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private The Elder Pone(ies) skyrim (RP)

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Bio laughed."Zombies? Pathetic, they are slow and clumsy....and never stop moaning"She grabbed her second bottle of mead. "And I already knew that the ban on conjuration was a lie, I was just making fun of you" "Now if you excuse me, I think I'll go see the court wizard"She toke a swig of mead and then put it aside.  She grabbed saddle bag she had hidden behind the table, she slung it across her back and stood. She started heading to the door.

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"If you insist. But I was never actually here." Descant's form started to shimmer and suddenly, disappeared into nothingness. The real Descant had been sitting at the bar the whole time, and was now sniggering at the success of his little joke. "Ah, I love magic."

Edited by Descant

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Bio watched as the colts illusion disappeared.She started snarling. "POMPOUS TWAT"she yelled, picking up her bottle and throwing it at the real colt. The glass shattering as it struck him in the back. "When I'm done with the court wizard, I will be back to teach 'ya a lesson"With that she left, cursing under her breath.

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Descant was not entirely unsurprised when the glass shattered over his back, yet he could not help but feel a twang of regret. I wouldn't have done it if she hadn't been so condescending, he decided. What's wrong with being at the college? Seriously? Well, I'd like to see her try and get Secret Fire to emerge from those dragon studies of his without attacking him.

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(OOC: Sorry, for some reason the forums stopped working for me for a while) Topaz awoke in the cave, but didn't get much sleep to begin with. His wound was as bad as ever, but he would manage.He winced, preparing for what he was about to do. He switched the flames to his other hoof, and held it to the gash in his left hoof. He bit onto his blade,handle, and cauterized the wound, screaming out in pain.But the wound closed, and would heal with time. He wished he could say the same for the scar across his face. He headed outside of the cave, and checked his map. He hadn't headed far from Windehlm,so he used that as a reference point for his location. He walked slowly out of the cave, and headed towards Whitetrot, being the closest city nearby. He saw a small lake nearby, and looked at the wound on his face. It was straight across his forehead, but his mane hid most of it. The good news is, it stopped bleeding. His mane was torn and tattered, and he tried his best to wash up in the lake before heading down the trail.

Topaz continued down the road, and saw Whitetrot off in the distance. He approached the gates, and was pleasantly surprised. No drunkards shouting obscenities at him, no slums full of the poor. He was liking this place much better that Windhelm. But he had learned not to trust Skyrim. He headed into a tavern nearby, "The Bannered Mare", to get some food, as he never got to finish his meal from last night, with all the violence, and was quite hungry.



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''Whoa, buddy..'' Splinter said while approaching Descant. ''You okay?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''I have a few healing potions with me if you needed one.. What was up with her over there?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''She acted like you were a thief.'' Splinter said. 

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''Whoa, buddy..'' Splinter said while approaching Descant. ''You okay?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''I have a few healing potions with me if you needed one.. What was up with her over there?'' Splinter said while cocking an eyebrow. ''She acted like you were a thief.'' Splinter said. 

"Nah, I'm fine," Descant told the nice stranger. "For some reason she has a problem with the College of Winterhold, and when I pulled my little trick with the Illusion there, she flipped." Descant sighed. "I probably would be able to do a burglaring job, though. Not sure that I would, but... Well! I'm Descant the Unseen. Soon-to-be full member of the College of Winterhold. And... You are?"

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''Names Splinter Hood. Expert hunter and a decent fighter.'' Splinter said while grinning. ''I wonder if she knew what she was doing. I was close to gettin' involved in the situation. You fooled her pretty well, though.'' Splinter said while chuckling. ''Why were you coming out here anyways?'' Splinter asked while cocking an eyebrow. ''I usually come out here and visit the blacksmith. I see him daily now. I've began to hunt things like wolves. And believe me, when there in packs, it's not very pretty.'' Splinter said.

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Bio got halfway up the stairs to Dragonsreach, before her temper started to fade and just started feeling bad for lashing out.She made a mental note to apologize to the colt.When she reached the front doors to the castle, she overheard the two guards making offensive comments about her clearly being from Morrowind. She just ignored them and went inside. Last thing she needed was a fine for verbally attacking a guard.Entering the office of Secret Fire "FIRE, I'M HERE FOR MY..ORDER"Waiting for a response, she looked around the room, it was a mess. Paper all over the place, books scattered everywhere and a few shattered soul gems. She picked up one of the books, reading the cover *The legends of the Dragonborns* "Bah! Stupid non-sense" chucking the book aside. "Its on the bookshelf on the left side of the doorway, just leave your bits and go" came a call from somewhere in the back.Bio took out a pouch of bits and chucked it on the desk. She grabbed the box on the shelf and put it in her saddlebag. Grinning <this will do nicely> she thought to herself. She decided it'd be best to get some food and get some sleep. So she headed back towards the inn.

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"Well, nice to meet you, Splinter. About her, well, I doubt she could have taken me. I mean, she may be a spellcaster, but I have been training with the College." This came out sounding somewhat defensive.  "I can cast spells without a sound or a trace now, and I'm a master at illusion magic, as I think you might have noticed. That's why I'm the Unseen." Descant looked curiously at Splinter. "Well, about why I'm here... To progress in the College, I was requested to find "A mercenary with the spirit of the raging storm" and get him or her to accompany me to some cave in Hoofingar. You wouldn't happen to know anypony like that, would you?" 

