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open Aiicornia: The City of Everfree


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                Ok, so here is the link to the OOC page!

Now.... Here we go...




Your OC will start out waking up, then somehow ariving at the blimps. There will be two blimps with 4 or 5 OCs in each. I don't really mind who goes in which blimp, but please, somehow manage to get in a blimp.  The blimps are relatively large, about the size of the inside of a train, so your OC can move around a bit.



*You get to choose what your OC's house looks like, but I will be designing where the houses go. I will try to draw and upload a map of the city at some point ;-;

*The blimps are in ponyville


Role Play Start:



Daffodil yawned and sat up from her bed. She leaned over and smashed her hoof on the alarm clock. She sighed and stood up. She started to brush her mane when she suddenly was filled with excitement. She had almost forgotten what today was! She quickly finnished brushing her mane. She ran downstairs and into the aviary. "2craet! 2ayble! Wake up today i2 the day!!" Daffodil started to jump up and down excitedly. Scraet took his head out from underneath his wing. "We know, we know! Gosh." Scraet grumpily put his head back under his winged and sighed loudly. "Daffa? Can I bring my perch?" Sayble asked. "Of cour2e 2illy! We are moving, 2o we have to bring all the important 2tuff." "Oh.." "Anyway2 breakfa2t will be ready 2oon, 2o come on out 2o we can eat." Daffodil walked back into the kitchen and pulled out a box of chicken scratch and poured into two bowls. She set the bowls on the table and went about making herself some oatmeal. After she and the birds had finnished their breakfast, Daffodil went upstairs to finnish packing. She shove her blanket and pillow into a saddle bag, along with her mane brush and some shampoo. She went back downstairs and into the front hall and put on the saddle bag she had already packed. She trotted back into the kitchen and cleaned up the bird's dishes. Then she trotted into the aviary, folded up the two perches, and stuck them into the slightly less stuffed saddle back. She trotted out the front door. "Ok you two, hop on." Scraet and Sayble hopped onto Daffodil's back. Daffodil turned around and locked the front door, then hid her key in it's normal hiding place. She hoped her brother remembered where she hid the key. She had left enough food for to last the other birds for about a day, hopefully her brother would't forget he was bird-sitting. Daffodil turned away from her house, and trotted off towards ponyville. Soon she arived at the scheduled meeting place. She was greeted by a stallion who appeared to be the pilot. "Well hi there! I assume you are here to go to Aiicornia? Just let me see your invitation letter and you can go ahead and board!" Daffodil held out the letter she had recieved in the mail a few days ago. "Ok, head on in!" Daffodil looked between the two blimps, there was a purple one and a green one. Daffodil liked purple better, so she headed into that one. She boarded the blimp and put her saddlebags in the luggage bin. She then sat down and waited. She seemed to be the first to arrive. She hoped Ashwing would board this one, or it may be a long awkward flight for her.



Desertrose stretched and sat up from her bed. She neatly fixed the covers before combing her mane. After she had finnished, she put on her two saddlebags, she had packed them yesterday so she wouldn't have to rush to pack everything this morning and risk forgetting something important. Desertrose trotted out of her bedroom into the kitchen and prepared herself a quick fruit smoothie for breackfast. After she had cleaned up from that Desertrose went back to her room. "Ok, Merp, I know you aren't going to like this, but, um, I am going to have to put you in a fish bag." Merp swam around in a circle. "I know! I'm sorry, but we cant bring your entire tank! I already packed your favorite rock, your whelk shell, and your plastic seaweed, and the people who made our house said they put in a super special tank just for you! Plus, with all the money we are going to get, I could buy an entire ocean for you to live in." Desertrose giggled. "Just kidding, maybe not an ocean, but 15,000 bits is more than enough to buy you a new toy!" Desertrose gently scooped Merp up with a plastic bag. She ties the bag shut and put him in the outside pocket of one of her saddle bags. Merp swan up and down. "Of course I remembered food silly! Don't worry, you'll be perfectly fine!" Desertrose trotted into her green house. She looked around for a second before seeing the plant she was looking for. Desertrose trotted over to a certain special cutie-mark giving cactus and picked it up. She placed him in the outside pocket on the other saddle bag, far away from a certain fish. "Ok, goodbye everypony! Don't worry, Zecora is really good at taking care of plants, and you'll be fine untill I next see you!" Desertrose trotted out of the house. She locked the door and then headed into town. After about ten minutes, she arrived at the meeting place. Well, she assumed this was the meeting place seeing that there were blimps. Desertrose caught a glimpse of a light blue and light green taill heading into the purple blimp. Desertrose was about to step foward when she was greeted by a stallion. "Hi there missy! Do ya have a invitation letter for me?" He asked smiling widely. Desertrose cowered a bit. "Um, um, y-yes, here." Desertrose pulled her letter out of her saddle bag and held it out to the stallion. "Why, theres no need ta be nervous!" He said loudly. He took the letter. "Hm, Ok! go right on in!" Desertrose trotted quickly into the green blimp. She put her saddle bags (minus Merp and her cactus) into the luggage bin. She sat down in a seat and put her cactus in a cup holder and Merp next to her on the seat. She wondered who else was going to be coming...

