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open Hide and Seek: The Experiments I- The Escape


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"If a guard were to somehow fall against the side of your cage do you think you could lift his keycard? and keep it hidden for a couple of days?" He knew what he was asking her to do was dangerous, it could possibly het her killed. But that was why he was doing the part that was guaranteed to end in severe punishment, and if he played it right they would never suspect he had an accomplice.

Her cage was to far away for him to reach with his hand but he turned slightly away and slid his wing through the bars and extended it to her cage in a form of handshake. It had been so long since he had had any form of contact with another life form that wasn't trying to hurt him

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae took a short moment to contimplate his offer. It was dangerous. But it was also her only hope at getting out. At being free. She glanced at his wing, extended as a form of handshake to seal the deal.

After a short pause of hesitation, she reached out and tentatively grabbed the soft plumage of his wing.

"I'm in."

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Kit opened one eye and snickered. "Good luck getting out, It's a maze out there and last I checked, You don't have any kind of guide. Not that I'm offering my services," He told them both. "After all, you don't have anything to offer me do you, and before you say freedom, I know we won't remain free more than a week between the Seekers and our appearance."

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Cornix ignored the fox. It wasn't worth his time. He started to retract his wing before realizing that he had found comfort in the physical contact of another creature. He wrapped his wings around him once more before falling asleep, the feathers creating a nice blanket. 

Kit was wrong. Cornix had something to offer to an escape attempt. He just didn't trust the fox enough to wait for him to recover from the inevitable punishment. Only a couple more days. A couple of days in this hell, and then he would be free, free to fly.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae was certainly very anxious, but that certainly didn't mean she was fearful. The fox Hybrid's blatantly pessimistic words fell deaf on her sensitive ears as she curled up once more. She spared a glance at the avian Hybrid before closing her eyes. This could work....

It had to...

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Carullo had been listening with great interest. He knew Kit's words were more than likely true, but even a taste of freedom would be enough for him, no matter the punishment.

However, he didn't want to intrude on their plan as the offer hadn't been extended to him, and they had fallen asleep. He merely lay back down and shut his eyes, hoping that he would be able to get some rest tonight.


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Cornix awoke to his cage opening. Two gruff looking guards and one Whitecoat peered at him. It was a new day, with new tests. He was pulled out by the guards and pushed up the aisle between the cages. He was forced into a large room. He recognized it. It was full of plant life. some sort of biosphere. Jungle by the looks of it. Through the huge glass roof he could see it. The open sky, calling to him. He walked into the jungle and quickly climbed a tree. not wanting to use his wings just yet. He sat in the tree attempting to stay alert in case of attack. This was a test or experiment of some kind. He had to be ready.


(OOC: I typed out quite the story and then looked at the word count: it was over 1000. so im gonna split it up)

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Kit awoke and was pulled out of his cage and dragged out through the halls. He thought back to the map he had seen once and realized they were taking him to a place he had never been before. The room he was led to was completely  grey and had two chairs in the middle. "What the-" Kit began before being cut off. "Social training," The scientists told him before sitting him in a chair.


(Who wants to hang out with Kit? XD)

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Felidae is again hauled from her cage and lead rather forcefully down the halls. This time, however, she was less fearful, a certain smug air about her. The scientists were uneasy and she could feel it. She knew something they didn't, and they could tell. Feeling vindictive, to a certain extent, she let a small smile grace her lips as they ushered her away for what looked to be the start of another long day...

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(OoC: I'll go see Kit, I need some interaction :P)


Carullo was too irritated to pay much attention as the guards of the facility bound him and marched him down an unfamiliar hall. His odd yellow eyes flicked around, memorizing it, grateful that for once he wasn't blindfolded.

When they arrived in a nondescript grey room the loud fox hybrid from the night before was already there. Carullo was chained down and the guards left. He looked around then grinned at the hybrid.

"Bet how many mics and cameras they're using to spy on us?" he asked, and was shocked. When the pain stopped he muttered, "that was fast."

Edited by Asuka Langley Soryu


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"Oh zipidee doo da! Looks like I've got a new playmate," Kit chuckled. "COULDN'T YOU GET ME ANY GIRLS!" he asked the scientists. They immediately shocked him and he chuckled madly. "So how does in being a cold blooded ankle biter," Kit asked Carullo with a huge laugh.

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"I can imagine it's much less fun than being a licentious fox," ssid Carullo with a shrug. "More polite, perhaps, more sneaky, but certainly less enjoyable. Besides the fact that everyone hates you, of course."

He was shocked again and rolled his eyes. "I didn't even do anything that time, pen cachu," he called, and was promptly electrocuted once more. "As if they know what that means."


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After an hour of sitting in the tree with no danger present he decided it was not a battle simulator but he had no idea what it was supposed to be. He resigned himself to sit and watch the sky. 


In another room not far away to whitecoats watched several screens. A certain dark haired avian-human hybrid displayed from different angles.

"Look. It hasn't done anything for the past hour. Just sit there. like it is waiting for prey." One scientist said to the other "It dosent even have enough human intelligence to think beyond its instincts. Much less hatch some form of plan"

"I guess you are correct. I must have been seeing things last night."