Edited by Descant

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Topaz kept his head down low, in case anyone recognized him, which he doubted, but couldn't be too cautious. He just wanted to eat his meal, and find some work. Somehow he knew it wasn't going to be that simple though. But he would worry about those things when they came, trying his best to enjoy the relative peace in the tavern.

Edited by Brosparkles



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Bio saw a pretty beaten up white stallion enter the Bannered mare just before her.<Fool probably got himself robbed> she thought to herself as she entered the inn.She walked straight past the purple colt, who now seemed to be best friends with the gray Pegasus from earlier.She sat down at the same table as before, unslinging her saddle bag and dumping it on the ground.  She pulled out the box and opened it, a almost gleeful smile spreading across her face. She pulled out a small book and a pen, taking down notes.

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Shade woke up at the river wood inn..


She came to skyrim to start a new life. She desided to start at whitetrot to see if anything interesting was there, then she would make her way to the rift. She hird something about theves guild over in riften, but not much was said about it. But it was enough to get her attention.


She walked out the door to get a blast of sunlight, one thing that she hated was the sunlight... She put on a hood and begun walking towards whitetrot.



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Bright Spark Pulled out His axe, and looked down the sharp end. It appeared to be duller than usual. He swung at a candle. The axe, rather than going throught like butter, just stopped midway. "things things so dull it cant cut anything!" He yelled. at least the candle was melting faster, so the enchantment worked at least. He weant down to get some mead, but noticed a mage, in there. "hey," he said placing his axe infront of him "know a spell that can sharpen a blade?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Yeah, I can help you with that. I was actually doing my dagger a few minutes ago." Descant takes the axe and hovers one hoof over the blade. "M'name's Descant, the Unseen. What's your name, and what's your story? You certainly look like you have plenty of stories to tell."

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"The names Bright Spark. True imperial soldier from cyrodil. came to live in skyrim after helping take riften, which is now where i live." He went over to get some mead. and not that cheap stuff, proper honeybrew mead. "Im in whitetrot to see what happened to a delivery cart heading to riften. Entire things charcoaled."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Descant looked up. "An Imperial, huh? I'm from Winterhold, myself, but I could care less about the war. My loyalty's to the College. Yeah, I'd offer to help you out with the great cart caper, but I'm only stopping in town to resupply, and to find somepony that I supposedly need to take to Lost Echo Cave for the College." He scowled slightly at the thought. "Well, here's your axe. Nice and sharp for ya."

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Bright Spark levatated the axe, and without warning, Swung it at the wooden pillar he was leaning on. The axe dug about a quarter of the way into the support. He pulled it out, then used his frost spell to stop the fire spreading. "its not as sharp as id like, but it'll do. here" he threw 50 bits on the table.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Descant looked at the axe, interested. "Fire enchantment? Impressive. Well, sorry it's not as sharp as you'd like. I only just learned that spell. They gave me a dagger to practice it on, but... Yeah, alteration isn't really my strong suit."


As he said it, he pulled out the same jeweled dagger he had been playing with earlier. It was silver, with a few small gemstones in the hilt. He started practicing the spell on it absentmindedly. "I need to learn how to enchant this thing."

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"its not so hard once you get down to it. you just need the knowladge of an enchantment, so you break a enchanted wepon on the enchanting table to gain the knowladge, but i aint giving firecraker so you can do whatever. and then you just need a soul, i used of off a troll. dammed creatures."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(Ooc: Im playing skyrim while writing this :3. Oh! And I plan to change bios name at some point so please act as if it never happened if I do it during this rp.)Bio overheard the conversation about alteration and enchantment. She sighed <Well I do owe him for chucking a bottle at him>  She put her box and book back in her saddle back and stood, slinging the pack over her back.She made her way over to the two ponies.  "Oi, collage boy" she said "I just overheard your little conversation, and I thought considering I kinda owe you one for smashing a bottle over you back, I'd thought I'd offer to teach you a little about alteration" She looked at the other colt, holding out her hoof, "may I borrow your axe for a second?"

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Bright Spark sighed, and handed it over "if you break that axe, ill snap yer neck before you can blink. I paid good money for that axe, and ecen more for the soul to enchant It." he leaned back against a support. "lets see how good you are then, shall we?" he waited for something to happen.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Bio just narrowed he eye at the threat <You wish, you wouldn't be able to lay a hoof on me mate> she thought to herself."To get a sharper edge, you have to feel how the blade is bent outta shape, feel every dent and [racism 3]"Her Hoof glowed a light green as she ran it along both sides of the axe's edge multiple times. When she was done, she looked the axe over, when she was satisfied with the work, she swung the axe at the pole, managing to get the axe three quarters through the pole. She pulled it out and resharpened it again just for good measure."see" she said. She handed the axe back to Spark "There, good as new. You may want to recharge the enchantment on it soon though"

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Bright spark Picked the axe up, The fiery glow was becoming dull "right, ill get that sorted later. But first im gunna get this sharpened by a REAL blacksmith. somepony who knows what their doing. and get paid to do it." he fineshed the rest of his mead. and went for the door.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Shade had made her way to whitetrot after being attacked by wolves...


She entered the gate and looked around, she saw the smith And a hunting shop at the entrance.


Shade was getting tired from being underneath the sun, so she walked and entered the Barnard Mare



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