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open Avarice Unleashed - RP Thread

Pripyat Pony

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"We ought to see if there's anything that looks out of place," Clover replied. "I'm very worried about this; that's why I brought so many spellbooks with me."


Clover tended to worry about things; bringing spellbooks was her natural reaction to anything that might go wrong.


Ooc: Will wait for a day or so maximum; after that, will have to move the RP onwards.



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Book Quill sprinted towards the train station. "Hi! I'm sorry I'm cutting it close. I had to send the princess a-" A letter appeared in front of her. "Well... OK then." She quickly read through it. "Celestia said that we- I- could meet with her. That's a step in the right direction."

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Moonshadow rushed to where he had been staying for his vacation, 'oh well, much better than any regular vacation could be' he thought to himself as he quickly packed all of the things he would need, food and his hand written 'diary' of important things among them, not really a diary though because it contained all of the spells he considered 'important' as well as a few interesting facts, he also grabbed his money of course 'never know when a few extra bits might come in handy' he thought. Moonshadow ran to the train station 'I'm late, why am I always late' he thought to himself as he saw to his relief that the train had not left yet and his new group of acquaintances were waiting for him. "Sorry I'm late" he called out as he arrived, "is this everyone?"

Edited by GoldenShield
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The train seemed like it was taking forever. Daisy felt like she had been waiting forever, she just wanted to get to Canterlot. She was a field researcher, and she had been collecting information on endangered plants and animals for the royal court. She finally got a letter saying the biologists in Canterlot would talk to her, and she was very excited! However, she was stuck at this station waiting for the train to take off again. She opened the window in of her compartment. There was some ponies on the platform talking to one another, saying some thing about spellbooks, letters, and being nervous or something. Then the train whistle blew, so Daisy stuck her head out of the window and spoke to the group of ponies. "If you're all boarding this train, I'd get on now if I were you."

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Book Quill noticed the train. "Thank you!" She took a flying, overdramatic leap onto the train, bowling over an attendant. After helping the poor pony up, she turned to the speaker. "Hello... thanks for the heads up. Hey, who are you? You look... familiar. Have I seen you before?"

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Firebolt saw the train arriving. "Oh, there is that train, finally!" She thought, and trotted over to a door. "Once we get in Canterlot, things might get hard" she thought, as she went into the train. "Phew, that's at least one thing i don't have to worry about anymore" and she took a seat

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Moonshadow got on the train and sat down, "This exciting, racing to Canterlot to warn the Princesses that an ancient foe has escaped from captivity and is probably out for revenge" he said to no one in particular, "This is gonna be cool, maybe we'll even get to see some powerful magic or an epic battle!" Moonshadow was excited, it was that kind of frantic excitement that came with new experiences and dangerous adventures.

Edited by GoldenShield
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Clover nervously boarded the train. It was silly, she knew, but train journeys made her feel nervous as she thought about all the bad things that could happen, like the train crashing or running out of fuel. It was even more silly considering that they were heading to Canterlot in the first place to warn the Princesses of an ancient evil that had escaped from its prison.



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Moonshadow got on the train and sat down, "This exciting, racing to Canterlot to warn the Princesses that an ancient foe has escaped from captivity and is probably out for revenge" he said to no one in particular, "This is gonna be cool, maybe we'll even get to see some powerful magic or an epic battle!" Moonshadow was excited, it was that kind of frantic excitement that came with new experiences and dangerous adventures.

Ace borded teh train and even though Moonshadow wasn't talking to anyone in paticular Ace decided to answer him. "I know right! I thought I was just going to be bored out of my mind but now were on a life or death adventure! Where the fate of Equestria lies in us getting to Canterlot on time."

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Ace borded teh train and even though Moonshadow wasn't talking to anyone in paticular Ace decided to answer him. "I know right! I thought I was just going to be bored out of my mind but now were on a life or death adventure! Where the fate of Equestria lies in us getting to Canterlot on time."

"Yeah, it's actually kind of exciting, I agree. We must get on time to warn the Princesses!"

Firebolt began to double-check her saddlebags, she wouldn't want to forget something, even though it was already too late to turn back anyway. "Yup, I got everything with me!" She said happily. She had usually a forgetting mind, so she was glad she finally got everything she needed.

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Clover bit her lip. "I just hope I brought enough spellbooks," she said. "The train's a bit fast, isn't it? I hope that the driver's concentrating on what he's doing." She stopped herself before she could spill out her irrational worries about the train crashing. After all, these ponies might not understand.



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"Don't worry, Clover. It isn't going that fast. And besides, it's the machinist's job to make sure we'll get there safely. Just try and read something, it'll help you relax. We'll be on here for a while, so make yourself comfortable" this was Firebolt's caring side, she really wanted Clover to feel good.

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The white unicorn smiled at Firebolt. "I will," she replied. "Thanks for understanding; I think I'll read one of the spellbooks I brought with me to distract myself. I get really nervous on trains."


Clover took out a spellbook and started to read. It wasn't one of the ones she'd written herself, she didn't want to seem as tho she was bragging or anything.



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"Hello... thanks for the heads up. Hey, who are you? You look... familiar. Have I seen you before?


