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Six questions for people to answer. (updated from 4)


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1) Yeah, sure! Having a mlpfim pony would be like having a pet! ....that talks, thinks for itself, ect.
2) Not if they randomly came to earth then no they wouldn't be treated like humans for a LONG time till people are accustomed to life with ponies. Then they will start to earn rights and stuff. And get jobs like clearing the weather for pegusi, and have the unicorns do magic and help life, and stuff.... 
3) Yes! Friendship is Magic is the main lesson that the mane 6 and other ponies have learned so with their help and appreciation of this fact they would convince other ponies to be friends with us and then... yay! Friends!
4) Hmmm this is a hard one... Well, it would be REALLY hard not to have anyone know because I am only 14 so I live with my family still. So I guess I would have to let my close family know and my best friend. 
    If a scientist wanted me to sell him/her,, NO! My pony! Thats like selling your friend! Messed UP! 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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My first question is: if you had a pony that was NOT your oc, and it was the same gender as you,and maybe... the same age as you, and it lived with you. Would you do things like: Hug it, let it sleep on your lap while you watch TV or read a book, hold it in your arms like its a baby or a cat (that is if it would let you). 


The second question is: If ponies from MLPFIM existed in real life would they be considered "human" and be given human rights?

They can talk. They can think for themselves. They have feelings. What do you think?


The third question is: Do you think MLPFIM ponies would like humans? Would we get along?


The fourth is: What if your pony was the only MLPFIM type of pony on earth? How would it affect your life? 

Would you tell your family and/or friends about it? If a scientist said he would give you 10,000,000,$ for it would you sell it to the government?



That is pretty much it. I know my grammar sucks but hopefully you can decipher what I'm saying.

I also hope this is in the right section.

No hate please.

1. The ponies aren't pets. If a pony from the show lived with me he would be as smart as I am. So I wouldn't be hugging him all the time. We'd probably just hang out.

2. There'd probably be a huge stink about it, just like me make about every group that's trying to get equal rights, but eventually it would happen.

3. Ponies would like most humans as individuals. They would fear and distrust us as a species, with good reason.

4. I would keep her totally secret. Who could I trust in a situation like that? My brother maybe, but I can't think of anyone else. I would never let scientists or the gov't find out about her. I like to think I would stand against the world to protect that pony.


And your writing is fine. I've seen much worse.

Edited by TailsAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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1. Yes!  I mean...if I had the chance to do such a thing, how could I not!

2. No.  Because humans could never possibly adapt to such a thing because we're all idiots.

3. it depends.  Humans seem to like to destroy themselves.  And we're so mean compared to ponies.  But I don't think many of them would hate us all.  I'm sure they would like some of us.  But ponies are like humans in some ways.  I'm sure some of them are stereotypical.

4. I might tell a few people, because I'm afraid it would be difficult to keep secret.  But I'd be careful.  I wouldn't want anyone to take her away from me.

And no!  I wouldn't let anyone buy her!  She'd lose all his respect for me, they'd probably dissect her and all kinds of horrible stuff!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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1. Well, I wouldn't hug him just because he was a pony. But I wouldn't NOT hug him just because he's male. It would depend on what type of relationship we had. I certainly wouldn't be averse to it -- they're very huggable creatures!


2. If a creature can ask for human rights and make a case for why it should have human rights then it oughta have human rights. Whether it actually would, I don't know. Probably depends on who they're asking. I know I'd stick up for it!


3. I think there would be a lot of well-earned mistrust toward humans as a species. If the ponies understood some of the things we had done, I'm sure they'd be absolutely terrified of us. It's easier for us humans to see to good side of humanity because we were brought up in (hopefully) decent societies that respect some kind of rule of order, but if a pony came in to our world armed with nothing but a history book, I think they'd have some serious trepidation.


4. Well, seeing as I think it oughta have human rights, I can't really sell it. As far as how public the pony's existence would be, that would be up to the pony. In any case, nobody is laying a finger on my little pony if he/she doesn't want it. If it was in my care, I would go to the same lengths as I would for a child in my care. That includes going 'off the grid,' arming myself (and i'm a very anti-gun person, but if i knew people were coming after it, I wouldn't hesitate) and doing whatever it took to ensure its safety and happiness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The questions have been updated, I some times think to myself " would some one els do in these situations I ask above?" so that's why I ask you guys.

5. spend every moment trying to get them away from the government. I will not accept that they will confiscate something under my care and I will fight it to my last breath (and that's what it would be. They can take my pony... when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.)


6. hmmmm that's a tough one! In Anthropology it just works but in Project Sunflower they need magic batteries. I would have to speculate on the mechanics of magic and, since I have not personally observed magic in this world, that might lead me to say 'no.' On the other hoof, I also haven't personally observed a pony (at least, that kind of pony) in this world, so if I did, all bets would be off.


So my answer is a definite 'maybe.'

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  • 8 years later...
  1. Maybe. I would treat him like a friend, nothing more.
  2. Yes, they are sentient being that deserve rights.
  3. Yes, they would be exactly like humans with different personalities. There would be some that would be unpleasant to be around, but most would be agreeable.
  4. I might tell my family but for the most part, I would keep him hidden from the rest of the world, similar to My Little Dashie.
  5. I would hug him before he was taken away.
  6. Probably. Depends on where unicorn magic comes from. It's probably produced in their bodies, from what I know.
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1) No I wouldn't because I don't think I would be comfortable with that.

2) I think they would have rights because of their sentience

3)I think they would be optimistic about humans unless we start conflicts with them.

4) depending on who it is will ultimately affect my opinion and actions if it's a named character I'd keep them around as long as I can other then that I wouldn't care too much

5)I'd try to hide it and claim it ran away or something similar.

6)I'm not sure it would be a 50/50 chance 


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