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private The Elder Pone(ies) skyrim (RP)

Sunbro 4 Lyfe

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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/40568-the-elder-poneies-skyrim/

Bright Spark woke to the sound of Metal hitting metal. Suggesting that The blacksmith had begun his day. He got up from His straw bed, and went into the kitchen to make a quick bowl of soup. Afterwards he went over to his armour stand, and pulled off his steel armour and boots. No point in wearing a helmet anyway. He pulled out his trusty double bladed sword, enchanted with the ability to set his enemies alight. This, aswell as his healing spell, were all he ever needed. Bright spark was sworn to the legion, and had moved into riften after aiding its takeover from the rebels. Because of his effort, and from saving the emperers life, had had been awarded the home "lanceguard."

But today felt, different. Almost as if he was destined for something else. nontheless he sheathed his axe, and went to see if The blacksmith could improve it. as it was looking a little dull.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Yavolin awoke to a typical day in a imperial jail  , he was commended to die for trying to over throw the Jarl of white run. He was waiting for his guards to take him to Helgon , he didn't care if today was to be his last day but he knew he'll be in soveringuard for his deeds.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Descant was startled into waking, the sound of a spell ringing in his ears. Slightly irritated at having been woken in this manner yet again, he looked over at his fellow apprentice at the College of Winterhold. "Your spells still aren't being cast silently, and I don't see why you can't check whether they're noticed or not in a way that DOESN'T INVOLVE WAKING ME!" The apprentice took a few startled steps back, apologizing profusely, and hid in his own room. Descant smiled. He really was the most powerful spellcaster in this group of apprentices. He had even mastered the knack for casting spells silently, and laughed at how the apprentice hadn't realized that he had actually been making steam come out of his ears using a spell of his own invention. 


Descant sighed. It was time for him to wake up anyway. His studies at the College were intense, and he hoped he had boosted his arcane skills enough by now for a practical application. Last time a trip was made from the College, a major magical artifact had been uncovered under Saarthal. Descant hoped he would be the next to make such a major discovery. He forced himself to get out of bed, and went out to the courtyard to practice his destruction spells. He would have practiced the illusion magic he loved so much, but the mages here didn't appreciate having their perception tampered with, as he had learned quickly his first day there.

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Rain strode back in to Whiterun after a long nights work. He had been hired to kill a thief and obtain a stolen bow, this wasn't the first time. Being a mercenary wasn't all bad, he helped ponies out with their problems. Weather it was retrieving and object or killing somepony it didn't matter, all that mattered was the pay. He walked through the gates and saw his employer with the gold he owed. Rain gave him the stolen bow, took the coin and went home to sleep. When he returned home he took his armor off, put his weapons on the rack and fell in his bed falling asleep instantly.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Bright Spark went up to the trusty Black smith. who saw him coming

"Ah! my best customer! let me guess, you need ol' firecracker sharpend?"

Bright spark had his need predicted. "yeah, shes getting old."

ah thats ok. tell you what. I had a shipment of metals and leather coming in from whitetrot (OOC:whiterun for ponies) that was supposed to arrive yesterday but it never did. tell yah what, if you can get the items from the shipment and bring em' back, Ill repair and sharpen the firecracker free of charge. we got a deal?"

Bright spark thought about it "I dunno..."

"Ill throw in 500 bits too."

"ok then." bright spark said, he left the city of riften and set out for whitetrot.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Splinter woke up to the sound of a screaming horse. As soon as he opened his eyes, he immediately fell off his bed. ''Ugh.. Bloody hell.'' Splinter said while picking himself up off the ground. After a short time of cursing, Splinter grabbed his sword and shield and opened the door of his wooden house. ''Time to go hunting.'' Splinter said.

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Descant had just entered the Courtyard, and was about to cast a Drain spell (Which he had recently learned from a mysteriously pale pony with hungry red eyes) on a target dummy when he was interrupted by one of the elder mages. 


"Descant, the rest of the trainers and I have come to an agreement. Since you are one of our most promising students, we've decided it's time for you to prove that you are ready for advancement within the College. Go to Whitetrot. There you will meet a mercenary with the spirit of a raging storm, and together you will go to Lost Echo Cave, on the coastline of Hoofingar. We've detected traces of ancient Falmer magic there, and we want you to recover it for us."


Descant scowled. "Why do I need some random sellsword to help me with this?" He prefered to work alone. 


"Because we have deemed it necessary." The elder mage said, somewhat coldly. "Now go."


(OOC: Hoofingar is the province in which Solitude lies. Also, the link to the OOC thread in this one is broken.)


(OOC: About the Falmer... I figure the elf names ought to remain the same, and simply be applied be unicorns. Magic shouldn't directly correlate to unicorns in a Skyrim RP, if I'm not mistaken. The races of men can be earth ponies, and pegasi be the beast races, if we want some kind of consistency here. Thoughts?)


(OOC: The mercenary referred to is Taco's OC, in case that wasn't clear.)

