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"What is it? Are you a changeling, too?" Metaphor asked. "Or do you not want to tell me? It's okay if you don't want to...I just am a bit too curious, sorry...am I being too nosy again? I am so awkward when it comes to social skills....sorry about that. I am still new to this 'friendship. thing..."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Thunder Dash sighed and then contracted his entire body. Electricity started to build. He then continued to gather electricity. Soon a bright white beam spread throughout the room and Thunder Dash was revealed as his younger self. "Now don't be alarmed...I could always go back." Thunder Dash said. 


(OOC: Here's what Thunder Dash looks like in his younger days: post-8804-0-83554000-1367532538.png)

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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(2 hours later)


After meteorite and thunder dash left the music they went their separate ways after trotting around manehatten for a while (or where ever we were) meteorite wondered where everypony was he trotted over to the school he went inside looking for the music room "where is it?" he asked himself he heard some chatter from other ponies from down the hall way he walk over there to check it out he discover the music room "ah ha!" he thought he walk in to see thunder dash and some other ponies especial a cute mare and a changeling he interdounce himself "oh hey thunder what's also hi everypony and changeling" he walk over to the changeling and shook his hoof in excitement "oh hi my name meteorite" he looked over to the mare next to him "and hello to you" he said with a smirk ((OOC:sorry but I didn't know where to start off because I haven't posted in a while))


After saying hello to the cute mare a bright light shine behind "what?" he said while turning around to find that thunder dash was younger "whoa dude how did you do that and did I just interrupted something? Because I have no clue what just happen" he said confused

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"Everypony and changeling? Is that a normal thing to say?" Metaphor asked, clearly perplexed by the social conduct of these lower-class ponies. He had expected everypony to talk as if their neighbor was the Princess of Equestria, but he wasn't so sure anymore. "Am I not part of evrypony? Or is a changeling not a pony?" he was really confused. Why hadn't he learned anything about this in his studies???

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Well, not everypony's the same, or else things would be so crazy." Thunder Dash said going to a nearby piano and starting to play a tune softly. He then finished the tune and eyed Metaphor. "Hopefully I'm not offending you by this question but...where you ever related to Queen Chrysalis, just wondering." Thunder Dash asked still in his younger form. 

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Nala saw Thunder changed. "Aw~ he looks so cute" Nala said as she smiled then blushed cause of how she sounded. "Heh...sorry" Nala apologized then looked at the stallion next to her. "Hello to you alsoy name is Nala what's yours" Nala asked as she did not know this ponys name at all.


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Thunder Dash began to blush. "Ugh, every time I use that spell ponies always say I look cute!" Thunder Dash said trying not to blush, but his cheeks showed a faint red. "Well, I actually taught myself how to do it. Once I found out that I could channel my energy and convert it to magic power inside of my body, I then continued to try stuff. Eventually, I got to age spells. But I cannot perform age spells on anypony else but me." Thunder Dash explained. He then made his guitar appear. 

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"Oh you sing also I do too though I get nervous when I have to sing in front of a crowd" Nala asked as she blushed a bit then turned to Thunder. "Sorry for calling you cute" Nala said as she looked at the young Thunder. "Anyways yeah I sing but mostly in private cause im afraid to sing in private.


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"Ah, I get it all the time, no biggie." Thunder Dash said. He decided to stay his younger self for a while. He then overheard Meteorite saying that he sings. "Wow! I didn't know you sing. So...can you sing and play the guitar at the same time?" Thunder Dash asked eying Meteorite. 

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"Well you shouldn't be afriad of a crowd" meteorite said putting a hoof on nala shoulder "listen when you get up on stage or where ever it maybe just don't think about crowd trust me once you get going you'll feel like nothing can hold you down " he said with a gentle smile "if you want I can show you a few tricks...if you want" he then turn his head to thunder "and to answer your question yes but I only know so much as to playing guitar but yeah I can do both"

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"Yeah." Thunder Dash said as he went to play a tune on the piano. As he was playing, he was thinking about the first he ever performed in front of a crowd. He thought about his confidence and readiness for the performance as his hooves gided across the ivory keys. 


(OOC: Tune found here: 

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"Ok so nothing can leave the music room you say so does that mean that we can't leave the room either" Luna said trying to make Flare laugh a little. "Well I know now not to go in the music room" Luna said giggling a little bit wondering if Flare will laugh to.

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Flare laughed a bit at hearing Lunas joke. "Nah you can leave the room...unless you wanna live there" Flare joked as he went down stories to the music room. "Turn on the speakers and amp plug in the guitar" Flare said as he played a few notes in the music room

"It still works...awesome"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"That's good to know, and its good that your speakers and amp still work to, wow it must he nice having a music room in your house with the amp and everything else that is in here" Luna said while she walked around the room for a little bit so that she can have a good idea of where things are.

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Flare stopped playing and went upstairs. "I take it you like my house Luna" Flare said as he kissed Luna on the cheek. "We should head on back to the music class so we dont seem like we are skipping class" Flare said as he grabbed his guitar and his violin. "Come on let's get going"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ok lets go" Luna said blushing. "I wonder how lond we have been gone for" Luna said to herself woudering what time they left and when will they be back. "So Flare do you have any ideas of what time we left or what time it is right now" Luna asked hoping that he can help solve the problem.

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"I...have...NO IDEA" Flare said as he left his house and waited for Luna. "How long were we gone...probably longer then an hour cause itblooks like its midday...I really hope I don't get in trouble for being late for coming back to class" Flare thought to him self as he held the door open for Luna

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Um, she was my mother," Metaphor mumbled. "It's okay, I'm just unfamiliar with social conduct. Um, I play everything, but I major in the changeling hapimode. I can sing, but it's unfair because I can transform my vocal cords to match anypony. I am a changeling, anywho. I'm Prince Metamorphosis, but call me Metaphor."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"Well lets go then" Luna said as she started walking to where the class room is at. "So do you think that every pony is still there at the music room" Luna asked wondering who is there at the time right now and wondering if the teacher is there too. "Wow I sure do have a lot of retorical questions" Luna said to herself.

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"I have to say though its great there are new students here finally" Flare said as he saw the place in the distance. "Well we are almost there I guess we will see if anypony Is there or not" Flare said as he wonder what he will play on his violin when he gets there. "Maybe I should...nah" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yay we get to see who is there wow I wonder why I'm a little bit excited to find out its kind of like a mystery" Luna said as they got closer to the music room so that they can know who is there and who is not there. "I wonder who is at the music room" Luna said to herself.

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"Well all I know is that if there is new student we will greet them" Flare said as they arrived at the class and Flare opened the door. "Hey we're back and...Thunder how did you get smaller...and younger" Flare said surprised by the fact that Thunder Dash was a colt again.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Aww you look adorable as a little colt and I bet that Flare will look even more adorable as a colt but we will never know" Luna said as she see that Nala is there talking to Metaphor. "Well it seams that Thunder Dash isn't the only pony here oh Thunder Dash are you related to Randow Dash I only asked because your last name is Dash" Luna asked.

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