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Strong noticed the advantage that the pony had as soon as he saw him shed his armor, Ok, he has speed and agility on his side, but he is overconfident and weaker than me, perhaps if i can anger him enough, he will act irrationally, giving me the upperhand. Instead of striking directly at Solus, Strong aimed his hammer toward the ground, as he struck it, a spray of large stones and dirt shot toward Solus, Strong took this chance to jump to the side as quickly as possible...


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Solus used his speed to weave out of the splash of dirt and Stone.with a high sped turn, he closes the gap between stronghooves and himself.


*what's your plan strong hooves,running if I were blinded by dirt,you know you can't outrun me and I know that you might Buck me if I chase blindly. Your tactics are simple yet baffle me so*


"Are we to fight stronghooves or play a game of tag? There's a war to be won by me so I can't play a game for fillies"

Edited by HailStorm
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"Oh really?" said Strong Hooves snydly, "I thought Celestian colts love to play games, In fact their favorite should be... BASEBALL!!" as Strong said this, he suddenly swung his hammer with surprising speed and accuracy, aiming for Solus' unarmored chest


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Rose watched the two battle in the clearing, the joy in her head unimagionable. If these two fools killed each other, than it would be more for her to scavenge. Lightly laughing to herself, she continued to watch from the shadows.


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Solus took a dive,sliding under the wide swing of strong hooves hammer. Once clear he kept to his hooves and delivered a sturdy buck to strong hooves flank before he got countred


"That hailstorm Pegasus was wrong about you,the stories of your skills that he envied seemed just to be that,stories"




Hail turned his attention to the oncoming hoard.flexing his bruised wings so they didn't cramp


"What is that..

Edited by HailStorm
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The buck wasnt so much as a hard bump to Strong Hooves, when he heard Solus' remark he closed his eyes and quietly chuckled, "Stories you say?..." Strong's eyes shot open, he flung his hammer high into the air, spinning with ferocity to land a hard buck to Solus' side, then jumping into the air, he caught his hammer and using it's added momentum after falling from the air, swung it hard into Solus in the same area he had just bucked


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Just before the hammer landed the final blow on the stunned solus a magical barrier took the might of stronghooves blow. Two of the unicorn officers stood only feet away.one held the shield as the other took aim at strong hooves.


Unicorn officer:"lay down your arms and surrender now or suffer...lord solus sorry we are late but there's no time reports say that a mob of animals are drawing close as we speak.they are slaughtering everything! Air support wont be here for another five minutes"

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Strong Hooves glared at the unicorn that aimed its horn at him, his anger not held back The second time today my battle has been interrupted! he looked back to Solus, "Well, it seems your little helpers have finally come to bail you out... but remember, there will be plenty of days in the future that you wont have such luck... as for you" he looked back to the unicorn, "You almost had it all done right, your only problem... youre a little too... close" as soon as he finished, he swung his hammer, aiming for the unicorn's horn, the impact shattered the horn, and gave enough of a distraction for Strong Hooves to make a break for the dark treeline that led into the forest, sinking into the shadows as he ran.


(Okay, thats the last post for tonight, you can go ahead and post but I wont get to it until tomorrow morning, night)


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Unicorn office: my horn! my beautiful horn!


Solus: the enemy retreats...ugh...take any prisoners you can and sound the withdraw before that troop of animals arrive"



The second unicorn uses their magic to mend solus enough for him to move.

Once the army is ready they move out

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tiny attack that solar dragon

thorn capture that escaped prisoner

countines to intterogate snow

''oh but dont worry i know about your fear of fire so i got you a present''

she leaves the room and return's with some odd looking cuffs

''her tries these on''

she places the cuff's on snow

''everytime to try to remove them they will shoot out flames''

zena then pourporsely moves them


little dashie's gonna get her cuite mark with a sonic rainboom!

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Snow stared in horror at her new,unwanted accessories.

Her affinity with old magic trinkets was not a strong point,scared that the flames could erupt and there with no hope of getting them off herself snow gave a weak nod


"You know a lot of me...how?"

