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private Minath's House Party!

Minath Khalsi

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@ @@Nightfall, @, @


Blaze watched her best friend storm off and giggled a little knowing how she got when she started to get drunk. She loved the way Shock held her so close the warmth of his body was comforting to her but it was cut short when she saw Nightfall walking towards Minath after she had gone inside. "If you guys will excuse me I'm going to talk with my friend for a moment so stay here and get to know each other better." Blaze got up tugging playfully on Shocks ear before she left making sure to look as cute as she could for Shock. She stopped inside just in time to hear what Nightfall finished telling Minath and watched her go upstairs. As a good friend she walked over to Nightfall "Who in the hayseeds do you think you are saying things like that to her and putting doubt in her mind like that! You had your chance and now you say these things to her!" Blaze didn't wait for a response as she ran up the stairs to Minath's room and saw her fiddling with the bed sheets. "Hey girl you want somepony to talk to?"


(Ow ow ow cramp so much dialog and text ow ow ow)

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#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"You may join the Dinosuars are Sexy club. You are expected to salute!" Minath laughed and stoped playing with her bedsheets. Minath set her drink on her nightstand.


"I'm just.. all confuzzled and my brain is all wonked. Nightfall is nice and all... but he's an alicorn and he just is veiwed as a good friend. Me and Rambler have a spark, but will he be able to deal with the fact I can rarely leave Canterlot? Blaze, the world is broken!"

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Shock huffed. He smiled at Blaze as she tugged his ear and left. He shrugged, sitting up and tucking his right wing back by his side. He turned to Rambler and sighed, shifting his hooves. ''So, how is Minath?'' He asked pathecticlly, trying to start I converstion.





King Sombra Forever.

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Rambler turned to Shock and sat there for a moment, trying to find an appropriate answer to his question.


"Oh, um... I don't know really, I'm just glad that she picked me. She's something special, you know?" 


Rambler had to admit he felt awkward talking about this with someone he just met.

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Minath decided to dodge his question as he left, otherwise she would start thinking of the interworkings of the universe again.


Minath went up to her bedromm and layed down on her bed, stroking the covers. What would happen if Rambler did stay the night?

Nightfall watched her go, then got embarrassed by Blaze as she scolded him when she went by. His ears flattened, and he creeped inside to a couch. The only thing he could do was worry. And he worried quite a lot. He felt like he had to go home. He went and found a napkin. He sighed and wrote that he was leaving, then waited for a moment.

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@, @@Nightfall


Blaze let out a laugh and saluted Minath as she walked in using her magic to close the door behind her so they could talk in private. She listened to what was bothering Minath and she knew that what Nightfall had said had definitely gotten to her. "Minath the world is always like that I mean look at me and Shock deep in my heart even I'm worried about the same thing. I mean he lives in Cloudsdale and I'm in Ponyville so how am I supposed to go see him if this goes somewhere outside of here?" Blaze walked over to Minath's bed and took a seat next to her and chuckled. "I know you'll find it silly but just follow your heart Minath like what I'm doing with Shock. I mean I'm really hopingthat he stays the night with me here. But also remember is that it takes a lot to make it work and both of you have to fight for what you've got." Blaze gave her friend a noogie before jumping off the bed and heading back to the door "This is something you have to decide Minath as for me I'm going to fight to hold onto Shock and do everything so that we can spend time together and keep this love alive." Blaze opened the door and headed back downstairs stopping in front of Nightfall and blocking his way out. "Do you have anything to say for yourself for what you said to my friend?" She didn't like acting like this the look on his face said he was very upset but she needed to know the truth from this pony before anything happened that all of them might regret.

Edited by storm-fire
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#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath sighed as she watched her friend leave. The world was broken.


"UGH!" Minath practically shouted. hmmm, maybe I'll go swimming....


Then Minath cam eup with the most bbrilliant idea ever, so brilliant that she was surprised she hadn't thought of it earlier.