(OOC: Ok, so the pilot is a NPC, so you can control him ok? Just don't make him do anything insane)


Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Ashwing woke up after the sun rise to his bedroom ¨hmmm today was that day... WAIT OH I GOTTA HURRY¨ he flied into his kitchen and did some fast food he could come up with ¨better hope im not late, oh right baggage... oh well i should have the invitation and the stuff i packed yesterday i guess¨ he quickly gathered the bag he had with random stuff he didnt have anything too special since he didnt own much so then he took off, he arrived at the meeting place with the two blimps as a stallion greeted him and asked for an invitation ¨oh, right here it is¨ ashwing looked in his bag and hoofed the invitation over to him, knowing Daffodil liked purple more than the other one so he hoped that he would meet her in there so he decided he would enter it at entering he saw daffodil waiting at a seat not noticing he was there so he sneaked up on her and scared her saying shortly afterwards ¨did that scare you, or were was you not expecting me?¨ he asked her in response to her being scared.


Terraspin had flied to ponyville in advance to not get late ¨man why do it need to be in ponyville i hate these ponies¨ he landed at the meeting place where the two blimps were seeing the stallion he ignored what he said and just threw the invitation using his wings to make it fall into his hooves he saw a black pegasus entering the purple seeing at it might have been his rival ashwing he took the green instead, seeing the pony sitting down he decided to have some fun and walked up to her ¨hey small pon' whatcha doing with ya fish flush¨ He said laughing afterwards.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Mortimer awoke from his slumber. He had an excellent night, he had never slept so comfortable.

He rubbed his eyes and started to comb his mane then he slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Hello Shadow!" he said with joy, "today we are moving to a new city. Aiicornia. The name sounds good and i'm going to be it's guardian. Here, eat this." Mortimer said as he poured bird food for Shadow on his bowl.

He started to make a sandwhich and in the meanwhile he thought "Where did i put that elusive invitation?".

He erased the worrying feeling out of his mind and started to eat his sandwhich.

When he finished, he went to his room and started packing the clothes. He saw the invitation in a corner, he grabbed it and put it under his wings.

When he finished packing he took the luggage to the main gate and he thought "One thing remaining".

He trotted back inside, grabbed a bird cage and told Shadow "come on, get inside, our new house will be much bigger and better." He closed the main door and the gate.

With the cage on one hand and the luggage on other he started to fly towards the indicated point in the invitation.

Once there, a man who looked like the pilot greeted him "Hello there Alicorn, you must be the guardian of Aiicorn, may i take a look at your invitation?" "Of course gentleman, here you are" said Mortimer smiling.

After the pilot checked the invitation, he told Mortimer to choose a blimp. He chose the green one.

As soon as he entered he saw two ponies and tried to say hello, but he was scared of what they may think of the alicorn and just sat down.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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Daffodil squeaked in surprise then realizing it was just Ashwing she giggled. "A2hwing!! You 2cared, I mean, 2tartled me! She pushed him gently. "Anyway I'm 2o glad you got on the right blimp! I wa2 hoping I made it obviou2 enough for you to figure out" She laughed again. "2o, are you gonna 2it down, or are you going to 2tand the the whole flight?" Daffodil patted the seat next to her with her hoof, inviting him to sit down.


Desertrose cowered away from the dragon. "Um, w-well, this is my fish Merp, a-and he's one of m-my only friends." Desertrose moved Merp away from the dragon quickly. She hoped he didn't notice she was terrified of dragons. She noticed in relief someone else was getting on board. And it was her nieghbor Mor... Mor something. Desertrose had never really talked to him much, but hopefully he would prevent the dragon from hurting her or Merp, he was the guardian.


