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private Innocence

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Nightmare Moon shook her head.  "We did not see much respect a moment ago.  And thou has said this already," Nightmare mumbled, pushing at the bottle on the floor with her hoof.  She then shrugged and pointing her hoof at the puddle.  "Clean it," she commanded.



"I wouldn't know.  And I do not eat food for nutrients," Chrysalis said.  "And I live off of love mostly.  And there's very little love in this...place."

Chrysalis came to a door and pushed it open, revealing the dining hall.  "Hello," Chrysalis greeted Discord and Chamois, the only ones there.  She remembered how Nightmare Moon would have quite a bit of trouble attending and smiled to herself as she went towards a seat.

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"Why hello, Chrysie." said Discord, standing up. "I would think that our other dear friends would be here as well. Where is our dear Princess and King? It would be simply rude to start without them, don't you think? And how are you, Chrysie's prisoner?" he asked Darts.

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Nightmare Moon shook her head. "We did not see much respect a moment ago. And thou has said this already," Nightmare mumbled, pushing at the bottle on the floor with her hoof. She then shrugged and pointing her hoof at the puddle. "Clean it," she commanded.



"I wouldn't know. And I do not eat food for nutrients," Chrysalis said. "And I live off of love mostly. And there's very little love in this...place."

Chrysalis came to a door and pushed it open, revealing the dining hall. "Hello," Chrysalis greeted Discord and Chamois, the only ones there. She remembered how Nightmare Moon would have quite a bit of trouble attending and smiled to herself as she went towards a seat.

Bright Spark stared at the puddle for a brief moment, and then fiddled through his bag for cleaning untensils. But it appeared that he did not have any.

"as much as I would like to do that your highness, it appears there are no cleaning untensils in this room, or in my bag as a matter of fact."

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Darts smirked, "I like to think of it the other way around, but I guess I'm doing pretty well, you know, for a kidnapped pony" Darts looked at the empty room. "The princess and Sparky may be late, last time I saw them she had gotten herself locked in a magic proof cage with a little help from Queenie here." Darts looked confused for a second, "who do  you mean by King?" he asked Discord.

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Chrysalis scoffed and let Darts answer for her as she sat down.  She gave Chamois a slightly disapproving glance.

Chamois gave her a look.  What?  Seriously, I'm just sitting here doing nothing.  Chamois rolled her eyes and shook her head.  She flicked at her plate silently.




Nightmare glared at Bright Spark.  "Then you must lick it up.  There are many ways to clean things even without the proper instruments.  Use your brain," Nightmare Moon said, giving the top of her helmet a little tap.  Honestly, Nightmare thought.  Sometimes I wonder. 

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Chrysalis scoffed and let Darts answer for her as she sat down. She gave Chamois a slightly disapproving glance.

Chamois gave her a look. What? Seriously, I'm just sitting here doing nothing. Chamois rolled her eyes and shook her head. She flicked at her plate silently.




Nightmare glared at Bright Spark. "Then you must lick it up. There are many ways to clean things even without the proper instruments. Use your brain," Nightmare Moon said, giving the top of her helmet a little tap. Honestly, Nightmare thought. Sometimes I wonder.

Bright Spark facehoofed and then stared at her. "you mean, drink strong alchahol off a desiesed dirty floor? Am I really going to have to be so uncivilised as to do that?" he sighed and dug at the floor. "seems solid enough. Am I really going to have to drink off the floor? Then again i have done worse." he leaned down and took a sip. "Alright. Nothing too strong. No mis clolour or flavour." he continued to drink it untill gone. "there I obeyed." he was about to complain before being hit with a headache. He curled onto tge floor holding his head."
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Nightmare Moon almost smirked, but kept her face and body straight.  What a good subject.  He obeys so well.  I may have chosen a right pony after all, Nightmare Moon thought.  But all she said was; "Yes.  Subjects must obey their Princess." 

She took a small step back when he curled up onto the floor.  We have killed him!  "Pony?" she said cautiously.

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Nightmare Moon almost smirked, but kept her face and body straight. What a good subject. He obeys so well. I may have chosen a right pony after all, Nightmare Moon thought. But all she said was; "Yes. Subjects must obey their Princess."

She took a small step back when he curled up onto the floor. We have killed him! "Pony?" she said cautiously.

Bright Spark continued to hold his head as whatever was in that floor began to burn down his throat and poison him along the way. Whatever was in that drink was increasing his heart rate and making him become increadably drowzy. His eyes, which were clenched shut. Soon relaxed and his hoofs fell limp, a small twitch in his leg the only sign he was alive.

(I was going to have some sort of comedic thing where he becomes drunk. Meh.)

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Nightmare Moon stared.  She took a step forward and pushed his front hoof with hers.  "Is pony dead?  We think pony is dead," she said.  Then she say Bright Spark twitch.  "Oh!  Pony not dead...pony not dead, yes?" she said, bending down to his face.  She felt slightly confused.

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Nightmare Moon stared. She took a step forward and pushed his front hoof with hers. "Is pony dead? We think pony is dead," she said. Then she say Bright Spark twitch. "Oh! Pony not dead...pony not dead, yes?" she said, bending down to his face. She felt slightly confused.

Bright Spark had fallen into a semi- awake sleep and thus was unable to respond. He could feel and hear but in muffled tones and all he was able to say were groans. He achingly extended his hoof to try and better grasp of what was infront of him, accidently resting it on nightmare moons cheek before it limply fell to the floor and he continued to slur out words.

