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searching Dragon age 3. (human only.)

Nicolae Carpathia

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In honor of the  most epic game this side of the US.



Intro: Templar's and  mage's are at war, families and friends are torn  asunder by the hatred the other side has.   But in midst of all of this chaos is some one who can with stand this corruption this is where his story and the story of his companions begin. 





Magic-is powered by mana , you can get mana by buying it or finding a lyruim deposit.

Romance- welcomed but do keep it down a notch.

Have fun







Elf - delish elf- elf commoner  .

Human-Human nobel-mage.


Mage- circle of magi.

Edited by Prince Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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