(OOC Goodnight guys! I got to go to bed now sorry!)

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Ashwing laughed a little ¨well it was obvious i guess and thanks for the invitation to sit down¨ Ashwing said with a joking tone to the end of the sentence as he saw down he said ¨i always wondered why do people say that a wonderbolt is the fastest yet there are faster fliers in the world to not be wonderbolt, take me for an example im faster than some of the wonderbolts yet i didnt get onto it, oh anyways my cousin wanted me to give this to you no idea why but i guess he wanted to be friendly¨ Ashwing handed over a package to Daffodil while smiling at her.


The dragon Terraspin laughed ¨haha scared pon' is scared fun hahaha¨ he teased her as if he was the bully and she the little girl waiting for her daddy to pick her up from school he continued to tease her until he got bored of it and simply took a seat away from her seeing as he was bored of her waiting for the ride to be over so he could get to his 'rock cave house with the lava pool in it for him'. (bully proof ahahha also lava pool *watches spike dragon episode...* seems legit)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Mortimer started to hear how the dragon made fun of the mare behind him.
When the dragon sat down, he slowly walked towards his seat with an angry face.
"I beg you a pardon? What do you think you are doing? You can't just make fun of others" he glanced at Desertrose inbetween words "without any aparent reason, now please let me enjoy my ride on this blimp or i swear i'll turn you into a toad" he said calmly, yet he looked annoyed.
He approached the mare in the other seat, leaned to her ear and murmured"you'll be fine now, no one will annoy you again. Nice fish by the way."
He then walked back to his seat and told Shadow "i hope everything calms down."

Edited by Mortimer

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River was still asleep while the footsteps were becoming louder and louder. He was up last night until midnight, he couldn't fall asleep from the thoughts that occupied his mind. He was deeply concerned of how today will be, and what will his future hold, so much so as to try to knock himself out to avoid these thoughts, but all he was left with was a sore cheek and a headache. Soon after that he fainted from shock.

Come morning and River's girlfriend was up and awake, she passed out too on the couch yesterday, but it was before River came home, so when he got home and saw her sleeping, he just sneaked up to his bedroom and got into his bed. But now it was morning and because she fell asleep sooner, she got up sooner, and she went up to wake up River. She climbed up the stairs and knocked on River's door, but there was no answer. She opened the door and River was still sleeping, she smiled at him. She came closer to him and shook him, River's eyes started to open. A moment later River shook his head and widened his eyes, to see his beautiful girlfriend sitting next to him on the bed. 

"Good morning sleepy head" she said to him.

"Good mor... Wait, what time is it?!" River quickly got up from his bed, slightly knocking his girlfriend aside, and went out to the hallway swiftly. He looked left and right like he was lost in his own house looking for something very important. He found it on the wall, the clock. He realized that clocks are usually on walls.

"9:30?! I'm gonna be late!" he panicked and started to run downstairs. His girlfriend following him down slowly. She watched as he ran from room to room holding something different in his mouth each time. She giggled at the sight, it reminded her of a cartoon. 

"What's the big rush anyway?" she asked River slightly dazed.

"What's the big rush? I'm going to be late for the blimp! If I don't make it on time I'll never get the chance to get to Aiicornia!" he declared and kept running through the house.

"Oh, is that today?" she asked innocently. River stopped running for a second and took a hard look at her.

"YES!" he shouted and kept running. River's girlfriend was slightly shunned by his attitude, and she decided to stop talking until she gets a proper chance. After a bit more running River eventually came back from the living room dragging a big big and wearing a saddlebag on him. He paused when he got to the door, and by the door was his girlfriend waiting to talk to him. They looked at each other for a second and she suddenly hid behind her mane.

"River... I don't want you to go..." she mumbled. A silent moment passed. River took a deep breath, and exhaled with closing his eyes, as if he knew this was coming.

"I know you don't, but we talked about this, you know I can't give this up, it's been my dream since I was a little kid!" he told her, again.

"Not even for me River? Not even for your girlfriend?" she said with a desperate look on her, as if they were going to part forever. River closed his eyes and lowered his head. He opened his eyes back up, and he grinned at his girlfriend.

"Shelly, you know I love you, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, and I promise we'll be in contact, I'll send you a letter every day, and I swear I will always stay loyal to you" he said. Shelly looked into his eyes, and he looked back into hers. She knew he was telling the truth, she knew he will always be her stallion, and yet she still wanted him to stay. But at this point, it wasn't up to her. She looked away from him and turned to the door. She opened the door and turned back to face River.

