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open Struggling to be Perfect-A Ponyvill Highscool Rp.

Emerald Heart

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Emerald shook her locker that was jammed for what seemed to be the one thousandth time this week. Ponies fast walked by her passing her snarky comments and calling her names. She sighed, just a usual day for her anyways. She was a scholarship student that survived by little money. Half of Emerald’s family was dead, which included her parents. So now Emerald lived with her Aunt. Who just so happened to be a nurse.  It could come in handy sometimes, like every day. Emerald was the most hated mare of the school.  It was kind of scary to think about, though. When she finally got her locker to open, Emerald slid on her back and knocked into another student. She quickly got up and went to go get her books for math class, not wanting to embarrass herself any more than she already had.




rule 1: no alicorns. only Pegasus, earth, unicorn, and if asked- non pony characters are allowed.

rule 2: You can NEVER kill another's OC, it is brutal and just plain rude!

rule 3: Emerald is the lowest in the rank of popularity. If you are somehow lower than her, than then there is a problem.

rule 4: Send your request to join in the OOC thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/52089-struggeling-to-be-perfect-ooc/#entry1249582

rule 5: HAVE FUN!!

Edited by SellyBelly411




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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MoonSparkle walked in before frowning as she saw emerald, she picked up her Astronomy book with her magic and continued walking trying to ignore emerald next to her, she knew she would probably get humiliated if she was seen talking to the low ranking pony, besides she wasn't even smart 


She thought of what they would do in math, hopefully she could complete her moon picture she had started in art the previous lesson, she saw several Pegasus pony's in front of her and wondered when she was older she could become a alicorn, MoonSparkle sighed she was still only 15 but it wasn't fair she could only do magic in magic lessons, using magic to carry her stuff was a blatant violation but she couldn't care less 


She wondered what types of math they would do today, she hoped it was something to do with calculation stuff or something near her favorite subject astronomy, she had decided if anyone teased her about hating the dark she would throw them out the window or throw something at them preferably a heavy sharp object


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MoonSparkle walked in before frowning as she saw emerald, she picked up her Astronomy book with her magic and continued walking trying to ignore emerald next to her, she knew she would probably get humiliated if she was seen talking to the low ranking pony, besides she wasn't even smart 


She thought of what they would do in math, hopefully she could complete her moon picture she had started in art the previous lesson, she saw several Pegasus pony's in front of her and wondered when she was older she could become a alicorn, MoonSparkle sighed she was still only 15 but it wasn't fair she could only do magic in magic lessons, using magic to carry her stuff was a blatant violation but she couldn't care less 


She wondered what types of math they would do today, she hoped it was something to do with calculation stuff or something near her favorite subject astronomy, she had decided if anyone teased her about hating the dark she would throw them out the window or throw something at them preferably a heavy sharp object

Emerald twiddled with her pencil, and soon the teacher began to talk.


Teacher: "Alright class, today we are going to continue our project. You may group with your partners."

Students got up and went to their partners. Emerald didn't move. She turned to Moonsparkle an sighed, "So, are we going to do this or not?" Emerald opened up her math booklet and tore out a clean page. "I can write down any ideas here, if you want."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"ideas what ideas?, i would get better ideas from the wall" she told Emerald before rolling her clear blue eyes, "so whats the project again?, is it about the moon, i like the moon its very bright but the suns brighter compared to the moon which reflects the runs light" she said in a very long sentence before pausing. "So do you like astronomy and star charts?" she asked trying to be more friendly 


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"ideas what ideas?, i would get better ideas from the wall" she told Emerald before rolling her clear blue eyes, "so whats the project again?, is it about the moon, i like the moon its very bright but the suns brighter compared to the moon which reflects the runs light" she said in a very long sentence before pausing. "So do you like astronomy and star charts?" she asked trying to be more friendly 

Emerald looked down, a single tear dripped down her check and onto the piece of paper that sat on her desk. "I see..." She grabbed her pencil and held it, or rather clenched it, trying to calm herself down.  "We have to make a foldable for what we learned this semester." She listen to the pony blabber on about the moon. "Yes, I think there are some sections about the moon, but I apologize. I don't like the moon all that much, it makes me feel depressed."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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MoonSparkle yawned before picking up her book with magic, she started to draw random objects until Emerald said the moon was depressing, she dropped her pencil and paper and turned on her "what on earth you mean the moon looked depressing?, how dare you" she hissed trying very hard not to throw Emerald with her magic half way across the room, instead she directed her magic towards the teachers desk and started to lift up random bits of work, "you want the answer sheet?" she asked Emerald with a small grin on her face


