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private The First Song: Clover's Rest

Silverwisp the Bard

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A freaking super mutant!



What? 0-0



Bluenote took her sweet time listening to their petty conversation. (Each one of us hates another. xP) Grudgingly, she took one of the mugs of cider. (*assumes that there is at least one left) She jugged it down  and put the mug down on the counter, simultaneously getting into one of the stools. She wiped the foam off her mouth and flicked it.



(I've had a OC on another forum become a drunken rage, it's easy. :D)


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"Well, we both grew up here, so we played together when we small; Clover's Rest was  a lot  smaller back then, so there weren't many fillies around. We did not like each other a lot, but our moms were friends, so we'd see each other a lot. Mother and I used to celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration at the Meadowgreens's house."

At this point you all hear the sound of a pot boiling over. With an impressive curse Viviane turns and speeds off into the kitchen. She returns a minute later, baring a tray with four bowls of steaming carrot stew and four small loafs of bread.

"Where was I? Ah, right. After his mother died, he moved away to Canterlot to become a gentlecolt. He's been here only a couple of times since then, but he always stayed here at the Head, never at his father's house. I don't think the two liked each other a lot.

The last time was a week ago for the wake. There were a lot of unicorns here, more than I've ever seen in my life, so I was very busy. Jasper said we would catch up the later, but he got very busy too, with organizing reception and the wake and everything and then he vanished. Father still got his stuff locked upstairs. Do you think he will be alright?"

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Lance thought heavily on her words, resting his chin on foreleg. He didn't know whether to be comforting or be blunt. He chose blunt. "I cannot say, but I never get my hopes up." She wouldn't be happy with his response but that was just his nature, no matter ow much he fancied her. "You said that your father has all his belongings locked upstairs. Would it be too much trouble to ask to have a look around? We may even find something useful."

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Viviane's forehead wrinkles at Lance's remark: "Well at least you're honest. Some ponies said they've seen him walking into the forest, which can be very dangerous, if you don't know what you're doing. You'll have to ask father about seeing the Jasper's stuff though, he'll be back in the morning."

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"Well, they were mostly Ever Fee folks, so I can't tell you were they are exactly. They come into town from time to time to buy supplies. Most of them are a bit weird to be honest. Maybe you should try the Meadowgreen estate; somepony there is bound to have seen him."

Some of the guests shuffle out and Viviane clears their table, returning from the kitchen with a new mug for Bluenote.

"Okay, the rest of you pay up. You can take some candles to see yourselves to your rooms."

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new mug for Bluenote.




Bluenote takes the mug and takes a sip, making sure not to spill any. Then, she had a crazy thought. "Uhm, excuse *hic* me, Viviane?" she asked. "About the Everfree ponies..., how *hic* weird are they *hic* like?" Only after saying that she realized that she might have went over the top with the cider. 'Well, at the moment, all I need to do is not get too drunk...', she thought.

Edited by MicroBrony
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"Well, they live in the Ever Free for one thing. I don't now why anypony would want that. Some are not that bad:Veder brought me a pretty feather once and Strider says he just likes being on his own. But they say, some are hiding in there because of bad things they did. I don't now which one of them has seen Jasper though."

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"Well, they live in the Ever Free for one thing. I don't now why anypony would want that. Some are not that bad:Veder brought me a pretty feather once and Strider says he just likes being on his own. But they say, some are hiding in there because of bad things they did. I don't now which one of them has seen Jasper though."


Jabbermouth traced his hoof around a knot in the table, idly chewing the bread at regular intervals. "Veder and Strider, eh? They sound nice enough." Jabber knew that nothing she had said so far did, in fact, make him believe that these two ponies were kind or reliable or would even help them, but years of experience had taught him that agreeing with everything the client said all but assured a sale. Not that he was selling anything here, of course - just looking for information. 


"Well, you've given us some names to go off of. What else can you tell us about these Everfree ponies?"





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You send the rest of the evening chatting with Viviane, though it yields no further useful information other than that the Everfree ponies come into town from time to time, to trade ad that there have been some incidents with the recently arrived Griffons, who apparently have build a sort of fortified settlement within the forest.