"I know that River, but I just want you to tell me one thing before you go" she said to him. River smiled to see her acceptance.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Tell me you didn't forget to pack your glasses". River noticed his glasses weren't on his face.

"Oh, heh" he chuckled. River went to retrieve his glasses. Shelly smiled as he went to his room, came back down and came closer to her. 

"Goodbye Shelly" River said.

"Goodbye..." she replied and kissed him mid-sentence, she knew she won't be able to do that for a while, so she figured she will one last time. River raised his hoof behind Shelly's face and looked at his watch. He immediately broke off when he realized the time.

"Gotta run!" He said and started trotting away.

"Goodbye... River..." Shelly mumbled to herself, "I'll miss you..."


River flew over as fast as he could to the destined take-off location. He heard the loud clock ticking 10 times, and he knew he just barely made it on time.

"All aboard!" he heard from below, he looked down to see a large blimp to his left, he figured that's his ride. River flew down to the docking station where the blimp is, and he got into the line of 4 ponies that was in place. He saw the usher taking tickets from the pony at the front of the line, and he realized he should take out his ticket too. He reached for his saddlebag and grabbed the ticket. He immediately noticed the note that was inside the folded ticket. He opened up the note. 'I love you' was written on it in blue, Shelly's color. He smiled and thought of her for a second.

"...oming too sir?" he heard a voice that snapped him back to reality.

"What?" he asked like a mule.

"I said, are you coming too sir?" asked the usher once more.

"Y-yes! I am! Sorry I got distracted for a second. River showed him the ticket and the usher nodded.

"Alright! You're the last one, now go in and find a seat" instructed the usher.

"Okay" said River while nodding. He went through the blimp's front entrance and the usher closed the door behind him.

"I'm here, and I'm going to Aiicornia" other ponies suddenly stared at River. "...Was that out-loud?" The other ponies nodded. River then quietly sat on a seat near him and put his baggage next to his seat.

"Starting a new life, this time will be different" he thought to himself. He was ready. 


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"I bet they didn't want you to cover the entire place with du2t, or maybe they were jealou2" Daffodil teased. "But they obviou2ly have NO ta2te in ponie2 what2oever." Daffodil grined then eyed the package curiously. "Hm, well that wa2 very nice of your cou2in to get me a present! 2o, before I open thi2, what i2 hi2 name? I don't want to be di2re2pectful!" Daffodil was pleased, she just loved getting and giving presents, and Ashwing's cousin getting her a gift was the perfect excuse to give both the cousin and Ashwing something. Daffodil looked up when she heard somepony talking to themself rather loudly. When this pony asked if he had said that out loud, Daffodil nodded.

(OOC: Hey Rolle, did you want the gift to be anything in particular?)


Desertrose sighed i  relief that the dragon had left. She was very glad to hear that Mor-something would keep the dragon from bothering her. Merp swam around in a pattern. "Shh, its ok Merp, he won't bother us again, we'll be ok. Yes! Didn't you see? Mor just said he wouldn't let the dragon bother us anymore." Merp swam in a circle very fast. "Ok, ok, I'll get you some food." Desertrose put Merp's bag down in the cup holder and went to go get food from her saddlebag.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Mortimer sighed, then closed his eyes. He started to imagine his new live in his new house. He knew he was going to work hard though, but it was going to be worth it, it was one of the best job he had been offered.

"I'm going to be happy i think" he said in an audible tone, "oops, did i say it out loud?" he thought as he covered his mouth with his hoof.

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Desertrose quickly got the fish food out of one of the saddlebag's pockets. She trotted back to her seat and sat down. She carefully opened the top of the bag and dropped a few flakes in before closing the bag again, she didn't want to risk a spill. Mero swam in a triangle. "Oh, why, your welcome! Silly, of course I know I put in extra, you can eat those later. I don't want to have to open your bag while the blimp is moving!" Desertrose heard Mor say something. Desertrose looked over the seat. "U-um, did you say something to me sir?" She asked shyly.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Melbourne begrudgingly got out of bed, mornings were certainly not his favourite things. His breakfast consisted of a single piece of toast and a glass of soda water, he wasted little time in getting ready after all his main was always dead straight and honestly, Melbourne didn't care for the most part about his appearance.


