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private Last Team Fortress, Retired To Equestria (Closed)


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Last Team Fortress, Retired To Equestria.

Many Year After The Events Of Team Fortress 2, A New Power Started A New, All Female, All American Team Fortress, Which Had A Similar Fate To The Previous Team, So A Few More Years And A Change In Management They Try Again, With A Mixture Of Genders And Nationalities, With Both Sides Having Different Members. (So Not Like The TF2 Teams)
After A While, They New Teams Find And Accidentally Restart The Lost, Mega Grey Mann Robots, Wiping Out Some Of Both Teams For Good (May They Rest In Peace).

They Teams Now Stand As Following:
Scout, Solider, Heavy And Medic
Pyro, Demo, Engie, Sniper And Spy

After Some Tinkering With The Teleporter, Engie Accidentally Send The Group To Equestria, Where Celetia Gives Them New Bodies, Based Off Their Natural Abilities, And Jobs. They Are Then Told To Separate And Not To Seek Each Other Out, But Accidental Meeting Is Fine.

This Is Before The Mane 6 Are Born, But The RP Takes Place (Much) After Season 3



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Edited by DarkDarsi
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It was a regular old morning when Soarin', or known as Scout, came to Ponyville. He was looking for two old friends, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire because recently he received a letter with an old TF logo and a threatening message. So he decided to come to Ponyville to make sure it was all safe.

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It had been a long day working at Sweet Apple Acres. Dmitri had just finished bucking apple trees and the harvest was nearly complete. He said goodbye to Big Macintosh and trotted off home.

            When he arrived home, he found a letter in his letterbox. He brought in inside with him. He then made himself a sandwich, his favourite food. As he was eating the sandwich. He began to read the letter. “What is dis?” he thought. There, on the paper, was the logo of the old team. There was very little writing, just, “I HOPE YOU’RE READY” written in capital letters. This note looked dangerous, something bad was going to happen. Dmitri knew something wasn't right. He had to find the rest of the team, regardless of what Princess Celestia had told them. He went outside and galloped into Ponyville to find them.

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Beifall let out a heavy sigh as she trotted into the front door of her cottage and hung her lab coat. She notices a letter had been slipped into her front door, so she lifted it, remove the envelope, and began reading. As she finished, Beifall began to think of heavy, if he's okay. She considered to meet with the team, but remembered the words of Celestia. She plopped herself onto the ground, losing herself in deep thought.

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Bruce Mundy was in the Ponyville market picking up some general groceries while he waited for school to get out so he could pick up his adopted daughter, Scootaloo, and her friends, they were planning on doing... Who knows what, but it was all in the name of getting their cutie marks.

As he walked he heard a voice call out,


He turns to face the owner of the voice, the local wall-eyed mail delivery pony, Ditzy-Doo Whooves, or Derpy Hooves as she was also know,

"G'day there Miss Whooves, what can I do for ya?"

"I brought you a letter!" She says handing him said letter.

"Ahh! Thanks Miss Whooves, I'll have to hire a PO box out, can't really give you my address, too dangerous, and I don't wont Scoots getting it all the time. Hmm, Ramblin', Have a nice day..."

"Hold on, you can just call me Derpy, everypony else does!"

"No thanks Miss Whooves, I prefer to call you your real name. Also how was the honey moon with The Doc? Crystal Empire all it cracked up to be?"

"Oh yeah, it's lots if fun! It's where I got your letter from to!"

"Hmm? Really? Well that's a bit off."

The school bell rings,

"Whanna walk with me to the school?"

Mundy offers, she accepts and they start off.

As they walk Bruce opens the letter,

"WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN'T KEEP HER SAFE, A GRIFFON COULD NEVER CARE FOR A PONY!" It went on a bit more but he didn't need to read it, something threatened his little girl, and they used paper with a watermark of his old TF logo. He stops and grabs Derpy on the shoulders, turning her towards him,

"Mister Mundy!?"

"Miss Doo, You MUST tell me WHO or WHAT gave you that letter! It may end up being a life or death situation."

"I-I-I don't know! It was when I was being a bit clumsy, I bumped into a few ponies, and when I got back to the hotel and checked my bags it was in there. Can you stop your scaring me"

He releases he and apologises before taking off towards the school.

He needed to get Scoots, then, once she was safe, he was going to defy a direct order from a goddess.

Edited by DarkDarsi
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Dmitri galloped as fast as he could into Ponyville. Who should he look for first? He then facehoofed himself. "Ahh! I haf forgotten what dey look like!" he cried aloud. "What vill I do now!? It has been so long since we saw each other, they haf probably forgotten what I look like too! I could trot right into them and not... Oww!"


