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open Awesome random roleplay xD


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Hey! ^_^
So yeah I decided to make this roleplay and see how it turned out. It can be funny, creepy, romantic even  ;)  Hahah.  I just have a few rules until I want to begin...

                        1. Leave 18+ stuff outta here. Although 17 under is fiine xD

                        2.Don't go TOO Insane.,

                        4. Have fun. Of course....

                        5. Try to use your OC's more than mane characters

                        6. Try to post pictures of your OC so its easier to know what's going on.

                        7. Last but not   least. When you are talking outside of the roleplay for example "She hated her. They all disliked each other. Out of roleplay Hi there!) Put what isn't in the roleplay in parentheses "()"


Ok let's begin ;)


          "It was a dark and stormy night, when Pastel Heart was in her room attempting to sleep. Although her mother drinking and trying to walk around has been keeping her up. Pastel Heart (Pastel) hasn't slept in days. Her mother has been keeping her up to no end. Pastel's mother started drinking after Pastel's father went crazy and tried to kill everyone in the family. He got to the younger sister, Sweet Truth, finished up, and was shot down by the Royal Guards. (I'd thought I'd show you what I mean't by pausing the roleplay, and putting parentheses. Also the story skips to morning.)

          "Morning. Finally." Pastel whispered to herself. Then a big knock on the door and saw her bestfriend..... (next person will say the name of her bestfriend. But here is a picture of Pastel img-1044956-2-427764_449694268412814_183

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Cloud Chaser had been knocking for almost five minutes and Pastel hadn't even heard her. She knew she was home since she always left the blinds closed if she was. Eventually the pony opened the door and saw the Pegasus waiting. "What took you so long? I've been knocking for like, ever and we need to go! You forgot didn't you?" The pony looked very tired and confused about what was going on "I'm sorry what?" Pastel said a little dazed. " We're going to the far lands across the sea" Chaser had been preparing for this for a long time now. Her cousin and wonderbolt member spitfire was gonna be there and these new "lands" seemed pretty fun and interesting. After Pastel had realized what was going on she quickly packed her things and together they left. Heading for the dock and the unknown land that they would conquer together.( I think this could be the start of an adventure were new friends are made, new places are discovered, and old enemies are met [trixie, Gilda, etc]. Also here's Cloud Chaser. You can call her Chaser for short. Message me if you don't like and I'll come up with something else)


Edited by RainbowDashFanClub


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Just then, a mint unicorn ran square into Cloud Chaser and tumbled to the ground.

   "OhmygoshI'msosorryIshould'vebeenwatchingwhereIwasgoingcanyoueverforgiveme?" the unicorn droned out.

  A purple pegasus flew overhead into another pegasus and both of them crashed to the ground on top of the unicorn.

  "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I should've been watching where I was going! Can you ever forgive me?" the purple pegasus apologized.

  Finally, a blue earth pony slipped in a puddle of mud, slid downhill and crashed into the pile of ponies.

   "Oh my gosh...I-I-I'm so sorry! I-I-I should've been watching where I was going! Can you-hey! Splash! I sh-sh-should've known! Y-y-y-you're always causing mishaps!" the blue unicorn stuttered.

   "Sorry! I don't try to!" the mint unicorn, who's name is Splash, said.

 The other ponies rolled their eyes and untangled themselves. The two pegasi flew off in different directions and the blue unicorn trotted briskly away. Splash turned to the pegasus she had originally collided with and said, "I'm Splash. Sorry to have disturbed you! I am so bad at paying attention! I'm just that poor!" Splash giggled.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Don't worry it's fine! I crash all the time... I know what it's like." Cc (Cloud chasers new nickname) felt like she recognized this unicorn from somewhere but where? Did she see her in a crowded place? Was she at the party yesterday? She felt like they had already met. Hmmmm. What was this strange aura that she felt."Cc. You alright?" Pastel was concerned. "Sorry just daydreaming. Lets go!" All three of them hurried together. " wait.... Where are you going?" Asked Chaser. Splash looked confused. "To the dock of course...you are going there right?" "How did know we were going?".There was a long pause. " I spied on you" said splash like there was nothing wrong. "You WHAT?"


