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private The Amulet of the Eventide (RP)


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*Roll 3, flip a tail*


The club hit the wolf in the shoulder, knocking it slightly off balance for a split second before the club fell to the floor - the Timberwolf swiftly recovered and lunged in the direction of the projectiles origin. For a wolf who just had his shoulder bashed, with stone, it could leap a considerable distance and landed only a few feet away. 




*Roll 5, Flip a tail* 


The spear hit its target almost dead on, it pierced right into the side of the wolf who then let out an ear piercing howl of pain. It was stunned at the blow, and staggered to the side wrenching the spear free as it did so, before turning its gaze to Flame Dancer. The beast was in visible pain, but showed no signs of slowing down. 

Edited by Creeping Dusk
  • Brohoof 1

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Lost Knowledge pulled his hatchet back to him with his magic and took a deep breath before sending it flying towards the timberwolves neck. Hopefully this would finish it off, he wasn't sure how much longer they could keep going like this otherwise.

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Maroon Sky narrowed his eyes on the wolf. With the Timberwolf so uncomfortably close and Quip not far behind him, he couldn't dodge and risk allowing an injured stallion to be pounced on. As soon as the Timberwolf turned its ugly head to Flame Dancer, Maroon Sky concentrated and shot two yellow orbs to its chest, the same kind he used to light the bonfire earlier.


(OOC: I assume the wolf is quite close, anyway. If the orbs missed, well...)


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Flame laughed and flew high into the sky. He yelled at the wolf and made loud noise so he could get its attention away from the others so they would have time to finish it off. "Come and get me you stupid piece of wood. I'm not that high, Just try jumping. You ugly brute." He called.

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*Roll 2, Flip a tail*


The wolf leaped towards Flame Dancer just before the throw, causing the hatchet to miss this time, almost embedding itself into Maroon Sky standing opposite, instead it bounced off the side of the carriage and stuck into the grass. 




*Roll 1, Flip a head* /)_-) I think my dice are weighted :P


Possibly due to almost being killed by his teammate, and the fact that the wolf had leapt away, the orbs fired off harmlessly in different directions, almost killing some passerby birds.




*Roll...wait what?*


The wolf seemed to understand the pegasus somewhat, due to the fact it was visibly more annoyed at the taunt. It did indeed try to catch Flame Dancer out of the sky, but they're not stupid creatures. At least this one wasn't. It hopped to the side, jumped quickly on the carriage and then off the roof to get as much height as possible. Of course, it couldn't jump as high as the pegasus could fly, and it landed on the ground with a great thud. Its injuries clearly proved too much for the stress of the landing, and it never managed to stand back up.



"Whew! That was fun!" Discharge laughed, cleaning the dirt of of his Kukri and tearing his Kunai from the corpse.

"I'm a little concerned though, why did that thing ho-" he was once again cut off by a loud rumbling noise, and then suddenly as if from the shadows themselves there was a great crack, something that sounded like an entire forest had been torn down at once. 

The source of the noise soon revealed itself to be a rather large Timberwolf, almost pure black in colour with piercing red eyes. It must've heard the call of the last of its pack. 


Before anypony could react, a piece of lumber that looked not unlike a small tree came flying into camp, and landed almost directly on the carriage. It was lucky to have missed it, but there was also another audible crack, and Discharge immediately realised what had happened. The tree had landed directly on top of Aqua, crushing his ribs and breaking his spine in an instant. 


Discharge just stood there, a hollow look on his face as the colour drained from his coat, he fell forwards onto his knees, staring at the broken mess that used to be his best friend. He couldn't even manage a desperate shout.


The Alpha-wolf had other plans however, and it wasn't finished yet, it was charging at the camp with a frightening speed. 


(Just so everyone is clear - i've not gone mad, Aqua actually asked me to kill him off (he's sat beside me), and this was partly his suggestion as to how this played out)

Edited by Creeping Dusk
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causing the hatchet to miss yet again


(The hatchet didn't miss the first time, that was the critical hit that opened the fight. It was the machete that missed.)


