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Ruddboy Olaf

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Edited by Lord Magnus
  • Brohoof 1


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I usually just kill em with kindness, always seems to shut them up.


For example:



all broneis are stuped you all shud die you hors****ers why wud you watch a show for six year old girls? deth to alll broneis.



Hey, I know you are sad, but don't knock it until you try it.

If you don't like it afterwards, well, you are a good person for trying.

But hey, we have different interests, so how about you leave us alone and we just continue doing our thing?


Something along those lines would work imo.

  • Brohoof 1
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Edited by Lord Magnus
  • Brohoof 1


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Errr...mate, no offense but I think the whole point of brohoofs is just to highlight or 'thumb up' (in a sense) particularly worthy comments. By simply using it as a blanket over everypony it just loses all of its impact, because none of us feel any more worthy than anyone else for deserving one. Why not just say you appreciate everyone's contributions and just leave it at that.

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Edited by Lord Magnus


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Edited by Lord Magnus


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Just yesterday I tried telling my aunt about bronies because she said horses were for girls, and I responded with "Ponies are manly though." She told me bronies sound like creepy men who are into little girls or are gay. I responded to that by telling her how nice and fun the fandom is, and how they honestly enjoy the show.


Now I regret not adding in that I'm also a brony....I suppose I was a little intimidated by her initial response to them.

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Luckily, the people that know I'm a brony, don't hate at me at all for it. :) Though, I definately understand the feeling when someone just laughs or hates at you for liking something specific...

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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Think of troll comments as fish bait. Depending on what kind of fish you are, you can either bite, or just swim on by, thus causing these people who feed on butthurt to go hungry. At the end of the day, any response you give to a troll, and I mean any kind at all (retaliative, tolerant, informative, sarcastic or otherwise) simply encourages them to keep at it.


Don't give 'em the satisfaction of even acknowledging their existence!

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Looking at YouTube comments should only be done when you want to lose faith in humanity.


I really don't care to be honest. If people want to flout their utter ignorance and how closed their minds are, then that's their right. I'm not particularly bothered except for when a media outlet does something like this.

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Yes, there are plenty of people who are jerks and will hate on people for liking something they don't like. However, I've also seen plenty of bronies flaunt their merchandise in public and then complain when someone confronts them about it. 

You know that MLP was originally made for little girls, right? And that's what most people associate it with. So of course there are going to be some disapproving adults. 
If you don't want to be hated, don't flaunt it, end of story. 

  • Brohoof 1











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People on the internet think they can say whatever they want just because nobody can see them, so things like that that they would never say in real life are things they would just go and throw around with now problems. I usually don't read the comments on videos, that place is like border of internet hell.

  • Brohoof 1

Check out my youtube channel


and my soundcloud too! https://soundcloud.com/sonic_force

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If you don't want to be hated, don't flaunt it, end of story. 

But how is it fair to expect to be hassled for wearing pony merch but not merch from any other fandom? I fail to see how wearing an MLP shirt is shoving bronydom down peoples anymore than say someone wearing a Batman shirt is shoving Batman down peoples faces. Yes there are some bronies that are annoying and overly aggressive with promoting the fandom but you have that in everything, bronies just get more attention due to society viewing it as a tad unusual that bronies even exist in the first place.

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I haven't been hated on, but I still stick up for fellow Bronies. Also, has anyone noticed that the people who hate can barely spell to save their lives? I troll em back by saying 'You my friend just killed the English language.' That angers them so much! XD

  • Brohoof 1


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But how is it fair to expect to be hassled for wearing pony merch but not merch from any other fandom? I fail to see how wearing an MLP shirt is shoving bronydom down peoples anymore than say someone wearing a Batman shirt is shoving Batman down peoples faces. Yes there are some bronies that are annoying and overly aggressive with promoting the fandom but you have that in everything, bronies just get more attention due to society viewing it as a tad unusual that bronies even exist in the first place.

People see bronies as creepers/furries/pedophiles. Unfortunate as it is, it's just the case.


It's the same for me: I grew up Jewish and my family would tell me over and over again, "if you don't want to be hated upon, keep your beliefs to yourself. Not everyone likes Jews."

So that's what I did, and I turned out alright even though I'm no longer exclusively Jewish. 


Other fandoms are mostly socially acceptable, and ponies are really pushing the limit (IE not everyone understands the fandom). 

If you want to be included in something, you're going to have people that don't like what you're part of. 


No, it's not fair, but it's not like you HAVE to wear merchandise to prove you like something.

  • Brohoof 1











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People see bronies as creepers/furries/pedophiles. Unfortunate as it is, it's just the case.

And we should care why exactly? Caring about what others think is a waste of time, haters are going to hate no matter what so us actually caring is doing them is a favor.



It's the same for me: I grew up Jewish and my family would tell me over and over again, "if you don't want to be hated upon, keep your beliefs to yourself. Not everyone likes Jews."

I know what you are trying to say but it's a flawed comparison, being a brony simply put is not the same as being a Jew.



Other fandoms are mostly socially acceptable, and ponies are really pushing the limit (IE not everyone understands the fandom). 

Not understanding something and hating it are two different things, I didn't understand the fandom at first but I saw no rational reason to hate it. I just thought it was a little bit strange yet mostly harmless.



No, it's not fair, but it's not like you HAVE to wear merchandise to prove you like something.

True, you don't but at the same time I don't see why any of should not do it simply because of what some idiots think.

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Edited by Lord Magnus
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You could also simply say "Who cares?" I have literally never seen any Brony hate videos, because I don't seek them out. I know they are there, but I don't really care!

(That rhymes!)

  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I love it so much, because then I get to fight with haters. There was a line about it in a song once, I think.



"Eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight"


The thrill of the fight is why haters try to tear us down anyway.


In laymen's terms, trolls.

  • Brohoof 1


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You can also be very cheeky about it. For example if a girl calls you gay or fag for being a Brony, just look at her and say, "I'm not gay, want me to prove it to you?" And wink at them. wink.png

Im not going to lie to if that were to ever happen Which for me it hasnt at least Im so going to do that. It sounds hilarious. I doubt any afghan ladies know about MLP though.... xD

  • Brohoof 1


Enjoy what was meant to be!

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