as he shuddered in the electrocution. 

Princess Celestia kicked him and the stomach, sending him flying into a wall.



Princess Luna looked around at the mirrors surrounding her.  So many dreams.  She spotted one.  She was in it.  She went over.  She watched as Discord killed her.

She stepped back in horror.  She touched herself, making sure she was still alive.  She was.  Of course.  It was just some ponies dream.  Princess Luna went into the dream.

  • Brohoof 1



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Inside the dream Yavolin was holding Luna repeating to himself."I .. failed her, i have failed to protect my Luna"! Yavolin bent down crying inside his dream but how ever he didn't know that Luna was inside his basically he thought she was unable to come inside because she didn't have a horn.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Because an epic electrocution deserves a spoiler :D



(>Is she a pinkie pie? -Oh yeah I am. :3)


Lightning Dancer raised her brow; only an inch, so you wouldn't really noticed unless you looked closely.


Metal thought that having Discord electrocuted and shoved into a wall was only a moderate punishment.

  • Brohoof 1
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Princess Celestia eyes began to glow white.  She stood with her glowing magic swirling around her and her hooves apart.  She growled at Discord.  "Give my sister back her horn, YOU WRETCHED DEMON!"

"I beg your pardon?  You, sir, are one rude Princess.  But seriously, wretched demon?  Can't you come up with better?"

Princess Celestia threw a burst of magic at him.  Discord rolled over and the magic crashed into the wall, making a giant hole.  Discord raised an eyebrow at her.

"You were going to do that to me?  Isn't that a bit much, darling?"

"Shut up you f---"

"Woah, woah, woah!  Celestia, dear.  Their fillies in the room!"


(OOC: Why must I make this funny.

Oh yes.  Because Discord)


Luna stared.  She slowly began to make her way over.  She gently touched his shoulder.

  • Brohoof 1



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Rose Petal was fast asleep, exhausted from the magic she had used on the other so-called Elements of Harmony just earlier. In fact, she had barely made it to her bed at all. However, North Arrow was fully aware that a scuffle had broken out in the spacious hallway. He burst out of his room, to see the Halfling standing between Discord and the Princess. "You'll have to go through me, too." North said in a dangerously quiet voice, joining Shade between the Draconequus and the Alicorn. He pulled his slingshot out and loaded it with an enchanted gemstone, prepared for Discord to make a sudden movement.

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"Celestia! calm down! you wont be able to defeated him without the elements of harmony. you dont want to anger him"


shade wanted to distract celestia so discord could slip by... and attack, but didnt want it to be obvious



* this is a real laugh! i wish i could laugh.... but i must stay in character*



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'The whole group is here? Dang, we couldn't possibly be THAT loud!' She thought to herself, perfectly aware that most are ignoring her.


Metal, however, had stepped up with the rest of the group. 'Those people are bent on basically killing themselves for the princess...', Lightning thought to herself. She, however, was not obbsesed with protecting the princess, but trusted her enough to protect her in dire situations.

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Discord frowned.  "Now why would you all do that?  Honestly, I'm sure your Princess is perfectly capable of protecting herself."

Princess Celestia flew upwards.  "Its called love and harmony, Discord.  Something you obviously wouldn't understand."

Princess Celestia tried zapping him.  Discord lunged out of the way.  His tail lashed out, growing in length and wrapping around her body.  She gasped and Discord pulled her towards him and smiled at her.

"I was mistaken.  You can't protect yourself," he turned to the other ponies.  "And don't you all even try anything.  As you can see, I have your pretty little princess in my death grip," Discord squeezed.  Princess Celestia let out a yelp.  Her horn kept glowing and stopping.  She couldn't control her magic.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade backed off in fear...


But she was really exited to see who this will turn out


"Discord! Why bother with all this? You know in the end that the power of harmony will put you down!"


Shade was really laughing in the inside... It was really funny to her to be talking like that



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North Arrow lowered his slingshot, dismayed. There was nothing he could do! Even if he hid Discord with the enchanted gemstones he used as projectiles, he would risk harming Celestia. He didn't know what to do. For the first time in what seemed like years, he was frightened.

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Discord raised his chin, smiling.  Princess Celestia looked at the other ponies in horror.  They wouldn't do anything...their not going to do anything...what do I do?!


Discord looked at her in annoyance.  "What?"

"Please...don't do anything you'll regret.  We...we all just don't...like chaos.  We want to stop it.  It hurts us..."

Discord seemed to get mad.  He shook her.  "How come I'm the only one who likes it?!  How come no pony else does!  Pinkie Pie liked it!  Doesn't any pony else?!" he yelled.

Princess Celestia stared up at him, dazed.

"No one understands."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Pinkie Pie



(You fixed that well.)


"Meh.", Lightning said. She liked chaos, in fact, she loved it! In controlled amounts though. With somepony like Discord, they go too far.


Metal absolutely hated chaos. To him, that wastes time. Time used well can lead to good things. Time used badly, well, stuff like this happens.

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Shade remained silent...


She looked at discord with a smile...


* you know I do discord... You know I do!*


Shade was tempted to join in with discord... But decided to remain in cover. But she knew that the time would come to have fun with chaos


* I just can't wait for that time to come*



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Discord grabbed Celestia's horn.  "It's time for Chaos to reign, Princess.  Just like it used to before you came along..."

Princess Celestia had no time to react.  Discord let go and her horn came off, looking more like a piece of glass then a part of a pony.  he threw it to the ground and it shattered into pieces.  Princess Celestia stared at the pieces in horror.  It didn't hurt though.  Not like it seemed to hurt Luna.

Then he pulled on both of her wings and they became marbles, which tumbled to the floor loudly.

It was so simple.  Discord threw Celestia across the room where she crashed into the wall.  She cried out in agony as Discord disappeared.


He appeared back in his cave.  He stumbled towards his bed and crawled in where he curled up like a filly to finally get some rest.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(and you made it even worse)


Lightning was practiclly gaping. Both of her wings AND her horn? Without even trying! That was freaking insane. But then again, It IS Discord.


Metal took no time to try and digest what happened. He ran over to Celestia, asking: "Your highness, will you be alright??"

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