Lost Knowledge almost couldn't believe his eyes as the piece of lumber crushed and killed Aqua. He had thought the battle was over, but now it was worse than ever. Taking a deep breath and centering himself, he focused his energy and lifted the piece of lumber back up, hurling it at the alpha wolf.

  • Brohoof 1

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Flames eyes widened and he almost fell to the ground, but he quickly caught himself. "Buck.Guys...W-We gotta kill this thing Now...T-There's nothing we c-can do for Aqua." He said, landing and grasping his spear. Right now the only thing Flame felt like doing was curling up and crying but he knew the only thing they could do was to kill this thing before anypony else gets hurt...or killed.

  • Brohoof 1

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(The hatchet didn't miss the first time, that was the critical hit that opened the fight. It was the machete that missed.)

(My bad, changed it - also, im actually going to be using a "health" system for this Alpha. For gods sake please do not ask me to explain it all, just trust me? Please?)


*Roll 2, flip a tail* - seriously, I swear these are honest to god rolls. I think my dice are broken.


The tree lands just short of the Alpha, and there seems to be almost a smile that crosses its face. The beast picks up the tree once more, and hurls it back into the group of ponies. It bounces once off the ground before belting Lost Knowledge across the chest, sending him flying backwards to the carriage, which the tree had flown straight over from the force of the bounce.


(Again, just to clarify - the Alpha is bigger than a normal Timberwolf, but it's not a giant. If you remember when the Timberwolves combined in Season 3, it's smaller than that, but still strong enough to obviously throw heavy things around...like trees.)

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Quip woke at the sound of the crashing tree... i mean, he assumed it was a tree. Quip got up slowly, and took a quick look out of the carriage. 


Quip's eyes widened at the sight of the giant Timberwolf, and then he noticed the... grim, dead body of Aqua... and the flying body of Lost Knowledge.  "I'll... just, leave it to you guys... use the bombs" he said the last part quickly and pointed to the pile right outside the carriage, and then returned back inside.


(Question. Which way is the broken carriage laying? Upside down? On its side? Upright?)

Edited by Quip es #1
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Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"I'll... just, leave it to you guys... use the bombs"


(Spoken like a true hero)


Lost Knowledge landed near a mound of Quip's bombs and, hearing what the colt had said, decided he might as well try throwing them. He'd lost his other weapons, anyway. Levitating one of them with his magic, he lobbed it at the alpha. Hopefully the explosion would light it on fire, or at least blow one of it's limbs off or something.

  • Brohoof 1

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Flame flew down and grabbed a grenade. *Ok...no pin...so...just throw it I assume.* He thought, flying high above the alpha timber wolf and throwing it down just below the timber wolf. *How long does it take for these things t-* His thought was cut off as the grenade exploded.

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Maroon Sky nearly jumped out of his skin when a hatchet came out of nowhere, barely missing his neck. To make things worse, both of his spells missed their intended target entirely, almost scorching some innocent birds. Desperate, Maroon Sky charged his horn for a full barrage to end the wolf once and for all, but somehow the wolf stupidly twisted its own landing and crumbled into a heap. Maroon Sky gawked, his horn fizzled. "What the?"


At least the beast is gone, Maroon Sky thought to himself. He still had to train himself to shoot more accurately. His mistakes nearly cost him his own life. When he thought the battle is over, something emerged from the forest. Before he could react, something flew at high speed to the group and crushed Aqua, he died almost immediately.




Aqua's lifeless body. His empty eyes. Maroon Sky couldn't believe what he just saw. It happened too fast. Not even the most vile of creatures deserved a death like that. He screamed. "Go back to Tartarus where you belong!!"


Maroon Sky pulled everything he got and released them in a volleys of yellow orbs, each aimed on the lumbering beast that was speeding to the group.


(OOC: the Dice God hates fire ;_; ­)

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Fuckin eh!