It took awhile but after Cc realized what was going on she thought that splash might just be a good friend to adventure with. Even though she was sought of eavesdropping she didn't really care. As long as rumors don't spread she doesn't need to tell her off." So...you wanna come with us to the farlands?" Cc Had just finished wonderbolt school and hadn't graduated with many friends...except for flitter of course. But flitter had been busy. Flitter was in the crystal empire teaching little filles how to joust. She was always a sport fanatic. Of course she had met pastel. When she was attacked by.....well.....lets not go into that. but she nearly died that horrible day. From then on they became friends. If this mint unicorn went on the journey with them it would be a perfect number.(the answer is for you to decide.....)


(By the way I'm gonna switch between cc and chaser just so I doesn't get too repetitive.)

Edited by RainbowDashSwag


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"I'm too lazy to put my OC but his name is Sphinx he has a pyramid for a cutie mark he is a unicorn he has dark brown fur and mane and green eyes and his magic ability is the ability to manipulate sand however he has not yet fully mastered it yet and is looking for a pony who is good with magic all around to help him (pm me if you want to help with it please XD) Also Sphinx REALLY loves animals and is trying to get his degree in veterinary practice so he can finally reach his dream of becoming a veterinarian pony" Sphinx trotted around carrying a mysterious bag with him and came upon splash and cloudchaser "also I'm new to advanced roleplaying so sorry if mine is not up to par lol" Sphinx was new to town and saw this as the perfect chance to make some new friends

"Hello my name is Sphinx!" Said the brown stallion in an extremely friendly and inviting tone. "What are your names? He questioned "My name is Sphinx! I'm new to town and I'm trying to make friends. Also if you don't mind me asking how did you get your cutie marks? It's obvious how I got mine!" His horn begins to glow and sand rises from the bag he was carrying and it morphs into a tiny replica of both the ponies he just met and they turn back to sand as quickly as they were made and the sand returns to Sphinx's bag.

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" Now THATS pretty cool. When I was first learning to fly a reckless cloud came wizzing past me. My parents were too busy to notice so I started to chase it... In only a few seconds I caught it. I trained in trying to catch clouds and I before I knew it I became the manager of cloud control. I move most of the clouds around ponyville that's how I got this baby right here." She pointed to her cutie mark, a cloud partially covering a sun, and flew off. In only a few seconds she brought a cloud. She kicked the cloud and I acted like an American

Football. It flew off into the atmosphere. "I'm really sorry but if we don't hurry we're gonna miss our ferry! Lets go everypony!" Pastel, Chaser, and Splash hurried off.


Finally they arrived at the dock. They bought their tickets and got on board. When on there they met a familiar face. " Weren't you just?" All three of them were confused. "So your coming to?" Said Sphinx. " Is everypony we bump into coming on this trip?" Said Cc. Little did they know they were in for a little surprise. The boat left the dock and they were on there way to a great land full of friendship, adventure, and mysterious things.


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"Of course I'll come! I've always wanted to leave here! I have few friends but mostly everypony wants me gone due to my clumsiness!" Splash gushed.

   As the boat took off, a wave of nausea overtook Splash and she vomited overboard.

"I miss my old sea legs....sorry..." Splash apologized.

  A purple pegasus flew overhead. "M&M's anypony?!?!" she screamed crazily as she showered the boat in small acorns.

"She's color blind. Sorry," Splash whispered to her new friends. "And a bit cray-cray, if you know what I mean."

 The pegasus flew off and immediately returned with a dark raincloud.

"I'll just clean up this mess my extra m&m's made...." she muttered as she tromped all about the cloud.

