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private ∆The Chosen∆


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Rain stared at the pony shoving herself out of the fountain. "I'm more confused as to why you're jumping out of the fountain," she said, almost a little rudely. She picked up on her tone and tried to force a smile, which just made her look creepy due to her facial scarring.


Already Rain felt uncomfortable abd already she had probably made a fool of herself. The others all seemed to be familiar and she was an outsider.


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"Yep, like Honey Seed said, I just got here." Viridian Spark replied. The filly's sarcasm was totally lost on him, but he figured out that maybe the mare earlier was not the kindest pony. He looked to the direction where the mare trotted to, she was nowhere in sight. "If you want to hide from whoever she is, why don't you hide behind a house or maybe a bush? Your mane is a total mess right now." He pointed to a nearby house. Maybe she was too panicked to think for a better hiding place?
Viridian Spark turned to the new pony. She was a pale blue pegasus. "Um, maybe because she needs to breathe?" He replied to her earlier comment. She was smiling, which was quite unnerving due to the fact that there was a weird scar on her face. He winced.


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Misty had heard the splash behind her, and quickly turned around. A bunch of events were playing out, and suddenly there were a few more foals around the fountain than before. Some of them she recognized, at least one seemed completely new to her. The implications and the magnitude of this event finally dawned on her. It seemed like the odds were quite slim indeed. She watched the others silently as she didn't want to interrupt. The filly with a scar on her face didn't seem all that friendly. Turning towards her friend, she inquired about her health. "Star, are you alright? You look like a wet rat..." she said with a half grin.


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Star Rain had conjured a brush out of thin air and was now combing her mane. "Yes, I'm alright and yes I'm fully aware of that," she said with contempt.




She blinked at the sight of the scarred filly in front of her. When she smiled, she felt fear crawl up her forelegs and forced herself to stay calm.


She turned to everypony who had just showed up. "So you're all here for the ceremony?" she asked.

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Rain felt herself deflate a little. All everyone cared about were her scars, and all of them stared at her and made faces like she was some freak show. It wasn't her fault; she had been victim of a terrible fire and had never healed properly.


"I was just confused why she was in there," she said to Viridian, trying not to get angry. "There's no need to get upset with me." Her new medication did nothing for her, and Mr. Breezy couldn't afford it anymore anyways.


The wet pony had spoken but obviously Rain was no longer welcome, so she shut up.


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"I don't believe there is any other reason to be here at the moment."  He wasn't laughing anymore. "What do you think the chances of getting chosen are? I mean, there is easily a few thousand ponies here." He asked, directing the question to no pony in particular. He wasn't usually this talkative, but he felt a need to be social-able on this special day.

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Star Rain had conjured a brush out of thin air and was now combing her mane. "Yes, I'm alright and yes I'm fully aware of that," she said with contempt.


She sort of regretted her remark, but she didn't see anything wrong with the comment insomuch as they were friends. Star Rain seemed like a smart pony, and Misty usually felt a little slow around the filly. But that was made her fun to be around. It seemed natural to be playful with Star Rain. "Say, what was up with that anyway? Why were you hiding from your mother?" she asked curiously. She had never asked before because she always missed the chance. But now was better than never.




Her ears perked up when she heard somepony ask about their chances. Misty wasn't exactly the most hopeful of ponies. She tried to be a realist. "I'd say zero to none. There are an awful lot of ponies here today. Best not to get your hopes up, ya know?" she said to the blue colt whose name slipped her mind. She might have seen him in school, but he seemed a bit of an inconsequential kind of pony. If she had seen him before, he hadn't made an impression on her. Not that she was rude, but sometimes she didn't take notice of everyone.

Edited by Bari


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Rain opened her mouth to answer to the new speaker, but another pony had cut her off, one who had given her a look after she had questioned the one in the fountain. She didn't MEAN to be rude, but it was just how she normally was. After her..."summer", she had changed. She highly doubted a painkiller addicted "crazy" like herself would get Chosen anyways, though she didn't even know if she wanted to.


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"I don't believe there is any other reason to be here at the moment." He wasn't laughing anymore. "What do you think the chances of getting chosen are? I mean, there is easily a few thousand ponies here." He asked, directing the question to no pony in particular. He wasn't usually this talkative, but he felt a need to be social-able on this special day.

Star Rain was trying to figure out a good lie to tell Misty, but then she saw her chance to change the subject. "I'd say absolute zero. I never even had that ceremony that parents put on so that their kids get chosen when the time came," Star Rain said bluntly. A small part of her was hoping she DIDN'T get chosen, because she was sure the process was long and harrowing. Edited by MagicalStarRain

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"I'm... sorry," Viridian replied to the filly, an uneasiness on his face. He scratched behind his neck. He felt bad for staring too much at her scar. "She hid from somepony earlier. Don't ask me why, I just arrived here moments ago. Anyway, my name is Viridian Spark. I guess you're here for the Choosing too?" He paused. "Hm, of course big chance you're here for the Choosing, heheh. Do you think how many Chosen ponies this town will have?"