After last call you make your way upstairs (Rambler carrying Bluenote) and into your rooms. a drawing of straws between the stallions results in Rambler and Lance sharing the double bed.

The next morning you make your way down to the common room to find it empty, except for a giant of a a batpony lumped over the bar with a cloth over his face. As you step nearer, you notice that his frontlegs are covered over and over in scars and half of his right frontoof has been replaced with a metal prosthetic.

His eyes suddenly twitch and he pulls the cloth of, revealing a face only marginally less scarred than his legs and hung over to boot.

"Morning, name's Hasdrubal. Pretty sure this is my place. What can I do for you?"

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
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"We shall never speak of this again."


Lance wasn't in a particularly good mood this morning, mainly due to the fact he had to share a bed with Jar Jar. No, before you get any ideas that's not a pet name! You sicko's!


Moving on, Lance saw what seemed to resemble a Stallion in the Inn. He took a rather audible gulp before trotting up to meet him. "Good morning. My name is Lance Vanguard, Lieutenant of Canterlot. My companions here are Rambler, Jabber and- where the hell is Bluenote?"

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"I heard some gurgling sounds coming from her room. Some ponies just can't hold their liquor-" Jabber cut himself off as he noticed the batpony sitting in front of them.


Now, Jabbermouth's momma had always taught him not to laugh at strangers. She taught him not to make fun of strangers. But she never said anything about politely, albeit loudly, pointing out oddities.


"Sir, I don't know if you've noticed, but half of your forehoof is miss-" The stream of idiocy had leaked out of his mouth before he could stop it. He clamped a hoof over his lips, sealing them shut. After an awkward moment, he slowly released his hoof.


"MISSING HOOF-" Jabber was fairly certain he had given himself a bloody nose, what with how hard his hoof met his face once again.



OOC: This dies way too often. Let's get some awkward tension going in here.


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Hasdrubal face twists into a smile, rearranging the scars into a new pattern.

"Oh, great eyesight you got there kiddo. Left the other half somewhere in the Griffon borderlands."

He points towards haldf a banner on the wall.

"Got that in return though.Good times."

Then he turns to Lance.

"Well, you carry yourself like an officer alright, but your gear says Free Company, not Royal Guard. Got the boot eh?"

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@@Silverwisp the Bard


"Free Company? Got the boot? Certainly not bottom dweller. I am a member of Celestia's own personal Guard. Simply that the mission at hoof calls me to look the part. But rest assured that you are in fact talking to a Nobel, not common peasantry."


((This is what happens when you have undeniably bad luck. 1+2-2-2. So that's a roll for Wit of -1. Wow.))

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((This is what happens when you have undeniably bad luck. 1+2-2-2. So that's a roll for Wit of -1. Wow.))


(Bad luck alright. Hahaha...)


Bluenote gives Lance of slap on the back, and whispered into his ear, "Nice job. So much for having cover."  Bluenote takes notice of how the stallion looks, as he has an eyepatch. And didn't Jabber just say he had a missing hoof? "I'm sorry about Lance here," She starts, pointing at him. "He can be a blabbermouth at times."

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(Bad luck alright. Hahaha...)


Bluenote gives Lance of slap on the back, and whispered into his ear, "Nice job. So much for having cover."  Bluenote takes notice of how the stallion looks, as he has an eyepatch. And didn't Jabber just say he had a missing hoof? "I'm sorry about Lance here," She starts, pointing at him. "He can be a blabbermouth at times."


Lance turned to face Bluenote with a rather ill-tempered scowl. "I will not sit aside and let some wretch dishonor my rank. I have some reputation to uphold unlike yourself. Now If we are to get this done I would rather do it quickly that efficiently."

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"Bottom dweller, eh? If I was ten years younger, I'd shove that sword of yours right up a very uncomfortable place, laddie, But as it happens I'm feeling a bit under the weather and Vivi seems to like you, so consider yourself lucky."

He then slowly turns to Rambler.

"You got some matters at least. But you see, a lot of folk are suddenly interested in the Meadowgreens, now that there is gold to be had. Old Hasdrubal might not be the sharpest, but I didn't get as old as I am by being an idiot. If you want me to talk, you'll have to convince me first that you're not just after the money."