*Roll 6, Flip a head*


The bomb lands a few feet infront of the now charging Alpha, and affords it no time to stop. The resulting explosion engulfs the monster, and the resulting heat sets it ablaze. The fire is only minimal at first, both of its back legs are caught in the heat and set alight. Despite this, it doesn't seem to physically affect the Alpha-Wolf, short of stunning it for long enough for a second grenade to be thrown.




*Roll 1, flip a head*


The second grenade thrown by Flame Dancer bounced off the body of the wolf. It then exploded in the air a few feet away from it. The initial explosion didn't seem to have any noticeable effect, and the resulting fire had about the same. Some shrapnel fragments did however manage to wedge themselves into the wolf, and some more seemed to have the intent of attacking the ponies, but only lightly cutting Flame Dancer and Maroon Sky.




Due to the powerful nature of the attack, and the wide area affect, i'm going to roll for damage, not for accuracy. This is also a pretty good idea, if everypony wants to think up of something powerful they can use against creatures when I state health, i'll allow that now, post in the OOC


*Roll 4 - medium damage, Flip a tail no added effects*


The fire bombs from Maroon Sky pounded the body of the Alpha, wracking it from head to toe with fire and pain. It was visibly injured to the point where it was forced to the ground under the sheer pressure of the bombardment.



It staggered around for a couple of moments, before shaking off the attacks and closing the final gap.

Taking a swing at Discharge with one of its claws, and Discharge being in the shocked state he was, meant he was in no condition to fight back. The claw took a good hit against him, sending him flying through the air like an empty cup. He crashed into the ground in a heap. It was now that the grief he felt was replaced with anger, and he flew high into the air, before dive bombing as fast and hard as he could right into the ribs of the Alpha with a loud battlecry, knocking it to the ground. He quickly grabbed his Kukri, and with intent to end the thing now, he attempted to slam it into its neck.


*Roll 5, flip a tail*

The Kukri knife thumps right into the neck of the Alpha, severely hampering its ability to fight, and to breathe. It lay on the floor, unable to move more than a slight kicking of its legs. This kicking was enough to remove Discharge from its body, but not before he pulled his knife back out.

Edited by Creeping Dusk
  • Brohoof 1

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Flame cursed as he felt a piece of shrapnel scrape across his foreleg. He looked at his leg and was slightly relieved to see that it was just a minor wound. "I'll let Quip handle hoofle the explosives." He muttered, swooping down to the ground and grabbing his spear, leaving the usual trail of fire behind him. He then dive bombed the Timber Wolf and aimed to stab his spear into the monsters head.

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Lost Knowledge stared at the fiery explosion released by the bomb he threw


"Huh. I guess these explosives aren't as hard to use as I thought."


Using his magic to pull his weapons back to their rightful places in his belt, he approached the beast, unsure whether or not the fight was over.

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Right...i'm going to make a few unlisted changes to the dice rolls system. The fact that I initially rolled a 1 for Flame to attack a dying pile of wood doesn't make much sense for him to miss it...basically the new system is: When things are injured, it's easier to hit them.




*Roll 6, Flip a tail*


Flame Dancer and his spear flew straight and true. Right into the head of the collapsed Alpha, causing an almost instant death. The spear was stuck right through the skull and straight into the floor. A few seconds later, and the entire thing fell apart with a horrendous growl.

Edited by Creeping Dusk

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Night Song was waiting for a chance to hit the Timberwolf's neck when it showed up, but then she saw it. The small tree crashing toward the carriages. She sidestepped to get out of the way, but then she heard an ugly crack. She jerked her head and saw him. Aqua, crushed by the tree that she had saved herself from. Aqua...? she thought. Then she immediately turned toward the lumbering Timberwolf. She felt no pain or regret when she fired her arrow at the Timberwolf, aiming once again for its neck.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Maroon Sky gritted his teeth when some shrapnels showered him. He was pleased that at least the beast had enough grace to be wounded from his attacks. He limped backwards. The previous attack, while not exactly his most powerful asset, drained a considerable amount of magic from him. He couldn't do anything when the dying beast slapped Ardent away when he tried to finish its disgusting existence, his brain was almost screaming to his ears.