He put his vest on and lifted his rucksack over his back, being the pragmatic pony that he was Melbourne had only packed 20kgs of equipment, he thought he did quite well. After sorting out his house he left, making sure to lock his front door and set the anti-thief traps (Melbourne was always prepared for the worst).


By the time he reached the blimps he saw clearly that a large number of ponies (and a dragon it would seem) had already boarded "I was hoping for a quite trip. Seems that is of the table." As he walked towards the purple blimp (less ponies on it) a pony in what appeared to be some kind of pilots get up approached Melbourne. "Howdy friend don't suppose ya' ha-" Melbourne showed him his ticket without so much as a hello and moved silently into the purple blimp. The other two occupants seemed enthrarlled in their own company and he certainly would rather avoid unneccesary social interaction. He sat down and opened up his novel.


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Mortimer opened his eyes, someone had called him, he turned and spoke to the mare "No lady, i'm sorry. Ir was a bad choice of words, i thought with my mouth." he said gently.

"I'm Mortimer, by the way. What's your name?" Mortimer said while looking at the pet she had.

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Daffodil watched the new stallion board curiously. He went ahead and sat down, so Daffodil returned her attention to Ashwing.


Desertrose blushed, embarassed. "Oh, well I-I'm sorry to bother you." She was a bout to sit back down when she heard Mortimer introduce himself. Desertrose smiled. "What a cool name, my n-name is Desertrose, it's nice to meet y-you." Desertrose noticed Mortimer looking at Merp. "Oh, um, I see you've n-noticed Merp, he's my best friend. Say hi Merp." Merp swam upside down. Desertrose giggled. "That means hello in fish language!

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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"Thank you, yours is pretty cool too," Mortimer said smiling. He then stared at the fish with an strange look in his eyes "Nice fish, he seems pretty gentle too but what is it? I have never seen one like that before! Meh, it's cute anyways." Mortimer turned and lifted his cage. "This is Shadow, my crow. Say hello Shadow." Shadow bowed to Desertrose.

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Desertrose nodded. "Yeah, I don't know exactly what type of fish he is, Zecora traded him to me for some cacti one time when she was short on bits, she didn't know what type of fish he was either. I even asked Fluttershy, and she didn't know what he was either! But what type of fish he is doesn't matter to me." She looked back at Mortimer when he introducd Shadow. Desertrose smiled and laughed. "Did you see that? He bowed! Thats so cute! May I pet him?"

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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"Of course you may, he only likes to spend with people i know and well, we know each other, right?" Mortimer started to laugh nervously. "Idiot!" he thought.

He levitated the cage to where Desertrose was seated. "You can teach him some tricks if you want, i don't have time to do it." he said while he stared into Desertrose's eyes.

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Desertrose squeaked in excitement and gently took the cage and opened it. Shadow hopped out and onto her shoulder. Desertrose giggled and pet him. She heard Mortimer suggest she teach him some tricks. "Oh, w-well I've never taught a bird a trick before, I guess I can try..." She smiled to herself, she had just found herself a new friend AND something to do on the flight; mission teach a bird a trick! She couldn't wait to try. "So, do you maybe have a treat I could use for training?" She asked Mortimer.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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"Yes technically. Don't make the crow nervous, it will just scratch your face, he is very sensitive. Also speak nice, but that's unnecesary, you have the sweetest voice i've heard. One last thing, he only eats snacks and bird food. Have fun, i guess." Mortimer turned around and grabbed a magazine, then he started to read.

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lily awoke with a start. her alarm clock was going off. she looked at the time. "SHIver me timbers!" she said as she jumped out of bed. she brushed her teeth and mane, she didnt have time for breakfast, and called out for her cats. "kismet! izazi!!!" suddenly two cats came running down the hall to her. both were burmese cats but one was brown and one was grey. she packed a few items she missed. she pulled out the cat boxes "i know you hate them, but its regulation. comeon, in you go." she put the two cats in their boxes and put on her saddle bag. she used her magic to carry her cats into town. she got to the blimps and the pilot greeted her. "invitation is right here!" she said as she levitated the invitation to him. he nodded and smiled. she chose the purple green blimp and got on. she put her luggage in the luggage bin and her cats in their boxes on the rack above her head. "i know i know calm down." she sat down and waited for someone to approach her. she was feeling a bit shy.