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"Hey. You guys. Shush. You hear that?" As if on cue, the sound of horns came from the nearby town center, signalling the start of the ceremony. "Move! Regroup at rep B." Standoff jogged for a spot near the back of the gathering crowd, making the military hoof signal for "On me".



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"You don't need to pretend to be nice," said Rain bluntly. "Your face is giving you away. You don't need to try and pretend."


She stared at the ground after that, and then mumbled, "It's not like you care, but I'm Raindancer." She wasn't sure if he had heard and if he hadn't then that was fine too. He'd forget her in a second anyways. She couldn't count the times when she was a young filly when she'd run home crying and bruised from being beaten up at school, only to find her parents even more willing to scream at her and hit her. She learned that she was never going to be accepted quickly, and after that, she never much tried more than she had to. She was too weird, too scarred, too easily inflamed; she was always "too" something and never amounted to something.


Viridian's last question brought her back to earth, but she stared at him warily, not wanting to answer for fear of being bullied again. She normally was one to speak her mind, but today...she was nervous already.


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"Hi, Raindancer. I'm Honey Seed," She said taking Raindancer's hoof and shaking it whether she agreed or not, "You know, I can understand if you're scared. Not only are they flaunting this awesome future at us, they want to do it on a stage in front of a whole lot of other ponies." Honey Seed shivered. She wasn't a pony to be scared of being in front of a crowd, but to be judged in front of one sounded like it came from a bad dream. "I'm just glad that I've been able to meet so many new ponies. I was worried that I would barely know any pony here, and I guess that's true, I don't really know any of you, but I'm so glad that everyone seems so friendly."


Honey Seed then got a good look at the scar on Raindancer's face. Honey Seed wasn't always the best at catching things the first time, but that scare really stood out. She thought it looked cool, like Raindancer was some sort of tough and awesome pony from an adventure story.


"You know, that's a really cool scar. How did you get it? Was it a manticore attack? Did you fall or something? I think it looks really neat on you." Finally, her head caught up with her mouth and she realized that scars probably have painful roots to them. "But it's okay if it's personal. I just think scars look really neat."

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Rain stared at the hoof shaking hers, feeling a little surprised. The only pony who made physical contact with her that wasn't a form of a punch or slap was Mr. Breezy, and she couldn't help but snatch her hoof away and back up a little. This was so strange for her; friendliness wasn't her strong suit, nor was it something she expected to recieve from others. Again she caught herself and tried to smile at her, but remembered the others looks after the first time and quickly dropped it, putting her head down to disguise it. She had a hood over the rest of her face so the long one that ran from just under her snout down the side of her lips was the only one visible.


When Honey asked about the scars Rain started slightly, and then gave her an angry look. She HATED when people asked about her scars. They were a subject of much pain, and while Honey didn't seem to mean much harm, she had hit a nerve.


"Scars look neat, huh?" she said heatedly, and without further ado yanked up the side of the hooded sweatshirt she was wearing. Her entire left side was latticed with scars of varying deepness and length, all of them crossing over one another and turning Rain into a gory canvas. More recent ones ran across her legs, but Rain just looked at the others defiantly, daring them to say something or look disgusted.


Mr. Breezy was closeby and saw his ward showing off her burn scars and the other ones that she had made herself. Groaning he ran over, outting his hoof on her shoulder and yanking down the fabric to cover it again.


"Rain, I'm surprised at you," he said quietly in an admonishibg tone. "You know better."


Rain shook her head angrily and broke away, turning back to Honey. "I was in a fire. A bombing. I was the only one who surviv-"


"Rain! Quiet!" snapped Mr. Breezy angrily. Rain had never heard him use that tone and she fell silent instantly while he looked at the others.


"I'm so sorry for her behaviour, she's not normally like this," he said apologetically, but Rain didn't look very sorry.


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Maxim sat back in his seat at the edge of the fountain and watched as events played themselves out. He munched on the apple fritter he found in his bag-breakfast as other fillies and colts showed up and began discussing everything from their odds of being Chosen to facial scars. The latter topic seemed to be particularly sensitive.


He finished off his breakfast and crumpled up the paper bag, tossing it in the general direction of a trashcan beside a bench. He leaned over beside Basswaver and inquired, "So, how go things in the magical land of wubs and bass? Nervous about the ceremony?"

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(And apparently no one cares that the ceremony is starting.)

Standoff took in the scene. His father probably wouldn't have liked that dress, not enough secret pockets for things. But his mother would have found it hilarious, and they would have gotten into a slap-fight before collapsing into laughter...


