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Symphonia retorted back to Flare "Its alright about the piano, I mean i'm sure it was an accident." His voice was filled with sarcasm.


"I'm a student here, and I recently moved here about a month ago from Canterlot. I'm kinda a shy guy thats why I ignored everypony"


Symphonia looked away and began to read his sheet music.


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"You know  you could do without the sarcasm" Flare said sounding a bit agitated."Anyways welcome to music class im Flarebolt but you can call me Flare over there is Millymusic and Moonsparkles and the crying one i have no idea who she is. Flare said point at the people he just name. "Glad to have you here i was feeling i was the only stallion here"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well, its good to see another stallion with a interest in music. As you could of guessed I play the piano. What do you play?" He was a little less irritated now that he was introduced to somepony.


He says to flare "Got any idea where the teacher is?" Symphonia then continued to go over his sheet music and flipped from page to page until he found the line he was looking for.

Edited by TBB Symphonia


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"I play violin and guitar and i also sing a little" Flare said as he got his violin out. "I had a Octavia as my violin teacher" Flare said as he started to tighten the strings a little. "Oh and no i haven't see the teacher at all" Flare said as he didn't see the teacher all day yesterday either.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ah, the renowned Octavia. You must have lived in Canterlot and known the right people to have been taught by her." Symphonia was clearly intrigued at what flare had to say.


Symphonia did not mention that he was the son of Concerto the famed pianist that was know for playing in front of the royal family at the Grand Galloping Gala.


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"Yeah I lived and moved to many places but im staying in Ponyville" Flare said as he remembered he lived in Manehattan then he lived in Canterlot now he lived in Ponyville where he met a lot of ponies and made new friends. "So how did you learn how to play piano" Flare asked curious as to the teacher who tought him

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I guess you could say it runs in the family. My dad plays the piano professionally so I am pretty much expected to fall in his hoofsteps"


Symphonia has always been touchy about this subject, and always resented his dad for not being around for him and his family.


"I am actually self taught, since my dad isn't often at home." A tone a sorrow stained his voice.


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MillyMusic looks over at Symphonia "Hi Symphonia, cool cutie mark! i haven't seen the teacher either...mmm beginning to feel like this place is more of a hang out then a school..." Milly says jokingly "Although considering somepony-" Milly says looks over to MoonSparkle "destroyed almost all the interments its probably good the teacher hasn't come....she gets mad if you even scratch a interment when she sees this somepony will get in trouble..." Milly looks back over at Moon 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Hey Milly do you know what with the crying pony and also im actually from Manehattan i used to live there before i moved to Canterlot where i learned violin from octavia but i learned how to sing on my own" Flare said as he forgot to tell her about that. "i can help you out in Manehattan if you want"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey Flare, no..no i don't, i have been trying to talk to her but either she is sleeping, can't here me from all her crying orr she is just ignoring me..." Milly says looking over at her "Um anyways...Really? i used to live in Canterlot for a bit too...where i got one lesson from Octavia! Thanks, that would be awesome!" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Yeah really though i never stayed to get a contract but some people remember me" Flare said as he grabbed a guitar case he hid from Moonsparkle. "Wanna do a song together" Flare asked in a quiet tone. "I mean if its ok with you" Flare said not trying to seem like she doesn't have a choice. "Its ok if you dont want to though"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Bet they do remember you, considering your so good! a song together? sure! that would be fun, what song? Milly said with a smile then looks over a MoonSparkle "I just hope Moon doesn't get jealous or anything" Milly whispers to Flare "And as long as everypony doesn't mind..."  


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"S-" Flares phone goes of and he answers it. "Hello...no....ARE YOU SERIOUS SHES COMING HERE....RIGHT NOW...ok" Flare hung up with a face of shock on it. "My violin teacher Octavia is coming over here right now" Flare said as he started worrying. "Oh man why...why now of all time why now"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh my gosh! Really??" Milly says excitedly hoping she will get another violin lesson "Is she coming to teach? why is she coming!? when?? oh wait right now?!" Milly was to excited to think, Octavia was her favorite pony...right next to Vinyl Scratch "Why do you seen so nervous? you okay?"


