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private Minath's House Party!

Minath Khalsi

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@@Nightfall, @,


Minath felt alittle awkward when Nightfall asked who she favored. It was jokingly, but she honestly didn't know. While the competion for Minath's affections still raged on (OOC: I've been playing alot of Pokemon lately, so this whole dramitic third-person thing will happen alot) Minath wondered who she really did favor.

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Blizzardshock felt a wave of embaressment as he sat up and looked at Nightfall, holding out his hoof as well to shake. ''Hello..Nightfall. To bad you...didn't win, eh?'' He said quietly, trying to hide his shyness as he felt the stallions wet hoof.


He pulled back his hoof and set it on the chair, cyan hoof rings jingling together as he set it back down. ''My name is..err..Blizzardshock.'' He choked on his words as they escaped his mouth, hoping the other stallion didn't notice.


(*Eye Twitch* I think Blizzardshock is out of the question...)

Edited by XEvilnessX
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King Sombra Forever.

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Blizzardshock felt a wave of embaressment as he sat up and looked at Nightfall, holding out his hoof as well to shake. ''Hello..Nightfall. To bad you...didn't win, eh?'' He said quietly, trying to hide his shyness as he felt the stallions wet hoof.


He pulled back his hoof and set it on the chair, cyan hoof rings jingling together as he set it back down. ''My name is..err..Blizzardshock.'' He choked on his words as they escaped his mouth, hoping the other stallion didn't notice.


(*Eye Twitch* I think Blizzardshock is out of the question...)

Nightfall turned, a bit stunned.

"Hey, Blizzard! Do you mind if I call you that..? No matter! Come on, stand up! Join the fun!"

He tried getting the stallion to at least stand up a little bit.

"Naw, it's not bad I didn't win. Well, ok, I do want a hug from Minath, but I need only ask, right?"

He laughed.

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Rambler shook hooves with Nightfall and said, "I think I'll stick with Pretty Boy, if it's all the same to you. My name's Rambler." 




He turned back to Minath, who he still was trying to fully sort out his feelings for.


In an attempt to break the awkward atmosphere brought on by Nightfall's question he said, "Are you sure you don't want me to play a song? This seems like as good a time as any."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy
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Blizzardshock nodded. ''Yea, It's fine. Minath calls me Shock so I wouldn't mind if you called me Blizzard.'' He shrugged. He slid slowly of the chair and onto the warm concrete, wings folding at his side as he laughed quietly to what Nightfall had said. ''Ok, so you did that whole race..for a hug?'' He said with amusment, wings opening as he lifted 2 feet of the ground.

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King Sombra Forever.

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Minath laughed, not sure how to respond, but decided to go along anyway.


"Sure. Sing your heart away!" Minath , keeping a stupid grin on her face, shuddered on the inside after she realiuzed what she said. It reminded her of when the changelings came to Canterlot. But of course, nopony realized her stress on the inside.


(OOC: Should Minath know the Song you're singing? If she does, should she join in? lol)

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Rambler shook hooves with Nightfall and said, "I think I'll stick with Pretty Boy, if it's all the same to you. My name's Rambler." 




He turned back to Minath, who he still was trying to fully sort out his feelings for.


In an attempt to break the awkward atmosphere brought on by Nightfall's question he said, "Are you sure you don't want me to play a song? This seems like as good a time as any."



Nightfall eyed Rambler almost jealously.



Blizzardshock nodded. ''Yea, It's fine. Minath calls me Shock so I wouldn't mind if you called me Blizzard.'' He shrugged. He slid slowly of the chair and onto the warm concrete, wings folding at his side as he laughed quietly to what Nightfall had said. ''Ok, so you did that whole race..for a hug?'' He said with amusment, wings opening as he lifted 2 feet of the ground.

"Naw. I didn't even know that would happen. The race was all in good fun."

He looked Blizzard over.

"Well, come on, now! This is a party, man!"

He laughed as he turned to Rambler for a moment.

"You sing..? Looks like your shaping up to do everything."

His laugh had gone and his statement sou ded a little sharp.

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Minath usually bubbly at parties, suddedly felt reeeeally awkward. Normally she would be overjoyed at two ponies arguing over her. A choice was forming in her mind, but it wasn't fully formed yet. What the buck was she going to DO?!


"I'm going to go get another drink!" Minath burted alittle too quickly and scurried off to the kitchen where she made herself another rum and cherry coke. Minath leaned against the counter, sighing in semi-relief.


(OOC: This is ya'lls turn to have me out of earshot....)

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The small stallion huffed. He looked over to the pool and shurgged, lifting his hooves to remove his cyan hoof rings that were quite rare and special to him. He set them down beside the chair and trotted toward the edge of the pool, heaving in breath as he jumped in, making a large splash. He opened his wings and pushed then up, making it to the surface of the pool.


''Wow...this feels so much better then being in the sun for 10 minutes.'' He said quietly, wings pushing up to keep his balance on the water. After seeing Minath stray from the backyard, he swam to the sides and crawled out of the water, trotting over to a towel and drying himself because setting it down and slowly walking back into the house with his hoof rings hanging from his mouth.


