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private The Return Of King Sombra: Ruler Of The Shadows

Feather Gem

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King Sombra smiled to show his teeth with the two canines.  He heightened the nightmare magic slightly, loving to see her break, loving her pain.



Soon, Discord and the filly arrived at a normal looking building.  Discord stared at it for a moment and then gave the filly a look.  She shook her head and pushed open the door.  Discord followed her in and followed her down some steps and into a basement.  Then he saw the destroyed wall leading to an underground tunnel.

"Their in there."

"Ah, well, now you can go," Discord said, turning to her, his paw glowing with magic as he reached for her.

"I want to help!" the filly said, moving away.

Discord paused.  Then he remembered Shade and how she ended up after working with him.  Discord stepped forward and touched the fillies shoulder, teleporting her away.  "I work alone," he said.



Chrysalis stared for a moment, and then smiled as if his smile was contagious.  "Alright then.  I'll trust you.  But remember this, if I find out that you have lied, if you end up betraying me...then there will be dire consequences."

Chrysalis stood up.  "Now we must plan, a simple plan, to raid Canterlot!" she announced.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Dark shade disappeared and shade found herself in canterlot behind discord and a bunch of other ponies fighting a swarm of changeling. Shade got up and yelled, "discord!"...

Dark shade appeared, "they can't hear you..."

"Why not?"

"Because they don't want to hear you... You've been nothing but a shadow all your life, your always going to be ignored."

"Iv been known as the element of chaos."

"Yes... But not many ponies know about that element of harmony... And now... They know chaos with all this destruction going on."

"I'm loved by discord and especially midnight."

"Well... Now discord hates you and midnights dead."



In reality... Shade was on her knees... And tears where spilling out of her eyes.





"So... What should our battle plan be?" He asked.



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King Sombra laughed.  Finally, she was on her knees.  She was easy to break, just like Discord.  King Sombra let her go, the leftover nightmare magic rushing back to him.  King Sombra turned around and became the shadows once more, flowing out the window and leaving her.



Discord ventured into the tunnel, lifting himself off the ground with his wings and flying quickly through it until he came to a sudden dead end.  He stopped, confused.  He looked around.  He hadn't missed any other tunnels, had he.

Discord paused and then placed his paw onto the dirt.  At least he tried.  But his paw went right through it.  It wasn't real.  Discord walked through it and looked around.

"Ah, this is exactly what I meant.  This isn't fun at all," he mumbled.

All the crystal ponies were in chains, walking slowly about, mining crystals and doing all sorts of things that they shouldn't be doing.  Even the foals.



"Well..." Chrysalis said.  "There is no shield protecting Canterlot at the moment.  But perhaps I should go in alone at first, to see if you have given me the truth.  And to get a better idea on the situation to see how we will do it," she said.  "I'll go in as a simple royal guard though, nothing too big like last time."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade fell to the floor as her nightmare ended, she opened her eyes too see sombra turning into shadows, she would have gotten up but she was... Traumatized from her dream.




Villan nodded, "il be waiting for your official instructions my queen, good luck" he said



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King Sombra moved down and out of the castle, looking around, wondering where Discord could have possibly gone.  Perhaps he left.

Or maybe...

King Sombra practically flew to the underground tunnels.



Discord wondered what to do for a moment and then began to fly towards them.  "Hello everypony!" he grinned stupidly.  "Guess whose here to sa---"

"Wait!" a stallion called, spinning towards him.

"No!" another mare called.  "Stop, please!"

Discord stopped quickly, confused.  But not before he reached the line made in the dirt.  Suddenly, black crystals burst from the dirt before him, blocking his path.

"Hey!" Discord said.

Then he heard sharp cries from behind the crystals.  He flew to the crystals, trying to look past them.  "What's going on!" he demanded with a growl, clawing at the crystals. 

Then he saw a face behind the crystals.  The pony frowned at him, tears escaping her eyes.  "Please don't try to save us anymore.  Every time somepony gets too close, a crystal will come up from somewhere, we never know where, and just that quick, one of us is gone..."



