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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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"Oh I've been stoned for sometime but im good, and this is midnight, he's a halfling too." She smiled, "well, I was just checking up on the place, so il be on my way." Shade said turning around expecting to be stopped by the guards.




Still watching, the changeling slowly walked into the thrown room staying out of sight.



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Chrysalis simply smiled as a number of guards stepped in front of Shade, blocking her exit.  They pointed their spears at her.

"Must you leave so soon?  I'd really love to meet your little friend there," Chrysalis said, standing up.  "And we both haven't had a nice chat in such a long time either..." she said as she began towards them.  "I heard that that little foal is the son of the princess of the night."  Chrysalis held out a hoof to Midnight.  "Want to have a nice chat with me and Shade?" she smiled at Midnight.

"No," Midnight said simply, calmly.



"Discord," Celestia finally interrupted as Luna landed down beside her.  "I think we do get it."

"Did I miss anything?" Luna frowned, looking worried.

Discord opened his mouth to speak but Celestia put her hoof up and gave Luna a look.  "Yes Luna.  You did.  I'll tell you later.  You miss a lot of things."

Discord smirked at Luna as she gave the ground a withering look.

"We need you to evacuate the Crystal ponies," Celestia said to Discord.  "And we need you to do that now."

"And if I refuse?"

"No dessert."

"Dessert?  Pah, I could make that myself."

"Oh, you won't refuse!" Celestia rolled her eyes.  "You're just playing with me like you play with every pony!  Now go!  There's no time to waste."

"Well, geez, now I really don't want to go."

"Yeah, but you will," Luna interjected.  "We've known you longer than any pony has, you know."

"Fine!  I give!" Discord sighed.  He turned around and walked away.  "No fun," he muttered as he disappeared, teleporting to the Crystal Empire.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade kept her hoof tight on midnight, "no... No he's not, he's,... Um... Mine." She said feeling aquward, shade wasn't thinking when she said that. * well, technically he is my foal if I gave life to him... But... Uhg... That was a stupid thing to say... She probably has her sources... Well, I guess I'm use to making a fool of myself.*


"And as much as I would love to stay, I really must be on my way." She said unsure if she should just teleport out of there right now.



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Chrysalis threw her head back and laughed.  She smirked at Shade.  "Oh?  Well, then, who is the father?  Is it Discord?" she laughed.

"Eeeew!" Midnight said, making a face. 



Discord appeared right in the middle of the Crystal Empire and was immediately rammed into by a running Crystal pony.  He fell over and glared down at the pony who scrambled off of him.

"I-I...help!  Please!" she said, grabbing his arm.

Discord tried to not pull away.  "What?" he said, surprised to be asked for help by any pony besides the princesses.

"He's back!  Please help!" the pony said.

Discord looked up and saw shadows slithering towards them.  He narrowed his eyes and teleported the pony to Canterlot without a word.  Discord stood up and flew into the air, looking around for the other ponies.

He saw about...three.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was a bit hesitant with all that was going on. "First off, discord is my father... Well, not officially... But... And... Well... The father of midnight is... Um..."


"Me" said the changeling walking out of the shadows and beside shade.


Shade was surprised and confused, "um... Yes, he is the father..." *"who are you?*" asked shade...


"* il tell you later*" said the changeling.



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Chrysalis laughed.  She smirked down at them but sent to the royal guards mind *"Have I been given the correct information or will some pony just have to be put in the dungeon tonight?"*

"I see," Chrysalis smiled.  "So, can little 'Midnight' confirm this?"

Midnight blinked and looked at the changeling.  Then he bounced above and rubbed his face against the changelings leg, smiling innocently at Chrysalis.  "Mm hmm!" he nodded.

*"Some pony will die tonight,"* Chrysalis sent again.

"So, you can this changeling here had a freak little foal?" Chrysalis smirked a smug smirk.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades horn started to glow, as she got impatient "ok... Look chrysalis, we're done here. I'm going to leave with my family, or I'm going to blow the hive sky high again..." Shade threatened the queen. She picks up midnight and puts him on her back.


The changeling looks at shade like she's crazy... But he did know that shade was capable of doing that.



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Chrysalis just laughed.  "Oh, you ridiculous halfling, you," she smiled.  "Thinking you have so much power..." she shook her head.  "When you have absolutely.  Nothing."

A guard stepped towards Shade but Chrysalis held up a hoof to stop him.

Midnight let Shade put him onto her back and then glared at Chrysalis.  "You're not very nice for a queen."