While he had been talking to himself he hadn't been thinking about where he was going, and had collided with a dark grey griffin. "Oi!" said the griffin. "Watch where you're going, ya prancing show pony!" It then sprinted away from him. "I am sorry!" Dmitri called back over his shoulder. He had the strange feeling he knew the griffin. The accent was familiar. Come to think of it, so was the hat and the glasses. He decided it could wait. He had to find his friends!

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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As Mundy bolted through Ponyville, he was so focused on figuring out how to keep Scootaloo safe that he run strait into a wall, wavering around other did what he always does when he hit inanimate objects, he shout at it,

"Oi! Watch where your goin', ya prancing show pony!"


'Note to self, don't use that insult here, it's not as effective'


As he was running away his griffon hunter hearing picked up something a wall should not do, he heard a reply,

"I am sorry!"


'Wow, No Aus in Equestria, but an Africa, Canada, England and now a Russia, I must sound like a bleedin' moron'

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Meanwhile, Soarin' finally caught up to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. "There you two are!" He said. "Soarin?" Spitfire asked. "What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked. He showed them the letter with an old TF logo on it. "You know what Celestia told you." Spitfire warned him. "I know I came here to make sure its safe." Soarin replied. "Know what?" Rainbow asked. "It's nothing." Spitfire replied.

Edited by Sonicrules831
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AH HA! Beifall slips her saddle on and trots out her front door. Celestia says I can't seek out the team, but she'll never know if I don't make contact with them. I'll just look for them based on their cutie-marks to see if they're okay, how hard could it be? She trots without realizing the troubles she may get into. As she approaches the main street, she starts examining everypony's cutie-marks. None seemed familiar. As she trots over to the next tow- BONK! Unfortunately she bumps into a tall blue stallion. Even though she didn't know this mare, she felt oddly like they were connected in a way. Do I know this stallion from some place?

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As she trots over to the next tow- BONK! Unfortunately she bumps into a tall blue stallion. Even though she didn't know this mare, she felt oddly like they were connected in a way. Do I know this mare from some place?


Soarin' looked back at Beifall. But continued to walk past, he didn't seem to reconigze her. But she easily recongized him since he's a Wonderbolt.



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As Dmitri was still thinking about the identity of the griffin, he accidentally bumped into somepony else. He really ought to have been looking where he was going! This time it was a pale blue mare wearing a lab coat. Suddenly, he realised something. He knew this mare! 



"MEDIC!" he cried out. "It is you! I haf been looking for you and the others all over Ponyville! It is good to see you again, my friend!" he then realised the collision had affected her more than him, due to his immense size. "Oh! I am sorry, I should had been more careful!" he said to her as he helped her to her hooves. 



He then showed her the strange letter he had been delivered earlier on. "Do you know anything about dis?" he asked her. "I got dis this today, so I hurried to find you and de others as fast as I could!"

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As Bruce arrived at the school, he found The CMC talking with Dinky Doo, Derpy's Youngest, Ruby Pinch, Local brewery owner Berry Punches girl, and Tootsie Flute, the somehow biological daughter of Lyra and BonBon Heartstrings.

He heard Derpy come down behind him, mentally slapping himself for not using his wings, but not then felt the bits of dirt hitting him (along with the other general effects of a crater) making him certain it was Derpy not RD, she walked up beside him and asked,

"Umm, Mr Mundy, You said that their was going to be life or death danger, should I get Dinky ready? Or will everypony be safe?"

"I honestly don't know, but, should the need arise, may I leave Scootaloo in your care, if I can't find someone else? No offence to you."

"Umm, Ok, if you can't find anypony else."

"Thanks Love"


Scootaloo looks around and spot the pair,

"DAD! Come on girls, we have crusading to do! And Dinky your moms here too!"

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Soarin continued to walk around Ponyville as he wanted to find the others. "I'll worry about Dash and Spitfire later. Right now I gotta find the others about this letter." He said to himself. He happened to see Heavy and Medic nearby. "Could it be? Is it really them?" He thought to himself.

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As Dmitri was still thinking about the identity of the griffin, he accidentally bumped into somepony else. He really ought to have been looking where he was going! This time it was a pale blue mare wearing a lab coat. Suddenly, he realised something. He knew this mare! 



"MEDIC!" he cried out. "It is you! I haf been looking for you and the others all over Ponyville! It is good to see you again, my friend!" he then realised the collision had affected her more than him, due to his immense size. "Oh! I am sorry, I should had been more careful!" he said to her as he helped her to her hooves. 



He then showed her the strange letter he had been delivered earlier on. "Do you know anything about dis?" he asked her. "I got dis this today, so I hurried to find you and de others as fast as I could!"

Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she examined the letter. "Heavy?" she murmured. A tear dripped down her cheek.