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Strong didnt head straight for the base, instead he looked for a squad of mages that were still on the battlefield after the Celestian soldiers retreated, "Set up trap spells and containment fields, those shock unit creatures are not trained yet to ignore our soldiers, meaning they will attack anything that moves!" after he ordered the maged to do so, he then headed back to base. He turned toward the iterrogation room and saw Zena interrogating snow agressively, he approached Zena, "TEN HUT! Soldier, who gave you permission to interrogate? Rookies arent cleared to interrogate until they rank up to 1st private. Stand down and let me take this. Our mages need some air support to round up the shock unit creatures, and your speed qualifies well, go rendezvous with them at the base of the mountain, and be careful, these creatures are dangerous"


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Warping to the prison, he walked up to the interrogation room and said hello to everypony in the room.


OOC - I gtg to school and I might be grounded. Don't forget me, bye.



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Haste flew outside the mountain she looked at the creautures comming closer and flew higher, she waited for Draco, but he nevercame out *damn it* she was about to fly back when she saw the monsters trying to get it *Draco is gonna have to wait...* she flew into the everfree out of sight but close to the mountain for the next attack




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Strong didnt head straight for the base, instead he looked for a squad of mages that were still on the battlefield after the Celestian soldiers retreated, "Set up trap spells and containment fields, those shock unit creatures are not trained yet to ignore our soldiers, meaning they will attack anything that moves!" after he ordered the maged to do so, he then headed back to base. He turned toward the iterrogation room and saw Zena interrogating snow agressively, he approached Zena, "TEN HUT! Soldier, who gave you permission to interrogate? Rookies arent cleared to interrogate until they rank up to 1st private. Stand down and let me take this. Our mages need some air support to round up the shock unit creatures, and your speed qualifies well, go rendezvous with them at the base of the mountain, and be careful, these creatures are dangerous"


Snows eyes grew wife and her ears fall flat.knowing very well of just who this pony was she bowed her head in a show of respect


"Strong hooves,hi..and here I am a wreck"

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Strong Hooves looked at Snow as she spoke to him, she is afraid, thought Strong. He had mixed feelings about this, of course fear was a good form of motivation when it came to interrogation, but the last time he had seen her was on more... friendly terms, Could it be that my battle reputation has even made her scared of me?, He did not show these mixed emotions, instead he kept an expressionless face as he replied, "In the heat of war, details such as how we look dont really matter as much".

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Snow tries to smile,still uneasy about her current situation.



"You haven't changed one bit have you strong hooves,even after your declared KIA your still as proud and strong as ever.

Its good to see you even if we are on opposed sides"

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Strong notices the honesty in Snow's comment, and manages a small smile, "You havent changed either Snow, still kind as I remember... but yes, it is unfortunate that you must come to me as a prisoner of war, it would honestly be the last thing I would want to happen"


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Snow smiled more And gave a stressed laugh.now looking at the cuffs that were placed on her


"I may be a prisoner but that's better than coming to you as a nameless casualty...so I guess you get to be my interrogationer?"

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Strong Hooves nodded slowly, "It would seem so... but first..." he approached Snow and removed the cuffs that shot fire when moved, still keeping on the other cuffs, "Those wont be necessary" he said as he put them away. He then turned toward her again... a small memory flashed as he remembered a time before the war... he had a crush on the pegasus then, even now he still thought her to be beautiful, he had never shown these feelings, as he believed that she would never return them. He sighed, sitting in front of Snow, "You know they will keep you here until they get answers... right?"


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zena:now entering the cell

'' strong we do not bring our personal emotions in to play whiest in the face of the enemy!''

Edited by little dashie


little dashie's gonna get her cuite mark with a sonic rainboom!

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Snow rejoiced when the cuffs can off.her smile full and true as she sat up straight.

Still hiding just how excited to see a familiar face she really missed

"Thank you for getting them off of me...and sadly yes I know I'm stuck here,I didn't want to be a part of this war much less locked up by my fellow ponies you know...but what can a pony do I guess"

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zena cast a spell to revill her real spiral horn ''yes i am authorised to command you''

zena then relases the magic spell making her grow 2ft and a lightnig bolt from a cloud as a cutie mark

'' incase you dont realise i am luna's duaghter''

Edited by little dashie


little dashie's gonna get her cuite mark with a sonic rainboom!

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Strong stood tall, unfazed by Zenas new look, he still had her in height as it was. "You may be her daughter, but you are still a rookie, blood relations do not give you authority, experience does, and I have more experience than you could imagine, now if you would... Stand down soldier..."


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