Discord stared at the ponies for a moment and the swooped down to teleport them to the castle.  Then he stood up straight and gazed around.  The empire seemed slightly dull, empty of light, of hope.

And where were the rest of the crystal ponies?

Discord hesitated and then began towards the castle.  But before he could even take a step forward, King Sombra rose from the shadows, directly in front of him.  They stared at each other for a moment.

"Well, hi," Discord finally said.


"Greetings?  Geez, you're a wanna-be."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade rose a shield over top of her, midnight and the changeling. Her eyes started to show fire. " I do have lots of power, I am the most powerful changeling in the world." shade yelled.


The changeling looks at shade, "come on shade, let's get out of here."


Shade got ready to teleport.



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Chrysalis just laughed.  "The most powerful changeling?  No!  Maybe the most powerful halfling, but never changeling, my dear," she smirked.  "Soon enough, we'll all see that."

When Shade got angry, Midnight glared even more at the queen, suddenly changing form from Shade, to Chrysalis, to Luna, to Yavolin, and back to himself in annoyance and anger.  He barely noticed.



King Sombra cackled.  "Ah, Discord.  This?  Coming from you?" he smiled, looking him over.  "You break so easily..."


"Look how easy it was for them to turn you over to good."

"Easy?" Discord scoffed.  "I practically killed Celestia."

"But you didn't.  Did you?" King Sombra smiled.

"Well, in the end, if I had, who would I play with?"

"You and games.  I, on the other hoof, enjoy power," King Sombra smirked.

"Mm, power.  Yes.  Wonderful.  You enjoying that?"
"Do you not enjoy power then?"

"I love power.  But I'd rather not disappoint my daughter."

King Sombra laughed.  "So you finally decided then?"

"Decided what?" Discord sighed.

"Decided that good is the way to go and accepted Celestia as the pony to be with for the rest of---"

"I'm going to stop you right there.  Otherwise I may have to punch you."

"Don't lie, Discord.  I know very well that you---"

"Dude, shut up.  Seriously.  She isn't my real daughter."


"You don't even know what I'm talking about."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade growled, "the next time I come here, it's just going to be you, and me. A Dule to the death."


The shield started to glow brightly, it then exploded and shade teleported the three of them back to the mountain outside the hive.


Shade put midnight on the ground and changed back into her pony forum, then looked at the hive with pure anger. The changeling looked and put his hoof over shade, "shade, calm down, she's just one queen."

Shade looked back at the changeling, "you still need to tell me who you are."

"Oh yes... Hold on"

The changeling became surrounded by fire and changed into a griffon. "I go by the name villan, and I'm a halfling as well."

Shades eyes grew big. "Y- your, a.... Halfling... I thought me and midnight where the only ones."

"I thought I was the only one until I herd the stories about you."


Shade was amazed, but she had to give the information to celestia, nothing out of the ordinary, but maybe now the queen is thinking about raiding canterlot.


"So what now?" Shade asked, "well, I was hoping to tag along with you." Said villan. Shade noded then turned towards midnight, "ok midnight, time to go home." She said teleporting all of them to canterlot.



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Midnight watched the exchange quietly, letting the grown-ups talk.  Then they were all teleported back to Canterlot and Midnight turned his head to see his mother whispering to Celestia. 

"Hi, Mommy!" Midnight said loudly, causing both the princesses to jump.



Discord gave King Sombra a look.  "Really, you don't do you?  How long were you a horn surrounded by dirt, I mean geez, you missed out on a lot of stuff."

"I know that the elements of harmony are finished."

"Well, no, I wouldn't say that.  There's still those other ponies..."

"I mean the ponies themselves," King Sombra smiled.  "There's no pony left to stop me."

"What am I then?"

"Oh?  So you're going to stop me now?"

"Probably---" Discord started with a smirk.

King Sombra's eyes flashed green, the purple smoke from them spreading out around them and everything seemed to fade to black.

"Dude, what are you---"

Then Discord's eyes went blank as he stared directly ahead.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was out of breath after teleporting so much, she looks up at the princesses. Villan was amazed that he was inside canterlot castle. "Wait... Your allowed here? In canterlot castle?" Asked villan

"More than just allowed... I live here." Replied shade.


Shade walked over to the princesses. "Well... I think I just pissed of the queen... Again... So we might need to expect an attack... Now if nopony minds... I'm going to the crystal empire to feed on the crystal hart..." Shade said unaware of the events happening there.



