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private Last Team Fortress, Retired To Equestria (Closed)


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Beifall and her friends were on the path of the everfree forest. "Uh, guys" she asked.


"Yes?" They answered.


"Well," she sighed " ive been thinking alot since weve got to ponyville. And, well- its just i feel-"


She was interuped as they got to the entrance of the forest - " oh. Were here i guess."


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"Ok everypony! We need to find Sniper! Stick to the path an ve should be fine!" Dmitri told them. As they entered the forest, they followed a small dirt track deep into its murky depths. It was a long and dark path through the forest, that seemed to go on forever...

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Delilah  sped by wing to Canterlot. The threatening note she had received earlier needed more clarification. As she flew over valleys and hills, she spotted a dragon. Its scales glistened brilliantly. Del had to shield her eyes. She turned and finished her flight, but the dragon kept popping into her mind.It looked familiar...nah, it couldn't be. Del made sure she looked presentable, wiped a fleck of barbecue sauce off her check, and charged into the throne room. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight stood conversing strange, random events.

 "Princess Luna, may I borrow you a moment?" Del asked courteously.

 "Of course," came her reply. Luna eyed Celestia and trotted over to Del.

Del handed her the note. Luna read it and her eyes widened.

 "The stars? They can't take those!" Luna gasped. "Hurry home! Make sure none are gone, especially the babies!"

Del turned on hoof and burst out of Canterlot again.

His quick burst caught Dennis off guard who had just arrived in Canterlot.


"HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" he said grabbing his head but just then he realised that it wasnt a pegasi but an alicorn that he had crashed with. It wasnt Luna, Celestia, Twilight or Cadence... so there was only one logical assumption. 


"Delilah? Is that you? HA!" he grabs her head within a headlock and rubs the top till it burns a little. "You sentry-building maniac how have you been? Wait... why were you here and most importantly why were you in such a hurry?" he said changing from happy to worried expression.

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"Ok everypony! We need to find Sniper! Stick to the path an ve should be fine!" Dmitri told them. As they entered the forest, they followed a small dirt track deep into its murky depths. It was a long and dark path through the forest, that seemed to go on forever...

"Aw geez. Where could he be?" Soarin said. "Just keep walking." Heavy said. Eventually they found Sniper and his house. "Uhh guys? I think I found his house." Soarin said. "Dis is it." Heavy said. "I'll go knock." He added. Heavy knocked on the door. He knocked and it wasn't Sniper. Instead it was a zebra. "May I help you?" The zebra asked. "Dis isn't the place." Heavy said. "Ahh a Wonderbolt I see? What bring you three to Everfree Forest." She said.

Edited by Sonicrules831
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((Hey team fortress ponies this comment was in response to a comment that no longer exist. Please disregard this message everypony. This does not apply to the roleplay. Thank you! Sorry for the inconvinence you guys, and lets get back to roleplaying, no?))

Edited by Queen Cadence
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“Aw geez. Where could he be?" Soarin said. "Just keep walking." Heavy said. Eventually they found Sniper and his house. "Uhh guys? I think I found his house." Soarin said. "Dis is it." Heavy said. "I'll go knock." He added. Heavy knocked on the door. He knocked and it wasn't Sniper. Instead it was a zebra. "May I help you?" The zebra asked. "Dis isn't the place." Heavy said. "Ahh a Wonderbolt I see? What bring you three to Everfree Forest." She said.


Dmitri asked the zebra, “Uhh… do you know of a sniper… I mean a griffon who lives in dis forest?” The zebra replied “Yes I do, does he know you?” Puzzled by her strange manner of speaking, Dmitri replied. “Yes, we are friends of his. Do you know where his house is?” The zebra nodded. “Yes I do. Go down this path and his house you will come to.” Dmitri thanked her and the group continued along the path deeper into the wood.

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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Soarin, Heavy and Medic continued into the woods. But couldn't find any other houses. "Uhh I think we're lost." Soarin said. "Dah!" Heavy said. "You're right." He sadly added. "We should probably retrace our steps since we can see the good prints we left." Soarin said. "Ok." Heavy said.

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Soarin, Heavy and Medic continued into the woods. But couldn't find any other houses. "Uhh I think we're lost." Soarin said. "Dah!" Heavy said. "You're right." He sadly added. "We should probably retrace our steps since we can see the good prints we left." Soarin said. "Ok." Heavy said.