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River decided to try and get to know the other ponies that were going to be with him for the coming future, so he got up and approached a nice-looking unicorn mare that was sitting in front of him. He saw she had some pets along with her, 2 cats as it seems. River isn't really a cat pony though.

"Hello, what's your name?" he asked. 

(OOC: @@lilymalady123,  that's you)

Edited by Brook
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"oh hi! my name is lily. this is kismet and izazi. whats your name?" lily responded with a strong, confident voice.she smiled at the new pony. she looked nice and all that. she looked like the kind of pony she was hoping for in the new town. 


((ooc: sorry i took so long. i was sleeping :P)

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(OOC: @@lilymalady123, My OC is a stallion just to clarify)

"My name is River Bank, or River for short, and I'm really excited to be here, it's really special starting a new life, especially when it's far from all the noise and confusion, just beyond this illusion of a town" he said excitedly, he was a little eccentric given the situation, and he mumbled on without her even asking. When he realized this he gave an awkward smile.

"Too bad that we're leaving our friends behind though... heh" he said still with that silly grin on him, "but you know, we can dance if we want to, we can leave our friends behind" he added. ~'cause our friends don't dance and if they don't dance then they're no friends of mine~ he completed in his mind, he bobbed his head slightly while doing so and he didn't notice that he was losing focus.

"So uh... are you excited?" he asked.

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¨Hey you know that aint true they would just get in the face¨ ashwing laughed at the tease too ¨well they don't have taste in nopony hehe¨ Ashwing smiled as she asked the name of his cousin ¨well hes called wobblewing... You should know why if you ever see him hes not the best flier in the family¨ ashwing laughed a bit not to high. (well the gift would be a necklace and its from his 'cousin' hehe)

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Mask had slept in for almost two hours longer than he should have. Now, sleeping in was not abnormal for a pony such as Shining Mask, His job paid rather well, and he didn't have much to do in it, so he lived a very lax life. ((He never did anything unusual or unexpected)) But today was different. Today, he was traveling to a new city. He had found that the ponies of Ponyville were not the type for costumes or disguises. He had plenty of business around Nightmare Night, and the bits he got from that time alone could house and feed him for the entire year, but Aiicornia? Mask had read that there was an independent military there, and the military might one day need to remain unseen, what's more, rumor says that the ponies of this distant town are more of the gruff gatherer type, meaning that they might want to be camouflaged from the dangerous beasts of the wilderness. Imagine all the business! Mask had no idea weather or not these rumors had any grounding in reality, but if they were true, he could be a millionaire. Mask had booked a ticket with a blimp on the far side of town. He had no idea why there were no trains to the mysterious city, but this didn't bother him. The potential money would be worth it. Mask packed his things (not that there were many) and made his way to the blimp-station. He had booked a ticked on the green blimp, so that's the one he boarded.

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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(OOC:  AUGH! I wrote a post and i THOUGHT I posted it, but it isn't here Dx Ugh! Sorry for the late response :( )


Daffodil smiled. "And ju2t how did your cou2in know about me? Have you been talking about me!?" Daffodil teased. She giggled and started to open the box. "2o, what exactly did Wobble get-" Daffodil gasped happily. Inside the box was a beautiful silver necklace with a sparkly purple gem. Daffodil's eyes filled with happy tears. "Th-thi2 i2 the mo2t amazing necklace I have EVER 2een!" She hugged Ashwing. "Tell your co2in thank you very very much!" She couldn't beleive it! She had been out with Ashwing earlier that month and had fallen in love with the exact same necklace! She guessed Ashwing had told his cousin about this necklace. Anyway, she was very grateful for the present, and could't wait to meet this cousin sometime. Daffodil felt the blimp taking off. She clung to Ashwing nervously, she didn't like flying in blimps, she liked flying on her own, but being inside something scared her.


Desertrose was in the middle of teaching Shadow how to caw on command, when she felt the blimp jolt to life and take off. She leaned over and looked out the window. They were rapidly gaining hieght. Desertrose felt a little dizzy and returned her attention to Shadow. Shadow also seemed a bit concerned about the flight, so Desertrose put him back in his cage. "Um, Hey Mor? Sh-shadow is kind of scared, I-i think he would feel safer with you." She handed him the cage carefully.


(OOC: Ok, so as you guys can tell I got Evilcorgi to post, but Pretty Koenma had to drop out because he was also in another fast-paced role play, I am hoping he will join back in later.)

  • Brohoof 1

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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