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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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(Occ:using my aunts computer gota make this short.) Yavolin tilt his head at her words."Why do say that shade"? Yavolin stopped huging her and sowly backed away from her , he felt uneasy about being near her becasue it seemed like something bad was going to happen.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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" I say that because... Discord got rid of celestias and Luna's horn, I got rid of cadence and shining armors horn, why? Because not only will it disable there magic, but discord and I can use there magic..."


Shade blinked and her eyes were completely green


"Discord will not only have all of his powers, but all of celestias and Luna's powers! And I with cadences and shining armors horn, mixed in with the crystal hart, I become just as powerful as discord!!!"


Shade changed back to her changeling forum, then stomped on the ground sending the crown element flying back up on her head...


"Since I know that this is my element! I know what to do with it,"


Green fire surrounded the element turning the gold into black diamond...


"I now know that I'm the element of chaos!!!"



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Yavolin let out a sigh."Then you know that with chaos comes order and harmony but the kind of chaos your trying to force on ponies who want nothing to do with it, frankly that makes you worse then Discord but you can still be some use to us shade put your powers to use and side with poines who actualy care for you".

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"you don't care for me, nor dose Celestia. No pony but discord cares for me, and me and discord are unstoppable! Youl never be able to use the elements of harmony on us. Even if you do, they won't work unless the elements truly bond with you... But that will never happen, but for now....... NOW!"


Shades voice echoed, 20 changeling minions stormed in and started chipping away at the cell the others secured all the ponies and freed shade


" thank you my darlings! I give you some stuff to feed on later, right now I must get the crystal hart and get back to discord, he must be worried about me, because I haven't checked in with him for some time, ta ta!"



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Yavolin's expression changed."really shade? fine then how about this". Yavolin tackled shade and started to bash away st her horn in hopes of breaking it , he didn't know if that would stop her from using magic but then again she can use the power of chaos.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Discord stared into the window.  Psh, weird,  he thought.  Then he watched on.  His eyes narrowed at Yavolin as he attacked Shade.  His talon sunk into the rock wall in fury.


Celestia watched Shade carefully.  She started towards her.  "Shade.  Listen to me right now.  You can live in peace.  Just stop what you're doing.  If you do the wrong thing, I may have no choice but to punish you because of my subjects beliefs if harmony were to win.  And if I do not make it, will they be letting you go so easy? 

Shade.  You have a choice to make.  There are three options.  You join the harmony side.  And be loved.  You join the chaos side.  And be feared and hated.  Or you run away.  And never come back."

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade pushed yavolin off her and two minions held him down,


"Did you really think that would work?"


Shade changes into her pony forum


"Pegasi don't have horns, now I must go now!"


Shade looked at Celestia, "I have my own path... And I will follow that"


Shade flew off in the detection of cadence's room


She passed threw the dinning hall where the element ponies were


"Having a good time? Well Celestia needs your help in the dungeon..."

Edited by villan97



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Yavolin tried to push the changelings off of him so he called out to his comrades."Help, some pony stop shade now"! Yavolin knew what needed to be done now and he hated it , he'll have to kill shade to make sure she'll  never go back to discord alive. He knew if he harmed shade then Discord will harm Luna.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Angel Feather looked up and let out a yelp.  Mystical Flow stood up and growled at her.  "Stop, Shade!  You're doing the wrong thing!  There must be an equal balance of chaos with the harmony!  You wish for too much!"

"And besides, Discord's probably using you anyway," Electro Dash commented.

"Probably kill you," Bright Spark agreed.

Rose Petal stood up, shooting vines from the floor and shooting them towards her.  North Arrow watched on silently.


(I'm too many characters Dx

And is Shade REALLY the Element Of Chaos then?  Or is that what she believes?)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade continued to fly to cadences room ignoring yavolin, and the other ponies


Once she got to the door of cadenes room, she busted open the doors,


" hello princess cadences!"


Shining armor stepped infront of her


"What do you want now shade?"



" just give me the crystal hart and I will be on my way"

Edited by villan97



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Yavolin threw off the changelings and went after shade. He saw her near shinning armor,"Stop don't give her anything, stop her now guardsmen"! Yavolin was prepared to attack shade in full force but he was just going to make sure she can never escape again.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Cadence watched them cautiously.  Then she tried what she had tried before.  She ran for the window, the crystal heart in her grasp.  She called out and a few guards looked over as she jumped from the window.