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Celestia stared at Shade as Luna quickly scooped Midnight up into her arms.  "But..." Celestia said.  "But...who...who is..." she trailed off, looking at Villan.  "But...theres...stuff going on there..." she whispered.

Luna looked at Villan then, when hearing her sister's unfinished inquiry.



King Sombra smiled as Discord begun to see something besides the shadows around them, when he began to see a non-existent world which he thought was real.

Discord appeared in Canterlot castle.  He glanced around.  "Oh, what!  Stupid Sombra!  I---" he then trailed off, seeing Luna sitting in a hunched over position, sobbing quietly.  "What's with you?"

Luna turned to look up at him.  Then she jumped up and begun to back away, her horn beginning to glow brightly.  "I'll kill you, Discord!"


Luna shot at him and Discord quickly dodged to the side.

"What the buck, Luna?!" Discord growled. 

"You killed my sister!" Luna hissed, stomping a hoof as tears fell from her eyes to the ground.  "You killed her!"

"What?  Celestia?  No I didn't.  Did I?"

Luna stalked towards him.  "You killed her, you killed Midnight, you killed Shade!"

Discord stepped back, twitching.  "No, I didn't..."

"You did you bucking idiot!  You killed them dead!  They should never have trusted you!  I should have killed you when we had the chance!"

"I didn't kill any pony!" Discord yelled.

Luna stopped, her tears stopping.  "Oh...didn't you?" she whispered.  She stepped towards the window and looked out.  "Their still there."

Discord glared at her and turned to the window.  His eyes widened when he saw complete and utter chaos in Equestria.  Beautiful chaos.  He stepped towards the window and grinned, looking out. 

But then, of course, he saw them.

The three bodies of the dead ponies which still lay on the grass, like a message to Equestria that Discord was a heartless beast.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looks up at celestia with a confused face. "What do you mean... Stuff?.... Wait... You don't mean..." Shade said as she thought Sombra has returned.


Villan looked at princess celestia with a confused and intimidated look. He bowed to the princess not saying a word.



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Celestia sighed and nodded.  "Yes.  He's returned.  I've sent Discord to evacuate the crystal ponies back here, but so far only four ponies have arrived.  And Discord's not back yet either," she said.  She shrugged.  "I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Neutral!" Midnight suggested, grinning, proud of his big word.

Celestia nodded at Villan.



Discord jerked away from the window, stumbling back.  He swung towards Luna who no longer looked angry.  She only looked disappointed in him.  She frowned and shook her head, turning away.

"Even if I kill you, they'll still be dead.  And I couldn't kill you if I tried," she sighed.  She looked back at him as she began to glow, to teleport.  "So I'm going to leave.  I suppose I won't ever come back.  I'm sorry that I cannot save Equestria.  But I can't.  Not alone.  So have fun, Discord.  I hope you're happy..." she whispered.

And then she was gone.

"No!" Discord yelled.  "Wait!  Luna!  Stop!  I...I...I'm sorry," he whispered, falling to his knees.  "Please come back.  You can kill me.  Or help me...I...I can't...I don't want to be alone..."

But no pony heard him.

He was all alone.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at the floor for a second, then she looked up and, "I think I should go help him. I've had my experience with Sombras magic and it gave me some... Good powers... Some that where better than chaos magic."


Shade turned to villan. "So... Villan... You in on this?"

Villan was hesitant, finding another halfling and then all this... It was a lot to handle... But he just noded and got ready to do what ever shade was going to do.



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Celestia sighed and nodded.  "Just be careful Shade.  King Sombra may not be as powerful as, say, me or Discord, but he makes up for it with his nightmares and his power over the crystal empire," she said. 

"Chrysalis won't be getting much love if he wins," Luna whispered.

Celestia shrugged a shoulder and nodded at Luna. 



King Sombra didn't let go, he didn't remove Discord from the nightmare.  He wanted Discord to give in.  And so he, himself, wouldn't give in until Discord was on his knees.

At least, on his knees in reality.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade noded and looked at midnight, "sorry midnight, looks like our vacation will have to wait."


Shade teleported her and villan to the crystal empire.


They arrived in the thrown room, shade looks around, but all she could see was darkness. "Sombra... I know your here somewhere..." She yelled looking to her side and seeing that villan wasn't beside her. * where did he go?* she wondered.




Villan had teleported away while shade was teleporting to the crystal empire, he had teleported just outside the hive. "Well, canterlot is weak... It's perfect for an attack... I must get this info to the queen."