Chrysalis smiled and nodded.  Then she stood up.  "I'll go right now," she announced.  "You!" she said, pointing at one of the royal guards.  "You will be in charge."

The guard nodded as Chrysalis turned away and left the room.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade woke up and looked at her surroundings, she still had tears in her eyes from facing her greatest fear, herself... She looks and thinks, *why am I so powerful? It's true, I'm to dangerous to be kept.... Wait...* shade then notesed that it was sombras magic that made her have that dream. * I can't believe I fell for that.*


Shade looks around and goes looking for discord around the crystal empire.




Villan starts to walk out of the thrown room, "il be in the food court if any pony needs me." He said walking to the food court



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"Oh dear Celestia," Discord mumbled.  "Uhm...I..."

"It isn't your fault.  You didn't know.  But now you do."

"So, wait, I'm supposed to do nothing?!"

"No.  You're supposed to think."

"Think?  Me?  You're asking me to think?"

"You're right.  Ask the Princess."

"That I can do."

Discord's head got whacked forward.  He spun towards King Sombra who glared up at him.

"What are you doing with my slaves?!" he hissed.

"It's obvious isn't it?"

"You better get back, Discord," King Sombra said, stepping between him and the crystals.  "Before I do something that you'll regret..."

"Oh really?  Try me."

"Stop!" a crystal pony growled.  "You're going to get us all---"

Then Discord heard the sound again, like he had heard earlier, as King Sombra slipped his hoof through the crystals.  Then he turned back to Discord's horrified face.

"There," King Sombra smiled.

"But...you'll end up with no pony left..."
"Not if I force some of them to have some fillies and foals.  I won't kill them all, of course not."

Discord stared at him and then begun to back away.  King Sombra laughed.  "Don't like chaos anymore now do you?"

"Not yours..." Discord whispered.



Soon enough, Chrysalis had taken on the form of a random pony wandering the Everfree and caught a train to Canterlot, changing a few times on the way, making her a bit tired.

When she got to Canterlot, she spotted a royal guard, ducked into an alley and changed in one.  They all looked the same.  No pony would notice.

Then she trotted to the castle, smirking.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade was wandering the crystal empire, her primary task was to find discord, then she would help him free the crystal ponies or something. She also wanted to find the crystal hart so she could gain power from it.


As she was walking, she couldn't help but think about the nightmare, How she betrade every pony and caused an all out war. And midnight, midnight was one of the most important things in her life, it's like she saw him as her own. But knew that she shouldn't think like that because midnight was Luna's foal, not hers.



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"I...uhm...I'll be...back," Discord said.  "I will.  Don't worry."

"Mm," King Sombra mumbled, staring at him, his eyes flashing, causing Discord to spin away, afraid he would give him more nightmares.  Discord hurried back through the tunnel. 

Finally, he got out of the building and onto land.  Discord sighed.  He stood up.  "Stupid Sombra made me show fear," he muttered, kicking a rock and then glancing around, supposing he should find a clue or something.  Probably the crystal heart.



Chrysalis got into the castle fairly easy.  She walked around a bit, trying to figure out where the Princesses were, when she saw them.  They were just sitting in an empty hallway, waiting.  They looked weary, like they had been waiting forever for some pony that may not even come.

Then she saw the foal.  The foal bounded up to Luna and jumped up into her hooves, looking up at her and saying something excitedly.  Luna smiled slightly and nodded, pushing him off of her, much to the foal's disappointment.

So perhaps it was her foal. 

And they did seem to be waiting, and they did seem worried.  Perhaps the crystal kingdom was having difficulties.

Then a royal guard rushed past her and to the princesses.  "Princess!  Another crystal pony has arrived!"

"Oh!" Celestia said, looking up. 

"A filly.  She said Discord sent her and went to save her mother."

"Oh..." Celestia nodded.  "Wait, what?!"

Chrysalis smiled to herself.  That was all she needed to know.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade made her way to the center of the kingdom and saw the crystal hart floating between the magical pillars holding it in place. Shade closed her eyes and absorbed some power from it, but not as much as she would have liked. When she opened her eyes, she looked at the hart and it seemed to have been drained of its power. "Darn, I didn't know that could happen" she said to herself.



