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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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"No!" Celestia said.  She pushed herself off from the ground.  "No!  I'm the Princess.  I must take care of Equestria, my sister, my ponies!" Celestia lowered her head, a spark of determination in her eyes.  "And any pony who forgets that will pay."



Discord left Luna with her meal and went upstairs.  He peeked out of his cage and saw them.  He sighed.  He turned into a shadow and crept along the ground to watch.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was getting closer... She would have discord trap yavollin and put him in a cage...


She thought about how bad of a pony she was... But she wanted to make every pony pay for juging her wrong... She hated everypony, she hated every changeling... But discord, she seemd to get along great with him... Even tho she liked acting as an element of harnony... She knew it would never be true...

"Discord!!! I have a follower!"


When shade stoped... She looked back at yavollin who was about to crash into her.




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Ew, its him.  I hope he doesn't have a knife, Discord thought in disgust.  I thought Equestria was about harmony.  Discord rose, changing back from a shadow and into his normal form.  He made a grab at Yavolin with his arms and also with his tail.  Luna would be so happy!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Hahaha! That's awesome discord!"


Shade lied down on a rock


"So... Are preparations ready for the chaos? Becauae now... I'm more than ready to let it begin!"


Shade grinned at yavolin

"As it turns out.... I do work for discord, now tell me... We're you willing to ABANDON your so called friends for Luna?



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Yavolin replied."My answer is my own , you good for nothing betrayer , Luna is my comrade and i will never abandon my comrades".  Yavolin tried to pull out his hidden blade hoping that it was still on him that way he could stab Discord in the tail so he could make short work of shade.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Hmhmhmhm seems like it"

Shade grinned and turned to discord


"I think he's ready! Do your thing discord"

Shade knew that yavolin was the element of loyalty after he said that. The thing is... He would give up everything to save Luna, and he'd leave the other elements behind... So shade waited for discord to discord him.



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Discord laughed.  "Comrade!  Ridiculous!  I'm sure she's much more then that to you, Yavolin," Discord smiled.  He snapped his claws together and there was a ripple of color at the entrance of the cave.  There was a transparent force field.

Discord him?  This early?  But he could have so much fun with him!



Luna looked up as the bars of her cage disappeared.  Was this a trick?  She didn't know, and she didn't care.

Luna bolted up and straight out.  She trotted up a few staircases and up to the top of the cave where Yavolin, Shade and Discord were.  Luna ignored them completely.  She didn't look to see who was there.  She ran straight for the entrance.

When she hit the force field, she was blown back to the stone ground on the cave. 

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"hahahahaha, did you really think you could escape that easily luna?"


then shade got an idea


"i think il have a little fun!"


green fire surrounded shade, when the fire went away, shade turned herself into yavolin 


she turned to yavolin and said quietly

"now lets test her intelligence and see who shell come to"



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Luna shook out her mane and slowly stood up as Discord fell to the stone ground, laughing his head off.  Luna looked at him and then looked at the fake Yavolin.  Then she looked at the Yavolin outside the force field only she could not get through. 

She went over to the force field and put her hooves onto it in front of Yavolin.  She felt slightly confused.

Discord sat up.


(OOC: If Luna heard you, she probably would have said;  "I am not a dog!" x3)

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"you know... this game isnt fun.... its more fun to watch you try and escape"

shade changed back to her changeling forum...


"well discord, shall we discord him and start the chaos around canterlot? then maybe you head on over to ponyville and start on the capital and il go to manehatten and handle everything over there!"