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“That’s not the answer sheet, that’s today’s lunch menu.” Emerald said, sounding bored. “Plus, you can hiss at me all you want, princess but I have a reason….” Her grey eyes softened, and she looked like she was about to burst into tears. “My parents were killed at night time, so whenever it's night....I can feel their pain.”   Emerald said, sounding sorrowful. "I'm sorry, let's just get on with the project."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"speak to me like that again and see what happens" she growled glaring at this silly foal, "no wonder no one likes you your madder then a fox in a fit, im not a princess and i dont want to be but your never going to be one" she added before picking up Emerald pencil and sending it flying around the room, after that she threw it at the teacher and said "Teacher emerald is messing around" she grinned at Emerald forgetting she was still levitating the pencil and her horn was glowing a bright orange color


Student:"BUSTED, MoonSparkle" said one of the ponys


Student 2 "Your so Expelled


Student 3 "Thats what you get from moony lmao"


Rest of the class *Starts laughing at MoonSparkles expense*


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The teacher started walking towards Moon Sparkle.  His face was red with fury.

Teacher: “These actions will not be tolerated! You will be severely punished for your actions, Moon Sparkle.” Emerald stood up, “Sir, I told her to throw that pencil. She did it out of peer pressure. It was absolutely my fault. Please don’t punish her.”

Teacher:   “Hmm, I believe you. But she is still getting a day of detention, you on the other hoof. Are getting suspended. Come with me young mare.” He began to drag her by the ear to the principals office.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The teacher started walking towards Moon Sparkle.  His face was red with fury.

Teacher: “These actions will not be tolerated! You will be severely punished for your actions, Moon Sparkle.” Emerald stood up, “Sir, I told her to throw that pencil. She did it out of peer pressure. It was absolutely my fault. Please don’t punish her.”

Teacher:   “Hmm, I believe you. But she is still getting a day of detention, you on the other hoof. Are getting suspended. Come with me young mare.” He began to drag her by the ear to the principals office.


MoonSparkle grinned as Emerald got dragged out of the class, she turned to one of the other pony's "Riot?" she asked before pushing one of the tables over with her head. In Several seconds the classroom became trashed and she quickly climbed onto the teachers desk, and sat down grinning at everyone, before deciding to rummage in his draws, she grabbed several large books and threw them onto the floor


MoonSparkle then sat onto the teachers chair and started to hand out detentions randomly before glancing back at the open door where the teacher was standing, "erm Emerald told me to" she said as she saw his fuming face before grinning sheepishly she quickly climbed back down from his chair and walked back to her chair "i think ill just leave" she said rather quickly picking up her bag making sure to knock over several more tables and chairs 


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I follow MoonSparkle out of the classroom. "Hey. I'm GameFreak. I've neer really seen you around the high school. Are you new?" I say and grin. I think of the sheer suddenness of the 'riot' in class and begin to giggle. "Pretty dangerous what you did back there. If you didn't leave, the teacher would've had your flank!" 


   Awesome Signature by Doctor-Whooves

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"hehe thanks, i suppose ill be bunking off school for today, so what about you?" she asked him with a smile, "i wouldn't want to be caught or i may lose my tail" she added before leaving the hallway and going outside, "you coming?" she asked GameFreak turning around to face him 


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Emerald was in the office, waiting for her Aunt to pick her up from school.


A office AID- one of the nice ones, patted Emerald on the shoulder and gave her a sympathetic smile.


"Don't worry, what you did back there was great. That other mare was awful, though. I think I might give her a piece of my mind."


I gave her a look, "Don't, Ebony. Please. Everypony here already hates me, so why push it to where they hate me more?"


Ebony gave me a long, silent, look. "Oh, fine. But you still shouldn't be treated like this. It's absolutely horrific!"


"My Aunt is here, I got to go. Can you come and visit this weekend? Maybe we can talk a little more."


She smiled at me, "My schedule is all clear." Ebony said. She smiled at me, I didn't smile back.


