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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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Luna quickly shook her head and reached towards her foal.  "Midnight!"

Midnight grabbed onto Shade and whined.  He shook his head at her stubbornly.

Luna bit her bottom lip and lifted her shoulders, turning away.  "Just...take care of him.  Never let him out of your sight, Shade."



King Sombra raised his head from the balcony.  He hissed and stepped back, melting into the shadows and flowing into the throne room, unseen.

"Who goes there!" he hissed.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade put her hoof on Luna's shoulder, "don't worry Luna il keep him safe, I always do. Besides, he and I blend in." She said as she put her hoof onto midnight a head and changing him into his changeling forum. Then shade changed into her changeling forum and, "well midnight... You ready?" She asked



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Midnight smiled and poked his nose into one of the holes on his foreleg.  Then he removed it and nodded.  "Weady!" he said, throwing his hooves up.

Luna couldn't help but smile when her foal messed up on his 'r'.  Then Celestia placed her hoof onto her shoulder and Luna looked up.

"We must go as all."

Discord backed away slowly.  Maybe if he was lucky, no pony would shove anything to do on him and he could be alone in the castle to have some...fun.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade smiled, she put midnight on her back and teleported them both to an edge of a forest. She turns to midnight and, "you exited about this? Well anyways, first we need to set some rules... First, always stay close to me. Second, if you need to talk to me, do it through your communication ability." She said as her ears vibrated a bit.


"We don't have a long way to walk, but the hive should be just over that hill" she said pointing to a small hill "ok, with that... Lets go!" She added as she started to walk towards the hill.



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Midnight nodded each time she told him a rule.  There were always rule.  Rules, rules, rules.  Silly grown-ups.

Then he quickly following after her, trotting a bit to catch up with her.  When he did, he slowed his pace and walked beside her.



Luna nodded and Celestia closed her eyes tightly.  Luna did as well and they put their weakened from pain magic together to teleport right to the Crystal Empire.

And Discord skipped merrily away.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was walking towards the hive, the place she was banished from, the place where lots of bad memories took place... But even so, shade looks at midnight and she's very calm. Midnight would always put a good feeling in shades hart, he was something that shade loved protecting and training. Even back when shade was corrupted with discord, something told shade to save midnight, and she dosnt regret it.


Once shade reached the top of the hill, she stopped and looked into the distance. She closed her eyes and felt that there where lots of changeling near by. Shade looks at midnight and points towards an odd shaped black mountain. "See that? That's the hive" she said.



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Midnight followed her hoof to the black mountain.  At least, it looked like a mountain.  Maybe it was, or maybe it was simply the hive.  "Ooh!" Midnight nodded.  "Is that where you lived?!" Midnight beamed up at her.


"D-discord," Celestia whispered.

Discord sighed and turned around.  He stared at her for a moment and then lifted his shoulders.  "What?"

"Don't do anything stupid while we're gone."

And then the sisters were gone.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade had a small laugh with midnights question, she patted him on the back and said, " well, it's where I stayed for some time... Untill I got kicked out... After that, I wondered equestria and ended up in ponyville, that's where I stayed untill I met discord... And... Um... Yah."


Shade looks at the mountain then had a fun idea... "Race you to the hive!... 3...2..."



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"Oh," Midnight said, putting his hoof to his chin for a moment.  Then she asked him to race her to the hive.  Midnight's face lit up and he jumped up and spun towards the hive, landing back down from his jump and lowering down the front half of his body.  He beamed at her, waiting to hear her say 1.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"1........ GO!" Shade yelled as she started to run. Shade could easily outrun midnight, so she didnt run as fast as she could. But it's been 2 years, so maybe he would surprise her.


Shade looks at the hive that was slowly approaching, there wasn't any strange activity on the outside, but it's better to check the inside, and another excuse to bring midnight on a tour of the inside.



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Midnight ran, pushing against the air and lowering his head to better penetrate the air.  He caught up with Shade after a moment and ran ahead of her a bit, but ended up falling behind slightly.



Princess Celestia and Luna opened their eyes and turned their heads, immediately meeting King Sombra's.  It was almost as if he had been waiting for them.

They screamed, surprised.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade and midnight where almost at the front gates of the hive. Shade slowed down to let midnight catch up. "Ok midnight were here." She said as she looked up at the hive, she got a dark and cold feeling looking at it but having midnight beside her, she couldent help but be exited to show him around.



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Midnight just ran forward and touched his hoof to the front gate.  He turned to Shade, smiling.  "I wi---eeew!" he said, pulling his hoof away and finding a sticky, green substance of it.  He looked at the gate to see it covered in the stuff.



Sombra just laughed.  "So glad you could pay a visit, Princesses.  I hope you've brought a gift for peace."

The sisters stared at him, still holding each other.

"You've neglected to then?"

Luna's horn suddenly began to glow.  Sombra, noticing immediately, sent a shadow smacking her across the face and knocking her over.

"Luna!" Celestia gasped.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade laughed, "haha, yes... You win midnight" she said cheerfully. "Ok, now stick close and don't talk unless its through comunication."


Shade walked into the hive keeping a close eye on midnight, there wernt many changeling around. Shade walked over to a board, it was covered with wanted posters of her and a few other ponies. *"guess I'm still being looked for"* she said to midnight in his mind.



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Midnight followed her and then looked up at the board.  Then he heard her speak to him in his mind, and replied.  *"Why don't they like you?  I like you,"* Midnight said to her mind, looking at her and then back at the wanted poster.



Celestia touched Luna with her hoof and glared up at King Sombra.  "What did you do to Princess Cadence.  What did you do to Shining Armor?!" she growled.

