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private Slice of Life

MLP Dazzleglow

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"I just can't belive this Ace said as the explosins were continuing. "These guys are just....I can't even think of a word for them! Why are they doing this?! What phused them to do these horrible things?!" Ace asked trying to calm down, just yelling wouldn't help them.

"Don't work yourself too much now Ace. I'll figure out a way how we can make it to Cloudsdale, which may be our only hope." Thunder Dash said as he looked out the window. He saw various members of the Air Force flying above and some explosions in the distance. Suddenly something went off in his mind. "I got it!" He screamed joyfully. "I can use that time-freezing spell to freeze time, which would give us time, but not much, to get to Cloudsdale!" Thunder Dash explained. "Well, if it's the only choice, it's worth a try." Storm Rush said. Thunder then began gathering energy. His body began to glow bright. He then unleashed the energy and all of the Air Force warfare and the pegasus ponies in the air stopped. The warfare was frozen by the spell. "Come on everypony! Let's head to  Cloudsdale while we still have the chance!" Thunder Dash said as he put Shining Star on his back, picked up his things and flew out the window. 

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At Cloudsdale there were EMAF Marine Pegasus guarding the city and what could be seen below were battles raging to prevent the overtake of Cloudsdale. "Halt, Identify yourself" the guard pegasus said while aiming the spears at the group that just arrived.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"I am Thunder Dash, a resident of Cloudsdale. This is my sister Rainbow Dash and my cousin Storm Rush. These here are my friends. We were coming here, only to seek shelter from the warfare." Thunder Dash explained. "There are no other places to stay because of the warfare. We previously sheltered in Manehattan but it became to dangerous." Storm Rush said. "My cousin is a former resident of Cloudsdale, just so you know." Thunder Dash said. 

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"Did you say Storm Rush?" one of the EMAF Marines asked in surprise. Another one joined in. "Storm Rush, Prior Service EMAF Air-Force. The others may seek shelter here. This is literary the only safe place at the moment. Even Canterlot got overrun. Lucky the EMAF Army Air Corps managed to evacuate Luna here, though lots of ground troops lost their lives protecting her. Storm Rush, you however need to come with us. You may just be getting reactivated." the second guard said with a serious look on his face

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"Did you say Storm Rush?" one of the EMAF Marines asked in surprise. Another one joined in. "Storm Rush, Prior Service EMAF Air-Force. The others may seek shelter here. This is literary the only safe place at the moment. Even Canterlot got overrun. Lucky the EMAF Army Air Corps managed to evacuate Luna here, though lots of ground troops lost their lives protecting her. Storm Rush, you however need to come with us. You may just be getting reactivated." the second guard said with a serious look on his face

"Whoa, whoa, whoa Canterlot was overrun?! What about Ponyville?! Twilight?! Pinkie?!" Ace asked now realising that his hometown and his first ever friends could be in grave danger and it was not going well in Ace's mind. I hope everything is going fine in Ponyville.

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa Canterlot was overrun?! What about Ponyville?! Twilight?! Pinkie?!" Ace asked now realising that his hometown and his first ever friends could be in grave danger and it was not going well in Ace's mind. I hope everything is going fine in Ponyville.

The EMAF Marine Corporal walks over to Ace and puts is hoof on his shoulder and says "Im sorry, but the QRTF (Quick Response Task Force) was not mobilized in time" He takes his hoof off of Ace's shoulder and a EMAF Navy Captain ushered the Corporal and Ace over to the side. "Ponyville was the first place they hit with a coordinated attack on Canterlot. We recognize the filly on that yellow pegasus as the daughter of newly promoted 1st Lieutenant and Newly promoted Captain Star. They were both promoted and moved over to lead the 567th brigade EMAF Army, and sadly the entire brigade was taken out in the attack on Canterlot. Nopony made it. As for your question on Ponyville, as the Corporal may have already informed you, the QRTF was unable to be mobilized in time, but im sure that there are EMAF Army National Guard and Reserve units living in Ponyville and they will not allow the overtake of Ponyville. I am sure that they managed to mobilize themselves when they heard the broadcast. Do not loose hope. I am also sure if ponyville did get overrun, our forces living there would have evacuated the area before it became fully overrun. ok?" he said while trying to give a hopeful smile. "Oh and one last thing, i dont think any of our men here could bear the news to the young filly, can you have one of your groups tell her please, and give her these, They are for her parents..."he pauses trying to hold back tears and a sob"...she will get two more at the funeral service" The captain hands two Equestrian Flags folded in a triangle to Ace. With this the Navy captain and the Marine Corporal walk away.


Corporal: "Captain? why didn't you tell them?

Captain: "tell them what, that the attack on ponyville happened right under our noses and nopony saw it happening?

Corporal: "Captain, that pony had a right to know that his friends could or could not be dead and with no radio contact with in ponyville we are having to assume that they all are dead, sir."