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Midnight threw his head back so that it hung over Luna's arm and moaned loudly.  Luna sighed and shook her head.  She put him down.  "Midnight, why don't you wander about the castle?  Just don't go leaving, alright?  Its dangerous at the moment..."

Midnight raced off without a reply.  Celestia looked at Luna.  "I told you not to have a---"

"Not that again, Tia," Luna interrupted.  "There's more important things to deal with."



King Sombra raised his head, his ears twitching.  Some pony was in his throne room.  King Sombra looked towards the castle, wondering if it was some pony powerful.



Chrysalis dug her hooves into the throne, glaring around at her guards.

"So...tell me...who got the information saying that Luna had a foal?!" she hissed.

One of the guards got shoved forward.  He fell down into a bow before his Queen.  "I-I d-did, Queen."

"Oh?" Chrysalis growled.  "And tell me.  Who am I to believe at the moment, hm?  I'd like a bit of proof perhaps?"

"I...uhm...well...he looks l-like Luna."

"Oh wow!" Chrysalis blinked.  "You're right!" she smiled.  Then she pounded her hoof onto her arm rest.  "No!  What kind of proof is that?!"



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Shade couldn't see anything, she started shooting bolts of fire around... "Come on out sombra! I know your here!" She yelled.




Villan waa making his way to the thrown room. Once he got to the door, he took a deep breath and entered. "My queen... I'm back... And I have some wonderful news..." He said walking towards the queen.



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Sombra growled under his breathe.  He looked at Discord again.  "Fall already!" he growled, increasing the nightmare, by which at the same moment, Discord fell to his knees and then onto his side.

Sombra let him go and turned into shadows, sliding towards the castle and into the throne room.




Discord breathed heavily for a very long moment before finally opening his eyes.  He blinked, confused by his new surroundings.  He burst up from being curled up on the ground.

"What?!  What did I do now?!" he cried.

Nothing but silence replied.

Then he realized.

"Oh, sweet Celestia, that bucking cheese grader."



The guards immediately put their swords down to stop Villan.

Chrysalis glared at him.  The changeling who had been with that Shade.  She glanced at the guard who she accused of either lying or giving false information.  She pointed at him.

"You stay!" she growled.  Then she pointed at the guards blocking Villan.  "And you!  Let him through!"

The guards quickly removed their swords from Villan's way.

"Speak," Chrysalis said.



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Shade continues to look around shooting bolts of fire around... Then she finally saw him. "Alright sombra... Give me your best shot!" She said charging towards him.




Villan stepped forward towards the queen, "well, I've been with shade for like... 5 seconds... She was foolish to trust me so fast... And I've managed to get this information, 1, that was Luna's son, not shades... 2, the crystal empire is under attack witch can give us in opertunity to raid canterlot."



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King Sombra laughed.  "Foalish pony," he said.  Then his shadows began to surrounded the room, blocking out all light.  He smiled, stepping out from the shadows in pony form.  He shot out his nightmare magic at her.



"Okay!  Where did you go you little---" Discord growled before getting cut off.

"Their underground."

Discord turned to the little filly sitting on the ground behind him.  Discord stared at him and the filly stared up at him.

"You're here to help, right?" the filly inquired, standing up.

"Er...I...think so."

"Their underground.  My mommy is down there too.  You'll save my mommy, right?  I found my way out, but mommy had to stay."

"Oh..." Discord said.  "Show me the way."

The filly smiled and nodded.  She turned and trotted away.  Discord followed her.



Chrysalis smirked.  "Ah, yes.  Well, I for one, am not as foolish as Shade to trust so easily.  How do I know that I can trust you?"



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Shade stood there to counter the nightmare magic. But then forgot that she gave up the fragment of sombras horn... And she was hit...


Shade looks around... She was lying down in a dumpster... "Is this really my worst nightmare? Living like the past?" She gets out of the dumpster to see she was in ponyville, except for the fact that it looked like the hive. Shade looks around... "The changeling...? Have..." She imedietly takes off towards canterlot... Half way there she was tackled by a changeling and brought to the ground. Dazed from the fall, shade looks up and sees herself as a changeling growling at her.


"Look around me... I have you to thank for all this..." Dark shade said

"How did I do this"

"Your magic finally freed you from your halfling curse... And allowed me to become another pony... And with all the power you had... I have..."

Shade was frightened... "No.... That can't be ture... Your just.... You..."


In reality... Shade was falling...






"I may not be appart of your army, I may not even be appart of your hive... But..." He pulls out a wanted poster of shade, "there is a bounty poster of her, " I just so happen to be a bounty hunter" he said smiling.



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