Edited by Descant

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Yavolins guards took him out of the cell and started to take him to Helgon. "You imperial scum when i the stormclokes take over you'll be sorry, long live Talos"! The Guards hit him up side the head and continued to Helgon , he didn't care any more about what would happen to him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Splinter carried around a rabbit pelt happily as he walked into a local town. He approached the main blacksmith in the town. ''Oh, er.. Hi. Is there any possible way to repair a sword? Mine is nearly wrecked after I approached a bear by mistake.'' Splinter said while wiping the sweat off his forehead with his hoof.

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Descant approached Whitetrot, exhausted. He had spent the whole day travelling there, evading bandits the whole way. "It's like the road was paved with them!" He thought to himself. He had been casting Invisibility and Muffling spells almost the whole trip. The Whitetrot guards let him enter the city, although not without eyeing him somewhat suspiciously. Folks in these parts didn't trust magic, and he was in full mage attire. He entered the city's inn, and was about to request a room when he saw a sellsword swapping an ebony bow for some gold coins. Was that the mercenary he was sent to find?

Edited by Descant

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Bright Spark Had hiked to whitetrot, and just at the entrance lay a broken cart. He had been travveling for almost a day. so he would go in and book a room eventually. It appeared that the cart had been burnt on a massive scale. two bodies layed there. charcoaled completley from head to toe. This could not be the work of magic, but something much much more powerfull. he Took all the metals and leather he could, and booked a room in the inn. Before entering, he noticed a mercanary selling a bow, and a wizzard looking with interest. thats not soemthing you see evry day.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Before he had had the chance to approach the mercenary, he had left, and Descant had rented a room, feeling somewhat crestfallen. He hadn't immediately left for the room, however. He had heard there was a pony named Secret Fire in the castle Dragonsreach who was also a magician, and Descant hoped to have a word with him before turning in. To see if he could get any advice, or instruction or whatnot.  

Edited by Descant

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Bio looked down at the city of Whitetrot. She had been hired by some farmers to clear the bandits out from this cave. But to her disappointment, they where gone when she arrived. She sighed, thinking to herself <I might as well go get drunk in whitetrot> With that, she pulled her black hood up over her head, tightened the shoulder plates on her steel armor and then departed.Her trip to Whitetrot was pretty uneventful, save for a argument with a guard over whats better, magic or steel.When she arrived at the local Inn, she bought a bottle of cheap mead and sat in a dark corner, Humming a sad little tune to herself.

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Secret Fire was most unhelpful, reflected Descant. He didn't even look up from his studies to acknowledge me! Dragons are extinct, why does he care so much about them? Rather irritated, he returned to the inn, and, grabbing a drink, sat down by himself. As was usual. As it should be.

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Bio watched from her dark corner as a (purple?) stallion walked into the inn. She could tell by the way he was clothed that he was a apprentice mage from the collage. It was also clear that he was in a bad mood."Another pompous collage mage" she muttered to herself.She had a dislike for collage mages, they always saw themselves better then non-collage mages.She was tempted to go teach him a lesson, focusing her magic through her eyes, illuminating her corner a dark purple for a couple seconds before she canceled the summoning. "Ah screw it, I can't be bothered" she muttered, she picked up her mead and toke a missive swig.

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Descant (Yes, he's the lavender one) recognized the sound of magic about to discharge. He looked up and around, wildly glancing about for the source. Then he saw a mare in the corner shift, and the magical surge fell. Another mage! At least hoping she would be somepony to talk to, he approached the mare in the corner, and said, "Hello. What was it you were trying to cast?"

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 After having his sword repaired.. Splinter wandered into the inn and immediately noticed a purple stallion and a mare giving him dirty looks. ''Wonder what that's about..'' Splinter thought while cocking an eyebrow and sitting down and watching the the purple stallion approach the mare. ''Ooo! This might get seemingly interesting.'' Splinter said while grinning.

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Topaz awoke in his tent outside Windhelm. He had arrived in Skyrim from a far away land, and was here to do trade. He saw that it was snowing already. He hated this cold weather. The sands of his home were comforting and warm, unlike this frigid wasteland. He grabbed his armor and strapped it on, and threw a cloak over it to keep him warmer. He grabbed his sword, and sheathed it. His left hoof emitted a quick flash of flame, as he prepared a flames spell. He headed into the city gates, and headed towards the markets. As he passed by a tavern, some drunken ponies approached him, mumbling various obscenities. Topaz just kept his head down, and kept walking. He headed to the market center, and bartered various baubles and trinkets. He made a very paltry sum, but it was enough to get him by. Most ponies in this city wouldn't buy from a foreigner, so he had very little business. He dealt with this everyday, it was nothing new. After a few hours, he closed up, and headed to the grey quarter. This slum was one place where he could feel accepted. He didn't want to stay in Windhelm, but he couldn't afford to leave. When he reached the grey quarter, he entered the tavern, where he usually got his meals, and his mead. The room was dark and dirty, but it was the closest thing he had to a home. He ordered a mead, when two of the drunken ponies he had seen from before entered.



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Bio watched a gray Pegasus enter the Inn. She gave him a dirty look, when he started looking at her. 
Out of the corner of her eye she notice the collage mage approach her.
<Oh, lovely just what I needed, I should'nt have brought attention to myself> she thought to herself. 
"What spell where you trying to cast?" He asked. 