Captain: "Well then, you can tell that group that everyone they knew are dead, I am trying to retake Equestria back at the moment and i am a little busy"


The corporal looks back over trying to make up his mind and then decides against it.

Edited by MLP Dazzleglow

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Storm Rush hesitated. He did not want to let down the others. "I-I-I-I'm sorry, I cannot join for certain circumstances, which are classified." Storm Rush said. He knew if he joined, the team would lose a valuable player. "I knew they would try to do this..." Thunder Dash said to himself. 

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Storm Rush hesitated. He did not want to let down the others. "I-I-I-I'm sorry, I cannot join for certain circumstances, which are classified." Storm Rush said. He knew if he joined, the team would lose a valuable player. "I knew they would try to do this..." Thunder Dash said to himself. 

"I know classified all to well sir" a EMAF Army Air Corps LT stated, "Though even though you are not going to rejoin due to these circumstances, i will still give you a mission, one i know you will not fail. Senior Master Sergeant Storm Rush, your mission is to keep these civilians safe at any cost, you will remain with them in doing this and keep them away from Ponyville. We just got word that Ponyville is lost and we cant raise the team that went in to find out about the evacuation of Ponyville." The LT walks off

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Storm Rush gave a sigh of relief. He was glad that he got to stay with the rest of the group. "Now, as long as I am with you guys, we can continue what we were doing. Thunder Dash will still lead us to different places but I will protect you at all costs." Storm Rush said. "Well, we could rest up at my place until things ease up a little." Thunder Dash said. "Sounds like a good plan, take the lead Thunder." Storm Rush said. So Thunder led everyone to his place in Cloudsdale. 

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"so this is cloudsdale?" shining asked. "Its very beautiful even though refugees are coming here. I never been here before." Shining looked around taking in the beauty of cloudsdale before saying. "guys im getting kinda hungry. what about you all?" she said with a smile. Something catches her eye and she looks in the direction of few hundred soldier ponies marching their rifles strapped to their backs and their helmets on. her eyes starts tearing up as she begins to realize that these ponies are not marching to stay with their unit, but they are marching to go to battle. "before we go eat, can we find out who is in charge here and find out where my mom and dad are?"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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"I'm afraid it's too dangerous, unless Storm Rush goes, then there's no other choice." Thunder Dash said. "I can't I must stay with you guys at all times. If they see me, they may recommission me back, then I don't what will become of you guys." Storm Rush said. "Then we must stick together." Thunder Dash said. "But what about Shining Star's parents?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I'll figure something out, for now, let's go eat at my place." Thunder Dash said. "Shouldn't all the Ponyville pegasus ponies be up here?" Thunder thought to himself. 

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The ponies all marched away and took flight to go out to where ever they were being deployed to. A few military ponies stood and watched as the others flew off into distance. Suddenly the ponies just arches back and falls to the ground. Shining Star is the one that noticed this and tells Thunder Dash. "T-T-T-Thunder D-d-d-d-d-dash! (add constant stuttering to this) those ponies just fell to the ground over there! What happened to them! (panic) One second they are fine, the next they are on the ground and why is the cloud turning red!?"

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Thunder Dash looked up. He saw a the red cloud. "I don't think those were ordinary ponies." He said. He then began to charge electricity. "Whatever they are, they look like enemies." Thunder Dash said. "Then, what if they notice us." Rainbow Dash said a little nervously. "I'll see what I can do." Thunder Dash said charging his electricity farther.

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Suddenly gun fire erupts through the streets and in panic Shining Star flees. Armed Forces Pegasus all try to hold the attack in the isolated part of Cloudsdale and from a distance could be heard trying to redirected the group of soldier pegasus to return to cloudsdale. Shining Star finds a hole in a wall and dives into it covering her face and shaking uncontrollably while the gunfire continued. the the worst of it comes true. A suicide bomber detonates his concealed bomb and it chain reacts causing massive damage in the small area. just as fast as it started it was over for the time being. Shining star however, being so scared, dose not realize this and remains hiding in the hole crying.

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Thunder Dash directs everyone to safety. He then went to where Shining Star was. He gently picked her up. "It's okay, I'm right here, there's nothing to be afraid. I know these explosions and stuff scare you but you just gotta deal with them for the time being." Thunder Dash said comfortingly. "Storm, direct the others to that high chamber over there. That's the least I can do about safety." Thunder Dash said while gently stroking Shining Star's mane and calming her down. "Got it!" Storm said leading the others.


Shortly after, Thunder Dash came to the chamber with Shining Star in his arms. 

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Shining Star holds onto Thunder Dash for dear life and when she sees That they walked into the chamber and sees rainbow dash, she quickly runs to her and clings on to her crying for dear life and shaking. "I *sob* i want my mommy and daddy. Can somepony please *choke* please go get them" she says while burring her head in rainbows chest.