"Um... If we have I don't remember, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to introduce ourselves a second time. I'm Daisy."



"This exciting, racing to Canterlot to warn the Princesses that an ancient foe has escaped from captivity and is probably out for revenge"



"I know right! I thought I was just going to be bored out of my mind but now were on a life or death adventure! Where the fate of Equestria lies in us getting to Canterlot on time."


Daisy was curious as to what these ponies were doing. Were they actually on some crazy magical adventure? It seemed a bit silly to believe.


"So... You're all headed for Canterlot to tell the princesses something important?" 

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"Avarice is free now...the old alliance will reform." Blades sat inside a tower in canterlot thinking about the sudden appearance. "Now what to do...go to Trottingham and do something about this...or stay on the sidelines." He thought about this for a while when a message came in from a portal. "This better not take long."

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"Um... If we have I don't remember, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to introduce ourselves a second time. I'm Daisy."






Daisy was curious as to what these ponies were doing. Were they actually on some crazy magical adventure? It seemed a bit silly to believe.


"So... You're all headed for Canterlot to tell the princesses something important?" 


"Yep!" Moonshadow said cheerily, smiling, "See, this Evil Dragon Pony named Avarice who was trapped long ago by the princesses inside a picture has just escaped and is probably planning to do some very mean things to everypony so we are going to go to Canterlot and warn the princesses so that they can stop her again!"

As he spoke, Moonshadow levitated his book of 'Important Stuff' out of his bag, it was a plain blue book with his name written on the front and the symbol of a full moon, this was where Moonshadow kept all of his most important spells and ideas, he began to read it as he relaxed into his chair, thinking of the excitement to come.

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"Yes! We saw a dragon pony named Avarice come out of her ancient prison- a painting- and now we're off to Canterlot so that I can fulfill an appointment with the queen while the others warn Celestia of danger. Also, did you know that avarice is another word for greed?" She stopped. "Sorry... my mouth does sometimes before my brain thinks. My name is Book Quill..."

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Ooc: Orrkon, you didn't post your character in the OOC thread and therefore, I haven't approved it and you can't post.


"It's really important that we do this as soon as we can," Clover said, anxiously looking up from her book. "Who knows what devastation this monster will wreak? I'm sure that also there'll be books in the Canterlot library that we can look out in order to find out as much as we can about this foe."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Ooc: Orrkon, you didn't post your character in the OOC thread and therefore, I haven't approved it and you can't post.


"It's really important that we do this as soon as we can," Clover said, anxiously looking up from her book. "Who knows what devastation this monster will wreak? I'm sure that also there'll be books in the Canterlot library that we can look out in order to find out as much as we can about this foe."

"Sounds like a plan, good thing you have the biggist reader right now. Most of my time is reading so were find something out faster." Ace said looking out the window and watching the landscape roll by as the train continued its treck towards Canterlot.

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"I like reading, too," Clover replied. "I like to read in between writing spellbooks." She blushed a little and looked down at her hooves, hoping that she hadn't sounded boastful. Clover did have a very good talent for creating spells, but didn't like to brag about it or for others to think she was being like that.



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"I like reading, too," Clover replied. "I like to read in between writing spellbooks." She blushed a little and looked down at her hooves, hoping that she hadn't sounded boastful. Clover did have a very good talent for creating spells, but didn't like to brag about it or for others to think she was being like that.

"Wow that's really impressive!"


Daisy let the information from the others sink in. These ponies were serious. "Well, I hate to say it but I don't think you can just walk into Canterlot Castle and demand to see the princesses. The guards would think you're crazy. Even if Book Quill has a meeting, I doubt they'll let anyone else in but her.... However, I have a letter from the royal court. If I said you all were part of my research group, they'd let you in and you could sneak off..." Daisy wasn't sure if that plan would work, but she really wanted to be a part of such a cool adventure.

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"That might just work," Clover replied. "I was wondering that myself; I could probably make a spell of concealment, but it would be better to try and get us all in legitamately first rather than resort to spells. It would be a much better option, and wouldn't take as long as getting a spell done to include an entire group of ponies."



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" I think that's a good idea" Firebolt said. "But foes anypony know how long exactly this train-ride is going to take? It ... It just feels like forever. Or maybe that's because we are in such a hurry. Yeah, that'll be why." Firebolt looked out of a window for a few minutes.



"Well, it can't be too long now" she said and with that, she saw Canterlot in the far, far distance. "Hey, look! That city over there is Canterlot!

Omg omg I'm so excited!

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Clover smiled as she saw the great city getting nearer and nearer. "You'll love Canterlot," she said. "I used to live there for a bit back when I was studying magic. It's a fantastic place. However, I much prefered to settle in Trottingham, near where my friends live rather than live in Canterlot permanently."



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Clover smiled as she saw the great city getting nearer and nearer. "You'll love Canterlot," she said. "I used to live there for a bit back when I was studying magic. It's a fantastic place. However, I much prefered to settle in Trottingham, near where my friends live rather than live in Canterlot permanently."

"Alright Avarice be prepared to go back into the painting! So I guess you know the way to the castle? I've only been here once and that was to look for something...din't end well" Ace said getting up only lingering on that memoriey for a secound then headed over to his bags.

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