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private Innocence

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Nightmare Moon made a face.  "Then leave it there!" she said.  "I'm not your slave!"  She acted as if he had demanded her to take it away.  But she came over and took the salad anyway, making sure to lock the little door.  She placed the bowl down and then inspected him again.  Then she spoke, using her formal language;  "And thou's name is?"

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Nightmare Moon made a face. "Then leave it there!" she said. "I'm not your slave!" She acted as if he had demanded her to take it away. But she came over and took the salad anyway, making sure to lock the little door. She placed the bowl down and then inspected him again. Then she spoke, using her formal language; "And thou's name is?"

Bright Spark looked at her annoyingly "I only told you I ate. I put it there because I didnt need to eat, not cause im bossing you around." he sighed. " my name is Bright Spark but that will probably mean nothing cause I can do nothing. So what is your plan? To kill me for tresspassing?"

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"Kill you?" Nightmare Moon said.  "No!  We just wants to play with thou," Nightmare Moon smirked.  "Does thou not think we is bored living here with these other foals?"  She plucked a bit of lettuce from the bowl with her magic and placed it into her mouth as if she were at an important formal dinner.

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"Kill you?" Nightmare Moon said. "No! We just *WANT* to play with thou," Nightmare Moon smirked. "Does thou not think we *ARE* bored living here with these other foals?" She plucked a bit of lettuce from the bowl with her magic and placed it into her mouth as if she were at an important formal dinner.

Bright Spark had become confused. "play? Really? Nothing evil or demonic? I find that hard to believe. What king of games would you play then? Because i'm not the kind of pony who plays games. I have a major buissnes i have no time for games and i'm suprised you do."

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"We has time for everything," Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes.  "We has many games in room.  But they do want play with Lun---I mean, Nightmare Moon," Nightmare Moon frowned.  "And if they do they don't play fair.  We play alone.  But some games need two players."  Nightmare Moon raised her head slightly.  "Does thou not play games?"

(Gamer Luna xD)

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"We has time for everything," Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. "We has many games in room. But they do want play with Lun---I mean, Nightmare Moon," Nightmare Moon frowned. "And if they do they don't play fair. We play alone. But some games need two players." Nightmare Moon raised her head slightly. "Does thou not play games?"

(Gamer Luna xD)

"no i dont have time for games. I workd 12 hours a day and 10 hours a night and ive been doing that for a year. I run one of THE biggest buissneses in equestria and my line of work gives no competition. I have no time for games unless it involves drinks and a bed capiche?"
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Nightmare Moon had a face.  "Thou will not be working this buisness now!  Thou is now mine!" she said loudly.  "And thou will have to stay with we until thou die!"  She didn't know if that was true or not, but she couldn't very well let him go no matter how long it would have been could she?  "And so thou will be sitting there.  If thou doesn't not play, what will thou do?" she said, turning away and walking back towards the stairs with a flick of her tail.

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Nightmare Moon had a face. "Thou will not be working this buisness now! Thou is now mine!" she said loudly. "And thou will have to stay with we until thou die!" She didn't know if that was true or not, but she couldn't very well let him go no matter how long it would have been could she? "And so thou will be sitting there. If thou doesn't not play, what will thou do?" she said, turning away and walking back towards the stairs with a flick of her tail.

Bright Spark sighed and put a hoof on his head. "just tell me the game and the rules an then I'll see if it is worth playing this "game" to survive.". He was not sure if this was all a big threat or something but if it meant escape he would go with it. Especially if if meant winning against a princess.

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Nightmare Moon turned back to him, grinning brightly.  "Yes!  We get the game!" she said.  Then she turned and trotted up the stairs.  (What have I done to Nightmare Moon)  She hurried into her room and levitated her whole set of appliances needed to play one of the games, grabbed the game and ran back to the dungeons.  She unlocked his door, stepped inside and placed the objects in.  Her mane fell around her, losing its magic as closed the door carefully and locked it.  It had a convenient lock on the inside as well.  She pushed the key into her head armor and turned on the appliances.  She showed him the picture on the front of the game box. 

