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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Oh, come on, now.  Discord sighed.  He smiled.  He looked at Luna.  "Don't worry, darling, I'll come and visit you soon.  Maybe I'll even have you come back to my place some time?  Soon good?" Luna just looked at him.  "Great!"

Discord smiled at Yavolin.  "You'll just have to let Shade go first, won't you Yavolin?  Don't worry though, I swear I'll hand Luna over as soon as you do," he laughed.  "I'll have plenty opportunity to get her later, anyways!"


(OOC: You outsmarted Discord!

Okay then xD See you whenever you come back)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was still contious... She hird that yavolin was going to kill her...


But as soon as discord agreed... Shade poped out of yavolins grip and surrounded herself with a green sheald...


"Il meet you back at the cave discord"

She said before sinking herself,teleporting back to the cave...



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Yavolin looked at Discord and spoke."Alright she's free now let Luna, go"! Yavolin looked at Discord expecting him to keep his end of the bargen  he never really trusted that snake to keep his end of the bargen and  he meant what he said he'll kill shade if discord doesn't let Luna go.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord moved his talon away from Luna's neck and shoved her forward.  Luna stumbled to the ground and fell onto her stomach.  Discord gave a small wave and smiled.  "I'll miss Luna the most!" he said almost sadly.

As he got ready to teleport, he asked Luna a question.  "Admit it, Luna.  Didn't you like your meal I made you?"

Luna just looked at him.

"I think she's having trouble speaking," Discord rolled his eyes.  "She hasn't spoken in a while."

He teleported back to his cave



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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When shade saw discord return

"Sorry discord... I guess I underestmated yavolin... He's, well, I don't know, the element must be getting to him. So what's our next move?"


Shades hart was pounding... She didn't know if discord would do anything to her for screwing up at the castle...




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Discord waved a paw at her.  "Whatever.  We have plenty more chances," he said simply.  "But they know where we are.  I have an extra cave somewhere.  I only have enough energy left to teleport the both of us," he sighed.  He reached a paw towards her and then realized it was covered in blood.  He rolled his eyes and gave her his talon instead.  "Come on, then."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"So the great discord can bleed... Let me fix that for you."


Shade used her magic the heal discords wound.


"All better? Ok let's go!"


She said taking discords talon...


* would discord ever punish me?? Nah... I mustn't let yavolin get to me... But.. Why do I keep seeing a picture of an element? *

Edited by villan97



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Discord smirked.  He teleported them to a similar cave to the one they were in.  It was still on a mountain.  It still had all the rooms inside the mountain.

Discord was sweating when they got there.  He didn't even bother to attempt going to his room.  He just laid down on the floor and sighed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at discord who was asleep on the floor... She gathered some rocks and turned them into cotton... Then put them over discord like a blanket...


Then she went out to the cave entrence and started practicing her chaos magic... Like turning rock into blue chaos ground...



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Discord rarely remembered his dreams.  Usually they were just boring.  Just the usual 'I've taken over Equestria!' dreams.  This one was different.

It was just him.  When he was turned to stone, his soul was transported to another dimension.  Everything was black, everything floated.  But he was the only one there.

Discord realized that's why he didn't just let Yavolin kill Shade.  He didn't want to be alone again.

Maybe that's why he likes Luna as well.  Luna had suffered the same fate.  But she didn't want revenge.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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As shade was turning the caves floor checkerboard blue... She kept thinking about why she's doing all this...


Ever since she found out about being a changeling... Ponies treated her differently, and avoided her... She was always alone and unwanted... Even was rejected by Chrysalice. That's why she served discord, it was fun to see the ponies fear her and it was fun to cause chaos!... But deep down shade felt that what she is doing is wrong... But didn't care for that..



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Why didn't every pony like chaos?  Wasn't it fun?  Entertaining?  Interesting?  Slippery streets, slide down on them.  Sweet, cotton candy clouds.  Delicious chocolate milk rain.  Walking about an upside down, floating house.  Flying around from the lack of gravity even though you weren't a pegasus.

Wasn't that fun?

Discord remembered when Celestia and Luna came to stop him.  They were younger then.  Luna actually questioned Celestia.  'Why are we stopping him?' she had asked.  'He made it rain chocolate milk!'  Luna seemed to find it entertaining at first.

So it was Celestia then.  She had ruined it all.

Ponies thought she was forgiving and nice?  She had banished her own sister to the moon for 1000 years.  She had trapped Discord in stone for years and years.  She would never understand how alone they were.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade remembered what Celestia said.... That once harmon prevails... She'd forgive her... Would Celestia really forgive shade? And they all say that she betrade them... But she was never with them... They seemd to forgot about there only being 9 elements and 10 ponies... Didn't Celestia figure it out? Why would a changeling be an element of harmony? It was obvious that she was the extra pony... But now that faze is over and now... Discord and shade will take Luna again and turn her back into nightmare moon and the 3 of them would cause chaos all around equestria! Discord would be the main chaos, nightmare moon would give every pony nightmares... And shade would go around assisting with the chaos and absorbing love from everypony...


Soon, that will all happen!