He shook his head. That was all in the past now.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"I'm sorry," Honey Seed stuttered, "I didn't realize how bad of a memory that scar came from. I shouldn't have asked. Sometimes I talk faster than I think."


Honey Seed looked around for something else to talk about. The air had definitely became more tense. She noticed some of the ponies walking towards the stage and plenty of parents filling up the seats. She could spot the backs of her parent's heads as well as the spiked mane of her aunt's.


"Hey, is the ceremony starting or something?" She said half to the group and half to herself, hoping some pony else would have a better idea.

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Viridian Spark tilted his head on Raindancer's words. He was honestly confused. Why should he pretend to care? The presence of the newly arrived stallion hardly registered to his mind. Right now, the only thing that mattered was the pegasus filly in front of him, and it looked like she was scared of something.


He let out a small chuckle. "Raindancer, are you scared?" He asked. "You don't have to be scared of me! Or anypony here for that matter.  Heck, I'm smaller than you, you can easily kick my flank if I try something daring." Viridian Spark motioned to Raindancer's head to his own, showing the obvious height difference. While Raindancer's scars were quite jarring, he decided it was not his business. Whoever got chosen, he was sure that at least one Chosen pony would be willing to help Raindancer. He ignored the stallion next to Raindancer and continued talking to the filly. "If you want to, we can be friends! I'm sure Honey Seed thought of the same thing. I would never pretend to care about you, pretending sucks and I prefer doing things straight."


Viridian Spark offered his hoof to Raindancer and gave her his sincerest smile. "Friends?"


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Basswaver watched the conversation with Star's mom with mild intrest, she tried to keep in her laughter, Star was so obviously purple she had NO clue how her mom didn't notice. Waver grinned at Maxim's question. She giggled and ruffled his mane. "Well, it's totally awesome right now, I should have a new song uploaded tomorrow!" She heard Maxim's question about the ceremony. "Well, I'm hoping I do get Chosen, and I know the chances are small, but I have some hope! I have been excited about this for a while, my granma used to tell me lengends of the Chosen, it sounded awesome!!" She watched as more people came up to the fountain. One pony in particular caught her intrest, she was scarred and was wearing a hoodie. Basswaver watched this pony's awkward interaction with Honey, wincing as Honey hit a sensitive topic. Waver loved Honey like a sister, but she knew that sometimes her mouth was faster than her mind. She saw the pony get really upset, and quickly got up to intervine. "I-I'm sure Honey didn't mean any offense! Please, no need to get upset!" Basswaver hoped the pony would calm down, the last thing they needed was a fight to mess up their karma, especially right before the Choosing.

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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Star Rain completely dodged her question. Misty sighed softly. Whatever the reason was, it was probably a secret. She knew not to pry any further lest Star might get miffed. Standoff said something, and suddenly horns sounded. So the time had come. The ceremony was about to begin. Her parents passed by on their way to the seats near the stage. They waved to her and Misty responded with a nervous smile. She didn't think she would get Chosen, but being on the stage in front of maybe a thousand or more ponies made her heart beat rather quickly.

As she was about to follow Standoff, who was making some sort of silly gesture, she caught the exchange behind her. Turning back she saw that the green pegasus colt, Viridian Spark, was trying to be friendly to the filly with the scar. Her name apparently was Raindancer, and she certainly didn't seem interested in making friends. Despite that, another filly, Honey Seed, seemed like she didn't waver easily. She immediately took up Raindancer's hoof and shook it. Her enthusiasm was actually a little infectious. But Raindancer wouldn't have any of that. She took Honey Seed's questions as if they were an insult.

Misty backed up a little. She didn't think it would lead to violence, but she readied herself if a problem did arise. The filly removed the hood and shirt thing she was wearing to show a network of scars all across her left side. Misty steadied herself. She really had not seen that coming. She felt a mixture of fear, revulsion, and intrigue. In her eyes flashed the light of curiosity. How could a filly get so many scars?

Suddenly, a stallion was behind Raindancer, and he did not look pleased in the slightest. He quickly covered up the filly's scar before he reprimanded her. But she explained how she got the scars anyway. Misty felt a bit sorry for the filly. But the way she had looked at them all when she showed them her scars told Misty she didn't want any pity. And so, Misty lowered her head as to avoid meeting the filly's eyes. The stallion tried to apologize for Raindancer's behavior, and Misty looked back up at him. He seemed to care deeply for Raindancer. Whatever their connection, be it relation of blood or not, it probably upset him that Raindancer was acting this way.