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"Where would he have kept it..." Discord mumbled.  "I mean he wouldn't have just left it the---"  Discord looked up and saw the crystal heart in its usual place.  "Oh.  It's still there."

Discord stared at it for a moment.  Then he noticed Shade.  "What the heck?" he said, turning to her.



Chrysalis turned and started towards down the hall.


Chrysalis froze.  Then she turned to Luna.  "Yes, Princess?"

"Would you please take Midnight to some pony who can take care of him?" Luna frowned, gently pushing Midnight towards Chrysalis.

"Er...of...of coarse Princess!" Chrysalis nodded.  "C-come along...Prince..."

Midnight stared up at her for a moment and then turned to Luna.  "Mommy, this is Chrysalis."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade turned around and saw discord in the distance, she picked up the crystal hart and "discord!" She yelled as she ran towards him and to give him a hug. "Discord, I was worried about you, did you get the crystal ponies to safety?" She asked him with a relived tone.



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Discord hugged her back with a smirk.  Then his face fell and he looked in the direction of the building that held the tunnel.  "Er...not exactly, no," he said.  He looked down at Shade.  "I...don't like that King Sombra very much.  At all really."



Luna stared at Midnight for a moment and then laughed.  "Silly, Midnight," she smiled, looking up at a pony who seemed like a regular royal guard sweating nervously.  "Please, do take him to some pony."

"Yes...Princess," the royal guard said, hurrying off with Midnight running after him/her.

Midnight looked up at Chrysalis.  "You're mean, go away."

"Now, I'm not allowed to speak much..."

"That's stupid, my mommy doesn't care if the guards speak.  You're stupid.  You're not a guard."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at discord, "well then... I guess we gotta focus on something that will give the crystal hart it's power back, but the only thing that can give the crystal hart it's energy is love from the crystal ponies... So how are we suppose to do this?" She asked.



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Discord stared at it for a moment and then grinned.  "I know how," he said.  Then he touched his paw to it, pulling Shade closer to him and then staring at it for a long moment.  He let go of her.  "Nope.  Not working.  Maybe its that other kind of love," he said. 

Then he blinked.  "Wait," he said, poking the heart.  "Can I see that a minute?" he asked, holding hi paw and talon out for it.



Chrysalis laughed.  "Okay, okay, that's enough out of you.  Let's find some pony to take care of you, yes?"

"No.  I don't like you."

Chrysalis let it go and glared down at him, his eyes flashing.  "Alright then.  You want to do this the hard way, we'll do this the hard way..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked at discord, "I... Um...... Sure... Whatever." She said passing the crystal hart to him knowing that whatever he dose with it, it won't work.


Shade stepped back and used her fresh energy to communicate with midnight, *" hey midnight, so I found the crystal heart, but it's drained... So all I gotta do is find a way to refuel it and save the day... Then we can chow down on it all day long. How are things back in canterlot?"* she asked.



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Discord took it and then looked at it.  Then he shrugged and pulled it back in his paw, then he threw it as far and hard as he could.  He watched it fly off and then heard a cracking sound.  Discord flew over to where it landed and saw the broken pieces.

"This isn't the crystal heart," he called back to Shade.



Chrysalis reached down and snatched Midnight up from the ground.  Midnight screamed and pounded on her.

"Nooo!" he screamed.  "Mommy!  Aunty!  Shade!" he called.

"Oh shut up you peon," Chrysalis growled, teleporting them away.


Chrysalis and Midnight appeared in the throne room, Chrysalis already in her changeling form.  She tossed Midnight to the ground where he began to cry and scream.

"Trap him in a pod," Chrysalis growled.  "The nuisance."

As they grabbed Midnight he heard Shade in his head.  He sent words back to her *"I don't knoooow!"* he whined.  *"Stupid Chrysablergh took meeee!"*

Then they got him into a pod where he continued to scream.



Luna turned.  "What's wrong with Midnight."

Celestia looked at her.  "It isn't his usual screaming."