(you can make up a game for it)

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Nightmare Moon turned back to him, grinning brightly. "Yes! We get the game!" she said. Then she turned and trotted up the stairs. (What have I done to Nightmare Moon) She hurried into her room and levitated her whole set of appliances needed to play one of the games, grabbed the game and ran back to the dungeons. She unlocked his door, stepped inside and placed the objects in. Her mane fell around her, losing its magic as closed the door carefully and locked it. It had a convenient lock on the inside as well. She pushed the key into her head armor and turned on the appliances. She showed him the picture on the front of the game box.

(you can make up a game for it)

(...great. Umm. Teken tag tournament 2? XD. It is a video game right?)

Bright Spark looked at the case. "Oh. It's one of those games. With the controller and the sticks and the buttons and stuff? Oh ok. Yeah." he picked up the controller to get a good feel of it." alright. Lets set it up".

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(I don't know what that is.  xD I'm not even close to a gamer, so we'll go with that)

Nightmare Moon pushed the game in and started it up.  She went straight to the 'How To Play' part.  "Thou should read this," Nightmare Moon said, glancing over the complicated How To Play that she had already read hundreds of times in hopes some pony would agree to play with her.

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(I don't know what that is. xD I'm not even close to a gamer, so we'll go with that)

Nightmare Moon pushed the game in and started it up. She went straight to the 'How To Play' part. "Thou should read this," Nightmare Moon said, glancing over the complicated How To Play that she had already read hundreds of times in hopes some pony would agree to play with her.

(ive never played it but I know what it is. One of the best fighting games for the ps3. So a great multiplayer.)

Bright Spark murmerd the entire thing to himself, ocasionally re-reading segments to get a grip on things. "alright. I think i'm ready"

(you can skip the gamplay if your that lazy.)

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(Since you're suggesting it, you must not mind if I do.  So I will xD  But who wins?)

Nightmare Moon's hooves were tired when they had finished.  She brushed back a strand of her mane.  She was so used to it flowing around her that it annoyed her.  She placed her game console down and glanced at Bright Spark.  Then she looked at the screen to see who had won.

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(Since you're suggesting it, you must not mind if I do. So I will xD But who wins?)

Nightmare Moon's hooves were tired when they had finished. She brushed back a strand of her mane. She was so used to it flowing around her that it annoyed her. She placed her game console down and glanced at Bright Spark. Then she looked at the screen to see who had won.

(It would be more logical if nightmare moon won because Bright Spark is a begginer whereas Nightmare Moon is more proffesional.)

Bright Spark watched the screen eagerly for a sign that he had one untill the screen showed. "player one wins". He put his controller down aland groaned in dissapointment.

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Darts flew away up out of the reach of the ravenous trees below. "You know I'm not stupid, I know when there is a fight that I can't win" Darts said, flying down and landing softly on the rocky floor of the cave. "Now Chrysalis, I will gladly hold off on beating you back into the ground if you will call off your workforce over here" Darts gestured over his shoulder at Discord. "I would like to know why you want us here so bad, and also how long it will be before we can go, so care to start explaining."

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Nightmare Moon cackled evilly as if she had just created eternal night rather then just having won a game.  She smiled smugly at Bright Spark.  "We had fun.  Did thou have fun?" she asked, turning off the game and taking the game out.  She put it carefully back in the box.



"No," Chrysalis said.  "We just want a toy to play with.  We haven't made many usable plans lately.  We need something to do, don't we?" Chrysalis said, smirking.  "Oh, and I doubt you'll all be going anywhere for a long while," she said, standing up.  "You should follow me if you want to see where you're going to be staying."

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"Well it's nice to see you've planned this all out ahead of time." He turned over his shoulder "take care of Chamois for me, won't you  Discord?  I have yet to win a date with her yet!" He turned back to Chrysalis. "Alright then Queenie, show the way,I haven't got all day. Oh wait, yes I do" Darts chuckled.

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Love?  Oh, no wait.  it's one of those.  I hate those.  Chrysalis nodded and went towards the stairs.  She went down them, continuing through a series of staircases and passages.  Then she pushed the door open to the dungeons and went down the steps.

"Oh, come on," she muttered.

Nightmare Moon looked up and then growled at her.  "No.  We was here first."

"Nice grammar, Princess."