"I- I was so worried about you."


"I have a letter just like that"


She than without warning- hugged him.


"Heavy." she whispered under her breath, her cheeks flushed with red.

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Bruce took the fillies back to his and Scootaloos home in the Everfree Forest, while not as deep as Zecoras, the route was quite a bit more dangerous, mainly because it has only started being commonly used when Mundy adopted Scoots. As he guided them, he thought he should spend the next day warning anybody that might be use against him and trying to find the best person to look after Scootaloo.

'Remember Mundy, it's anypony, not anybody. Your slipping again, you'll be too tight to keep your senses ready. Once I know Scoots will be safe, I'll take her out for a spa day, maybe I could let Miss Rarity And Miss Applejack to take along these other two.

"Hey Dad! You should stop thinking so hard, you almost walked into those branches"

"Sorry Scoots, just a bit shaken up by a letter I got"

"What was tha letta about, Mista Mundy?"

"Yeah, it must've been really bad to shake you up Mister Loo!"

"Don't worry about it girls, anyway we're here"

As He ushers the CMC inside he remembers that he dropped the letter when he ran to get Scootaloo.

'Bloody Hell! Too late to go find it know, almost sundown and not even Scout was that fast. Then again, that SpitDash couple certainly both give him a run for his money, they could probably find it and get it back in time. They may also be willing to look after Scootaloo, I'll have to check tomorrow.

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Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she examined the letter. "Heavy?" she murmured. A tear dripped down her cheek. "I- I was so worried about you." "I have a letter just like that" She than without warning- hugged him. "Heavy." she whispered under her breath, her cheeks flushed with red.


Dmitri was surprised when Dr Beifall hugged him. But then he smiled. "I... I missed you too" he said as he smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad you're safe. We need to find the others though. Something is going on, and I do not like it!" He then remembered, the griffon he had passed earlier. The hat, the glasses, the accent. It was sniper! "Doctor! I haf just remembered! I met sniper on the way here! We haf to go and find him too! Come on!"

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Dmitri was surprised when Dr Beifall hugged him. But then he smiled. "I... I missed you too" he said as he smiled warmly at her. "I'm glad you're safe. We need to find the others though. Something is going on, and I do not like it!" He then remembered, the griffon he had passed earlier. The hat, the glasses, the accent. It was sniper! "Doctor! I haf just remembered! I met sniper on the way here! We haf to go and find him too! Come on!"


 Minato  was eating American hamburgers i saw Dmitri and Sniper metting on the footpath and then sniper go away, i did not know him, well i was so hungry that time... it was night time i was tired because of fighting  enemy maggots around there, on battlefield we won but we some sentrys and all of that

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Dennis woke up once again. The Badlands didnt offer any competition. He wanted some REAL challange, he thought that by coming to the place where all the dragons lived that he would eventually find what he was looking for. He was dissapointed when he understood that most of the dragons on Equestria were either childish brutes and bullies or Hulking monstrocities of greed gathering gold in their nests just for the sake of it. He didn't want to be like that.

"This place disgusts me." he said "I should have never listened to Celestia. Afterall what would be the bad thing if i met up with the rest of the squad? It isn't like it would be the end of the world!"

"You miss your friends don't you?" a voice says from behind and he turned around to see a pony in a brown hood hiding all of his characteristics. Dennis didn't understand but he thought that being honest about his feelings couldn't possibly hurt.

"I miss the friendly competition that's right. I am also a little tired of these childish power-plays the dragons are having. I want REAL competition and moreover some REAL friendship. I don't think i've had an actual friend here."

"Well then... you could always go find them... if you are ready that is. Hahaha.... HAHAHA!" and with that, within a flash of light the hooded pony dissapears. 

"Now that was creepy." he thinks with a sigh. "But should i actually do it? Why did Celestia tell us to NOT meet again? What the hell was this pony doing here? I need answers even if i have to "claw" my way out of this mess."

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Soarin saw Heavy and Medic wondering, "Should I see them? I know about Celestia's orders. But this letter is important." He said. "Hey Heavy! Medic!" He called to them. "Scout!" They both called out. Soarin noticed that Heavy got the same letter. "Do you know what's going on with this?" Soarin asked.

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After some time thinking, Dennis decides that there are two solutions:A-Either find the members of the rest of the team or B-Find out the answers from those that would know the explanation:The Princesses. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence. Thinking that the three out of four are probably located in Canterlot he starts taking the road towards it.

However mid-way he senses that following the obvious route is a clear mistake. He could be noticed, and perhaps attacked. Having worked with the Spy for quite a long time he knows that obvious=noticeable=death. He takes a detour through the forest knowing little that this is the Everfree forest. Prowling eyes are looking at him and he senses their angry glares. He has stepped into some creature's territory and his nostrils gather up with a little fire as he gets ready.