"No...he sounds...Midnight!" Luna called fearfully.  "Midnight!" Luna screamed, rushing through the halls searching.  When she didn't find them she fell to her knees shaking.  "Midnight!" she tried one last time.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade shrugged, "figures... It was just sitting in the normal place and it had little energy... Oh wonderful... Now we gotta find the real one..." She said sounding a bit annoyed.

When she heard midnights response, she froze. "Discord... Can you handle things here?" She said teleporting away to canterlot. She appeared in front of Luna, "what happened? Where's midnight?" She asked



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Discord glanced back as she disappeared then looked back down at the broken shards.  He teleported up behind Celestia - who looked like she had a headache - since there was nothing else for him to do there.

"What's going on?" he asked.

Celestia turned.  "I...don't know.  What's going on in the empire?"

"Er...stuff..." Discord said.  Then he told her.



Midnight pounded his hooves against the pod.  "Let meee go!" he screamed.  He hissed, his form changing a few times into random ponies that he knew from fear and anger.

Chrysalis growled at him.  "Would you shut up already?!  Some pony get that other changeling here (Villan)!" she sighed.  "We're invading now!  We'll take them by surprise since their expecting some plan or something that has to do with that," she said, pointing at Midnight.



Luna jumped and looked up, tears running down her cheeks.  "I..I don't know!  I asked a guard to take him to some pony that could take care of him but...it...he said that the guard was Chrysalis.  But it was so sudden, so simple, that I didn't realize that maybe it was..." she said quickly.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade growled then scanned the place... She turns back to Luna, "next time, if you need some pony to look after midnight... Ask me first" she said before teleporting away to the hive.




Villan made his way back to the throne room, he was excited to finally be apart of a raid he wouldn't let this queen down.



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Celestia stared at him for a long moment.  "So...no Crystal heart?"


"And...no...saving the Crystal ponies?"

"I suppose not..."

"And no sign of Cadence or Shining Armor."


Celestia grabbed her head in her hooves and growled low in her throat.  "Peace is all I want.  Peace.  Now we must figure out a way to get them out of there and we must find the Crystal heart.  And that Chrysalis is probably coming too.  And you're here---"

"What is that suppose---"

"That means the only other thing that could go wrong is Nightmare Moon!" Celestia yelled.  "So no funny business from you!"

Discord stared at her.  "I have an idea," he finally said.

"Oh, no, no, no, no..."



"Okay," Chrysalis said.  "Gather all the changelings that wish to help and we're all going to raid Canterlot.  I'm sure those weak princesses can't make a shield at the moment.  We'll all go straight there and straight in with no warning, no signal, just straight in.  It'll take them by surprise."



Luna whimpered and looked down at the floor, wiping furiously at her tears despite the ones still coming out of her eyes.

(God, she's a horrible mother)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade charged her way inside the hive hoping she could catch chrysalis before she goes off to raid canterlot. She wasn't about to let midnight be captured by the changeling, she never wanted him to experience this kind of life.




Villan listened to the queen as he was fixing up his armor and getting ready for the raid.



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"Come on," Discord smirked. 

"No, Discord.  Your idea is probably dangerous."

"Do you have any ideas?"





Chrysalis grinned, an evil grin, and went towards the window.  She stood up onto the sill and pointed in the direction to Canterlot.

"Let's go!" she said, flying up into the air.  "And you," Chrysalis said, pointing at Villan.  "Fly beside me."

Midnight stared at Chrysalis.  "My mommy will get you!  And so will Shade!  And Discord!  And Celestia!" Midnight cried, angry.



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Shade was still charging her way towards the thrown room... She was continuing to run and thinking about what to do when she makes it to the thrown room. She thought about ending the rivalry right when she got there, she knew that it must be done... But it also felt wrong.



Villan noded and walked up beside chrysalis and got ready to fly... Or whatever...



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Midnight changed into his pony form then, which was the form of an alicorn since his mother was one.  He shot out a zap of magic from his horn at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis nodded at Villan but quickly jumped back at a shot of magic narrowly missed her and burned the wall.  She glared at Midnight but flew out the window, not wanting to waste time.



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