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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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"so what if they deserve to burn... the world is far from perfect... you make it close to perfect... but when your like this... all you do is cause chaos... the bad kind of chaos... this isnt you celestia"


shade tryed to cast a harmonic spell on celestia to change her back to normal... it was a long shot but it should work


"dont cause chaos in your own world" 



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Slowly, Celestia pushed away the evil and her mane floated down over her shoulders, a pale pink. She looked at Shade in despair. "The one who deserves to burn is me!" she said quickly. "And ponies get what they deserve!" She growled as the fire over came her agin, changing her right back to Solar Flare.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade glared at celestia...


"have i gotten what i deserve? no... has discord? no... has yavolin? no... ponies dont always get what they deserve... and you shoudnt think about what youve done... you should think about what to do to make things better..."


shade continued to try and make celestia harmonic again... 



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"But I can't make it better! And I don't want to live with this anymore! With this guilt!" Celestia said. Solar Flare shook her head and growled.

Discord suddenly stalked over and slapped Solar Flare across the face. "Would you just shut up already!?" he growled. "Aren't you supposed to be a freakin' princess!?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I can't , Luna  , I can't. I am not an element". he looks down he knows hes not element of harmony and he knows he can do nothing to save her sister. He sighs sadly maybe it was for the best that Discord did kill him becasue he was no pony special he was just Yavolin.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade glared at discord, then hissed.


She turned back to Celestia... "Look what I've done... Iv been a theaf, I'm a changeling, Iv been causing chaos all over equestria... Iv been living with guilt all my life... Do you know how I got over it? I forgot and put the past behind me. And that's something you should do.



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"B-but...of course you are..." Luna said, suddenly unsure.  She looked down.  "I...I have to go!" she said.  She teleported away and appeared behind Discord.


Discord waved a paw at Shade dismissfully. 

Celestia stared at the grass for a moment.  She breathed a sigh.  "Any pony could rule better then me.  It would be better this way."

"I could rule much better then you," Discord said.

Celestia gave him a look.  "Maybe if you were nicer, yes."

"Ah, yes.  There's always something isn't there?"

"Discord, do me a favor.  I may be sorry of what I did to you, but please just shut up."

"Every ponies telling every pony to shut up today.  What a bright and happy, sun shiny day it is today."

Celestia gave him a look.  Discord shrugged.  Then he looked down at the grass.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was getting annoyed with Celestia, what would it take to get her back to normal... Then a light bulb clicked


Shade got close to Celestia and casted a memory spell, and showed her all the good things she has done as princess, even showed her the bacic things like raising the sun...


"Celestia, remember all the good you've done... Forget about the bad and move on... There is no better ruler than you and Luna. Can't you see the good that you've done? All of equestria needs you Celestia"



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Celestia closed her eyes and watched.  She took a deep breathe and exhaled slowly.  She shook her head slightly.  "No...they need a better ruler then me.  If I'm gone then some pony better can take my place."

"Gosh you're persistent aren't you?  Whose going to take your place?  Angel Feather?  As if."

Celestia opened her eyes.  "Whose side are you on?"

"I have no idea."

"Well...Angel Feather is nicer...she'd be better then me..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades jaw droped...


Now she was pased annoyed...

"Ok Celestia... What would twilight think of you about this? You made her your student and she looked up to you... And you..."


Shade changed herself to look like twilight sparkle... Once she was changed she opened her wings, * thees are bigger wings then I thought*


"Even made her princes... But now she's gone and watching you, do you think she likes what she sees?"


* this better work... If not then I'm out of ideas*



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Celestia looked down at her and her heart shattered to pieces.  She crumpled to the ground and started to sob.  "I...I just don't want the guilt.  Please, leave me alone to do what I want to do...I can do it myself."

"Celestia, you're pathetic," Discord said.

Celestia looked up at him with tear stained cheeks.  "I know I am!  That's why I'm doing this!"

"No.  You're pathetic because you're doing this.  I mean, honestly, killing yourself because of doing your job a bit harshly?"

"But...but you were practically going to kill yourself too you bozo!"

"Well, yeah, but you're doing it because of a silly, ridiculous reason."

"But...you wanted to kill me for the same exact reason!"

"Oh..." Discord lifted his head and smirked.  "Yeah I did, didn't I?"

Discord inspected her face for a moment, leaning in extremely closely.  Celestia went pink and leaned away. 

"I don't think you've suffered enough," Discord finally said.  Celestia nodded slowly.  Discord suddenly hit her in the snout so hard her nose began to bleed.

"What the f***, Discord!" she growled.

Discord smirked.  "That's better!"

Luna came around behind him and lifted herself off the ground with magic.  She made a frying pan appear and whacked Discord in the head with it, knocking him out cold.

She lowered herself back to the ground and threw the pan down.  "Why the hell didn't any pony do that before?!" she growled.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was.... Speechless when Luna knocked discord out...


"Dang Luna..." Was all she could say...


Shade looked closely at celestias bleeding nose... She stoped the bleeding with a flash of magic...


"So now what? Turn him into stone? Or what?"


Shade looked at herself and changed back to her pony self



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Celestia blinked as the bleeding stopped.  She looked down at Discord.  He seemed so innocent, laying there.  But beneath...well, actually, she wasn't sure what was beneath anymore.

Celestia glanced at Shade and then at Luna's grim expression as she looked at Discord with pure hatred.  Then she she looked up at Angel Feather, who simply looked tired.  And then at Mystical Flow who stared blankly back.

Celestia breathed a sigh.  "I will not make another mistake.  I need every ponies help to decide."

