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Why you should be proud to be a brony

Tia Is Best Pony

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I don't really found a lot of bronies/pegasisters offline. I try to convince some of my friends into becoming pegasisters, but they think the show is childish. Be proud of what you like, if someone doesn't accept who you are then they're not a true friend.

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Be proud? Why? I mean, it's just a TV show, it's not being in a political group or anything of serious business...

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"—Friedrich Nietzsche


here's the most disturbing / touching sentence I ever read :"You have beautiful eyes" — Scootaloo's last words, The Rainbow Factory

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All I'm saying is guys and girls, you are part of one of the biggest fandoms ever! :o

Together we are an army and apparently we could take over the world

People who hate bronies get your head out of your arse :okiedokielokie:

LOL just be proud because it's who u are

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Personally, I don't really feel a need to get pony merchandise or t-shirts or whatever. Being in the Metroid fandom myself, you still don't see me with anything really besides the games and interacting with its fandom.


Another side to this being is pride, generally speaking. I've seen how pride has corrupted people's being and I've also seen it happen in me. Not something I wish to go through again.

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I'm 31 years old, and i start watching MLP 6 months ago.

I join this forum to certain myself as brony, i told my mother i was a brony, that was fun and she turn her head xD


My course of action? i turn my mom in to a pegasister now  B)


As for my friends.......Buck them, if they dont like me for who i am then there are not friends  :squee:

I admire people who say things like this. Giant brohoof for You, I wish I will be able to say same thing one day.

I myself am closet brony but I will reveal who I am once I won't be dependant on parents anymore. I am proud to be a brony because of what this community does. We support each other, most of us are just friendly bunch of people ^^ And it's all only because of one TV show. Quite amazing if You ask me ;)


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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I am still a closet brony! Hell I am sitting over at my sisters right now and I still cant bring myself to tell people I am a brony, if anyone would ask then I would tell them, otherwise...no, really no reason to...


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