I just ran out to the car where my Aunt Redheart was.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"hehe thanks, i suppose ill be bunking off school for today, so what about you?" she asked him with a smile, "i wouldn't want to be caught or i may lose my tail" she added before leaving the hallway and going outside, "you coming?" she asked GameFreak turning around to face him 

"I'm not sure, the teachers will have both of our flanks... Heck, we might be suspended! Hm... Oh, why not! I might as well do something different in school for once! Let's just make sure we don't get caught...  :ph34r: " GameFreak said. "So, why does everypony hate Emerald? I don't get it..."


   Awesome Signature by Doctor-Whooves

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The car ride home was a bit more calming.


Aunt Redheart said that Ebony, the office AID had told her everything.


She was proud of Emerald for stranding up, and taking the blame willingly.


But she was little disappointed in Moon Sparkle.


That car drove by Ponyville High, the red cube was familier to every student.


'It was that losers' car' as her schoolmates put it.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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The car ride home was a bit more calming.


Aunt Redheart said that Ebony, the office AID had told her everything.


She was proud of Emerald for stranding up, and taking the blame willingly.


But she was little disappointed in Moon Sparkle.


That car drove by Ponyville High, the red cube was familier to every student.


'It was that losers' car' as her schoolmates put it.



"I'm not sure, the teachers will have both of our flanks... Heck, we might be suspended! Hm... Oh, why not! I might as well do something different in school for once! Let's just make sure we don't get caught...  :ph34r: " GameFreak said. "So, why does everypony hate Emerald? I don't get it..."



Emerald was in the office, waiting for her Aunt to pick her up from school.


A office AID- one of the nice ones, patted Emerald on the shoulder and gave her a sympathetic smile.


"Don't worry, what you did back there was great. That other mare was awful, though. I think I might give her a piece of my mind."


I gave her a look, "Don't, Ebony. Please. Everypony here already hates me, so why push it to where they hate me more?"


Ebony gave me a long, silent, look. "Oh, fine. But you still shouldn't be treated like this. It's absolutely horrific!"


"My Aunt is here, I got to go. Can you come and visit this weekend? Maybe we can talk a little more."


She smiled at me, "My schedule is all clear." Ebony said. She smiled at me, I didn't smile back.


I just ran out to the car where my Aunt Redheart was.

MoonSparkle saw the car "what the buck?" she said aloud wondering what it was, "meh looks like some failed invention, it will never catch on" she said to Gamefreek before looking around "well lets make our escape" she told him before running for the front entrance where she could be free 


She was several feet from the gate when she heard her name being called, she turned around and saw the principle "dammit so close" she sighed before going over to him "erm im about to leave" she said slowly trying to think of a reason to leave


The principle shook his head slowly "i think not, i think your going to have to spend the rest of the month in detention, well tommorow you can start with Emerald and if i get so much as a sniff off trouble your going to be expelled" he rebuked her sternly before pointing back to the school, "now get back to class, you disobedient foal" he growled 


MoonSparkle sighed before walking back into the school


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At home, Emerald logged on to her favorite website. A message immidently popped up in her I.M. box.


Thriftshopking: Hey:)

EmeraldPink: hi.

Thriftshopking: Just checked time. Aren't you supposed to be at school?

EmeraldPink: well...yah. Got suspended.

Thriftshopking: WAT?!?!!!!!!!!!!!

EmeraldPink: Yah. Took the blame for another mare who was about to get suspended. Now stuck at home bored:(

Thriftshopking: Gorging on suger?

EmeraldPink: yes.

Thriftshopking: want me to send you the new Taylor Swift song?

EmeraldPink: No, my Aunt already bought Ben and Jerry's.

Thriftshopking: yum. I gtg, got loads of hw to do. Feel better.

EmeraldPink: I'll try, bye!




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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MoonSparkle glances at the time the following morning still hung over, "eugh my head" she complained before looking at the clock, "10 past 10, looks like im late" she groaned before slowly getting up, she got dressed before having a chocolate cake to eat and fly towards the school.


She arrived at her lesson at 11am and walked in, "sorry im late" she apologized before stumbling towards her desk, after sitting on it she yawned wanting to go back to bed, Do i have that detention today? she thought before looking over at Emerald and wondering if she should ask her, "Yo Emerald do i have a detention today?" she asked 


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MoonSparkle glances at the time the following morning still hung over, "eugh my head" she complained before looking at the clock, "10 past 10, looks like im late" she groaned before slowly getting up, she got dressed before having a chocolate cake to eat and fly towards the school. She arrived at her lesson at 11am and walked in, "sorry im late" she apologized before stumbling towards her desk, after sitting on it she yawned wanting to go back to bed, Do i have that detention today? she thought before looking over at Emerald and wondering if she should ask her, "Yo Emerald do i have a detention today?" she asked 

"Yes." Emerald said, and resumed coloring her picture for art. It was a bunch of dimonds that seemed to fade out once they reached wthe center. If you looked closley at the bottom left corner, you could see a hidden picture of th Crystal Empire. And in the top right was a picture of ponyville.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Yes." Emerald said, and resumed coloring her picture for art. It was a bunch of dimonds that seemed to fade out once they reached wthe center. If you looked closley at the bottom left corner, you could see a hidden picture of th Crystal Empire. And in the top right was a picture of ponyville.

