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movies/tv Batman and Star Wars [Discussion]

#1 Flutterfan

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[basis of this thread is to discuss the reasons for ill-intent in either DC Universe, or Star Wars-verse; as well as the applicability to the real world]
I was having a discussion earlier today about the third Batman movie in comparison to Revenge of the Sith. Someone stated "The Dark Knight rises PALES in comparison to the Revenge of the Sith." to which I replied "they are two different movies--you can't compare" which is right, but as the discussion went on he went to say that Anakin is comparable to Batman. Here is the reasons I draw against that, and also as to why Anakin is NOT "The Human Condition" and that Batman/Bruce Wayne more is. (Not just saying "He's Batman" either)
If Anakin is the human condition. He would be like Bruce Wayne, I would think. In the sense that Human Nature is more likely to lead us AWAY from evil. Not TOWARDS it. You ARE at fault for your decisions--you are responsible for your decisions. Fear guides us away from Hell but fear won’t get us into Heaven. NOW. 
Anakin has ALL excuses to be evil. JUST as much as Bruce Wayne does. Pretty much the whole argument with Batman is; since bad things has happened to him. Why DOESN'T he become evil? You know why? Because, just like Luke, he was NOT going to stray from his path. ANAKIN uses excuses to become corrupt. 
Anakin was: Predisposed to power, lost his mom, the Jedi Council mislead him, he thought he was going to lose his wife and he had a teacher who led him astray. Anakin lets his fear rule him, and this ends up functioning as one more excuse as to why he goes to the dark side. His whole life, is filled with unfortunate circumstances and with that there can be no choice BUT to go to the dark side, is that right? Fate pathed his road and his fears led him down the road to his demise.
Bruce Wayne? Bruce had it MUCH worse than Anakin.
Bruce Wayne also has excuses to lead him to the same deduction as Anakin: Predisposed to power? Son of billionaires which makes him the next in line. Dead parents? Yes. His greatest fear? Bruce’s greatest fear is the loss of innocent life, ANY innocent life, not simply the loss of ONE single innocent life (like the fear of Padme being lost).  Is there a corrupt government? Obviously. Finally, a teacher who leads him astray? No, Bruce Wayne does not let anyone lead him astray; he only listens to the people who teach him to fight against that path.
Batman Begins sums up everything about why Anakin is a failure.
Bruce went to the League of Shadows after almost taking the life of the man who killed his parents. He gets trained by his teacher(s). Comes back to the (even more) corrupt government which he left. He begins fighting for justice, as he continues he sees the potential loss of EVERYONE in the city. EVEN the woman he loves. He then sees his teacher come back, when he thought he was dead, and when his teacher says "Join me" you know what Bruce says? "No." He says "No" because that's what Batman does. What is Anakin? It doesn't MATTER if he's Jedi or not, he is HARDLY the Human Condition in my mind.
Is the Human Condition to be more like Anakin? So many unfortunate circumstances strike your life--so you should just fall like him, and become evil--you should fall into "power" going to the dark side? Or is human nature really leading us more to the Bruce Wayne life style. Constantly fighting--when someone pushes us down we PUSH harder AGAINST it. We fall and we get back up. 

[Any argument can be based from any Star Wars book/Comic/show/spinoff (not fanfic)/Batman comic/show/spinoff (not fanfic)]

[Only reason why I'm bumping this one time--is due to a database error that made my post unreadable for 12-13 hours the day it was created--if I could delete the whole thing and make a new one, I would; however, I can't. So instead I will just tack on some extra things for thought.]

You have to consider the fact that in our "Reality" in Gotham the closest thing to the Dark Side is corruption, and the fact that Bruce has all his riches gives him the ability to do whatever he wants. Meaning, even if the Dark Side isn't a REAL thing in DC--the effects of corruption act AS the Dark Side. 


Darth Vader has the power of the Dark Side on his hands--and uses the jedi powers for evil. IE: He's using his own powers for evil, powers that should be used for good--AGAINST their intended nature. It's like Gandalf and Sarumon. Gandalf has the same powers as Sarumon but how Sarumon uses them differs from Gandalf. Sarumon uses them for everything. Gandalf doesn't just use his magic for everything, only in necessary times, he's not constantly casting firebolt, lightning et cetera. 
In that same regard. Bruce Wayne has his powers--he COULD use them for evil, he COULD use them to only do harm. But he doesn't. It is not the SAME as the Dark Side but the concept and when you relate the two ideals it is. Could Batman resist the Dark Side? I think Batman is just like Luke in this instance, he'd see it and he would stray away from the evil--unlike Harvey Dent who doesn't. 
*referring to Anakin being in trouble*
OBI-WAN: From himself . . . Padme' date=' Anakin has turned to the dark side. 
PADME: You're wrong! How could you even say that? 
OBI-WAN: I have seen a security hologram of him killing younglings. 
PADME: Not Anakin! He couldn't! 
OBI-WAN: He was deceived by a lie. We all were. It appears that the Chancellor is behind everything, including the war. Palpatine is the Sith Lord we've been looking for. After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin became his new apprentice. [/quote']
However, seeing DENT in the same light as Anakin. Being tempted--and being deceived. Dent knows what he can do--knows what kind of power he has, knows that he can do whatever he wants. He takes the OPPOSITE stance of what Bruce could.
(batman's the first quote on this page)
And as a result when you look at this case, it doesn't MATTER whether or not it's the REAL Dark Side or not. Corruption should claim us all--by the ideas of George Lucas' Star Wars. Anakin and Dent fell the same way.
[so--that's just a continuation on the post since there was an error in the system day one--if it goes past the first page; I shall not bump again.]

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Nananannanananananannananannananananannana BATMAN! in space. :P Sorry... It's just I saw the "0" comments and felt bad for you... so here I am! :D But I like batman, and I also like starwars. :P case closed

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