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"BECAUSE I WORRIED IF SHE REMEMBERS ME AND IF SHE DOES SHES GONNA EXPECT ME TO PLAY CLASSICAL" Flare yelled worried as he knows how to play classical but not a lot he mostly play on the guitar. "Im dead im so dead" Flare said as he is always worried when any of his teachers come over toi just visit or guess teach a class. "Octavia why Octavia why not Lyra or Vinyl" Flare said as he got his violin and started to work on it to make it sound right.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Milly backs up when Flare starts yelling "Ohh..." "Um, its okay..everything will be fine! you can just tell her..that you want to ply guitar more then violin..?" Milly says not getting why Flare is so nervous "Wait you know Lyra and Vinyl too?!?" Milly says excitedly then stops and calms herself "Uhm..sorry not the right time"


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Long stroy short i was playing guitar in the streets and i met them then i got into classical so i went to Canterlot and Octavia-" "Taught him" A voice with a proper accent was heard. "Its been a while hasn't it Flare" "Why yes it has been...Octavia" Flare said turning to face Octavia. "Im here cause you teacher is sick so various music artist will com by to teach you on various music but first Flare give us a demonstration on Classical" Octavia said looking at Flare. "Y-yes Miss Octavia" Flare said as he started play a random song on the violin

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh my gosh! Octavia! hi, do you remember me? no probably not..but maybe but maybe i should just shut up..." Milly said excitedly and fast "The teachers sick? thats why she isn't here...wait otherponys are gonna teach to? who?" Milly says still talking fast "Y-" Milly starts to talk but puts her hoof over her mouth so she doesn't start talking and talking then listens to Flare play 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"You must be Millymusic you were a student of min" Octavia said as she looked at Flare. "You may stop now Flarebolt you preformed wonderfully you havent for got what i taught you" Octavia praised Flare as he stopped playing. "Well you were a really good teacher how is it hard not to forget" Flare said as he sat down. "Yes Millymusic others are coming by they are Vinyl Scratch and Conerto" Octavia said as she sat down at the desk

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"YOU REMEMBER ME?" Milly says excitedly then calms herself down "Ehm" She clears her throat "I mean..you remember me?" Milly said hiding her excitement "You did vary good Flare!" Milly said smiling "RE-ehm really? awesome!"  "You are a really good teacher Octavia!" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Hello sir sorry about the piano my friend here broke it" Flare said pointing to Moonsparkle. "So anyways are you the music teacher that teaches here" Flare said wondering why this pony is here besides to learn music since he didnt even acknowledge him or the others



Symphonia retorted back to Flare "Its alright about the piano, I mean i'm sure it was an accident." His voice was filled with sarcasm.


"I'm a student here, and I recently moved here about a month ago from Canterlot. I'm kinda a shy guy thats why I ignored everypony"


Symphonia looked away and began to read his sheet music.



"You know  you could do without the sarcasm" Flare said sounding a bit agitated."Anyways welcome to music class im Flarebolt but you can call me Flare over there is Millymusic and Moonsparkles and the crying one i have no idea who she is. Flare said point at the people he just name. "Glad to have you here i was feeling i was the only stallion here"


Glares at everyone for blaming her for wrecking the piano, "its fine you can still use it" she commented before trying to fix it with her magic, she looked at the bodged attempt to fix it and realised she still had a key, "well its a spare right" she grinned before throwing the key outside of the class, she quickly started to play it and didn't notice the screeching noise it was producing, "their good as new"  she added sitting down proudly


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"No its not good in fact it made a screeching noise that sounded dreadful" Octavia added as she walked up to Moonsparkle. "Whats your name might i ask" Octavia said looking at Moonsparkle for Octavia never seen her before. "Besides i'll just have to buy a new one for this school.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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MoonSparkle frowned before pointing at flare "flare destroyed it with a fire spell, and im MoonSparkle" she said to the music teacher, "I can play all the instruments at once, have a look" she said before starting to deafen everyone by using all the instruments at once, of course Moonsparkle had made a sound barrier around her so she didn't get deafened by the by music 


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"Thanks, your cutiemark is pretty cool too." He said to Milly


Symphonia heard what the two were saying about helping each other out and decided to put in some input as well.


"So you guys are thinking about going to the Big Apple? I've been there a few times for concerts and banquets for the high esteemed music folk. Its a tough business, and Manehattan is a great placed to get noticed."


He totally ignored MoonSparkle completely since he was still a bit angry about the broken and burned piano.


Symphonia only listened to the teachers words and ignored everypony until spoken to.

Edited by TBB Symphonia


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"I know Flare wouldn't do that im not stupid" Octavia said glaring at Moonsparkle who trying to frame Flare. "Anyways what have you been doing while the teacher was out" Octavia asked. "Well me and Milly were going to do a song together untill you came in" Flare said as he grabbed a guitar. "Go ahead i wanna hear all of your musical talents" Octavia said

Edited by FlareBolt

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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