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private The Dream Defenders: Rise of Black Myst

Courageous Thunder Dash

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"We just need to wait for Firebolt and Flying Ace. We made it together sucessfully across Froggy Bottom Bog, so where could they have gone to. Dusty Cove is just a straight path through, leading to Luna's Castle on the other side. We can't wait any longer. They must come immediately!" Night Flare barked stomping his hoof on the ground hard, which caused the emblem on his necklace to start glowing a dark red. He then realized it was glowing and then calmed down. 

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"Yeah, but we can't wait but so long, for the Black Myst as still inching closer to Ponyville as we speak. Every second counts in this mission. That's why we can't take so much time waiting for the others. Now where is that Firebolt?" Night Flare asked looking around. 

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Lionheart looked at the new arrival and said, "Since we're waiting for Firebolt, that must make you Ace. Glad to see you made it. Night Flare, if you like, I can scout ahead to make sure that nothing nefarious is waiting for us between here and the castle."

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"That's alright. I've been to Dusty Cove before so there isn't that much going on. The first target of the Black Myst is Ponyville. But, I will soon spread after it attacks Ponyville, but we won't let that Black Myst get to Ponyville, not on my watch! Now where's that Firebolt?" Night Flare looking around. 

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"Fair enough, I guess. It sounds as though anything living there would be too boring to do anything mean to us anyway, with a name like Dusty Cove." Lionheart looked back in the direction they were going, but the moon wasn't in a great position to illuminate their path. He started thinking about the Black Myst, and how it was heading for Ponyville. If he and the others didn't stop whatever was making the Myst, all of Equestria could be in a lot of trouble.

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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"If Firebolt doesn't come in the next few minutes, then we'll have to go without him and he'll have to catch up." Night Flare said. "Doesn't that pegasus realize he's taking a lot of the time we need? This is only the beginning and we all must stay together as a team to defeat whoever's behind this Black Myst." He added.  

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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"If the situation is as dire as you say it is, perhaps we should leave now, and when he shows up, we can fill him in anyway." Lionheart offered. "Personally, I'd rather get going in search of a way to stop the Myst rather than wait. In any case, I think we should leave him some type of note or something to let him know we went ahead, and to hurry to the castle."

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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"Alright then, let's go." Night Flare said as he took to the skies and flew off. He didn't want to leave everypony behind, which is why he didn't fly as fast. At the rate he was going, they would be at Luna's castle in half the time it take to walk to the castle. He made it to the edge of Dusty Cove and waited for the others. 

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Lionheart followed, and upon landing near Night Flare, decided to take a look around Dusty Cove from where he stood. Not a lot of stuff here, he thought. Night Flare was right, nothing to be concerned about from here. Still, it never hurts to be prepared.

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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Night Flare looked ahead of him and saw Luna's Castle. He really wanted to go see Luna and find out more about the Black Myst and was responsible for such an evil deed. The more he looked at it, the bigger the urge grew to fly over to the castle instead of waiting for the others. 

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Lionheart saw Night Flare's impatience and said, "We'll be there soon, no need to just leave everypony behind. Besides, the more of us present when the Princess tells us what is going on, the better. We should at least be there before dawn, and we can let anypony know what to do when they get here, if they don't show up before we get there."

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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I could tell the story behind this necklace I'm wearing." Night Flare suggested. He then waited for a response. He then thought about that time when he found the necklace and it bound itself around his neck. He thought about the great change it brought to him and how it affected the rest of his life. 

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"I'd like to hear that story as well. I'm always interested in hearing a pony's story, and I've never really had the chance to talk to an alicorn," Lionheart said. "From what I can tell, that amulet appears to make you stronger, but I've never heard of an alicorn really needing to enhance their strength."

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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"Well, as an orphan, wandering through the Everfree Forest, yes, I was born in the Everfree Forest and did not know who my parents were. I come across this ancient shrine. When I went to examine the old Shrine, I saw a stone table in the center, and on that stone table was a mysterious necklace. As I came closer to the necklace, it started to glow a faint red. The glow became brighter and brighter as I stepped closer and closer. Finally I came to the distance where I could take the necklace from the table. But, it seemed as if the necklace had a mind of its own, and bound itself around my neck. I tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't come off. This necklace allows me to unlock a secret power, which I never knew I could exhibit." Night Flare explained. 

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"Interesting. I don't know much about magic, but when something like that behaves in a way it's not supposed to, that's often not a good sign. Still, I won't argue with the results I've seen so far, since we'll obviously need to rely on one another in these coming days." He looked around at Pat and Ace, and said, "Well, Firebolt may not be coming, so I suggest we move forward. There's no telling that the Myst, or whatever's controlling it, is going to wait for us."

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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"Alright everypony, let's go to Luna's Castle. We shall wait for the others once we arrive there." Night Flare said as he rose into the air and flew off towards the castle. When he stopped in front of the gates of the castle, he landed and waited for the others. 

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Lionheart took off and landed next to Night Flare. "I like what Princess Luna's done with the place. The last I had heard of this place, it was still in ruins. Of course, being vacant for a thousand years will do that to a building. Still, she cleaned it up very nicely."

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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"Yeah, but this was where the Elements of Harmony were kept, before they were given to their rightful bearers." Night Flare explained. He then looked at the exterior of the castle. "Sure looks better than when Nightmare Moon occupied it." Night Flare commented. 

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"I'll agree with that, for sure. I remember hearing the story of Luna and Celestia's disagreement many times, and I'm glad that they patched things up," he said as he continued towards the castle. "I wonder why it took them that long to reconcile, because that's a very long time to keep an argument going."

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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Night Flare then looked back. "I sure hope they didn't get sidetracked." He said. "Maybe I should go back and see what's up..." He said spreading his wings about to fly back into Dusty Cove. But something kept telling him to wait, so he folded back his wings and turned back to face Luna's castle. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lionheart watched Night Flare and asked, "Is something the matter at the castle?" For all he knew, something of a magical nature had alerted Night Flare somehow, but he obviously had no way to tell. He sometimes got jealous of his unicorn friends, because while they shared many of the same interests, their connection with magic was what made them unique among the ponies.

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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"We're supposed to meet Luna there but we have to wait for the others. I hope they come very soon because that Black Myst is slowly creeping towards Ponyville." Night Flare said beginning to pace a little and grunt. He had waited long enough but didn't want to leave the others behind. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Sorry I haven't been posting, it's tough with just two RPing. Perhaps we should allow other players in))


"Perhaps we should see if there's anyone else in the area who can help. It's evident now that the others seem to have gotten lost." Lionheart said as he prepared to head to the castle, at a word from Night Flare.

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

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