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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Shade yawned,


"yah, I think that's the best idea right now, tomorrow I'm going to head on over to the crystal empire and try to rechange the crystal hart... That thing looks so... Black..."


Shade hugged discord again,


"anyways... Good night!"


Shade fell asleep




She dreamed about stuff... About her death... How discord was over thrown without her... Then about both of them being turned to stone...


She musnt let any of that happen



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Discord laid down on the floor next to Shade, not bothering to go to his room.  He curled himself up with Shade inside of the circle his body made.  He closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.

Shade wasn't the only one who dreamed of her death.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade continued to dream about the many ways they could be defeated... Then shade decided that she needed to study more about spells and stuff... Her first goal was to reserect sombra, then shed grow her changeling minion army...


Then live a happy life with discord rueling equestria with discord.... Then hafter some time... Ruling beond equestria



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Discord's talon dug into the rock floor as he watched Shade die from the poison.  He watched himself give up right then and there.  He didn't dream of any forgiveness though.  He watched as he was punished.  As he joined Shade wherever she might have gone after her death.

Of course, he'd probably be going somewhere worse.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade woke up... She looked at discord, then pulled a blanket over him... Then she made a book appear and started reading it...


She needed to rechange the crystal hart... Witch was an easy task... Just go to the crystal empire... Fix it, disguise as cadence and give the ponies hope... Then once the hart is full... Destroy everything and let pies rain!



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Discord realized he was dreaming.  He quickly changed the dream to him ruling over Equestria with Shade.  He let his dream take control for a while, watching the chaos and getting better ideas.  Then he let himself wake up.

The first thing he did was flick his tail, realizing Shade wasn't there.  He opened his eyes and looked over at where Shade was.  He pushed the blanket off of him and got up.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was still reading threw the spell book and coming up with ideas...


After sombra was back shed let him take control of the crystal empire, feed him the crystal hart and have the crystal empire fade into inslavery for 1000 years...


She looked up at her minions who were sleeping she yelled at them...

"youve been on your flanks all day! Go to manehatten or fillydelphia... Go multiply or feed, something that's useful to me" The minions snorted... They woke up slowly and started to fly over to manehatten...

Edited by villan97



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Discord went downstairs to look for Luna.  He found her shuffling through a kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm starving.  isn't it obvious?"

"You need to lower the moon."

Nightmare Moon looked at him.  "Excuse me?"

"You need to lower the moon."

"What?!  No!" Nightmare Moon yelled.  "What part of Eternal Night do you not understand?!"

"I can't rule over Equestria if every ponies dead."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade went downstairs looking for discord... She sees nightmare moon on the ground doing something........


"um... Don't tell me the baby's comeing... Because it's way to early for that"


She turns to discord


"anyways, I'm off to the crystal empire... And going to make it fade for 1000 years..."


Shade started to walk back upstairs



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Nightmare Moon shoots Shade a look.  "What?!"

Discord looks at Shade.  "Oookay.  Have fun," he says, turning back to Nightmare Moon.  "Am I going to have to do it myself?"

"Well, I'm not doing it?"

"You're taking advantage of my good mood."

"You're taking advantage of me, period!" Nightmare Moon shouts.

Discord rolls his eyes.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade changes to look like cadence... Then teleports to the crystal empire... She stops all the chaos and...




She shouts to the crystal ponies...


The crystal ponies listened to her and powered up the hart and made an explosion of crystals...


Then shade changed back to her pony self and started laughing...


"hahahahaha you crystal ponies are so easy to trick!"


Shade starts the chaos again then admires her crystal coat...


She flys off to the edge of the crystal hart... She stomps the ground and with her purple eyes with black shadows black crystals bring up a red cracked horn...


"found it!"



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Discord turns away from Nightmare Moon.  She jumps at him.  Discord easily dodges and she lands in front of him.  She turns to him, furious.  Discord raises an eyebrow.  Nightmare Moon stares at him before slumping to the floor.

"That's what I thought," Discord says, going back towards the stairs.

"You wouldn't kill my foal thought would you."
"Don't doubt that I would, Princess."

"You wouldn't.  I know you wouldn't.  Not now that you consider Shade like a daughter."

Discord looks at her in annoyance.  "A daughter.  Really?  Can you imagine," he scoffs.  "Me!  A father!?"

"You know what I'm taking about."

Discord gives her a look.  "Too Luna.  More Nightmare Moon."

