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open All That Remains (zombies, realism)

Senor Citizen

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(OOC goes HERE!)

(Alright you chucklenutses, you can introduce yourselves. Note-none of you are together at the beginning, and none of you start with a weapon.)


As Standoff woke up, he became aware of two things. A pounding pain in his head, and a pounding on the door of the dank, non-lit room he was in. "Urgh. Gimme a sec, I'm coming..." He walked to the door, opened it, and something fell in. It looked like a pony, but not any he'd ever seen. Its face was covered in pustules, and it sprang up and tried to bite him. Snapping into combat mode, Standoff deflected the flying jaw, buried a knee in its spine, and snapped its neck. "Crap!" He rushed out of the room into...

A subway tunnel?



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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''What is it with you bastards!'' A gray pegasus in the subway tunnel screamed as he swung a chair at one of the very odd looking ponies trying to reach out for him. The pegasus' name was Splinter. ''Do they have the munchies for hooves or somethin'?'' Splinter said to himself as he slammed another pony in the face with the chair. 

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"urbb... uh, who ripped plot here..." Clockwind mumbles as he awakes from his sleep. "Great train service here, eh." Clcokwind looks around, and sees broken windows, and debris all over the train car. He gets up and trots over to a window near the end of the room. "Let's see, no lights in the station, place is covered in blood, and it smells like someone used pre used toilet paper to cover up their wounds. I shouldn't of been tricked by the first class advertisement, could've used those bits on a week's supply of smoothies." The brown colt attempts to open the door, but it's jammed shut. He instead climbs out a window, getting a small cut on his side. Once he's out of the window, he hears the sound of trotting behind him. He turns around only to see a a blood covered pony with flesh wounds everywhere and a ripped off ear, breathing like Diamond Tiara doing a "favor" for a few bits. "Oh hay... have you seen my mommy?" The fugly beast jumps at Clockwind and is about to bite him when he jumps out of the way. The zombie pony slams onto the ground and begins to get up. "I see you didn't like the ride either. How about I go and talk to the manager and get us a refund, eh?" Clockwind hauls his plot to the nearest exit, and begins to try to open the door. "Stuck."

Edited by Leatherbehlt


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Standoff heard voices coming from further down the tunnel, and made a break for it, moving away from the noise. This place really looked totalled. After a hundred feet or so, he came along another platform and climbed up, pausing to sweep away some broken glass. He saw a vending machine, lights out and rusty. The glass was still intact. Time to change that.


The other ponies hear glass breaking echoing down the tunnel.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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''Wha' tha' hell?'' Splinter asked himself as the ringing of broken glass approached his ears. ''Better go find out what, or who made that glass break!'' He said while running towards the source of the breaking glass. ''How did I even end up in the subway? Did I drink too much again?''

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After grabbing some food that wasn't rotten from the machine and sticking it in his pockets, Standoff looked at the glass strewn at his hooves. Having a brainwave, he took some cloth from a jacket-wearing corpse and wrapped it around a shard, making himself a makeshift knife.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Symphonia ran down the stairwell looking back and seeing if the flesh eating monsters had followed. They didn't and he let out a big sigh of relief. He checked himself over to see if he had any injuries, and was surprised that the blood on his clothing wasn't his own.


He made his way down another flight of stairs and into the main hallway that lead to the subway. A pounding on the door ahead made his spirits sink.


"Sweet Celestia, not this again." He said to himself as three flesh eating stallions made their way towards him.





Edited by TBB Symphonia


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Symphonia sat alone in the middle of the stage. The lights shined on him and only him and he knew it. The crowd began to cheer as he began to play a solo; his finger moved with such vigor and precision as he hit every key perfectly.


He stood up after his performance and bowed to the crowd and they cheered again as he walked off the stage. As he exited stage left a large stallion came charging toward him at full speed.


Symphonia dodged the stallions flailing hooves causing his attacker to lose balance and fall. Symphonia  sprinted off of the stage without looking at his back at his attacker and headed to his dressing room, hoping that he would not be found. The crowd was in complete shock at what happened as they watched what seemed to be an attack on this famous pianist.

(OOC post)

(I know, I'm bad)

This guy is new to RPing and the forums, and I set him straight on what to do and not to do. I am letting him join as soon as he gets an OC page and all that niceness up and running. Please be understanding, I don't want to scare him off. He's nice.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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