"what you doing, are you drawing a moon" MoonSparkle asked before glancing at the clock, "so where is the detention and what are we doing?" she asked before resting her head on the desk wanting to fall asleep but knowing she would be expelled if she did


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"what you doing, are you drawing a moon" MoonSparkle asked before glancing at the clock, "so where is the detention and what are we doing?" she asked before resting her head on the desk wanting to fall asleep but knowing she would be expelled if she did

Emerald flinched, but she managed to keep her cool. "No, I'm drawing crystals, they have two hidden pictures in them though." She resumed coloring, then was interrupted yet again by Moon Sparkle. "Detention is room 304, just down the hall to your right. You shouldn't miss it. I don't know what we are doing today." 


(Wow, your character REALLY loves the moon :lol:  )




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Emerald flinched, but she managed to keep her cool. "No, I'm drawing crystals, they have two hidden pictures in them though." She resumed coloring, then was interrupted yet again by Moon Sparkle. "Detention is room 304, just down the hall to your right. You shouldn't miss it. I don't know what we are doing today." 


(Wow, your character REALLY loves the moon :lol:  )


(Tehe MoonSparkle gets her powers from the moon, shes stronger then twilightsparkle at The full moon but she can hardly do anything at the new moon, if she doesn't keep a check on the moon she might accidentally kill herself if she performs a magic spell when shes not strong enough)


"Oh Crystals, well thats fine" she said before falling asleep on her chair, she woke up and looked at the clock "oh my better get to my detention" she sighed before getting up and going to room 304 and depositing her bag on the chair, She sat down next to Emerald and smiled "well hey their detention buddy, i do hope we do something fun" MoonSparkle added


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(Tehe MoonSparkle gets her powers from the moon, shes stronger then twilightsparkle at The full moon but she can hardly do anything at the new moon, if she doesn't keep a check on the moon she might accidentally kill herself if she performs a magic spell when shes not strong enough)


"Oh Crystals, well thats fine" she said before falling asleep on her chair, she woke up and looked at the clock "oh my better get to my detention" she sighed before getting up and going to room 304 and depositing her bag on the chair, She sat down next to Emerald and smiled "well hey their detention buddy, i do hope we do something fun" MoonSparkle added

Emerald just slumped back in her chair, and began to read a book called (I think  Moon Sparkle will like this) The Shadow of the Moon.

She had been awfully stricken in the heart by the book's title. yet she still bought it, and when she read it she to felt like she was part of this depressing story. In a way, though, she was.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Emerald just slumped back in her chair, and began to read a book called (I think  Moon Sparkle will like this) The Shadow of the Moon.

She had been awfully stricken in the heart by the book's title. yet she still bought it, and when she read it she to felt like she was part of this depressing story. In a way, though, she was.


MoonSparkle being the nosy pony made Emeralds book float into the air and land on her own desk, She started to read it before getting bored. "wow this is some piece of buck" she said before looking at the title, "well this isnt right, the dark side of the moon always is facing away from us as it doesn't spin, someone screwed up when they wrote this" she added before starting to chew on the book cover as you would, She then send the book back to Emerald with a large slobber mark


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MoonSparkle being the nosy pony made Emeralds book float into the air and land on her own desk, She started to read it before getting bored. "wow this is some piece of buck" she said before looking at the title, "well this isnt right, the dark side of the moon always is facing away from us as it doesn't spin, someone screwed up when they wrote this" she added before starting to chew on the book cover as you would, She then send the book back to Emerald with a large slobber mark

She looked over at Moon Sparkle and gave her a glare. "This was a signed copy!" Tears began to roll down her face as she buried her face in her backpack. It smelled faintly of spilled perfume and fish sticks. She grabbed all of her things and moved to the very back corner, and continued to cry.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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