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private Innocence

Feather Gem

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"Sure you were..." Chamois said, turning back to her sketch book and flipping through it.  "I think you got a bit carried away.  And you also ruined one of my paintings when you did it," she said, rolling her eyes to the sky.  "Paint.  Everywhere."  She sighed, remembering her poor painting.  She was much better at charcoal drawings, and when she finally got a painting sort of right, it got ruined.  "But still.  Stone.  Gosh, that's a bit harsh isn't it?  Whats it like being stone?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Darts retaliated and flew up, chrysalis' green magic blast safely passing far below him. "Oh come oooooon!" he wined. "At least try and give me a fight" Darts mocked.


"Some villain you are, you know without your army of bug people you're pretty pitiful" Darts said as he broke into a steep dive, before Chrysalis could retaliate he flipped over and kicked her square in the chest, sending her sprawling back into the cave while he flew back up into the air. 

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Chrysalis growled and pushed herself from the ground.  "Stupid arrogant foal!" she hissed, walking back to the caves entrance.  She glared up at him.  She lowered her head and blew another blast at him, this time making it spread far out in all directions from her horn. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Discord stroked his goatee. "Well, it was lonely. I could reach out and see what was happening in Equestria, and see what was going around my statue. I couldn't move, and I could only think. For one thousand years, just for trying to make things a bit more fun?"


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Chamois couldn't help but lift a hoof and make a crying motion.  "Well. certainly Princess Celestia and Princess Luna did the right thing to overthrow but weren't you there first?  Like the rightful ruler?  Or did you overthrow them first?" she asked. 

What are you even doing Chamois.

I'm not sure...



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"I was actually there first. But it wasn't this tyranical dictatorship your country is in now. Ponies were free to do what they pleased, and I was only making sure that Equestria stated in it's natural state of chaos. Tell me, Chamosis, is that worth being frozen in stone for one thousand years by two sisters?"


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"No.  But you weren't exactly right either," Chamois said.  "And two things.  One, I haven't heard an 'I'm sorry' for the loss of my painting yet.  And two, can I go now?" she asked.  She put her sketch book into her saddle bag and took out twenty bits.  She held out the bits towards him and tossed them up and down in her hoof.  "My bribe is ready."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Darts sped back down to meet the green blast. He could feel the stinging as the evil magic curled over his skin, burning like live electricity. He squinted his eyes and ignored the pain as his body was completely engulfed by green energy. Suddenly his vision cleared and he barreled into Chrysalis, pinning her to the ground with his wings and back legs while he held her chin in place with one hoof to keep her from aiming her magic. He smiled, "are you done now?"


((Not trying to god-mod here, but I have a feeling that Chrysalis isn't the most physical villain, relying more on trickery, deceit and of course her army of changelings, which she is severely lacking right now. So naturally Darts who has trained his whole life could beat her with relative ease in a match of strength.)) 

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"Yes," Chrysalis smiled.  "Because this little blast knocks ponies out after a few seconds.  Very effective.  But you'll wake up after that in an hour or so.  Maybe two.  I'll set up a nice little dungeon for you then," she said, giggling.  She patted his head with one of her hole ridden hooves.  "Night night."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Discord frowned. "I'd love to let you go, Chamosis," he said, thinking how terrible it would be if she escaped, "but if I did, you would just inform your dear Princess that I am here, and let them seal me again, for another thousand years or so. Do you really want that?"


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Darts smiled, he could already feel the spell nagging at his senses. "Whatever you say Queeny, you may not know this but the Wonderbolts are more than just trick ponies. We were trained and conditioned for all sorts of combat,including magical. Equestria isn't as defenseless as you thought is it? Although I must say your spell does tend to dull the reflexes a bit." He said shaking the dizziness out of his head as the spell struggled to knock him out to no avail.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
  • Brohoof 1


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"I wouldn't tell any pony.  I'd just go straight home and have a good laugh over this and maybe put the drawing you made on my wall or something," Chamois said.  "I'd think it would be an awful punishment to have to be turned to stone in some boring garden full of ugly statues."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Discord heard a yell from outside. "Excuse me for  a moment," he said to Chamois. He teleported outside, and appeared about five yards to the right of Darts on top of Chrysalis. "Why hello, Chrysie. Would you like some help, or should I just watch you get beaten by this small pegasus?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Chrysalis shrugged and then shoved him off of her, spinning over so that she was holding him down.  She held both his front hooves down her hers, and his back hooves down with hers.  And her wings held down his wings as well.  She smirked.  "Then you're going to have a very difficult time, aren't you?"



Chamois blinked.  "Hey!" she called as he disappeared.  She glanced around the room uneasily.



Chrysalis looked up from Darts at Discord.  "I'm not going to accept your help," she hissed.  "Don't you have some pony else to play with?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Darts smiled, making chrysalis' look nice by comparison. "Then again, perhaps you should except his help. After all, you're gonna need it." He arched his back, flinging Chrysalis off of him and launching her out of the cave and down the mountainside. He flew out after her. "Ah, nice and open, I thought it was getting a little crowded in there, didn't you?"

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Chrysalis growled and flapped her wings, flying back up and landed back onto the flat stone floor of the cave.  She glared at Discord.  "Fine," she said.  "But just remember that he's mine," she said, accepting his help if he were still to give it to her.  She turned and hissed up at Darts. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Darts cursed inwardly, he had hoped Chrysalis would be too proud to accept help from Discord, he knew better that to fight with the embodiment of chaos. That didn't mean he wasn't going to give Chrysalis hell before he was defeated.


"Poor little Chrysalis, can't take down one single pegasus. How in Equestria did you ever manage to almost take over Canterlot, oh that's right you didn't, your army on insects did. I guess you are accustomed to making other people do your dirty work, is Discord your tool as well?"