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@@Silverwisp the Bard,


Rambler grinned.


"Is that so? Well, you seem like the kind of stallion who can appreciate a good drink, am I right? So how about I give you a nice little present, and if you feel like talking, well, so much the better."


He pulled out the bottle of fine liquor he'd gotten at the palace and held it out temptingly.

  • Brohoof 1
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Lance mumbled under his breath "Come at me, Grandpa." but kept his voice low enough for no pony to hear. But at the news that Viviane seemed to like him his eyes literally went full size. Was that even physically possible? Lance didn't exactly understand it himself, but he felt rather pleased.


Right up until Rambler offered him a drink. "We aren't here to binge on alcohol. Focus for once. Before we get moving anywhere we have to check Jasper's room upstairs."

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"Ah yes, I forgot, the goal of this mission was to be as unfriendly as possible, threaten everyone we meet, and ultimately pass up any lead that requires any social skills beyond yelling and insulting ponies. You can go ahead and check Jasper's room if you want. I'll be down here, getting information from someone who might actually know something." 

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"I agree with Rambler...although passing off wine from Celestia-knows-where might not be the way to do it. We should concede to this noble stallion's request!" Jabbermouth was appalled at Lance's and Rambler's behaviors - had they no sense of social standards? "Master Hasdrubal, we've come searching for Jasper. He is not only a good friend of all of ours, but he is an important figure in society. If you could help us find him, you and your establishment would be the center of attention! Imagine - this wonderful building, operated by an equally wonderful stallion, visited from far and wide by adventurers seeking tales of how you helped find the great Jasper Meadowgreen!"


Jabber flinched inwardly. Even for him, this felt weak.


[OOC: Roll to see if he stops being an ole' curmudgeon. 4 + 5 + 1 = 10]

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"Oho, you're a stallion after my taste, boy."

Hasdrubal produces two glasses for Rambler to fill, then takes a deep swallow from his.

"Bless my soul. Haven't had anything like it since the scrap in Damarescus."


"Good friend, eh? Then what's his cutiemark?"

Upon seeing your blank exresiions, he takes another sip, forehead wrinkled.

"Well, I don't think you're after the money, otherwise you'd act a lot slimier. I supose there is no harm in telling you about Jasper staying here, but you ain't getting into his room until you tell me, why you're really looking for him.

Jasper got here a week ago, three days after Jonas' death, along with half of bloody Canterlot. Never seen so many ponies prance around with their noses in the air. They had the wake, next day they had the will read. Don't think the relatives got anything, cuz they left right after that, all puffed up like chicken. Jasper stayed a bit longer, to sort out the future of the business I suppose. Only ever came in to sleep, now that I think of it, must have been lots of work.

And then he vanished without a trace, some say into the forest.

That's all I can tell you, if you want, check at the Meadowgreen storehouse, maybe they'll tell you more."

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
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  • 2 weeks later...

After enjoying a hearty breakfast, you decide to follow Hasdrubals advice and start your search at the storehouse.

As it turns out Clover's Rest is consists of little more than two dozen wooden houses (most significantly smaller than the Griffon's Head), a high bridge spanning the river and the docks.

As you approach your landing place from last night, you take notice that most of the buildings bear the same mark, a huge golden "M" on a green circle.

After some asking around you locate the main storehouse: A huge hall surrounded by a yard mostly occupied by stacked crates and piles of sacks. You enter under unhindered through an arc proclaiming "J. Meadowgreen, Wares of all Kinds."

Ponies, mules and even some diamond dogs are busy all around you, loading and unloading carts and boats.

Another inquire leads you to a small door in the buildings front, some distance from the huge main gate.

Inside you find a sparingly furnished office with half a dozen desks, only two of which are occupied.


One of the two ponies, a thin unicorn with glasses only looks up briefly from his abacus, while theother, a broad-faced Earthpony stallion gives you a acknowledging nod, clearly grateful to catch a brek from the small mountain off paper before him.

"Morning to you. You be here for business or to pay your respects? Jonas is right over there if its the latter."

He indicates a kind of vase on one of the vacant desks.

"We seem to have lost the top though, so be careful not to spill anything."

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