They began to walk back the way they had come. After a while, Dmitri stopped. “Agh! We have been here before!” he exclaimed. “Dis is NOT good! We are lost! I do not like dis place. It feels like de forest is watching us!” He looked at his friends in concern. “What do you think ve should do?”

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((Again, sorry DarkDarsi disapprove this so it is no longer a part of this roleplay. Please disregard this post and I will try to prevent bad post more often. Sorry again for screwing everything up, I just can't wait to fight something unsure.png  Please don't be mad at me!))

Edited by On Cloud Nine☼


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"Why do you and your Dad have so much stuff in here Scoots?"

"Yeah, An' why can' we find nothing ta halp us get our Cutiemarks?"

"I don't know, Dad has a lot of weird stuff"

Bruce is standing next to an every growing pile of, as Scootaloo said, weird stuff, watching the girls work their way through the closet.

Sweetie Belle pulls out a cardboard box.

"Oooooo, A cardboard box! Hey girls, come help me open this, it may have our cutie marks in it!"

Ignoring her bad wording, Bruce thought with a small smile,

'Or an old literal saying'


The CMC eagerly lifted the lid off, but then they all gasped and jumped back.

"Dad! Why do you have a skeleton in our closet!?"

"Oh I was wonder where that got to, I never finished it" Mundy replies licking his lips (beck).




"Well, That was not the reaction I hoped for..."


He moves the three fainted Fillies into Scootaloos room, before returning to the box and pulling on a chain and lifting an incomplete biology skeleton replica.

He hangs it up and moves back to the box, pulling out some more replica bones and going back over to the model.

'Lets get this set up then, and hope the girls will listen to me when they wake up'


As he fidgets he starts to recall how he got the skeleton.

'Second job in Equestria, teaching Phycology at Cloudsdale High School, two years of it, then they shut down most of the science wings, biology was one of the other ones, as the teacher didn't want the model 'Professor Mundy' said "I'll take care of it", then spent a good two week trying to reconstruct it, getting part way before sending it to a storage yard, a week after, the rest of me stuff went to it as well, all me bits went into the bank, and Bruce Mundy, sole griffon resident of Cloudsdale West, went missing.'

'Twenty Odd Years later I run into Zecora, who convinces me to go into town with her, I meet the locals, find Scootaloo in the park, take her in with me to a hotel, we stayed together for a while, them I found this place, and made the old thing into home, let Scootaloo stay a while, and eventually, due to one slip up by a tired Scoots as I tucked her in, I sent her to the orphanage, the next time I saw her she turned and ran away crying, it was when I headed into the orphanage to officially adopt her, it broke my heart knowing she be stuck here for two more days, while the paperwork was sorted out. Then, with the ,at first reluctant, help of Applejack, he showed up during one of their CMC meetings at their cubby, on Scootaloos birthday, and presented her with a gift, the documents turning guardianship of Scootaloo from the orphanage over to him.

She started smiling, oh how she smiled.'


He gave up once again on the skeleton and trudged to bed, he fall asleep with all the memories of his Daughter.

HIS Daughter.

His Scootaloo.

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As they contined to wander blindly through the forest, Dmitri began to grow worried. They were stuck in the deep, dark Everfree Forest, known for its dangerous beasts and strange goings on. He wondered how in Equestria anypony could live in such an eerie place. Then he remembered, it was Sniper he was looking for. That cunning Aussie could live anywhere without any trouble whatsoever. He smiled to himself as he thought this.


Suddenly, something caught his eye. A little way ahead, in front of the group, there was a small building. At first he dismissed it as Zecora's hut they had passed earlier, thinking they must have gone in a full circle. But then he noticed it was different. His face lit up in excitement. He turned to the others.


"Look! We have found it!" Dmitri happily exclaimed. "We have finally found Sniper!" They all rushed over to the house and Dmitri knocked three times on the wooden door with his hoof. "Hello! Is anypony home?" he called.

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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"Look! We have found it!" Dmitri happily exclaimed. "We have finally found Sniper!" They all rushed over to the house and Dmitri knocked three times on the wooden door with his hoof. "Hello! Is anypony home?" he called.


Beifall stood back and waited, while Dmitri Knocked on the door. "Now where can that blasted Sniper be?! Why can't we just find someon- pony else first! Why not Engi, or Pyro?" She shouted in impatience. The group looked back to her with concerned looks on their faces. "Sorry guys, just seems I'm a bit frustrated." she sighed. "Its like the old days, when he'd always be in the place we'd be last to check" Beifall giggled. "We'll find him soon" Dmitri reassured, her patting her back.


