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Any new bronies?


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Well hiya there! My name is Alex, but you can call me Lexie, or Alexandra, I don't really mind ^_^


So I kinda recently started watching ponies and I'm only on episode 21 of the first season, but so far I'm loving it!! :wub:

My favorite characters are (from greatest to least):

Derpy Hooves (c'mon who DOESN'T love her?!)

Fluttershy (So adorable, and kinda like me!)

Pinkie Pie (I read Cupcakes, didn't change my love for Pinkie)

Applejack (I'm kind of a hillbilly so she's my kind of girl!)

Rainbow Dash (My Little Dashie fanfic...*sniffle*)

Twilight Sparkle (Nerdy like me!)

Rarity (Not a big fan unfortunately, she kinda bugs me)


Also I love the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but their a bit annoying...in the totally adorable way of course LOL


Now I guess I'll tell you a bit about myself!


I'm 12, in grade 7, gonna be thirteen in a few months

My name is Alexandra, but everybody has different nicknames for me. I usually go by Alex

I'm as caucasian as could be, even though it doesn't really matter

My hair is naturally golden brown, but I've dyed it a few times

My eyes are greenish grey

I live in Alberta all the way in Moose loving Canada!

I'd love to make some more brony friends!! The only other poneh lover in my school is one of my super close friends Jenaya ^_^

I have a bit of all the pony personalities in me hehe

Timidness like Fluttershy

Thrill seeker like Dashie

Sweet-tooth and hyperness like Pinkie

I care about my appearance like Rarity

Bookworm like Twilight

Hardworker like Applejack (and I love me some apples!)


Soo uh yeah! I'm not completely sure how everything works on this here whippersnapper site, but add me, and reply to this if ya wanna talk!

Buh Bye!! :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey there! B)


And welcome I guess! ( I'm think I can say that now ^^ ) I'm sure you will have loads of fun here, the community's quite nice and you actually can't get bored.

I love you! <3

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Welcome :) I hope you have fun here! Enjoy your stay :)

And HURRAY FOR CANADA XD I live here also, but not in Alberta. Anyways, you should probably start off by just kinda fiddling with the site, checking everything out and seeing what you can do :)

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Welcome to the herd! I'm sure you'll make some new friends who are also in the fandom :)

Yay, another pegasister!


*Goes to your profile*



Finally another potterhead, I claim you as mine.

Edited by averagetoaster



I can't hear you! I only have one eye!

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welcome! ^^

i'm here not so long, but I love this forum, and I think you'll love it 2, there r TONS of nice ppl here c:

so yah, enjoy your stay ^__^


if ya ever wanna talk - ya can feel free to PM meh :3


" Why walk when you can bounce? Silly-filly! "

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