Lunging through the dark is a timber-wolf but Dennis quickly reacts opening his mouth directing a ball of fire that catches the Timber-wolf dodging to the side. The creature panicks with the fire consuming his body. Being the leader of the pack as it seems he retreats, the rest of the presences watching him flee with scared whimpers.

"Is this supposed to be a challange?" he says

"A challange it wasn't indeed, but in truth it was fire the reason they fleed." Dennis sees that a Zebra has joined the scene. Her coat is striped gray, and her mane is striped gray and white. In place of a cutie mark is a spiraled sun.

"Probably... not that i couldn't burn them if needed. Who are you might i ask?" he responds smilling a little.

"I am Zecora the zebra, an alchemist living here in the Everfree forest." but no greeting comes from her as her expression changes "You should have been more careful dragon! You could have made a mess! Spew a little fire within the forest and what happens... can you guess?" she reacts with frustration.

"I have spent half my life miss messing around with fire. I am not about to get reckless now. And my name is Dennis Hackett by the way."

"Pride and desire, your doom through fire... What do you seek dragon away from home? Are the Badlands and caves not enough to leave us alone?" she says appearing agitated.

"Tell you what... i am going to leave only if you tell me where i can possibly find the Princesses and how to get there."

"Where exactly the Princesses are i do not know. Its probably that to Canterlot you must go. Take the train, or with your wings follow the rail."

So it was that he flew up the sky with direction to Canterlot.

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Just then Soarin ran over to Dmitri and Dr Beifall. "Hey Heavy! Medic!" he called to them. Dmitri realised that Soarin was actually his old teammate, Scout. "Scout!" he exclaimed in surprise. He was pleased to have found another of his old friends. Soarin then showed him a letter he had received, very similar to his and Dr Beifall's. "Do you know what's going on with this?" Soarin asked.


"No, I do not." Dmitri replied, as he took on a serious expression. "But it cannot be good. Dere is something very bad that is going to happen soon, I am sure of it! We must find the others! I think I know who sniper is, we should look for him next! Let's go!" Dmitri set off, his friends following close behind, as they made their way back towards Ponyville school.

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"Alright then." Scout said following Heavy and Medic. They reached Ponyville School but school was already out. "Deres nopony here." Heavy said. "Aww crap!" Soarin said. "School must've been let out already." He added. "Do you know where sniper lives?" Soarin asked.

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"Arrgh!" exclaimed Dmitri. "We were too late! Wait, what is dis?" He noticed a piece of paper lying on the road. It was a note, with the team's logo on it. It read “"WE ALL KNOW YOU CAN'T KEEP HER SAFE, A GRIFFON COULD NEVER CARE FOR A PONY!"



When Dmitri saw the word “griffon”, he knew they were on the right track. “This must be Sniper’s!” he said to the others. He then noticed a purple earth pony with a cutie mark of three daisies. “Excuse me! I was vondering if you could tell me if you have seen a grey griffon recently?” The earth pony smiled. “You must mean Mr Mundy. I teach his daughter, Scootaloo.”



“Do you know where ve could find him?” Dmitri asked. The pony nodded. “Yes, he lives in the Everfree Forest. It’s quite a dangerous place, but I’m sure that you and your friends should be fine, as long as you stay on the path.”



“Thank you!” Dmitri said to her. He then turned to Soarin and Dr Beifall. “Quickly! We must go and find Sniper!” They set off in the direction of the Everfree Forest.


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It was at that time that Dennis was seen flying over Ponyville. The flame of his wings left a small but noticeable trail upon the sky. His scales gleamed with the sun as he looked down on Ponyville. It was a beautiful small town and for some time he deliberately stalled his advance towards Canterlot wishing he had a simpler life, or even had seen his friends. 

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Delilah  sped by wing to Canterlot. The threatening note she had received earlier needed more clarification. As she flew over valleys and hills, she spotted a dragon. Its scales glistened brilliantly. Del had to shield her eyes. She turned and finished her flight, but the dragon kept popping into her mind.It looked familiar...nah, it couldn't be. Del made sure she looked presentable, wiped a fleck of barbecue sauce off her check, and charged into the throne room. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight stood conversing strange, random events.

 "Princess Luna, may I borrow you a moment?" Del asked courteously.

 "Of course," came her reply. Luna eyed Celestia and trotted over to Del.

Del handed her the note. Luna read it and her eyes widened.

 "The stars? They can't take those!" Luna gasped. "Hurry home! Make sure none are gone, especially the babies!"

Del turned on hoof and burst out of Canterlot again.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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