Minath changed clothes into her swimming suit and went to the roof. She saw the pool in the backyard and flew up, not taking her eyes of the pool.


Minath, after many showy stunts on her dive down, landing in the deepest part of the pool, than swam to the edge next to where Shock and Rambler were sitting, then nochalantly said "Sup?" and then promptly broke out laughing.

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Rambler laughed at Minath's over the top diving stunt.


"Well, that was pretty awesome, I have to admit."


Rambler decided to take off his shirt and hat and rejoin her in the pool. He dived in and turned to Minath


"So is everything okay? I saw Nightfall talking to you and then you disappeared upstairs." 

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Minath was feeling more and more drunk. By now she was surprised she wasn't passed out or covered in her own puke, but at least Minath wasn't that drunk yet


"Maybe I wanted you to follow me to my room." Minath winked and laughed, joking. Minath looked into the house and saw Blaze giving Nightfall a stern talking-to. Minath hoped she didn't go to hard on him.


Minath swam up to Rambler and started kissing on his neck.

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"As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't think either of us is quite drunk enough yet."


Rambler laughed and wrapped her into an embrace with all four of his legs and flipped onto his back, floating along the surface of the water while holding her against his chest.

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@, @@Nightfall

 Blaze opened the door and headed back downstairs stopping in front of Nightfall and blocking his way out. "Do you have anything to say for yourself for what you said to my friend?" She didn't like acting like this the look on his face said he was very upset but she needed to know the truth from this pony before anything happened that all of them might regret.


"I just... I, um.."

He shied away, ears still flat.

"I was just letting her know I still worry a bit... About Rambler. I don't really trust him... I honestly don't and didn't want trouble. If trouble is happening, I'm- I'm sorry. I can go now..."

He kept shying away slowly. He was scared and worried.

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Blizzardshock watched stupidly, wings stretching as he prepared to take off. ''Err..I'm gonna go get a drink. You two have fun.'' He waved his right hoof pathecily and lifted into the air, darting into the house and by the coolor. He heaved. ''Sheesh...she must be drunk...'' He said quietly, pulling out a small bottle of beer. He sat up on the table and sighed, opening his beer and taking a sip.



King Sombra Forever.

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Minath smiled and returned Rambler's embrace while laying on his chest. She leaned forward to kiss him, and it wasn't a very gentle kiss. She positivelty smashed her mouth into his, not only feeling drunk off of her rum mixture but also off of his kiss.



(OOC: I think that's the grossest thing I've ever written)

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@@Nightfall, @


Blaze let her ears down realizing how she was making him feel and she felt terrible about it. "I know I worry about her too but something like this should be handled with care and not just put out there. I don't want you to leave Nightfall I'm sorry I came across so angry but she's my best friend and I want to make sure she's safe and happy. Just try to enjoy yourself there are still guests that are going to arrive I'm sure of it." Blaze smiled as she pat him on his shoulder before heading upstairs and borrowing one of Minath's extra suits. She came down seeing Shock sitting at the table with a drink and decided to join him before heading outside, she used her magic to pick up some alcohol and mixed herself a rather secretive and potent drink. She was far to sober for everything right now "Sorry to leave you like that Shock but I'm glad to be back with you." Blaze smiled giving him a gentle kiss on the lips before taking a drink of what she called the Fire Starter. "You wouldn't want to jump in the pool with me would you?" Blaze wasn't used to wearing this little clothing but she had to admit she looked pretty sexy in it and hoped that Shock would like it and agree to her idea.

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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(OOC: I think that's the grossest thing I've ever written)


(Eh, could be plenty grosser)


Rambler's head dipped into the water slightly with the force of her lips smashing into his. After a moment, he began to kiss back, closing his eyes and just enjoying every second of it. He held her closer to him as they floated along the water. At that moment, it seemed that everything was perfect and he never wanted it to end. That was when he realized just how strongly he truly felt for her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life like this, together with her, just happily enjoying each other's company. 

