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Warning Points


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   I was given 100 warning points this weekend for babbling just to fill the character minimum.  


My question for the mods are: How many warning points can I receive before I face a punishment (and what that would be)?



     I guess that I understand why I can't ramble, but what does that number mean?  Is this a large amount or just something to scare me?


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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If I'm not mistaken its 400 points for a 2 day suspsension, 800 for a 7 day suspension, and then 1000 for a permaban.


And considering it only takes 10 of those warnings to get a permaban, yeah, id consider that kinda big since you could do that in a day easy. There are worse offenses with bigger amounts of points given, but for such a tiny thing its quite the amount.


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200 points is where a 2 day suspension starts



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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200 points is where a 2 day suspension starts



  • Two day suspension at 400 points
  • Seven day suspension at 800 points
  • Permanent forum ban at 1,000 points
  • Twenty five warning points are removed from one's account every week.


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  • Two day suspension at 400 points
  • Seven day suspension at 800 points
  • Permanent forum ban at 1,000 points
  • Twenty five warning points are removed from one's account every week.
I stand corrected


Anyway, yeah the Character violation rule is enforced pretty strictly here. But you won't get banned for it. (At least not the first time.) So I guess it's all good. :)

Edited by Betez
  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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This is a question for the staff, not a suggestion or general feedback on the forum and its' aspects :3 As such, this belongs in a Support Ticket, not a Feedback topic. The ticket system was partially created for this sole purpose, of providing detailed responses to questions you have about the forum. That said, I believe your questions can in fact be answered if you just take the time to read through our Resource Map, and look at the FAQ, and some of the entries that regard warning points. That describe how many you need to get an actual punishment, what they're for, how often they naturally deteriorate over time, etc.


The Resource Map is listed at the top of every single forum on the board; it's hard to miss wink.png

  • Brohoof 1


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