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Hello! I have finally decided to register!


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Hi everyone. Some of you may know me from equestria.tv. I've been tuning in for a while now but I never had a forum account.

I've been watching mlp since around January 2012. Fluttershy is best pony and if she didn't exist that title would go to Pinkie Pie.

I'm from Holland. I'm 14 years old as the username may suggest(Too bad I can't change it for next year).


I program Java, did some VB back in the day. I'm trying to make a switch to C++ but I just can't get used to Visual Studio c++.


And I recently discovered Dr. Who is even more awesome then I thought.


I regularly play Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod, Minecraft. You know, the usual stuff.

I have dota 2 but have no idea how to play it. I might some day tryout LoL.


Steam name = Mufferfuck (Sorry that's just the name, Sorry for the "foul language", It originated in a weird way. And I don't feel like telling everyone "who am I again?")


Well that's about all I can think off.








Edited by Rainbowflash14
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Hello and welcome!




This is the best forum in all of Equestira! You will certainly enjoy your time here. Hope to see you around!

Like, don't underestimate my power man.

Come join us Friday nights for

Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST.
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Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay here!


You have dota 2 and plan to test LoL? No point, Dota 2 is a billion times more fun than LoL, although it's a lot harder

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