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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"Naughty wonderbolt," said Discord, sprining up and extending him wings, flying next to him. "Nobody insults Chrysie but me." he snapped his fingers, and the trees around them came to life, their limbs reaching and scratching Dart's hide. "You may be able to defeat a love-sapped Changeling, but tell me when you're ready to tangle with the God of Chaos."


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Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth together. "Shut up!" she growled, throwing the head up and addressing Discord who had already disappeared. She turned and walked back towards the cave, dragging Bright Spark with her. The night sky magic moved up and covered his mouth.


Chamois looked up and saw Nightmare Moon. Her eyes flattened back in slightly surprise, horror, and defense. She turned around and started back down the mountain without speaking a single word.

I thought this would be fun. Now this is just crazy!

"I mean personally you should have become the mo-" He was about to continue when he was stopped by a gag made out of nightime.

*now thats something you don't see everyday.* Bright Spark thought to himself bluntly. He decided to remove the gag magicly and then continue to talk. "you know, asking politley always works. You don't need to use your hair."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Chrysalis glared and pulled her ears back.  "I don't have any love," she muttered.  Then she watched Discord and heard what he said.  And for a small moment, she thought he could be considered as a friend. 




Nightmare Moon shot him a look.  "Please be quiet," she said.  She continued into the cave, ignoring Darts and Discord.  But as she passed Chrysalis she whispered;  "Pathetic.".  Chrysalis hissed at her.  Honestly, that must be the only thing Chrysalis knows how to do.  Hiss.

Either then Discord, she knew her way around the mountain best.  She went down a number of staircases and through a number of passageways until she reached the dungeons.  She opened the door of one of the cells and put Bright Spark inside.  She closed the door.  She produced a key and looked it, letting the key disappear into thin air afterwards.

Nightmare Moon smiled at Bright Spark in the dimly lit dungeon and tapped the bars.  "Can't use magic behind these bars.  These bars are special," she laughed.

Chrysalis had actually shoved her in there once.  She would know.



Chamois got up and slowly began to explore the odd room, cautiously.  She knew Discord could appear at any minute, and she didn't want to jump this time.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Chrysalis glared and pulled her ears back. "I don't have any love," she muttered. Then she watched Discord and heard what he said. And for a small moment, she thought he could be considered as a friend.




Nightmare Moon shot him a look. "Please be quiet," she said. She continued into the cave, ignoring Darts and Discord. But as she passed Chrysalis she whispered; "Pathetic.". Chrysalis hissed at her. Honestly, that must be the only thing Chrysalis knows how to do. Hiss.

Either then Discord, she knew her way around the mountain best. She went down a number of staircases and through a number of passageways until she reached the dungeons. She opened the door of one of the cells and put Bright Spark inside. She closed the door. She produced a key and looked it, letting the key disappear into thin air afterwards.

Nightmare Moon smiled at Bright Spark in the dimly lit dungeon and tapped the bars. "Can't use magic behind these bars. These bars are special," she laughed.

Chrysalis had actually shoved her in there once. She would know.



Chamois got up and slowly began to explore the odd room, cautiously. She knew Discord could appear at any minute, and she didn't want to jump this time.

Bright Spark almost smiled "better", he fell silent. He was then thrown into a room that apparently prevented him from using magic. He didn't bother to question it, so sat down in the center of the room. "mm hmm. Yep. Ok. I'm just going to take your word for it." He stared at the door in front of him.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Good," Nightmare Moon smiled.  And then there was silence for a moment, and Nightmare Moon turned and disappeared upstairs.  A moment later, she was back downstairs with a bowl in her hooves.  It held a serving of salad.  There was a fridge in this eerie mountain.  Of course there was.  Even these evil beings had to eat.

And Nightmare Moon couldn't play with a pony that was dead from starvation.

Nightmare Moon brought the bowl over and placed it down.  She produced another key and unlocked a very small door at the end of the bars.  She opened it, pushed the bowl in with her hoof and then closed it, locking it.  Then she looked at Bright Spark.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Good," Nightmare Moon smiled. And then there was silence for a moment, and Nightmare Moon turned and disappeared upstairs. A moment later, she was back downstairs with a bowl in her hooves. It held a serving of salad. There was a fridge in this eerie mountain. Of course there was. Even these evil beings had to eat.

And Nightmare Moon couldn't play with a pony that was dead from starvation.

Nightmare Moon brought the bowl over and placed it down. She produced another key and unlocked a very small door at the end of the bars. She opened it, pushed the bowl in with her hoof and then closed it, locking it. Then she looked at Bright Spark.

Bright Spark looked down at the bowl and then back at Nightmare Moon. "You expect me to eat this when I can't pick things up? Or that I'm meant to believe there is no poison in this?". He picked up a piece of lettuce with his two hoofs and gave it a sniff for good measure. "Seems fresh". He picked up the piece and took a bite, and it seemed safe to eat. So he ate what he needed.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Nightmare Moon rose an eyebrow at Bright Spark.  "Eat it like an earth pony," she said annoyed.  She shook her head disapprovingly at him and stood there, inspecting him, wondering what exactly she would do with this pony, and how she could possibly turn him to their side.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Nightmare Moon rose an eyebrow at Bright Spark. "Eat it like an earth pony," she said annoyed. She shook her head disapprovingly at him and stood there, inspecting him, wondering what exactly she would do with this pony, and how she could possibly turn him to their side.

Bright Spark looked at her "you mean shove my face in the bowl? Thats un-mannerd and i can be quite well mannerd." he sighed. "but if its that or starving to death i have no choice..." he slid the salad to the door and sat in the room. "i had lunch 10 minutes ago." he lied.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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