"He wanted to kill you, Tia.  And he almost wanted to kill me," Luna said.

Celestia looked at Angel Feather.  Angel Feather looked afraid.  "I am not going to decide some ponies fate."

Celestia understood so she looked at Mystical Flow.  Mystical Flow looked at her with an expression that would haunt her dreams forever.  "Every pony makes mistakes, Princess.  I'm sure you know this.  But if every pony makes mistakes then I don't see why they don't deserve chances to make up for those mistakes or just simply a chance to try," she sighed.  "No pony.  No pony is perfect in this world and yet we punish ponies for their wrong doings when we are just as wrong."

Gosh, Celestia thought.  She turned to Shade.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at Celestia as she turned to her... "I don't want a ruler if it isn't you and Luna..." She said.


"So now what? We have the chance to slain him and or turn him to stone, what should we do?"


* plz say turn to stone... I don't want him to die, not like this... I know he can be good, he just needs to find himself and know what friendship is...*



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Celestia stared at Discord for a moment.  Then she looked up at Luna.  "Luna...how'd you get your horn?" she suddenly asked.

Luna was taken aback.  "Oh...Shade gave it to me..."

Celestia nodded and looked at Shade.  "Shade, I have something to ask you.  But first, I need my horn back if you can give it to me."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at Celestia

"Oh yah right.. I thought I forgot something... Hehe, sorry"


Shade claped her hooves and made Celestias horn appear in her hooves... She made it hover just above her hoof and she threw it at celestias forehead... Once it touched a flash of light connected it back on celestias forehead.


"So what did you want to ask me?"

She asked



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Celestia flinched and touched her horn.  "Ah...thank you, Shade.  Follow me, please," she said.

She lifted up Discord in her magic like a rag doll and went into the castle.  The guards had stopped the flames but the castle was badly damaged.  Celestia carried Discord to the basement and chained him up by his wrists in a dungeon.  His tail still hung down to the floor. 


(Why does Celestia have a dungeon)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade followed Celestia she looked at the damages and thought, * il fix it later* then went into the dungeon, * why dose Celestia have a dungeon anyway?* she thought



As Celestia chanded discord, "um... Are we interrogating him? There really isn't anything to interrogate him about..."



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Celestia nodded.  "Well...its the best I've got," she said.  She leaned her horn forward and touched it to the chains.  A surge of magic flowed into them, making them keep him from using his magic.  Celestia breathed deeply, exhausted.  It was a tough spell.  She poked Discord in the stomach.

"Hey, Discord.  Wake up."

Silence.  Celestia touched her horn to him and used up some more magic, leaving her with very little left.

"Discord.  Wake up."


"Discord, I know you're awake, wake up."

"Five more minutes."

"Open your eyes."

Discord slowly opened his eyes to look at her.  He pulled at his wrist.  "Why am I chained to the wall like a common criminal."

"Because you are.  And I wouldn't use the word common."

"What do you want to do to me?"

"We're going to ask you some questions."

"Common criminal, like I said.  Oh go ahead, ask away!"

Celestia looked at Shade.  "Shade, I'd like you to ask some questions first.  And that's an order," she said.  She turned around and walked about two feet away and then sat down, facing them.

Discord turned his gaze to Shade and pulled on his wrists a bit more.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade didn't know what to ask him... So she just came up with something on the spot


" gulp* ok discord... Why is it that you want to be hated? You should know that dosnt give you anything in life"


* oh that was one stupid question... But I guess it will do... But I don't see any use in questioning him*



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"Well," Discord said, flicking his tail.  "First of all, you should have also chained up my tail," he said, poking Shade with it.  "And in answer to your question..." he paused.  Celestia thought this was the first time she ever saw him think before he spoke.  "Well, I don't want to be hated.  But it's not very easy being liked either.  I'm a very unlikable draquonious."

"Continue asking Shade," Celestia said.  Discord gave her a look that read 'why don't you do something for a change?'.


(Or however you spell that word)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade glared at discord... "Look at me... I'm a changeling, part of one of the most hated races in equestria, but I started to do good things and I started to be liked... Why can't you do the same?"


* oh I know this isn't going to end well... But Celestia says to keep doing it so I guess I should keep doing it*



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Discord turned back to her.  He used his tail to push himself up a bit so his wrists wouldn't hurt as much.  But now his tail hurt.  "Well...for one thing..." Discord said.  "I'm not as smart as you are," and then he left it at that.

Celestia blinked at that, and then looked at Shade.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I'm not smart discord, the stupidest thing I did was leave the guild, that's when I found out that I'm a changeling... Another stupid thing I did was side with you... I got smart when I reolised what the true meaning of chaos is... And that's something you should understand"


* this may be going somewhere... I hope we can get him on our side*



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"Yeah see," Discord said, pointing a talon at her.  "Smart.  See.  See, Tia, see."

Celestia raised an eyebrow.  "Tia?"
Discord went quiet.

"Okay, then, Dizzy."

"Shut up, Celestia."

Celestia smiled slightly.  "Too late, you've already said it."

"Yeah, it doesn't mean anything."

"Not too mad at me now, are you?"

"Well, I am now."

Celestia got up and walked towards them.  She looked at Shade.  "Shade, tell me a bit about when you were with Discord.  When you weren't making chaos.  Tell me about the good things he did to you and tell me the bad."

"Shut up, Tia," Discord said, squirming.  He tried to touch her with his tail but couldn't reach.

Celestia nodded at Shade.  "Ignore him.  Tell me."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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