The horrendous growl of the dying beast was like a music to his ears. He smiled. "Sorry everypony, I think i need some time to close my eyes," Maroon Sky said to anypony who was willing to listen. He slowly trotted to the side of the carriage, away from Aqua's lifeless body, and sat down there. His eyes closed trying to loosen up the load in his horn.


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Lost Knowledge saw that the beast was dead, and suddenly the adrenaline left his body, leaving him feeling all the pain he had been trying to ignore during the fight. 


"Well, I guess we took care of it. Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to figure out how to use magic to fix my own broken ribs."


He headed over to a quiet spot on the edge of their camp and began zapping himself with magic, to little avail.

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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(OOC: I feel like doing this...You know...just to make things more difficult.)


Flame smiled as the beast exploded...that is until he felt the sharp pain in his hind leg. He looked back and saw a piece of wood about half a foot long stuck into the side of his leg. "Ah buck." He said, as his leg's gave out and he fell to the ground.

  • Brohoof 2

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Although the Timberwolf was already dead, it seemed Night Song just wanted to be sure of it. This was made evident by the arrow that thumped into its neck a matter of seconds after Flame had impaled it. 


Discharge walked over to Aqua's corpse. He simply collapsed at the side of it, stricken with grief for the loss of his friend. There where tears starting to run down his cheeks, and he could feel all the strength in his body had gone. He was at a total loss, no idea what to do, and no emotions other than sorrow and anguish filled his body. "...i'm...sorry old friend" he sobbed quietly.

Edited by Creeping Dusk

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(Don't worry, I can totally save three lives in one day. No big deal)


Lost Knowledge saw Flame Dancer collapse with the world's worst splinter in his leg and sighed. His own wounds would have to wait until later. He walked over to where Flame had collapsed.


"Alright, Flame, this doesn't look too serious. I mean, you'll have trouble walking for a while, but it could be a lot worse."


His mind flashed back to Aqua as he was crushed by the tree.


"If somepony could get me some clean water, a cloth, and the bottle of iodine, I think I can fix this."

  • Brohoof 1

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(Don't worry, I can totally save three lives in one day. No big deal)


Lost Knowledge saw Flame Dancer collapse with the world's worst splinter in his leg and sighed. His own wounds would have to wait until later. He walked over to where Flame had collapsed.


"Alright, Flame, this doesn't look too serious. I mean, you'll have trouble walking for a while, but it could be a lot worse."


His mind flashed back to Aqua as he was crushed by the tree.


"If somepony could get me some clean water, a cloth, and the bottle of iodine, I think I can fix this."


"I will be able to treat it myself if somepony else get's the supplies...You have had to do allot of-" He tried to sit up but as he moved his leg he winced. "Ow...Anyway *pant* You have had to do allot of *pant* surgery...but getting those bandages soon would be nice...I am kinda *pant* losing lots of blood." He said, Staring at the stick that was lodged in his leg.

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Lost Knowledge shook his head. That wasn't going to happen.


"No way. There's no way I'm leaving you to take care of this by yourself. Even if I believed that you could treat yourself- and I don't- I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't help you. Don't worry about me being overworked, I can handle it."


He turned to the others.


"Somepony get me bandages RIGHT NOW!" 


In the meantime, he used his magic to hold off the bleeding and began working on removing the piece of wood.

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Maroon Sky winced as he stood up. There was somepony else who had more grievous wound than him, he could take his rest later. He levitated a bottle of iodine and three rolls of gauze from his saddlebag and gave it to Lost knowledge. It's barely a day and he already lost almost a half of his first aid supplies. He sighed. There was a bucket of water from the earlier, but it wouldn't be enough to clean Flame Dancer's wound. "I'll go get more water," Maroon Sky said as he cantered to the nearby river, carrying an empty bucket from the carriage.

Edited by Starshine
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