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Yavolin closed his eyes and spoke to Discord."You will never win not as long as there are ponies who are welling to stand up to you! you will fail like you did last time , the elements of harmony will never be beaten by you not now not ever"! Yavolin smiled  defiantly at Discord.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord just smiled back.  "Yavolin...let me tell you something.  I find you extremely entertaining, so if you are not gone within one minute, I may just have to change your personality a bit," Discord smiled, putting his paw over Luna's shoulder.  Luna tried shrugging him off but Discord kept a firm grip.  "And we wouldn't want poor, little, Luna to see that would we?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin didn't answer."I am not leaving without Luna! if i must I'll destroy you and shade"! Yavolin found his hidden blade and prepared to stab discord if he dares to lay one claw on him or Luna,  he looked over at Luna he hoped that discord wouldn't use her to get to him.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord took a step back and tightened his grip on Luna.  He lifted her off the ground by her neck.  Luna gasped and flailed around, not thinking of fighting but only escaping.  Discord smiled at Yavolin.  "Must I really hurt her, Yavolin?  Do you enjoy seeing the precious thing get hurt over and over?"  Luna started having trouble breathing.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at Discord with fear in his eye."Please don't kill her, I'll do what ever you want just don't kill Luna". Yavolin threw his blade down on the ground Luna meet everything to him and he was prepared to do anything to just keep her safe he didn't care what he had to do.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord lowered Luna so her hooves touched the ground and she wasn't choking.  Luna coughed.  Discord smiled at Yavolin and picked up his blade.  He scanned it and then tossed it behind him.  "Okay then Yavolin.  What I want you to do is simply get out of my sight," Discord smiled.  Ask him to not be an element?  Simple!  But boring.  I'd rather be defeated then face that boring!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin looked at Luna a tear fell from his eye."Don't worry Luna , i promise no matter what I'll find away to free  you i promise". Yavolin opened his wings and took flight he hoped that discord wasn't going to hurt her he just wanted her to be safe from harm and all he did was place her in more harm.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Lightning & Metal were listening to this immensely long conversation behind a bush, moderately close to them. 


Lightning Dancer had mixed feelings about this, as being really close to Discord and him not noticing (or not bothering to notice) them, her tension grew.


Metal however, was at the brink of jumping out and giving Discord the one-two.


But both stayed in their places however.

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Discord snorted as Yavolin flew away.  He looked at Luna.  Luna looked up at him.

Luna just stared at him.  Even when Discord turned away to continue watching Yavolin fly away, Luna stared straight at him.  When Discord turned back to her she was still staring.
"What?!" he said in annoyance.

Luna said nothing.

"Oh," Discord rolled his eyes.  "I get it.  You're trying to pull a Fluttershy thing on me," he said with a wave of his claw.  "No, no.  You're out of your cage, go get some exercise."

Luna just stared.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin flew back to Canterlot to tell celestia he couldn't  be an element of harmony , he really wanted to keep Luna safe and he was going to do that but he remembered rainbow dash the previous element of loyalty, he began to talk openly to himself."Rainbow , i am no betrayer but you must understand how can i be loyal to the one i love when all i do is place her in harms way"? Yavolin knew rainbow dash was dead but still talking to some pony who he thought was listening helped him think.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade watched as yavolin flew away... then turned to discord


"i dont understand why you didnt just discord him right away... but anyhow, what our next move? start the chaos? you could start with canterlot and il go over to manehatten and start the chaos over there" 



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"Because I'm not bored yet!" Discord said as if it was obvious.  "Okay, then.  Whatevers.  I'll do Canterlot, you do Manehatten," he grinned, flying up into the air.  He pointed at her.  "Do it right," he said.

Luna continued staring at him.  Discord shoved her backwards.  "C'mon Luna.  Enough exercise.  Time to go back in the cage."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade grained at discord,

"awesome! but i may need a little bit of chaos power... know what i mean?"

shade only knew lightning and changeling magic... if discord could give her chaos powers.. then shed be unstoppable.


" if i had some of your magic... then i would pretty much be another you"   



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Discord looked her up and down.  He placed his claw and paw onto his hips and did it again.  He narrowed his eyes and leaned in closer so his face was right in hers.  "Chaos is to be played with.  You got that?" he said slowly and softly.  "Its for fun.  Think you can handle that?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Oh hohoho! I can handle it! You didn't see it but I had tons of fun shocking Celestia with my magic when I came out from impersonating Luna... Then I had to deal with yavolin... He's such a laugh!"


Shade looked over at Luna in her cage... " and it seems yavolin is willing to give up everything for you, I can feel the love between you. I bet it's even more powerful than Cadens and shining armors love... But only queen chrysalice would know that."


Shade turned back to discord

"I'm going to go find spike, ever since twilight left him, he's been growing crazy... I bet he could help with the chaos in fillydelphia"



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