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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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(I am, very upset right now at a number of people who shall remain unnamed.)

Yavolin responded to shade in his mind."I know you and I  haven't gotten a long in the past shade but finding that horn is a matter of life and death right now, a fragment won't cut it we'll need the full horn". Yavolin wanted to know why Discord saw in his mom and he didn't care what the risk maybe.

Edited by Nicolae Carpathia

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"sorry yavo... but i only have a shard of his horn, if you want the rest of it... your going to half to take it up with sombra himself. and hes long gone" *at least i hope... i hope sombras not the one whos returning,* shade said and thought... "il give you what i have, but your going to half to get the rest of what you want on your own" she said. shade was getting suspicious with yavolin wanting the horn.



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He growled."Fine please give me the horn and take me to the crystal kingdom , I am pretty sure the other peace of the horn is in sombras room or thorn room". He didn't want any pony to know in fear of them wanting to stop him from interfering with the time line.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"very well, il give you what i have once i get back to canterlot... and you get come with me and midnight to the crystal empire in the morning..... just answer me this one question, why do you want the horn anyways?" she asked him, thinking that he might be up to something.



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"That is my business shade and i am not going to canterlot i am leaving right now, please hand me the horn and say nothing to Luna , celestia or discord about this i am trusting you as a friend and Allie with this". Yavolin wanted to do this alone and by himself with no interference.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"uhg... you are impossable, you know that right your impossable."


shade brought out the horn and teleported it to yavolin, she didnt say anything more to him. *what could he be up to? maybe he has something to do with whos returning... i better keep a close eye on him* 



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Luna looked at Shade and then nodded, in agreement to letting her take Midnight.

"Hey.  Luna.  Shade.  Hi."

Luna looked over and saw Discord flying towards them, looking a bit irritated.  "D-disc---"

"Discord.  Yes.  Hi.  Celestia wants you, Luna.  Could you be any slower?"

"I...is Celestia okay?"

Discord paused.  "No."

"I...have to get there then.  So---"

"Something's wrong yes.  I'll teleport you.  You're slow."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade was left in a bad mood after the conversation she had with yavolin, but she wasnt at the point where she would tell anypony. but even when in a bad mood, just looking at midnight lightened up shades mood. she took midnight from luna then saw discord.


"ok then... something is definetly wrong. ok... lets teleport" she said



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Luna sighed and nodded.  "Shade, please help to teleport Midnight," she said.

Discord touched Luna's hoof, causing her to flinch slightly.  Midnight made an upset noise seeing Discord touching her.  And then Discord teleported himself and Luna away, back to the castle.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade looked at midnight as he mad that sound, she didnt react to it but she felt like she should say something calming, "its ok midnight... he wont hurt anypony." she said. after discord teleported luna away, she did the same thing to herself and midnight.



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Discord and Luna appeared directly in front of Celestia who was laying on the floor, her head in her hooves.  Celestia looked up at Luna.

"Luna!" she cried.

Celestia and Luna jumped towards each other and held each other fast.

"Tia, there is something wrong!" Luna said.

"Yes!  But what is wrong?" Celestia nodded.



Midnight looked at Shade and paused for a moment.  Then he nodded, trusting Shade completely.  If she said he wouldn't hurt any pony...maybe he wouldn't.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin decided telelport towards shade, he appeared right in front of her and saw his son."Okay one Midnight needs to go home two i really need sombras horn". he didn't say what he needed it for becasue he need try to keep it a screat encase shade might want to interfear with him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade was right behind Luna, and she saw that even Celestia was in pain, there was something wrong and shade needed to find out what. Just then, yavolin appeared asking for the horn again... "Just what exactly do you need it for?" She said in a suspicious tone. "Your not planning anything dangerous are you?" She added.



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He held out his hoof and looked at her very mad."Are you questioning my loyalty? how dare you, do i need to remind you what you did to us? Hand me the horn and i'll be on my way". he looks into her eyes demanding like he noticed his son was right there and he didn't want to expose him to all of this.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade growled, yavolin was never nice to her, so why should she be nice to him. "I don't think I can trust you with it, how do I know your not going to do something with it? Say threaten discord with it, or try to do some magic with it, maybe you want it to find the truth about something." Shade said.



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He growled and punched her in the noise he wanted to send a massage to her that he wasn't to be questioned on this matter or any other matter regarding him or any pony for that matter. He still wanted shade to suffer along with Discord for what they did.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade cracked her neck and snarled... "You know... You could have just asked me nicely... But no... You come up to me and punch me... Sigh* since I'm not in the mood to fight right now, I'm busy cairing for midnight and looking after your wife who seems to be suffering from some kind of pain... Il just give it to you." Shade said...


She pulls out the horn and tosses it onto the ground... "Good luck finding a way to activate the power of the horn... I hope you choke trying to find out" she said.



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"i think i know away and remember what i said shade tell no pony". he flys after the horn as it falls to the ground he hopes to catch it in his hoofs before it hits the ground. Hopefully he could use that half to go back in time with Discord to a time that he was with his mom.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade rolled her eyes, "you hear that midnight? Don't tell anypony that I was assaulted and forced to give your father a very dangerous artifact." She said cheekily to midnight as she walked back towards Luna and Celestia. She hoped that yavolin wouldn't do anything rash with the horn.



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When Yavolin hit Shade, Midnight had given a yell in protest.  He didn't really know who was wrong.  His father, or his best friend. 


Luna shook her head.  "That is what we must find out.  Is there any special way that we can?"

"I'm not sure.  You have not become Nightmare Moon and I have not become Solar Flare.  And Discord is here.  So we have been left with Chrysalis and King Sombra."

"But sister, it feels different then those things."

"It does."

"We must go see Princess Cadence.  She may be feeling this way as well.  I know she rarely does but...still..."

"Yes.  And to find out if its King Sombra, that would be a good place to check."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade listened to Celestia and Luna, "I have a strange feeling about yavolin... But... I always have a strange feeling about him... I could probably scout the hive to see if there's strange activity going on around there." She said


"And maybe you can come with me midnight, a chance for you to finally see where the changeling live" she whispered to midnight.



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Yavolin had finally caught the horn in his hoof and he was on his way to the crystal empire he decided to talk to luna in her mind."Luna don't worry about me i'll be fine but please take good care of midnight if i don't return". Yavolin teleported stright for the crystal empire not knowing of the dangers that awaited him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Celestia and Luna looked at Shade.  "Why?" Celestia asked.  "Is it an especially strange feeling?" she asked.  "And if you could go and see the hive, that would help a lot."

Midnight nodded at Shade and smiled.

Luna blinked as she heard Yavolin's voice in her mind.  She raised her head.  And then she gasped.  "Wait!" she cried.  "Yavolin has just spoken to me!  He...what...what does he mean?" she whispered. 

Discord stood there, watching with mild interest at the chaos.  Not really his brand of chaos, but he'll take what he could get.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade was laughing on the inside, "wow, he was quick to tell you... i have no idea what hes doing, nor do i care what hes doing. but i think il go and scout the hive. you in with me on this midnight?" shade said and asked midnight. she knew that midnight would be safe if he stuck close to shade and remained in his changeling forum.



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Yavolin appeared in the throne room and spoke."Um hello any pony here". he looked at the fragmented horn and began to look for the other half so he could go back in time hopefully he could find the other half before the guards come and detain him for no apparent reason.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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