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Flare is in some music hall/place far away from Thunder and Milly listening to the sound of people of playing made Flare remember a song so he went up and requested to play a song. "My name is Flarebolt and im gonna play Wine Red by The Hush Sound" Flare said as he started playing the song.



Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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MillyMusic continued playing then finished and turned to Thunder Dash "Uh how was that? i know...it wasn't that good like i said i'm better at guitar then piano" Milly said thinking how she probably made a bunch of mistakes "So anyways what did i do wrong?" 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"That was pretty, but watch those movements across the piano. They are a bit hesitant and need to be smoother. Also, your transitions need work. Transitions are a vital key when it comes to playing instruments as it is a shift form one section to the next. For example, if you were playing a sonata in c major and you were playing to the second section. Now, sonata movements are divided into three sections: theme, development, and recapitulation, or returning to the theme. How does this apply to transitions you ask? Well, you must go about each chord progression smoothly and not hesitate, or else that would break the mood. Hopefully, all of that didn't just fly over your head." Thunder Dash explained. 

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Hay Flare what are you doing hear and how long have you been here oh and I have a cupcake for you to so do you think that you are ready to tell me what's bothering you or are you just going to run away again and not say a word and still be worried about it because I really want to know and I want to help you.

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"Thanks...and thanks for the tips...i'll work on that all that" Milly said smiling "Uh yea i got all of that...basically" Milly said giggling "Soooo what other instruments do you play? do you sing?" Milly said trying to start a conversation so there wouldn't be awkward silence 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"I...I can't...I just can't" Flare said as he pulled out the little box and opened it to look at the necklace. "How the heck am I supposed to tell her mother...how" Flare said to him self as he puts the necklace in the box away. "I've been thinking of just letting the others and you just leave...I can stay here" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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But why Flare do you not like it in Ponyvill and why do you want to stay so much I thought that we are friends but why the sudden change I can't imagine living in Ponyvill without one of my friend with me or maybe I could stay here with you so that you won't be so lonely.

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Thunder Dash, then scooted himself on the piano and began to play. He then sang Love is In Bloom but in the key of B major while playing the piano. Again, he was taken back to the scene where the was a huge party when Shining Armor and Cadence got married. 

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"I don't want to leave Ponyville though that's the problem......Luna...I" Flare couldn't say anything he had so much mixed up emotions inside of him. "I just want to feel like im not alone all the time..." Flare said before he got up. "Besides I don't really think of anyone as my friend...I always felt alone by myself"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well I was alone all my life entail I final came to Ponyvill and met Fluttershy and then I went back to school and I made friends with a stallion and that stallion is you and you do have a friend I'm your friend and now I guess that Fluttershy is my only friend now.

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"So  i guess you can sing! haha" Milly said "I love that song, its so sweet" Milly said smiling. Milly looked at the clock "Wow its getting late...i should go to the hotel we are staying at. It was really fun hanging out with you Thunder Dash! Maybe we can continue this tomorrow..after the tour" Milly said gathering her stuff and thinking maybe Flare and Luna were at the hotel.


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"No...your not only gonna have one friend im not staying here...im staying at Ponyville Luna also don't be sad I hate it when people are sad. Flare said as he looked up at the sky. "The blue sky...the only thing in this world that will never change not matter what" Flare said as s he smiled.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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I'm so glade that you are still coming with us but I have one question that i need to ask you what exactly is that box for and what is in it and if its something personal thing sorry for asking I'm just a curious pony thats all and u really want to know but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

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"Alright, see you later." Thunder Dash said. He then gathered all of his things, packed them up and made them disappear. When he got to his hotel room, he noticed that his room was right next to Milly! He then settled in for the evening, got out his 12 string guitar and began to play soothing Beethoven pieces. 

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"See you later Thunder Dash!" Milly said smiling. Milly was walking to the hotel room and stopped someplace where they were playing music, there was snacks there and Milly was hungry so she went in. She ate a bit and was going out the door when she herd Flare and Luna! she turned around and saw them "Hey, there you guys are! where have you guys been?!"


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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"Well I've been meaning to give this to someone that I like...but so far that hasn't happened yet" Flare said showing the necklace in the box. "My mother told me to give it to someone I really like but so far that hasn't happened yet...you know before I even met any of you I was just a lonely person playing the guitar...playing sad songs" Flare said till he heard Milly. "Oh Hi Milly I was just visiting my old home where I used to live it's still in one piece if you want to see it" Flare said putting the necklace in the box away.

Edited by FlareBolt

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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He then heard some music coming from some place and stopped playing. He then went to check it out. When he arrived at the room, he found Milly, Flare and Luna chatting. "Hey guys, what's up. I heard some music, so I decided to come and see what was going on." Thunder Dash said. 

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"Oh hey Thunder it's just this place it's not really good to tell the truth I was inviting everypony to see if they want to check my old house out plus I think I might have instruments there" Flare said as he almost dropped his guitar after somepony bumped into him. "Watch where your going...jerk" Flare said checking to see if he has everything. "Ok i still have it"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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*whispers to Flare* It ok we can finish this conversation later. Oh I Milly we wasn't really talking about much just a random conversation nothing that you would be interested in we were actually talking about different kinds of muffins there are.

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((I want to bring Derpy in here for a bit for some reason))


"MUFFINS" a voice said as a gray pegasus crashed into Flare. "Whoops sorry about that" The gray pegasus getting back up along with Flare. "It's no problem at all Derpy" Flare said surprised that Derpy is in Manehattan

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey Thunder Dash, i'm not really sure i just got here...i thought you were going to the hotel? although i was going there to..anyways! Different...muffins? haha alright, whats in the box Flare? a muffin?" Milly said jokingly When a pony crashed in to Flare "Oh are you-oh hey its you Derpy! long time no talk, what are you doing in Manehatten?" Milly said smiling 


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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He then made his 12 string appear and held it in case somepony wanted to jam. He then noticed Derpy who crash landed into the place. He laughed a little bit but was able to contain himself and continue to chat. "So, who wants to do a soft jam?" He asked waiting to get attention. 

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Wow Derpy what are you doing here maybe it's because you want a muffin well I think that they have muffins here but I'm not sure so that's why I'm guessing that there are muffins here and I really want to know why are you here in the first place don't you have to deliver mail in the morning.

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"Sorry I can't I got mail to deliver" And with that Derpy was off. "Theres not a muffin in the box it's something special i have been saving" Flare said before he heard Thunder say somethin about soft jam. "Do you guys ignore my question and changed the subject all the time" Flare said a bit annoyed no one will answer him

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Uh...see you Derpy!" Milly said waving by to Derpy "Wow is that pony random" Milly said laughing "Special? that's cool" Milly said then Flare sounded annoyed "Flare, are you alright? we aren't meaning to change subject its just there is lots of things going on and well i dunno...you okay?"


Signature made by me! :3


MillyMusic , Heather ,

Neon Strobe , Scarlet Stage

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