He came over to Minath and let his ears flatten as he saw her stressed. Maybe she wants to be alone? He thought, shaking his head and walking over slowly. ''Hey...is anything wrong?'' He asked, slipping on his special hoof rings as he waited for a response from the mare.

Edited by XEvilnessX
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King Sombra Forever.

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(OOC: This is ya'lls turn to have me out of earshot....)


(OOC: Roger)




Rambler turned to Nightfall as soon as Minath was gone.


"You still aren't going to give up on her, are you? Let's just agree to keep this whole thing civil and let the best stallion win, alright?"


Even as he said that Rambler knew he wouldn't be able to just forget about it and move on if Minath didn't choose him. He'd been with plenty of mares, but Minath was special somehow. He didn't want to lose her.

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Blaze got up after Shock left and jumped into the pool seeing Minath sitting by herself and hearing the two stallions talking she just chuckled. Minath was in a very sticky situation and was sure she could use some help with the matter as she trotted over sitting down next to Minath after Shock questioned her. "Hey yeah Minath what's got my main party host down in the muck? You're normally so lively and cheerful." Blaze had it kinda figured out but she wanted to make sure her assumptions were right before trying to do anything out of hoof. Blaze looked over at Shock "Hey Shock I really do appreciate you taking the time to make sure my friends ok you're a rare pony."

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"FREAKING BUCK! Those two, I'm assuming, are fighting over me, and I have NO IDEA, well, some Idea, of who I'm going to pick." Minath turned bright scarlet. She gulped down most of her drink, then sighed dramatically, throwing her hooved up and spreading her wings.


"I know I shouldn't be complaining to you, but I feel like my FREAKING head is going to explode!" Minath added

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Blaze couldn't control it she but out laughing and started rolling around uncontrollably on the ground. "Oh man Minath thisis why I like you. You're racking your brain trying to figure out who to pick and you're not even letting the most important part help you pick." She could see the look of confusion on her friends face. "You need to stop using your brain and let this pick for you." Blaze put her hoof on Minath's chest right where her heart was. "I mean look at me I was hoping to find my special somepony here or something but noponies even given me a look but I know that deep down in my heart if I find the right one here my heart will tell me. Your heart wont lie Minath just trust it." Blaze gave a reassuring smile and using her magic brought another beer over and popped it open and took a drink.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Blizzardshock took some steps back after Minath started to yell madly. He lowered his head and folded his wings, trotted over to the other side of the table to grab a beer bottle. Even though he was shy he still enjoyed something that would get his mind of the bad thing happening at that moment.


He picked up the bottle and flew over to the couch, sitting down and sighing. Another reason why I dislike parties? He thought with hesitation as he took a sip and set it down.



King Sombra Forever.

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Minath did a mix between rolling her eyes and squinting at her friend. Did all that time in Ponyville rot her brain? (OOC: I'm so sorry! It just seemed like the right thing to say!) Minath thought with her brain, not with her heart. A heart doesn't even have thinking capacity! (You know what I mean!) Minath, seeing Shock walk in, lowered her voice to a whisper.


"You should know by now that I'm a terrible flirt, but when I actually start to like somepony I wimp out! But I'm not going to do that this time! No Siree!" Minath said. She trotted up to her room and put on her Gaurd Armor, but promptly took it off. It raised her confidence. She put on a new set of clothes (Skinny jeans, close fitting band T-Shirt, Nike shocks) and turned herself around in her mirror. She was ready to reveal her verdict. But maybe she'll stall for afew minutes....

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After a while of slowly drinking the beer he handled, the bottle emptied, and he got up off the couch to toss it into the trash can. After doing so, he trotted back over to the couch and laid down, hooves tucked under him as he slid off his hoof rings and looked at them for a moment.


My heart says nothing...except that if I loose these...I will have no hope..He thought about the time he had brought these for a high price. He never knew why it was so expensive, but he knew it needed to be on his hoof at all times when he knows it. He removed one hoof from under him to fell the large hoof ring. It wasn't regular metal, plastic, or steel. It was something else.


He shook his head and slid the rings back on, standing and looking around to see if Minath was in sight, but failed to seek her out. He liked to talk to the mare. It made him feel like he had a friend, even though his slight friendship with her was minor.



King Sombra Forever.

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Blaze laughed when she heard Minath's response blinking only once to see that her friend was gone and she figured that she was hiding out in her room. Blaze snuck into the house and up to Minath's doorway seeing her standing there looking at herself in the mirror with such a determined look on her face. Blaze couldn't help but giggle "You know girl you have the same look on your face like Rose Marry did when she went to go talk to Thunder that day." Blaze took another drink from her beer it felt funny she wasn't much of a drinker and only after a few beers she could already feel her head getting a little light. She quickly shook her head sending the feeling away as she waited for Minath to get ready "I don't think I'm the one who's let their brain rot keeping a brain cooped up inside a helmet must really deprive it of oxygen." Blaze chuckled. (OOC: lol I totally expected that from you Minath but I needed some payback so feel my magical burn mwahahaha)

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath had to laugh. Rose was another friend from around here, but for some reason she hadn't responded to the RSVP.