  The group, now soaked, glared angrily up at the pegasus. A bolt of lightning jolted from the cloud and electrocuted Spalsh.

"Just my luck," she grumbled.

  Splash threw up overboard again as a stronger wave hit the boat. The boat began to rock unsteadily.

"Look! It's grey cotton-candy!" the purple pegasus shouted. "My mom told me to stay away from ones that large!"

  She took off in the opposite direction of the rapidly approaching storm.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Hey this isn't part of the new schedule". She flew of to see who was responsible for this mayhem. Whoever was at the top was gonna get it. She flew to the top quicker than normal and looked around. To her amazement nopony was up here. The clouds were moving.....by themselves...she flew down to tell the others. "These clouds are like ghost clouds. They're moving by themselves. It's ridiculous!" Cc was very confused. "A lot of strange things happen in the farlands. Clouds move by themselves, There are slimy things that hide in the bushes, and there are no dragons." Pastel had been quiet most of the trip. She had of course read a bit about the farlands and knew only a small fraction about them. " I'll try and move them. Even though I'm on a vacation I will do it." She chased all the clouds into one section and kicked them off into cloudsdale. The floating city would deliver these clouds a lot of the time. The only pony that could accomplish a feat like kicking a few clouds so far could be Chaser. " I hope nothing else gets in the way" said Sphinx

  • Brohoof 1


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Soaking Splash consumed what was left of the soggy acorns. No pony would want to step on them because they hurt, even if they weren't m&m's....She watched Chaser take off to chase some clouds before she vomited the acorns overboard. The crew threw her funny looks, so she pretended that she meant to do that. She glanced at Pastel, looking so lonesome. Poor pony. She hardly knows me. Who am I kidding? I shouldn't of come...nopony likes me anyway...Splash watched as the clouds began to vanish in the distance. She looked back at the dock they had recently left. I should go when Pastel and Chaser aren't watching. They shouldn't have to bring me....they never even planned to! I'll just...climb overboard and swim back....I can't swim...I'll use a spell.....Pastel looked away and Splash dove off the side of the boat. The waves tossed and turned her. What spell could I use???? She began to sink. She opened her mouth to scream, but water filled it and she sank more quickly than ever....down...down....down...in the peaceful blue water...to see sea fish and "m&m's" and her vomit...

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Where's splash?" Nopony noticed her absence except Pastel. All of them knew something was very wrong. "Why does this always happen to me! Every time I make a new friend they just DITCH me. It's like...like I'm a bad pony. Am I a bad pony? I'm a bad pony! You know what? I've been a horrible friend haven't I? Even though I saved your life and I barely just met you you guys are still nice to me. And now I'm just....just....a-" Sphinx interrupted " I know where she is hang on....." Sphinx looked over the boat as the unicorn slowly sunk into the sea. Without warning the brown stallion jumped off the edge of the boat and dove. Ten seconds later he came up with a barely breathing splash. Pastel took splash and placed her on the boat. Cloud chaser left the boat faster than lightning and put a cloud about 30 meters above the boat. She needed her alone time. Every time she tried to make a new friend they would bail or just never really talk to her. She came on this journey for friends and not for all this drama. She had dealt with enough drama for a while and needed a break. (Someone new introduce a Pegasus as a new character please...that maybe can help her....wink wink.....


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Splash hacked up water. What just happened? Did I try to commit suicide or something? Oh, no, I just made a stupid decision. I should probably apologize...I am...going to apologize...Oh my...she sneezed and her magic started up. Oh, snap. Blue magic from the spell she just accidentally just cast. Fluorescent butterfly wings sprung from her back. Whoops....might as well use them to help Chaser, where ever she is...probably kicking the clouds or OH! Splash spotted Chaser moping high in the sky. She looks sad. I'd better not disturb her...she flapped her enormous wings and fluttered to the ground. I bet she needs another pegasus friend. I know what to do! Splash summoned her magical whistle. She blew it while thinking of her old friend, Lilting Wings. She stopped blowing the whistle and chanted the Whistle Rhyme:

                   Them whom I have just thought now of,

                   Let them be summoned and come from above;

                    Friend or Foe, which ever they be,

                   Please come now and bring assistance to me.