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Darts walked and immediately collapsed to the floor laughing on the floor. "Hey Spark, when you were taken by Nightmare I was actually somewhat worried, but it seems you two were down here the whole time, playing video games! Jeez you guys are the crappiest bunch of villains ever! I wouldn't be surprised if Chamois and Discord were sitting around drawing flowers as we speak!"



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Nightmare Moon cackled evilly as if she had just created eternal night rather then just having won a game. She smiled smugly at Bright Spark. "We had fun. Did thou have fun?" she asked, turning off the game and taking the game out. She put it carefully back in the box.



"No," Chrysalis said. "We just want a toy to play with. We haven't made many usable plans lately. We need something to do, don't we?" Chrysalis said, smirking. "Oh, and I doubt you'll all be going anywhere for a long while," she said, standing up. "You should follow me if you want to see where you're going to be staying."

Bright Spark shrugged "meh. I guess It was fun. A bit of a challenge but thats a good thing." He then heard the door open and turned his head to see darts following a changeling queen. "So you got the annoying pegasus? Sucks to be you right now." he said to chrysalis, trying to sound as blunt as possible.
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Darts walked and immediately collapsed to the floor laughing on the floor. "Hey Spark, when you were taken by Nightmare I was actually somewhat worried, but it seems you two were down here the whole time, playing video games! Jeez you guys are the crappiest bunch of villains ever! I wouldn't be surprised if Chamois and Discord were sitting around drawing flowers as we speak!"

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Darts walked and immediately collapsed to the floor laughing on the floor. "Hey Spark, when you were taken by Nightmare I was actually somewhat worried, but it seems you two were down here the whole time, playing video games! Jeez you guys are the crappiest bunch of villains ever! I wouldn't be surprised if Chamois and Discord were sitting around drawing flowers as we speak!"

Bright Spark sighed. "Great. Are you going to keep him alive because he is just annoying to even think about!" he said the innoyance and began to mumble. "the world would be better off without ponies like him getting everything while we work and get nothing."
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Chrysalis made a face at Darts and looked at Bright Spark.  "You have no idea..." she mouthed.  Then she went over and stood over Darts. 

Nightmare growled and stood up.  "Get out!  Bright Spark lives here now!"

"Good for him."

"We took this space first, changeling."

"Yes well 'we' don't really give a buck.  I should lock you in there like last time, Luna."

Nightmare went to the bars.  "Shu---"

"Listen, I don't really care.  So Darts is staying here in this cage over here and your pony can stay over there."

"We doesn---"

"Okay, pegasus, that's your cage.  Get in," Chrysalis said, pointing Darts towards a cage across from Bright Spark's.

"Stop interu---"

"You can eat this salad," Chrysalis said when she noticed the salad on the floor.

"But that's m---"

"Here," Chrysalis said, pushing the salad over to Darts.

Nightmare unlocked the door, stepped out and locked it again.  The key disappeared and her mane flew back upwards like the night sky.  Nightmare turned to Chrysalis and slapped her across the face.


(I always get so carried away...)

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Darts pushed Nightmare and Chrysalis apart, "ladies please, calm down" Darts said as he turned to Chrysalis, "I think you're being a bit hasty, after all they were here first. How about we leave them here in the dungeon to play video games and you lead me somewhere else I can stay, preferably without bars. After all Spark over here is an excellent unicorn and he could probably defeat all of you with one spell, I can definitely vouch for keeping him in a magic-free zone." Darts smiled at Bright Spark.

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Darts pushed Nightmare and Chrysalis apart, "ladies please, calm down" Darts said as he turned to Chrysalis, "I think you're being a bit hasty, after all they were here first. How about we leave them here in the dungeon to play video games and you lead me somewhere else I can stay, preferably without bars. After all Spark over here is an excellent unicorn and he could probably defeat all of you with one spell, I can definitely vouch for keeping him in a magic-free zone." Darts smiled at Bright Spark.

Bright Spark could tell what he was trying to do but he decided not to have any of it. "Oh great yeah. Thanks for that. Now I won't be able to use magic because you just done that thanks alot! And you wern't even telling the truth, just a big lie! Yeah. I'm admitting im a mediocore unicorn cause im better than boasting."

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