King Sombra laughed.  "Why tell you what I can show you?"

Celestia's eyes widened as a beam of red magic got shot towards her.  She ducked, throwing herself over Luna.  She quickly teleported them both away before any harm could come to them.

Equestria needed them.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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*" well, remember that I'm not a full changeling, both of us are halflings, I don't know why but the queen found out I wasn't a full changeling and then she banished me. Few years later, while I was... Um... With discord, I... Kind of... Kidnaped princess Cadence and shining armor and made them destroy the hive........."* it felt aquward for shade to explane that... She didnt like talking about the time when she was with discord around midnight.


(Been some time since yavolin made a post...... And I think I need another character...)

Edited by villan97



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Midnight stared up at her for a moment.  "Oh," he said aloud, forgetting to speaking to her in his mind for a moment.  *"Well, then the Queen is stupid!"* he said to her mind.  *"I don't like her!"* he confirmed with a pout.



"Luna!" Celestia said, spinning her over and onto her back.  Luna blinked up at her and then Celestia pulled her into a tight hug as both their headaches faded away, already knowing the cause of their troubles.

"Urgh...Tia.  The crystal ponies..."

Celestia raised her head from Luna's shoulder.  "The crystal ponies...the crystal ponies!"

"We have to evacuate them out of there, sister."



"What?  I can't borrow a tree?" Discord frowned.  "Not even that ugly one over there?"

"No," the royal guard glared.  "Not without permission from the Princess."

"The Princess isn't here."

The guards eyes widened.

"She doesn't tell you much, I see.  I'd think she'd be more responsible."



Alright.  You can make a new one)

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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shade laughed, *" haha, oh midnight, i hate her too"* she said hugging midnight, *" so what do you want to see now? this place is huge.*" 


shade remembered that she was also suppose to see if there was strange activity going on. *" how about we go see the throne room?"* she suggested.



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Midnight smiled and then looked around, trying to spot some place interesting to go.  But everything looked the same, so when Shade asked if he wanted to go to the throne room, he agreed.  *"Okay!"*



"Yes..." Celestia said.  "Yes...should...should we...should we get the soldiers...or...should we do it ourselves?"

"It would be dangerous for them to do it.  But Equestria needs us," Luna said.  "U-unless..."

"Unless..." Celestia repeated.

They both looked around the room.  "Discord," they chorused.



"Oh, wait!" Discord said, putting his paw in the guards face.  "Nope, nope.  She's back."

"What?!  How do you---"

"Oh for goodness sake, she wants me to help now."

"How do you---"

"Well, she can find me herself!"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade smiled and started to walk towards a set of stairs that lead to the thrown room. After climbing several flights of stairs the door to the throne room stood before shade, she looks back at midnight, "you ready? The queen might be in there and if she sees me, we're going to have to teleport out of there quickly, so stay close." She said.




A changeling in the background look at shade from a distance, * it's her.*



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Midnight fluttered his wings with excitement and beamed up at Shade.  He took a step closer to her.  "I'm ready!" he said out loud.



Celestia ran to the closest window and poked her head out, searching for a royal guard to assist her in finding Discord.  And then she saw one.  But she no longer needed the guards help.  Discord was with him.

"Discord!" Celestia called.

Discord stared down at the royal guard, pretending to have not heard the calls of the princess of the sun.

"The Princess is calling you," the guard said.

"What an imagination you have," Discord smiled.

"Discord!" Celestia called again.

The guard gave Discord a look and then turned to the princess.  He waved a hoof at her and nodded to say that they had heard.

"You're no fun," Discord said.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(Just confirming that your playing chrysalis, right?)


Shade slowly opened the door and walked into the thrown room, *" well, this is it"* she said. Shade looked around all the guards that where looking at her. *"any second now and they will probably figure out who I am,"* she said laughing a bit.




The changeling followed shade and waited for a chance to talk to her.



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*"Oh,"* Midnight said, staring at them and then stepping even closer to Shade and hiding behind her, afraid of the intimidating guards.

Chrysalis frowned at the guard beside her.  "Are you listening to me?!" she growled, seeing the guard turn his attention towards the door.  Chrysalis turned to see Shade.  She walked right in.  As if she owned the place.



Celestia stretched out her wings and flew out the window and over to Discord.  "Discord!  I need your help!"

"Oh, you came to me.  You finally understand how little I care!"

"No, really, Discord!" Celestia said, landing in front of him and putting her face right up in his.  She sounded slightly panicked.  "He's back.  Sombra.  He's back."

The smile fell off of Discord's face.  Celestia moved her own face away, slightly taken aback by how little Discord seemed to like that fact.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looks at chrysalis with a smug look on her face, "why hello chrysalis, how have you been all these years?" She asked wanting to mess with her like discord with celestia. Shade put her hoof around midnight to keep him calm.




The changeling continued to watch shade.



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For a moment, Chrysalis said nothing.  Then the corners of her mouth pulled up into an evil smile.  "Oh, we met a bit of difficulty, but soon we found our hooves again," she said, raising her head proudly.  "And how has my little halfling been doing?  Whose your friend?"

Midnight stared at the Queen, his ears twitching at her odd, echoing voice.



"What...what?!" Celestia said.

Discord sighed and rolled his eyes up to the sky.  "That dreaded Sombra.  He removes the smiles, and I for one, would very much like to keep my smile."


"And he's so awfully boring isn't he.  Maybe even more boring then you.  His brand of 'chaos' isn't even close to mine."


"And those silly shadows, whose he trying to intimidate with those overrated things?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow at the guard who shrugged.  They both looked up at Discord as he continued to rant on and on.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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