  She closed her eyes and counted to three. When she opened her eyes, her friend Lilt slowly drifted randomly out of the blue.

   "Lilt! You came!" Splash yelled.

   "I'd never leave a friend hangin'! Especially not you!" Lilt said. "How can I help you?"

   "See my pegasus friend up there?" Splash replied, pointing to Chaser.

   "Yeah," Lilt said, glancing up.

   "Her name is Chaser. She needs a serious pep-talk. Can you help me?" Splash asked.

   "Duh," Lilt droned dumbly. She fluttered up to Chaser.

   "Ms. Chaser, I believe? I am Lilting Wings, your personal cheerleader. You seem to be a bit down, I presume?" Lilt asked with a British accent.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Yeah I'm just. I'm having a bad day. It's just everypony I meet I don't make a good impression with. I don't get to really make new friends because they think I'm too weird or too rough. I never get a chance to show them who I really am." Chaser sighed. She hadn't made good impressions with other ponies. Flitter was best friends with her ever since they were fillies. But Pastel was a different story. One night her dad had gone crazy. We all knew that he was a little crazy in the head but none of us knew he would snap like that. It was in the house of course. He had had a bad day with everyone. Sweet truth had been a bit mean to her father and he was mad. He sat in the basement with is pistol for awhile then came upstairs....with it. He slowly aimed at Sweet truth when she was in her room reading. He slowly aimed at her through the door when she noticed. She screamed and crashed through her window. Chaser had seen all of this when walking though to find the hospital when flitter had broke her wing. She immediately flew to the filly and helped her. It was too late. She received a blow to the leg. She screamed in agony. Crying and sobbing he shot her in the head. That was the last blow. Chaser flew up to the window where he had been aiming at. It was her instinct to protect the rest of this family. Pastel came through her door when he aimed at Her daughter. Chaser tackled her father to the ground. "Get help!" She quickly came to her senses and got the guards. Pastel had been flying around while her father was shooting her...well attempting. The guards broke In and shot him down. Unfortunately poor truth had passed away. Well really after she was pronounced dead her body disappeared. But they assumed some kind pony had buried her. "Okay then make that chance happen. Don't just wait for it. Take it and make it happen. If they leave then tell them to let your true colors show." Cloud chaser thought about this. "Okay. I just need time to think." Lilting wings went down to the ferry. They were only a few hours away.

  • Brohoof 1


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Lilting wings sighed to herself. She's had it hard. What should I say? She glided down to the ferry. It felt good to have the wind stream down her enormous wings. It came to her suddenly. Ah ha! I know what to do! She stopped mid-flight and reversed herself. She flapped quickly up to Chaser with two strokes of her wings.

"I know how you feel. As you can see, I was born with these humongous wings." she fluttered her wings. "Everypony would tease me at any chance they got. I had no friends. That's when I met Quinky Loss. She's the colorblind purple pegasus that was here earlier. She wasn't insane then. She didn't have a cutie mark and was teased as well. She was my best friend. One day, as a teenager, some dudes decided that they couldn't stand my wings and the awkwardness and embarrassment they brought me. They decided that I needed to be relieved of these burdens. They caught me in an alley one night and pulled a knife on me. They held me down and began sawing away at my wings with a rag in my mouth so I couldn't scream. Quirky went out looking for me and found the ponies trying to cut off my wings. She attacked them. She knocked out two of them while screaming for help. She tried to stop the last one, who had the knife, and she even managed to get him away from me, but he threw the knife at me, so she pounced in the way and took a knife to the head. A medic arrived in time to save her, but she has had brain damage since. Everypony since blames me. Splash befriended me, and that's how I'm here. you can always trust me as a friend."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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