Honey Seed tried to apologize as well, but it was likely it fell on deaf ears. Even Viridian Spark tried to stay friendly towards the filly. Misty felt she should say something as well. "Friendship is a wonderful thing. Perhaps you should accept their offers? You can be my friend as well. I can never have too many friends. At least I don't think I could." she said sincerely as she drew close to Raindancer. Behind Misty, it sounded like foals were beginning to gather for the ceremony. But now, Raindancer held the grey filly's attention. She'd feel hurt if the offer was harshly refused, but she'd be okay. She had other friends. But one more couldn't hurt at all. Basswaver came up too and tried to smooth things over between Honey Seed and Raindancer, and Misty felt a little relieved. Bass always seemed like she knew what she was doing.


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Rain was a little overwhelmed at all the people now suddenly talking to her; she backed up a little more, still feeling rather awkward in their presence. They all seemed so nice, but underneath she knew their drive was probably pity or disgust. Wishing she hadn't opened her mouth, she just made a small noise of assent.


Mr. Breezy prodded her shoulder and she lifted her head back up. She didn't look shy or afraid but rather like she didn't want their pity, a confidence almost.. If there was one thing she hated, it was pity. She wanted to be cared for as who she was, not what she was.


"I appreciate it," she said, and she tried to sound as happy as possible, since smiling was more a deterrent than a welcome. Inside, though, she felt turmoil. What was going on? Twenty minutes ago it was safe to say no one knew or liked her, but now at least three had approached her in a kind and genuine manner. Was this some ploy, like the time she had been invited to a slumber party only to find a group who beat her till she fainted and locked her in a closet for days? Or was it true? 


She wanted to think it was the latter, but having already lost her temper and snapped at them, she was betting everything on the former. 


However, the offer of having others to talk to was so tempting that, regardless of whether it was a trap of sorts or not, Rain hesitantly walked a little closer and shook Viridian's hoof and gave a polite nod to the others as well.


"I'm...sorry," she added, staring into each of their eyes to show she wasn't afraid. "I just...lost my temper. It's a little touchy."


Mr. Breezy backed off to give her some room, but a wave of appreciation washed over him at the kindness of her peers. Most would have left in digust or bullied her by now, but these bright young ones had offered something she'd never had-friendship.


Since the ceremony was beginning shortly, he fell back into the crowd, but he glanced back to see Rain one more time before she pulled her hood down for the first time in public and disappeared in the sea of bodies.


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"Don't worry about it, I understand. Well, I guess I can't actually understand since I've never had to escape from a fire, but I get that it's still a painful memory." Honey Seed held back the urge to ask if the scar hurt as well. "I promise never to bring it up ever again." She offered Raindancer a big smile.


She looked over Raindancer's shoulder and watched as that stallion who spoke earlier disappears into the crowd. Honey wanted to ask if that stallion was Rain's father, but the queasiness of embarrassment and regret from dragging up Raindancer's bad memories still buzzed through her body and she figured it was better to keep her mouth shut for now. Raindancer would probably still be angry at her for a while, and maybe that stallion was part of that bad memory. He didn't want her talking about it. Honey Seed kept the questions about who that stallion was and why he wanted Raindancer to be quiet in the back of her mind to talk about later.


Also stored in the back of her mind was the reminder that Raindancer's scar was a sign of her painful and sad past. Sort of like the ponies in an adventure story, the ones who show up with the hot air balloon, ready to take the adventurer on a dangerous journey. Honey Seed smiled to herself, entertaining the idea that Raindancer as the mysterious character from her books. Her daydreams almost made her forget that those scars were part of a very real tragic past. Next time she reads one of those books, Honey Seed is definitely going to see those scarred characters in a different light.

Chip          Clover          Honey Seed   


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Star Rain followed her friends into the crowd. She was absolutely sure that everypony is just going to see the soon-to-be princes and princesses and then be on their way. Still, she was pretty curious to find out who was going to become a Chosen. It's not going to be me. I just know it...




"I bet you anything the process is long and harrowing. But I bet you would make a fine, regal princess," Star Rain said to give her friend even more hope.

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Viridian Spark beamed when Raindancer's hoof touched his own. As soon as she finished speaking, he gave the filly a quick hug and . "All right! Now that's settled, welcome to the, um, club?"  His enthusiasm stopped on its track. He briefly remembered that he and his family would go back to Baltimare. Good chance he wouldn't see everypony here again, not in the near future anyway. The thought saddened him, but he blew his party horn anyway. Today he would have some fun and nothing would stop him. "Hey, maybe after this we can hang around together somewhere?"


He looked around him, seemed like some of the adult ponies around the fountain were getting more and more anxious. It was understandable, there was a chance that their foals would be chosen as the next demigods of the land. "Hm, when will the Choosing started?" Viridian asked to nopony in particular. "I heard there will be parties held for the Chosen ponies. I can totally use some party right now."


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"Parties? Count me out," Star Rain replied when she overheard the colt's comment. She wasn't a huge party fan, preferring to make her magical works of art or read spellbooks and attempt the spells written in them. Gosh, I'm going to feel sorry for whoever gets chosen. Their lives won't be the same!

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