Edited by MLP Dazzleglow

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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A cloaked figure comes rushing into the chamber trying to catch her breath and caughing, breathing heavily. "how many times is it that i survived an explosion like that?" says the Mare, she looks up and notices the rest of the ponys. "Oh...hello there i'm sorry I didn't notice you at first. Are any of you hurt?" asked the cloaked mare.

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Thunder Dash hugged Shining Star. "Don't worry, we'll get you back to your parents soon..." Thunder Dash suddenly looked up to see a cloaked mare staring right at him. "Who are you? And how did you find us here?" Thunder Dash asked looking at the mysterious mare. 

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"Oh...sorry if it seems like I barged in I was just running for my life when the attacks began, and to you....you can just call me Shade." said the mare finally leveling her breathing. "Now...who are you i might ask? and the filly your holding?" asked Shade while looking calmly at the both of you.

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Shining Star, still crying says and holding onto Thunder and Rainbow Dash says "i...I don't want to die, please make it stop." A lone pony staggers into the room blood all over his coat and running down his head. He is wearing the EMAF Coast Guard uniform which is seriously torn and on his sleeves are the rank insignia of Airman first class.he looks at the group and says "good...good some ponies made it to safety..." and explosion is heard outside. " Captain Saunders! we have a group of around seven over here." An alicorn walks into the room also bloody from nose to tail, patches of fur missing and his mane and tail burnt. He is wearing the uniform of the EMAF Army with two black bars side by side and connected at the middle on his chest  " We need you all to remain inside this chamber." His horn lights up and a protective shield surrounds the chamber. "I am Captain Saunders, Commander of what is left of the 101st air-born infantry division. This is Airman First Class Dixon of the EMAF Coast Guard" and he turns around and another Alicorn walks into the room wearing tattered uniform with a gold oak leaf on his chest. This alicorn is purple with patches of his coat missing as well and his red main and tail are all burnt up as well. All three look like they just survived bomb at point blank range. The Airman collapses from his wounds and the Captain rushes to help him. "I am Major Dunlap of the EMAF Army Special Forces Green Beret's. We are a mixture of Earth, Unicorn and Pegasus. Though due to the what is happening, we are only able to use Pegasus being that almost all the earth and unicorns are missing in action or are dead."

Edited by MLP Dazzleglow

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Shade stares horrified at the soldiers and rushes over to help them "were are you ponys hurt" asked Shade visibly focused and ready to help. "doese anypony here have any disinfecting agents or needle and thread?" Shade asked nopony in particular while slowly scanning the wounded troops bodies for damage and using her magic to slow the bleeding on several lasterations and closing severaly deep cuts. "Well its a miracle you three are still alive and even capable of walking." says Shade with a concerned looks on her face.

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Thunder Dash continued to hug Shining Star. "That shield seems kind of weak..." Thunder Dash said as he saw explosions in the distance. He then noticed the bloody pony next to him. He then used a healing spell on him, which he learned by just from seeing Princess Celestia doing it. He could only use it in certain intervals. He then continued to comfort Shining Star. 

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The Captain and Major weakly looks at Shade and both say annoyed "Alicorn" then the major looks at Thunder Dash, " Sir, we don't need a heavy shield just yet because we are getting ready to evacuate Cloudsdale. Also, the captain is very weak and is unable to...(pushes shade off of his bleeding hoof)... like i was saying, is unable make a powerful shield." at shade "I don't know who you are, and i don't care, you touch me again i will put my sword through your chest." Before he walks out of the room he looks at Thunder and rainbow Dash, "Once we get the order to evacuate, i will come get you and your filly. you have my word on this" with this he walks out of the chamber

I am an American Soldier! I am a Worrier and a member of a TEAM! I serve the people of the United States and live the ARMY VALUES I will always place the mission FIRST! I will never accept DEFEAT! I will never QUIT!

I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, Trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I will always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself! I am an expert and a professional! I Stand ready to Deploy, Engage, and DESTROY the enemys of the United States of America in close combat! I Am a guardian of Freedom and the American Way of life!



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Thunder Dash continued to comfort Shining Star in the midst of the explosions and the weak captain and major. "Sheesh he can be hard." Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Storm Rush was busy watching the war and all of the explosions. "I just hope that Cloudsdale won't get damaged by this war." Rainbow Dash said. 

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Shade looks over Cloudsdale as well "You know what? i doubt anywhere will be unscaved after this war...." says shade. as she walks fromthe window to a corner. "You know what? it has to be fate or something to have brought us together guys...Sorry if i get all proficy like here but i'v been raised to believe in fateand all that good stuff but honestly? I just wish i still had my weapons from the Whinnysota attack.....I hope other ponys managed to get out of that massacre." Shade said as she went over what little supplies she had left.

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