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Discord frowned. "Well, we can't start without them, can we? Just give me a moment, my dear ponies." With a smile and another flash, he appeared in the cell Nightmare Moon and Bright Spark were in. "Princess, we're about to have dinner, Would you care to join us?"

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Nightmare Moon gave a small whine when he touched her.  She quickly stood up straighter.  She stared at him with one eyebrow raised and shook her head disapprovingly at me.  She heard a sound and looked up at Discord.  Great.  Now I have to be saved as well.

"I'd love to, but I'm a little trapped here in this magic-free cell of mine," Nightmare mumbled.

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Discord frowned again. "But you'll be late to dinner, my dear!" he snapped his fingers, and Nightmare Moon, Bright Spark, and Discord appeared in the dining hall.

(OOC: I'm guessing Discord would be powerful enough to bypass the magical cage. Please correct me if I am wrong.) "Now, let's make sure you're dressed for such an occasion." With another snap, each pony was wearing either a fancy suit or gown. He sported a stylish bowtie and fedora on a suited body. "Now, let's eat!" A banquet appeared before them.

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Darts straightened the tie that had just appeared at his neck and sat down at the table. Despite the many different types of food laid before him, he could only recognize a few of the dishes. "What is all this stuff? I don't believe I have ever seen sustenance of this, err. particular variety" he said as he prodded at a strange pale-green and jello-like substance with his spoon. 

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(Not sure.  I don't think the cell could be powerful enough to stop every pony from using magic in it.  And if any pony could use magic in it well I suppose it would be Discord)


Nightmare Moon blinked.  She glanced at Bright Spark.  Then her armor had been replaced with a gown.  She looked down at it, rolled her eyes and then started towards the seat further away from Chrysalis.

Chrysalis stared at the banquet before them in mild disgust.

Chamois watched Nightmare Moon, Bright Spark, Discord, the clothes, and the banquet appear in interest.  She looked down at her pretty gown and touched the silky fabric.  Then she turned her attention to the food.  She looked around at it all.

Am I supposed to know which to eat first? she wondered.  Or what any of it is?

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Bright Spark heard the sound of finger snapping and then his face hitting a plate. He slowly brought his hoofs onto to table and lifted himself up. He had quite a migrane but ignord it as he looked around. He looked down and noticed the formal clothing, then at the food, and then at the ponies, the changeling and whatever discord is. "hmm. So this has begun has it? Very well." he turned to nightmare moon. "permission to compliment on your current beuty your highness?"

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Chrysalis who had been reaching for a croissant to tear up stopped abruptly and coughed loudly as if in shock.

Nightmare Moon shot Chrysalis a dirty look and then turned to Bright Spark.  She raised an eyebrow at him.  A pony asking for permission for such a thing.  Yes, we have chosen a very good subject after all.  Nightmare Moon turned away and nodded.  "Permission granted."

Chrysalis looked at Nightmare Moon with an expression that screamed 'seriously?'.

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Chrysalis who had been reaching for a croissant to tear up stopped abruptly and coughed loudly as if in shock.

Nightmare Moon shot Chrysalis a dirty look and then turned to Bright Spark. She raised an eyebrow at him. A pony asking for permission for such a thing. Yes, we have chosen a very good subject after all. Nightmare Moon turned away and nodded. "Permission granted."

Chrysalis looked at Nightmare Moon with an expression that screamed 'seriously?'.

Bright Spark cleard his throat. "Then allow me to be the first to say that you look simply stunning this evening, and that your dress brings out the elagence in your hair your highness." he said before turning back to the array of foods in front of him. He was about to try and pick up the food with his hoofs before remembering he had magic! So he used that instead. Edited by darklord60
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Nightmare Moon nodded at him, without smiling.  But when she turned to Chrysalis, she smiled smugly.  "My pony compliments me.  And yours beats you up.  You should have at least washed up, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis growled at her, self consciously reaching up to touch the still visible scrap on her cheek. 

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Darts put a hoof around Chrysalis' shoulders. "Hey watch it princess, don't mess with my date or we'll see how far I can kick you across the room too" he said, winking at Chrysalis and shoveling all the food he recognized onto his plate. "I would hate to ruin this lovely dinner that Mr. Chaos over here worked so hard on."

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Discord tutted. "My dear Princess and Queen, you of all people should know that these are not our prisoners or possessions; they are our guests. You should eat the salad first, my dear Chamosis, and might I say you look wonderful in that dress." A salad appeared before her, with tomatoes and daisies.

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Bright watched in disgust as darts coverd his plate in food. "You know, it would be better if you ate some of the more varied foods on offer." He said, putting balanced portions of certain things onto his own plate.

*perhaps you will die of poisoned food*

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Darts swallowed part of his own croissant, "Sorry if I bother you, I worked up quite a sweat today thanks to Queenie here" he said before taking another bite. "Discord will you please pass the salad? And the dressing too if you don't mind, it looks delicious!" 

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"Certainly, sir." Discord grabbed a handful and salad, dipped it in dressing, and threw it across the table. It soared messily until it reached the bowl that had appeared before Darts, before arranging itself neatly into the pattern it started out with.


"So, how has our evil lair been treating you so far?" he asked Darts casually.

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"I must say that it has been rather enjoyable if I look past the rather rough reception, but I think me and Queenie have found somewhat level ground" Darts said as he forked a lettuce leaf in his mouth, "I must say that she is quite rubbish at giving directions though. Not all of us grew up in a hive."

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