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private The Amulet of the Eventide (RP)


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Quip could speak now, at least, he was able to speak and be understood. "I would have to open up the bombs to see if we need to discard them. But lets hope that's not the case, since that's the only weapon I brought" he told Maroon Sky. He looked around, and it turned out he was back in the carriage. "Only thing I'm scared of now is my face looking messed up without fur there, since its probably going to scar"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Discharge flew back over to the wrecked carriage and makeshift camp everypony had made, Night Song close behind. He hovered over the camp and turned to Night Song "You alright? You looked pretty shaken back there."


He didn't want to insult her, but he was aware that's how it may have sounded "I just want to make sure you're okay, nothing else" he tried to save his previous statement.

  • Brohoof 1

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Flame smiled up at Night and Discharge as they flew back, but his smile faded at their slightly shaken looks. He absentmindedly reached towards his spear. "Um...Is everything ok ?" He asked the two, forgetting about the fire pit and standing up. "You look like you have seen a ghost or something."

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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(OOC: Who is this Star you speak of?! I'm Night Song!)


Night Song nodded to let Discharge know she was ok. She still had her weapon in her hooves just in case they got attacked. She turned back toward the forest and hovered a few feet off the ground, ready to shoot whatever came here to attack them. She then turned toward Flame and said,"We heard something snarl at us while we were gathering the firewood."

  • Brohoof 2

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That was not the answer Maroon Sky expected, but he could see the reasoning behind it. While his bombs might not be the stablest explosives, they were the only weapons Quip had in his arsenal. "If that so, then we can check the bombs together tomorrow when there is sunlight. For now you should rest." He looked around to check for everypony. "Hm, seems like Ardent and others have returned."


Maroon Sky continued, "You don't have to worry about scars. Fillies dig scars."

  • Brohoof 1


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"No idea what it was, but it sounded angry" Discharge added. "We flew back right away though, so we should be safe here, let's get this fire going, just in case" he said, throwing his branches onto the carriage wheels.

Looking around to see the job everypony had done, he smiled to himself. Quip was resting in the carriage where Maroon Sky looked to be keeping him company, Lost knowledge was resting after healing two of the crew, the wheels of the carriage had been torn off - presumably by Aqua, Night Song and himself had gotten the firewood and Flame Dancer had gotten the fire pit started. 


He was feeling somewhat proud at the organisation the group had in such a panic. 

Edited by Creeping Dusk

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Quip sighed and shook his head. "Not when my fur can't regrow there. It will look ugly. I have enough problems with burnt mane already..." he said and slightly pointed to his mane, which had a few charred pieces of hair. "But you're right, i should probably just rest until tomorrow" 

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"I've heard about a hospital in Trottingham that can help to regrow fur and manes. If you want to, we can go there together when this expedition is over," Maroon Sky said reassuringly. "And yes, you should. If I'm not mistaken, Flame Dance offered to make us some food. I'll get you some when he's done."




Maroon Sky looked to the fire pit that Flame Dancer had dug earlier. Judging from the carriage's wheels size and the firewood Ardent and the others bought earlier, there should be enough to keep everypony warm for the rest of the night. He trotted closer to Ardent. "Do you need to get the fire started?" He asked.


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Discharge was preparing a rope and string to spark the fire when he heard Sky talking to him. He looked up at Maroon Sky, and then back at the fire pit. It was somewhere around this point where he realised he was surrounded by unicorns. "That...would be useful, yes" he laughed "you feel like getting it going for us?" 

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Flame placed his spear next to the fire pit and made sure that if he needed it in a hurry he could get it.. "Everypony keep an eye open for whatever could have made that noise. It may not be a bad idea for somepony to keep watch as well." He said, grabbing a few large pieces of wood and placing them next to the fire pit.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Ardent looked like had just realized something, but Maroon Sky didn't say anything. He turned to the fire pit. As Flame Dancer finished placing the woods, he concentrated and his horn shot a yellow orb to one of the bigger woods. The wood glowed bright red before finally burst into flame, taking all the woods around it.



He heard Flame Dancer said something about a noise from the wood. "Is it Timberwolves?" He asked to Ardent.

  • Brohoof 1


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"This far from the Everfree forest? I doubt it, but it's possible" he sighed, sitting next to the fire. "Good work on getting things so organised so quickly everypony." he spoke quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear him.

He looked up at the sky, and the moon was already on its way high into the sky. "To say Luna wants this amulet, she sure didn't hesitate with that" he thought. He then turned back to Maroon Sky "I really can't say what it is, but the forest is a good few hundred meters away, and we flew back, unless it can track our scent that far, we should be fine here for the night."

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Lost Knowledge got up from where he had been laying. He was sick of sitting around.


"I'll keep watch if it helps. I'm not really tired anymore, and I feel like I need to do something instead of just sitting here or I'm going to go out of my mind. Of course, I could do a much better job if someone kept watch with me. Any takers?"

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Lost Knowledge got up from where he had been laying. He was sick of sitting around.