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A knocking on the door woke Scootaloo up,

She would have just ignored it, had she not heard somepony talking she went to the door and listened,

"It's like the old days, when he'd always be in he place we'd be last to check"


She crept into to her fathers room and woke him up,

"Dad, there's somepony at the door."

"What do ya mean? Are you sure it's a pony?"

"Well it talks, sounds like a mare too, it was talking to something else"

"Go wake the others and be prepared to get out"


She did so as Mundy walked to the door.

Once Scoots gave him a signal to show sha and the others were ready, he reach for the door handle.

There was more knocking. He flinched.

'Yep, Definatly need a spa day'

He open the door reviling two ponies and a rock.

'Dark be nice'

Fine Then...


Reviling three ponies, a stalion Pegasus, a unicorn mare, and an upset Big Mac,


And a large blue Eath stallion.


"G'day there, path out is just their, if your sellin' somethin' I'm not buying, and if you here for Scoots, good bloody luck."

As he waited for their answer he thought.

'I really should stop spending time around Pinkie Pie'

'But then how will you enjoy my parties?'

'Pinkie, I'm raising a mental eyebrow at you. Go home.'

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When Mundy opened the door, he said to the group, "G'day there, path out is just their, if your sellin' somethin' I'm not buying, and if you here for Scoots, good bloody luck." Dmitri laughed and grabbed him in a bear hug.



"Hahaha! Sniper, it IS you!" he said cheerfully. Do you not remember us?" He then put sniper back on the ground. "We received some strange letters with the team's logo on it. Do you know anything about it? I have the feeling that something bad is going to happen..."

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"Pyro?" Del gasped. "What are you...how did you...Oh! I'm glad that somebo-pony from the team is still alive! I'm in a sticky situation! The rush is that a super-important and valuable object is in terrible danger! It's imperative that I get back to my home and protect it! You wouldn't happen to want to come along, wouldja?" Del freed herself from the dragons grip and inspected her wings for damage. When none was found she fluttered into the air and hovered there.

"I'm having barbecue for dinner," Del offered.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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@, "Barbeque you said? Now i REALLY want to come along! Maybe you can tell me what the fuss is all about with these items. I wanted to visit the Princesses. Some weird pony came to me and by the looks of it... someone is cooking something! *Chuckles* and thats not your Barbeque i am sure!"

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"Alrighty then! I'll tell you about the problem on the way over. I can also point you back to the castle when you want to go. Some wierd pony, you say? Hmmm...no one comes to mind when I think about it..." Del said. They took off, Del leading the way.

"After we were all seperated, I came to know the princesses better. I lived in a wing of the palace for a while until Princess Luna approached me with an assignment. I left and moved to a deserted area. I was left in charge of star glints. Star glints are the way we see the stars. Luna used to keep them in her mane, but they fell out constantly. If any of the glints break, that star in the sky disappears. We need the stars more than we think, but others see the glints as valuable treasures. They are embedded into a panel so that they don't move. That's why no comets have been seen recently. When the glints fell out of Luna's mane, a comet shot across the sky," Del explained.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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@, In short you mean that the stars in her mane represent stars in the sky? So if a star falls from her mane the star it represents falls down the sky like a comet right? Hmmmm....

My case is a little more relaxed i would say. I attempted to integrate witht the dragons. I joined in a clan helping them rise to lead the dragons but then i realised... i was used. I lived freely facing those reckless enough to challange me. You see... the dragons are a competitive race, they live and fight for power even within the family. There are no real friends there, only the strength of your breath, your wings and your claws.

I figured out it was time i left them. No real competition there... plus no real friends. Everyone will lick your claw for a spot beneath you, and if they get the chance... they will betray you.

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When Mundy opened the door, he said to the group, "G'day there, path out is just their, if your sellin' somethin' I'm not buying, and if you here for Scoots, good bloody luck." Dmitri laughed and grabbed him in a bear hug.



"Hahaha! Sniper, it IS you!" he said cheerfully. Do you not remember us?" He then put sniper back on the ground. "We received some strange letters with the team's logo on it. Do you know anything about it? I have the feeling that something bad is going to happen..."