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Guin walked into the party to see an alicorn being backed up against the door by an unfamiliar pony. Guin only knew Minath through one time when Guin's brother had tried to fight Minath and had gotten demolished. Guin was the one who apologized because her brother's pride wouldn't allow him to. Guin knew none of Minath's friends. With the guest list on this place, a griffon showing up would be no biggie. Guin hoped.

Edited by Guinevere Griffon
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Blizzardshock turned and smiled as he felt her touch. He took one last sip of his drink and peeked out to look in the pool, seeing the two. He rolled his eyes and pointed to the pool. ''I think Minath and Rambler are having a moment.'' He whispered, shifting his hooves to a more lazy position. ''Maybe once they get out, we can jump in, unless you want to purposely make Rambler flip..'' He laughed quietly, thinking of the expression on the couples face when they would knock into the water.



King Sombra Forever.

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(Eh, could be plenty grosser)


(I am so sorry I doubted you. That was icky.)


@@Guinevere Griffon,


Minath heard only who se assumed was Guin walking in. Nopony's hooves clicked like that, it must be talons.


Minath sighed and pulled away from Rambler's kiss. "I do believe that is another guest." Minath slided off of Rambler's chest and trotted to where Guin was standing awkwardly.


"Guin! I'm so glad you could make it!" Minath hoped all the ponies at the party would like this sudden non-pony guest. Guin was awfully shy...

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Guin walked into the party to see an alicorn being backed up against the door by an unfamiliar pony. Guin only knew Minath through one time when Guin's brother had tried to fight Minath and had gotten demolished. Guin was the one who apologized because her brother's pride wouldn't allow him to. Guin knew none of Minath's friends. With the guest list on this place, a griffon showing up would be no biggie. Guin hoped.


Nightfall watched Blaze go. He turned and saw a griffon who looked like she had just arrived.


He said it quieter than his usual voice.

"Just arrived?"

He walked over to her slowly, feeling a bit down.

"I think Minath is in her room. No, wait," he said, looking outside. "I stand corrected. She's in the pool."

Minath came up and Nightfall backed away shyly.

Edited by Nightfall
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@@Guinevere Griffon,@,


Rambler sighed and followed Minath out of the pool. She greeted someone who Rambler realized after a moment was a griffin. He certainly hadn't expected to see one of them here, not that he minded. He'd travelled enough that he was able to accept everyone for who and what they are.


He approached the griffin and introduced himself.


"Hello, I'm Rambler. I take it you're a friend of Minath's?"

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"Yes, and there sure is alot of ponies. I'm Guin. I would shake your hoof but.... the talons and all..." Guin trailed off.


@, @,


Guin was stormed by the apperances of Minath and a stallion who called himself Rambler.



"Hello, I'm Rambler. I take it you're a friend of Minath's?"


"My name's Guin. Yes, we met awhile back when my family and I were visiting Canterlot. My brother overstepped his boundries, to say the least." Guin smiled.

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And when Rambler came up to the griffon, Nightfall shrieked away to sit by the pool, alone. He felt pretty bad and very alone. He curled up against himself, forgetting he even had a Coke still half-drunk. He didn't want to talk to Minath or Rambler, maybe even Blaze. He felt that if he did, something had might happen.

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Seeing the pony Guin first talked to leave, Guin followed him cautiously to the pool.


"May I join you?" Guin said in her rough griffon voice, but at least hers was one of the smoothest. "I won't be a bother."


Guin pwed at the ground with her back lion-leg, not sure how to proceed.

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Seeing the pony Guin first talked to leave, Guin followed him cautiously to the pool.


"May I join you?" Guin said in her rough griffon voice, but at least hers was one of the smoothest. "I won't be a bother."


Guin pwed at the ground with her back lion-leg, not sure how to proceed.

He looked up, blushing a little.

"No, no, I don't mind... It wasn't you I backed away from... I, um... I may have upset Rambler and or Minath somehow. I don't know if I did, but if I did, I don't want trouble. I hate trouble..."

He moved over so there was room for the griffon on the seat.

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