"I'll keep watch if it helps. I'm not really tired anymore, and I feel like I need to do something instead of just sitting here or I'm going to go out of my mind. Of course, I could do a much better job if someone kept watch with me. Any takers?"

Flame happily moved closer to the fire...a little closer than most ponies would.

He raised his hoof when Lost asked if somepony would help keep watch. "I can do that." He said, smiling happily. *Nothing beats a nice hot fire.* He thought, looking into the flickering flames.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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"I think most of us got a good amount of sleep on the carriages, I think we should just get a few hours to keep our energy up for tomorrow. We're already losing time as it is, the only reason we're stopping is because Quip can't carry on. That being said, i'll take first watch with you, for what it's worth" he had yet to properly thank Lost Knowledge for saving him earlier.

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He raised his hoof when Rambler


(I know not this Rambler of which you speak)


Lost Knowledge smiled and nodded to the pony he had been talking to in the carriage before the crash.


"Alright, good. Don't worry everypony, if there is something out there, I'll make sure to make lots of noise when I die so you'll have a heads-up.", He said the last part jokingly.






"I think most of us got a good amount of sleep on the carriages, I think we should just get a few hours to keep our energy up for tomorrow. We're already losing time as it is, the only reason we're stopping is because Quip can't carry on. That being said, i'll take first watch with you, for what it's worth" he had yet to properly thank Lost Knowledge for saving him earlier.

"Well, I guess you can both come along if you want. The more the merrier and all that."

  • Brohoof 2

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Maroon Sky shrugged. "We can never be sure with the wilderness. Hopefully you're right. We can't afford to have a fight with one of us immobilised."


He followed Ardent and sat near the fire. The warmth it gave out was quite nice. He heard Lost Knowledge volunteered to take the watch duty. Maroon Sky wanted to raise his hoof, but decided against it when Flame Dancer and Ardent spoke up. He silently made a notice to take the watch duty when the three finally settled in for the night.


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Lost Knowledge smiled and nodded to the pony he had been talking to in the carriage before the crash.   "Alright, good. Don't worry everypony, if there is something out there, I'll make sure to make lots of noise when I die so you'll have a heads-up.", He said the last part jokingly.


Flame chuckled and held his hooves a little closer to the fire. They were practically touching the fire. He stood up and trotted over to his bag. He grabbed his canteen and took a few sips of water. "Well...I guess I will be right here if anypony needs me." He said, sitting in the same spot as before, just as close if not slightly closer to the fire.

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Discharge trotted over to Lost Knowledge and sat down beside him. He wasn't good with showing appreciation, but he gave it a shot "Hey...Lost. Uh, I...should probably say thanks? For sorting things out...back there. Guess um, I guess I owe you one huh?" he could feel his neck getting hotter and hotter as he spoke, the feeling of embarrassment growing inside him. He quickly turned his head to look out into the sky, to avoid anything getting more awkward - at least for him. 

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"Don't mention it. I only did what should be expected from any of us. I can't have the expedition leader dying on the first day, after all. Besides I'm the oldest one here, so I see it as my job to look after all of you. I guess you could say I'm the big brother of the group."

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Finding himself chuckling at this, the yellow pegasus was soon reminded of just how lucky they had gotten. "Still though, we're not off to a great start, are we?" he sighed. "While we don't exactly have a schedule for this, i'd like to grab this amulet and get it safe as quickly as possible. The princess sounded pretty desperate for it..." 

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"Well, there's no point in rushing to get the amulet if we don't live to bring it back. I agree that we should move quickly, but we shouldn't be reckless. I don't think we should push ourselves to much until we can be sure that you and Quip have fully recovered." 

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Discharge fell silent for a while as he stared off into the distance, he knew Lost Knowledge was right, they had to take it slow - he just didn't want to admit being wrong. Naturally, Discharge replied with one of his usual over-confident remarks. "You think i'd let someone else take the place of being 'the first pony who died' on this adventure? I'm savi-" he was interrupted by what looked to be movement off in the distance in the direction of the forest. Not quite being able to make out what it was, he asked Lost for a second opinion before he jumped to any conclusions. "Hey...you see that? Over there, just east of the forest. Any ideas on what it may be?"

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Lost Knowledge immediately went on high alert. He had seen it too, a faint movement near the edge of the forest.


"It could be timberwolves, but you usually don't see them around here. Whatever it is, we'd best be ready. With the luck we've had so far, I doubt it's anything friendly." 

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"I wouldn't doubt it..." he replied sharply, not meaning to sound aggressive, but he was getting annoyed at the series of unfortunate events that seemed to be plaguing them right now. He was just about to suggest not drawing attention to themselves unnecessarily, but a sudden, unmistakable stench hit the camp - following by a gut wrenching howl. He simply looked over at Lost with a look of 'you know what that means.' 


"Flame Dancer! You feel like heading over there with me again?" He turned to Flame Dancer, who looked as if he would be comfy sat in the flames right now. "Could be fun?" he smiled with a little fire of his own in his eyes. 

Edited by Creeping Dusk
  • Brohoof 2

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