But the one who caught her was Discord.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin attacked shade again, he couldn't allow her to escape canterlot , but he figured that if he should fail he'll go after her to just find out were Luna or nightmare moon is being held up at , he realized that he was still wearing the night guard uniform. He could blind in with the night sky and fallow after shade with no problem.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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shade dodged yavolin, then flew out the window, then saw that discord caught cadence.


"hey discord! whats happening? where should we go now? how about we just go home? iv been dealing with a lot of harmony stuff its all so boring"


( shade is the element of chaos, but she thinks its the bad side of chaos that powers up the element)



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Yavolin got on a mask and went outside in courtyard and prepared to fallow them to there hide out and hopefully rescue Luna and or maybe try to get nightmare moon to come with him, but he could probably fool her and Discord at the same time but he knew he'll have to stay away from shade.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Psh.  Let's go home," Discord said, pulling the heart out of Cadance's grasp.  Cadance growled and made a swing at him but he easily dropped her down.  She got caught by a pegasus guard.  Discord tossed the heart to Shade and teleported back to his cave as the unicorn guards shot at him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade caught the hart then noteses yavolin per-pairing to follow her 


"oh and you though you could just follow us... hahaha! well, see ya later!"


shade teleported back to the cave, along with the minions...



back at the cave, she flopped on the floor... then the minions appeared.

"ok darlings, but share it..."

she tossed the crystal hart at the 20 minions to get power from.



shade walked up to discord

"notes anything different about me?"

shade asked as she sparkled the element on her head



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"No," Discord said nonchalantly.  "Unless you mean that giant crown, element thingy on your head," he squinted at it and leaned towards it.  He poked it.  "You're an element of harmony," he said.  it was not a question.  The element of chaos...is an element of harmony.  What.  The.  Heck.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"as it turns out... im the element of chaos... which dosnt make cense because you seem to represent chaos... i dont know if it even is useful" 


shade knocked the crown off her head


" so... whats our next move? iv already taken care of fillydelphia and manehatten, crystal empire is done... i guess all we need to do is handle ponyville and canterlot..."



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Discord snickered.  "The elements of harmony!  Loyalty!  Generosity!  Kindness!  Laughter!  Honesty!  Magic!  And chaos!  I don't think it really fits.  In fact it almost makes fun of it.  I suppose it really is time for chaos to reign," Discord smiled.  "Oh there's plenty places more.  But we'll take them later.  There's nothing important there," Discord smiled.  "Canterlot then?"

Nightmare Moon appeared from the shadows.  She looked annoyed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade smiled and went right beside discord 

"lets take canterlot!"


shade went and put the element of chaos back on her head...

"no where to put it... so might as well keep it on my head"


shade notesed nightmare moon coming out from the shadows looking annoyed

"whats with you?"

she asked



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"Discord was a flat-out jerk to me cause he was worried about you," Nightmare Moon said simply.  She glared at Discord and then went to the cave entrance where she flew down to the ground to stare at the sky moodily.

Discord glared after her.  "I told you to shut up."

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"soooooooo...... you were worried about me? you care about me?" shade said fluttering her eyes

(shade... what the hell are you doing? your not into discord are you? "maybe ^_^ " XD)


"hahaha anyways... how should we start this? make a plan? or just rain chaos all round canterlot"



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Discord glared at her.  "Oh please.  Don't make me gag," he said with a wave of his paw.  Down below he heard Nightmare Moon laughing.  He growled.  "Oh, lets just go and see what happens...or..." Discord paused.  "I've always wanted to capture the elements and lock them up," he grinned.  "That'd be fun."


(I'mma Butterfly!)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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" i bet that will be fun! they threw me in some anti magic jail cell... now its our turn!"


shade went to the cave entrance...


"but really... you do care about me dont ya?" shade said fluttering her eyes and sparkling up her mane with a small laugh


( oh i get it now... hahaha good one shade! " ^_^ " )


(why am i talking to my OC?)   

Edited by villan97



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