"Dmi!" Beifall shouted. "We can't get too used to callin' each other by our true identities! The other pony said he had a kin, what if they herd us!?" She whispered to him. Beifall then proceeded to Mundy, "so," she said awkwardly. She looked up and examined Mundy's eyes, slipping the note out of her saddle. "hmm"

Edited by Dinky Doodle


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"Dmi!" Beifall shouted. "We can't get too used to callin' each other by our true identities! The other pony said he had a kin, what if they herd us!?" She whispered to him. Beifall then proceeded to Mundy, "so," she said awkwardly. She looked up and examined Mundy's eyes, slipping the note out of her saddle. "hmm"


"Oh!" Dmitri exclaimed. "You are right Doctor! I forgot!" he then smiled at her before turning back to Mundy. "So, sni.. I mean, umm, what do you call yourself now?" Dmitri asked him.

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"Same real name, Bruce Mundy, come on in you lot, I'll go let the girls know its safe"

'Well, safe is a relative term'

Mundy thinks as he walks over to Scootaloos door. He knocks in a pattern before calling out,

"It's all clear Scoots, just some old Mates of mine"


She open the door and comes out with her friends, Applebloom recognises Dmitri from the farm,

"Oh hey there Mista Grishenko what are you doin' here?"

'How does she know him?'

"Ahh, 'ello little apple pony" Dmitri says crouching down to her level,

"I am here to talk with Mundy"

"Hey, her names Applebloom, and are going to take her home when where done?" Sweetie comments.

Edited by DarkDarsi
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"I am not sure what vill happen, let alone if we can get home tonight!" Dmitri replied to Sweetie Belle. "Bruce and I have much to discuss!" Seeing Sweetie Belle's concerned expression, Dmitri laughed heartily. "Hahaha! Do not vorry, little pony, things vill be just fine."


He then turned to Mundy. "I found dis at the school," he said to Mundy as he took out the note from earlier. "It is yours, is it not? Do you know what is going on? I do not like dis. I feel that something very bad vill happen soon!"

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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'Least I Won't have to go searchin' for it'

"Yeah that's mine, and can we not talk about this in front of the little ones. I want to keep them out of it."

Bruce takes the letter before continuing,

"And also, I was gonna take 'em home when they woke up and now your here it'll be as..."

He was cut off by Beifall saying,

"Mundy, why do you still have some of our stuff?"

Soarin' joins "Yeah brother, you got the stuff I thought was taken off us by the Princess"

"It was mate. Del and I manage to get our hands, well, hooves and claws at least, on it before we split. Now as I was saying, I need to get those two back to their respective sisters and I need to get somepony to look after Scootaloo. Plus I need to go somewhere in town before I'm any good for going against a goddesses orders"

Scootaloo rushes over tears in her eyes,

"Wait, Dad! Why are you find some pony to look after me? Why are you leaving me! Please don't Dad! I love you! Please don't give me away! I love you Dad! Please, don't let me go!"

She grips tight on his leg, Bruce bends down,

"Hey, hey! Sweetheart, it's ok, I'm not giving you up. I could never give you up. Not even if the entire Alicorn Contingent ordered me to. I'm just going to go and do something that will no doubt ruffle a lot of feathers, and I want you to be in good hooves should, and this is rather unlikely, should I not be able to come back to you"

He puts his forehead on hers and they closes his eyes, hers a still firmly shut keeping tears back,

"You are my daughter, I am your father, so long as I breath I will return to you, should I stop I will never leave your side, I will protect you even in death. You will never be alone or unloved, you will forever have me. For you are MY Daughter, And I am YOUR Father"


He raises and opens his eyes, Scootaloo let's go and steps back, looking up at her father, smiling, he smiles back.

Bruce looks at everypony else,

"Now then, lets go attend to our business shall we?"

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Dmitri nodded at Mundy. "Da!" he replied. "We should get dese little fillies home first. Let us go! I vill take Applebloom back to de farm, if you leave Sweetie Belle with Rarity and..." he hesitated, as he did not know where Mundy was leaving Scootaloo. "...you leave your daughter with somepony else. We should leave as soon as possible!"


Dmitri then remembered Princess Celestia's warning. "Oh!" he said. "We must not forget what the Princess warned us! Maybe we should all split up for now so that she does not find out!"

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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"I agree with Heavy we need to leave ASAP!" Soarin said. "I could leave Scootaloo with Rainbow Dash and Spitfire if that's alright with you." He said to Mundy. "Good idea! But be fast Soarin." Heavy told Soarin. "You bet!" Soarin said. "Alright then lets get these fillies home and meet back quickly. Lets go go go!" Soarin said as they split to take the fillies home.


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