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Discord stared into the blackness.  He looked up, seeing a figure coming towards him.  Luna.  Luna walked towards him.

"What?" he said in annoyance.  "Don't you think dreams are a little private?"

"I told you that I was sorry."

"So?  That doesn't undo anything.  Is Celestia sorry?  No?  I didn't think so."

"I'm sure she is.  She just won't say so."

"Well, then it doesn't count.  Only you'd understandAnd I thought I got rid of your horn."

"You did.  This is my special power.  I don't need a horn for it  I only have to sleep.  Why are you staying in this nightmare?  You know it is a dream.  Why not change it?"

"Because I want to.  I'd think you would think I deserve it."

"No pony deserves this."

"What about you?  Did you deserve it?  Celestia thought you did."

"You do not have the ability to change me into Nightmare Moon in your dream state.  Do not even try."

"Who said I was?"

Luna paused.


(OOC: Its amazing how much fun I can have by myself.)

  • Brohoof 1



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin went towards Luna and  looked at her wound on her leg that discord gave her. "Luna, I know i acted foolish today but i couldn't lose you again". Yavolin meant what he said about he couldn't lose her again because she was the only pony that truly understood him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna disappeared from Discord's dream all of a sudden.  Discord blinked.



Luna opened her eyes and looked at Yavolin.  She looked at him sadly.  "I didn't want you to get hurt.  Not even for me," she said quietly.  She looked at her wound and pursed her lips together.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked over at discord who was still asleep under the blanket she made for him...


She finished turning the cave floor into a blue checkerboard...


So she lied down close to discord and drifted to sleep...


Shade was dreaming and again, she sees this element of harmony... But this time, she was with Celestia and the other elements preparing to defeat discord...

* no! Why I'm a an element of harmony? I should be causing chaos around equestria, if discord falls... Il be alone again... *




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Luna closed her eyes, forcing herself back into the dream state.  She was still talking to Discord.



As Discord watched the blackness, Luna appeared beside him again.  Discord raised an eyebrow as she sat down.  Discord smirked.  He controlled his dreams, making fire burst up to blaze around them.  He made a knife appear.  He showed Luna.


"Don't be stupid, Discord.  We're in a dream."

Discord laughed and pushed her over.  "I can control my dreams at the moment can't I?  Does that mean I can control you?"


Discord made them appear on the moon.  "Lookie, Luna.  Moon."

"Discord.  Don't be a jerk.  Change it back."

"But you love the moon!"

"Fine, then.  Be alone.  It won't be long now.  Maybe Shade will leave you like she left us.  Then what will you be left with?  I certainly tried."

"You tried?"

Luna disappeared.

Discord stared at the surface of the moon.  He curled up and sighed.  He covered his face with his arms.

"I want to wake up now.  Now!"



Discord jolted awake.  He looked around.  He saw Shade curled up beside him.  He noticed the blanket.  Slowly, uncertainly, he placed his paw over Shade.

He looked out of the cave.

I wish it could be different.  If every pony would just embrace me as well as harmony, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.  But...they don't.  And for their hatred...I'll bring them chaos.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades dream changed into her attacking the elements of harmony...


Apperently discord had to retreat because the elements almost got him


Shade was backing into a corner... The elements of harmony looked like they were about to kill her


Shade was panting and sweating....

* why am I dreaming this?*



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Discord placed his talon over his eyes, his paw still on Shade.



Luna looked at the collection of dreams around her.  She spotted Shade's dream.  She trotted into it.  When she was in it, she watched, unhidden, in a corner. 

A horrible dream to have.  But I can't really ask her to face her fears.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade flew out of the corner... But she felt like she was getting cut open... Once she saw Luna in her dream... She flew to her


" YOU! Your doing this! Why do you bother! I have enough to deal with when I'm not sleeping..."


Shade was bleeding... A lot... She felt pain in and out of her dream...


"Why am I haveing this dream Luna? And why is this crown thingy on my head all the time? I.. I'm a changeling... I can't be an element of harmony... And what would I be element of? Chaos or something? It's not possible..."



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Luna took a step back.  "I am not controlling your dream.  Your mind is.  Or fate is.  Or you or," Luna said.  "You...you know you're dreaming, so you can change your dream.  You don't have to suffer here too," Luna said slowly.  She looked at the crown on Shade's head, seeming as confused as her.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"It's hard to change a dream... Even when..."


The background changed to a black cave that has green goo lights and lots of changeling flying around...


"Sigh* changeling city... The place I probably come from... But you still didn't tell me about this crown... Why is it in every dream I have? I can't figure it out..."



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Luna stared at the crown.  "Maybe...maybe Shade...maybe you're a hidden element," Luna looked down at her.  "There is no rulebook saying a changeling cannot be one.  And you are a halfling," Luna smiled gently.  "But...I couldn't be sure, Shade.  Or maybe it is just your mind telling you that you're on the wrong side."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade snorted


"Hm... Well what ever... I'm still going after you, turning you back to nightmare moon, then making every pony suffer... Why you may ask? Because its fun and nopony likes me anyways..."


Shade ended her dream and darted awake... She saw that discord had awaken...


"Wow... Luna is powerful if she can make me suffer in a dream"



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