Before she can reply, he stares straight at her until her face takes on an annoyed and bored look.  The look of Nightmare Moon. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin was trying to get out of the trap that shade put him in then it came to him he would stall them a bit longer, he switched up the care for the posion incase this happened to him, he saw that they took the fake antidote which was with button. He pressed the button to kill shade, he wanted to make Discord pay for this. He hoped that were ever shade was that she was paying for what she had done.

Edited by Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade absorbed the red horn and the crystal hart, she could feel the power inside her, she felt stronger and healthyer.

"there! Now im back at 100%"


She flys off into the frozen north, not far from the crystal empire, the crystal hart and red horn popes out of her she casted a spell that removed all the black crystals she created.


"yavolin might be free, but it's totally worth it"


Then shade casted a spell both on the horn and the hart.


"all I gotta do now is wait"


Shadows started to build up by the horn.



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Yavolin hoped that shade would be feeling the psoion kick back in mostly becasue he had in that pocket a fake antidote. He didn't cared if shade died , all he wanted was discord to give up and turn back into stone. Yavolin pressed the button to start the posion back up which was still present in shades body.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade felt pain again... But she casted a spell on herself which cured the poison...


"I guess he still thinks he has a chance... I hope that poison oak kicks in on him soon!"


Shade continued to watch the crystal hart and the red unicorn horn... Shadows built up by the horn...


A big ball of shadows formed around the horn and purple eyes poped open.


Shade graabbed the crystal hart...


"welcome back! I have a little something for you... And the crystal empire"


She tossed the crystal hart at the shadows... It grabbed it and absorbed it... Then headed strate for tge crystal empire, as it got closer, the green grass turned yellow and black crystals piped out of the ground...


Shade watched the enslavement of the crystal empire... She absorbed the last of the love and hope that was around and teleported back to the cave...


She ends up right beside discord, she sparkles her crystal coat and lands on the floor,


"did I miss anything?"



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Discord looks at her.  "What?  Oh.  No.  Just Luna," he says, gesturing to Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon's mouth tightens up.  "Don't call me that."

"I wasn't calling you that, I was calling the other you that."

Nightmare Moon rolls her eyes and addresses Shade.  "I'm bored."

Discord raises an eyebrow.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"well what do you want to do? Your already on the ground starving or giving birth... I don't know, I can't tell... But what do you want to do? How about a we pay a visit to yavolin? He thinks I'm dead since I broke the crystals around him at the same time he tried to poison me again... Nah I think it's too dangerous for me to visit yavolin"



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Nightmare Moon looked annoyed.  "I only got knocked up a few days ago..." she muttered. 

Discord looked at Shade as she said Yavolin tried to poison her again.  He narrowed his eyes and went upstairs.  Nightmare Moon glared at Shade.

"Well, give me something to do!  Or do something with me!" she growled.

"That's not going to earn you any points," Discord called from upstairs.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked upstairs... Then back at nightmare moon.




She made a dazy flower sandwich appear


"eat up... Then we will figure something out for you to do... Now whats taking my minions so long?"


Shade changed to her changeling forum and closed her eyes, she sent out a signal to her minions, they responded and shade changed back to her pony forum.


"there doing fine!"



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Nightmare Moon shoved the sandwich into her mouth and ate it all up with two bites.  She swallowed and then turned on the sink.  She grabbed a cup and watched the water fill it.  She drank the water down to the last drops and then looked back at Shade.  It hadn't been one minute.

"...done..." she said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked back at nightmare moon...


"wow... Your a pig..."


Shade looked at her fading crystal coat

"and it was so beautiful... Anyways... You wanna go cause chaos at cloudsdale? I think I need to pay some former co-workers a visit... And stuff the cloud makers with cotton candy!"



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"Do you even know how long I haven't eaten," Nightmare Moon hisses.  Then she shrugs.  "Anything..." she says, slumping towards her.  I don't even like chaos,  she thinks. 

Discord stares at the moon, watching as he makes it lower down beneath the hills.  Then he makes the sun rise up as well.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade walked to tge cave enterance... As discord raised the sun... She hissed at the bright sunlight... She shook her head and adjusted her eyes...


"me and nightmare moon are heading over to cloudsdale... Why don't you start on ponyville? That is going to be tge capital... Right?"



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Nightmare Moon follows her up the stairs.  She looks at the sun and moans. 

Discord keeps staring at the sun.  The sun begins to slowly dull in light until it almost resembles a moon.  He blinks.  He holds out his paw and feels the sunlight even though it looks like there would be none.  Discord looks back at Shade.

"Yes?" he says.  He stands.  "See you later then.  Don't get poisoned again," he says, flying off.

Nightmare Moon watches after him.  "Blank, much?" she says. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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