Their conversation had made them miss what the hybrid did next. He whispered. Speaking to the Sky. "Ill see you again soon."

Edited by SorenWolf

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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((Blarrr i feel so crappy this morning, I have the flu))

Felidae was, thankfully, given a minor break. The task they'd assigned her was not really all that difficult. It was a water test. They viewed her aquatic skills by making her swim in a deep pool, diving all the way to the bottom to retrieve things. It was demeaning, as if they were forcing her to play fetch like some sort of dog, not to mention the fact that by the time she reached eighteen feet in depth, her ears ached from water pressure.

"Soon." She would whisper in the water, "Very soon..."

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((Blarg, I got high this morning by waking up))

((Blarrr i feel so crappy this morning, I have the flu))



By the time Xion woke up, most of the hybrids,'Damnit me, stop using that word!', erm, people have already been taken to testing. She thought she would have some time to unwind, but she was taken before that could happen. "Guess what!", the scientist asked. 'Holy shit please don't be-' "Interaction tests of course!", the scientist answer his own question.


'Could things get any worse?', she asked herself.


It did.


She was taken to a room with two other hy-people. Take a wild guess who was there. That's right, it was the fox guy.


(Guess Halfy here got what he wanted for his birthday *nudge nudge wink wink*)

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Carullo looked up and waved politely, before giving Kit a wry grin. "Looks like the scientists decided to humour you," he said with slight sarcasm, before glancing back at the new hybrid. "I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Carullo, pleasure to meet you." After another shock he sighed. "Sorry, Hybrid 444. My bad!"


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Kit gave a toothy grin to the tiger hybrid. "So, sweet cheeks, why don't we see if we can ditch the snake and get some alone time," he said giving her a wink. He was immediately shocked. "Oh come on, don't tell me our offspring wouldn't be the most interesting test subject in the lab," Kit said with a chuckle. He was shocked again but he noticed it took longer than usual, making him smirk. "So, how about this weather," he asked the two other hybrids jokingly.

Edited by Half-Note
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After several hours of lounging on the tree branch the scientist decided that subject 568 needed further testing.

He was taken to a long room where the walls, roof, and floor formed a perfect circle. A wind turbine at one end and a metal grate at the other. A wind tunnel. He was being tested on his flight.

(This is my lame attempt at reviving this RP)



The doctors began testing and Cornix soon realized, after getting shocked several times, that he was supposed to stay airborn and between to red lines on the floor. Cornix flew faster and faster as the wind grew harsher and harsher. Finally he met his match and collapsed against the wire of the back wall. Unable to lift himself against the wind pressure he collapsed. exhausted he slipped from consciousness.

Edited by SorenWolf

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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After several hours of lounging on the tree branch the scientist decided that subject 568 needed further testing.

He was taken to a long room where the walls, roof, and floor formed a perfect circle. A wind turbine at one end and a metal grate at the other. A wind tunnel. He was being tested on his flight.



(This is my lame attempt at reviving this RP)



The doctors began testing and Cornix soon realized, after getting shocked several times, that he was supposed to stay airborn and between to red lines on the floor. Cornix flew faster and faster as the wind grew harsher and harsher. Finally he met his match and collapsed against the wire of the back wall. Unable to lift himself against the wind pressure he collapsed. exhausted he slipped from consciousness.

((Omg guys, I am really sorry!! I haven't been able to do anything for a week and a half because I was grounded :/ but I'm back now, so lets see if we can revive this RP :3))


Felidae had long sense shut off all senses to the world outside her own body. In a way, the water was numbing, pulling her consciousness away from her nerves. She could feel nothing.

The experiment became routine. Dive, retreive, return, repeat. Over and over again. The same monotonous thing. Through it all, a single word became an endless chant in her mind.

Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom.

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"Nice job, Mr. Cunning. You can't start a conversation without blowing it before you start.", Xion said to the fox hybrid. She acknowledged the snake hybrid with a nod. "I don't usually call other's by their number (Even if they want us to). I'm just the rebellious type, that's all. Name's Xion by the way. Or Experiment 498, if you prefer."

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Kit smiled at Xion and winked. "Oh don't lie, you know you can't resist my charms," He told her chuckling. "I'm Kit, by the way. Officially though, my designation is 418," he told her. "Well now that we have pleasantries out of the way, what is there to actually talk about that won't get us zapped?" He said before the scientists Zapped him. "Really Guys?"

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Cornix stood atop a skyscraper. Staring at the city below. He stepped off the building, falling headfirst for several seconds before his wings snapped open, slowing his fall...CLANG!...and he turned, ascending. He heard people below cheering. Happy to see him flying during the night. He pulled his wings in for a second, rolling mid air before...CLANG!...snapping his wings out again. He flew up again and landed...CLANG!...on another building. He once again turned and fell off the building...CLANG!!!


Cornix awoke with a start. It had been nothing more then a dream. He saw a guard laughing at his reaction to being awakened. The guard was still holding the metal rod he had used to make the noise that awoke the sleeping hybrid. He hoped that this guard would be the one on guard tonight, when he would begin his plan for escape

Edited by SørenWolf

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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