"I don't think it's the helmet, I think it's the water. Canterlot water= overthinking everything."


Minath grew very serious and very quiet. She motioned Blaze forward and whispered in her ear...


"Dinosaurs are SEXY!" Minath then promtly rolled on the bed and wiping laughter tears out of her eyes.

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Blizzardshock rose off the couch as he perked his ears to the sounds of laughing. He clenched his teeth as he saw the flashback of the two mares drinking quickly. Oh god...are they drunk? He shook his head and sat down, hoping Minath wouldn't come downstairs and greet him with a slap controlled by the beer.



King Sombra Forever.

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Upon hearing what Minath said to her Blaze busted into uncontrollable laughter rolling again on the floor stopping only momentarily to take another drink from her beer. "Oh man Minath we sure know how to have fun and throw a cool party." Blaze laughed gasping for air as she slowly got up and wiped the tears from her eyes. Blaze motioned for Minath wanting to head back outside and join the others in more fun. she was getting a little tipsy and it was showing in her walk every now and then she had a bit of a lean but it was hardly noticeable the real problem was that her vision was blurring a bit from the alcohol.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Minath reluctantly left her room/cave and went downstairs. She turned to her friend "OHMYGOSHICAN'TDOITCANYOUPLEASEGETTHEMFORME!?" (oh my gosh I can't do it can you please get them for me!?) Minath said to Blaze. "Tell them to come to Guest room 2." Minath flew up the stairs before Blaze had time to answer, so she couldn't refuse. Of course, Blaze could always chase her, but Minath hated publicly embarrasing ponies, and public rejection was certainly embarrasing. When Minath rejected Soarin' for a second date he wouldn't talk to her for months. Admittedly, Soarin' wasn't used to no.


Minath opened the door with magic and plopped on the bed, twiddling her hooves in nervousness.

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@, @@Nightfall, @


Blaze just stood there slack jawed her eyes blinked a few times and she couldn't believe that her friend had just panicked like that and cooped herself up in the room. Blaze gave a sigh it would be easy to chase her down and take her outside but she wasn't sure if it was a good idea with the beer that she'd been drinking. "Oh well I guess I'll go get the two ponies who've been arguing over her. But I'm sure that this will be so much fun see." Blaze sighed as she headed outside and walked around the pool to the two ponies who were fighting over her friend. "Hey boys Minath wants to talk to the two of you up in guest room 2 but keep it cool got it." Blaze whispered to them making sure that no other pony could hear what she was saying but them.

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Blizzardshock sighed. He peeked outside and saw Blaze whispering to the other stallions, knowing what it meant. He went back into the house sadly, settling on the couch and lowering his head in a lonely and depressed motion. I should leave....what is going on now...has nothing to do with a useless weakling..like myself...He thought sadly, wings loosening.



King Sombra Forever.

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@,@, @@Nightfall,


"Keep it cool? But of course, my dear."


And with that, Rambler headed to the aforementioned guest room. He opened the door to see Minath there looking more beautiful than ever. At that moment he knew that if she didn't pick him, he would never be able to get over it. However all he could do was wait.


"Blaze said you wanted to see me?"


(I think Nightfall went to bed, so don't expect a response from him anytime soon. Personally, the suspense is killing me, so I'd rather we just assume he came too and keep going. It's up to you, though.)

Edited by Alex-Kennedy
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Real men don't need signatures...


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(OOC: Roger)




Rambler turned to Nightfall as soon as Minath was gone.


"You still aren't going to give up on her, are you? Let's just agree to keep this whole thing civil and let the best stallion win, alright?"


Even as he said that Rambler knew he wouldn't be able to just forget about it and move on if Minath didn't choose him. He'd been with plenty of mares, but Minath was special somehow. He didn't want to lose her.


"Fine," he replied, with a bit of harshness.

"No fights, no duels. Just Fate, eh? I can do that."

"Hopefully Fate will be better to me this time than during the race..."




Minath reluctantly left her room/cave and went downstairs. She turned to her friend "OHMYGOSHICAN'TDOITCANYOUPLEASEGETTHEMFORME!?" (oh my gosh I can't do it can you please get them for me!?) Minath said to Blaze. "Tell them to come to Guest room 2." Minath flew up the stairs before Blaze had time to answer, so she couldn't refuse. Of course, Blaze could always chase her, but Minath hated publicly embarrasing ponies, and public rejection was certainly embarrasing. When Minath rejected Soarin' for a second date he wouldn't talk to her for months. Admittedly, Soarin' wasn't used to no.


Minath opened the door with magic and plopped on the bed, twiddling her hooves in nervousness.

@,@, @@Nightfall,


"Keep it cool? But of course, my dear."


And with that, Rambler headed to the aforementioned guest room. He opened the door to see Minath there looking more beautiful than ever. At that moment he knew that if she didn't pick him, he would never be able to get over it. However all he could do was wait.


"Blaze said you wanted to see me?"


(I think Nightfall went to bed, so don't expect a response from him anytime soon. Personally, the suspense is killing me, so I'd rather we just assume he came too and keep going. It's up to you, though.)

Nightfall followed Rambler closely, and stood beside him when they had reached the room Minath was in.

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