"Not that its any of your business, but I was about to summon a familiar". She took one more massive swig from her mead, finishing it. "Not that you would know, I've heard the collage had banned conjuration magic due to it being dangerous"

She stood, stretching her muscular legs, Her steel armor clanking with the effort.
 A sneer appeared on her face
"Poor little collage Mages your all so fragile. You all think you are so powerful, but then you get out in the real world thinking you can handle its dangers, but you get cornered by a couple bandits and you all lose your heads"

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The drunken ponies approached the bar, stumbling around. Topaz recognized these two as the same drunkards who always came around here and antagonized foreigners. But they rarely did anything, more bark than bite. But this time was different. One of them walked towards Topaz, and pushed him aside. He grabbed the bartender, and held a dagger to her.


"We don't like your kind around here, and yet we let you into our city. Out of the kindness of our heart. And what do you do? You give Stormcloak plans to he imperials!" he yelled.


"I...have no idea what you mean." said the bar-mare, with a look of terror on her face.


"We know about your kind spying on us, and you're gonna get what traitors deserve."


Topaz had seen enough of this. His hoof erupted in flames, and he drew his steel from its sheathe. 



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Splinter had been eavesdropping on every single word Bio had been saying. ''I guess this is why everypony gives me strange looks!'' Splinter thought letting out a loud, but fast laugh at Bio's last comment. He noticed some ponies a few seats away from him were staring at him. ''Heh.. I was just thinking of something funny.'' Splinter lied while quickly centering his attention to Bio and Descant. 

(OOC: Just to be sure.. Is Topaz in the same area as us?)

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Descant was slightly offended by this. "If I'm weak at the moment, it's only because I'm an apprentice. I don't doubt a familiar would put up a decent fight. But I wouldn't have to be the one doing the fighting, and no pony would notice I had done anything at all." He winked. "And I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a pretty decent conjurer myself."


He pulled the jeweled dagger from his belt and started sharpening it with his magic, almost lazily.



(OOC: Topaz is in Windhelm.)

Edited by Descant

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The drunken pony dropped the mare, and turned his attention to Topaz. 


"Ohoh! looks like one of 'em has some fight left in 'im!" said the first pony.


"We'll make sure you've got none left soon." chimed in the second.


Topaz lunged at the first pony, but only left a small cut on him. He had mostly slipped out of the way, and came down with his hoof on Topaz's neck as he lunged by. He was sent into the wall. The second charged at Topaz, who quickly turned around to face him. The air in front of Topaz was set ablaze, along with the pony caught inside it. He let out a scream of pain, and flailed in pain. Topaz stood back up. 


"Not feeling as confident now, are you!" exclaimed Topaz.


"A mage! Looks like I better extinguish that flame." said the first pony, the second still ablaze.


The first charged at Topaz, and stabbed him in his spell casting hoof, blood pouring from the wound. 


Topaz's eyes lit up with anger, and he slashed at the pony, leaving a large scar across his chest. Topaz followed up with a stab, right into his gut. The first pony was down, propping himself up with one hoof, clutching his wound. The second pony regained composure, fell into the snow outside to put out the fire.His skin was charred, but he was still fighting. He stood up, and came at Topaz once more. Topaz lunged at him, but was parried. The second pony then cut across his face, barely missing his eyes. Topaz slammed into the second pony with all his weight, sending him sprawling. He stood above him, and put his left hoof directly to his face. 


"Die already, damn you!" Topaz exclaimed, firing flames once more, immolating the pony.


He then walked over slowly to the first.


"Please.. just...let me go. I'll never bother you again!"


"We both know that's a lie." 


Topaz stuck his sword into his stomach, and cut straight across his belly, killing him. The bar mare looked up in horror at this sight.


"Just...go. I won't say anything." was all she could manage to say.


Topaz ran from the city, before the guards would come by. He couldn't stay here, he didn't even have time to pack up. He ran south from the city, until he was far away. He hid in the snowy forests, clutching his bloody hoof. He ripped off a chunk of his cloak, and wrapped it around the gash. He shook, from both the cold and the blood loss. He couldn't travel far like this, and found a cave nearby. He searched around inside, and it seemed rather empty, so he decided to stay here for the night.



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Bio chuffed, "If you where any type of conjurer you would know that familiars ain't fighters, they serve as guides, trackers and company"

She noticed the gray Pegasus chucking at what she was saying. "Care to add something mate? ahh whatever"

She sat down again. She focused her magic, the pressure building up. With a sudden Bright purple glow a small portal opened with a *hhssssss* When it faded, there stood a spirit of a dog.

"Jasmine, go see if you can find any trace of the Bandits, will 'ya?"
The ghost dog barked a reply and ran off, running through multiple ponies and then through the door as she went.

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Descant sighed. "My point was that there's no ban on conjuration at the college, so I'm free to practice it. Besides, I lean towards the bound armor and weapons, and necromantic applications of it. But that doesn't really matter, does it? I don't specialize in conjuration." 

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