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private The Luna Chronicles


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Welcome to The Luna Chronicles!


If you wish to sign up we have 2 spots available. The OOC and Sign up is located here. http://mlpforums.com/topic/59281-the-luna-chronicles/


Now lets get to the actuall roleplay!


-Begin roleplay-



'It's been hard work with all the recent things going on. We've had to deal with Parasprites in the east, Dragons in the north, and Changelings attacks to the south. It seems that the days in Equestria are getting worse. Sister does keep a good job of hiding it though...how does she do it? She stays so calm in the midst of all this chaos. Well sister has always had a good poker face.'


The door knocked loudly with only three bangs. "Come in!" The princess yelled as she stowed away her diary in her top drawer. After a few seconds a certain dreconequus came waltzing in.


"Ah discord! It's about time you arrived. We needed somepony to help carry the statue of Sombra down to the lobby." It was too heavy for unicorns to carry and since they had a dreconequus they make him do most of the really heavy labor. "Actually I already took care of that. Celestia sent me in here to hand you this. She said she couldn't give it to you in pony since she had to show a new guest around the castle." Discord handed her the gift which was a small cube present box.


Luna hesitatively opened the present. She was suspicious of discord since he was a prankster but this didn't seem like a prank. After undoing the bow on the box Luna lifted the lid and peered inside. It was the a snow globe. Nt just any snow globe. The one she had when she was a filly. "Give her many thanks on our behalf." Discord Waltzed out the room to go around the castle and make some mischief now his daily chores were done.


"What to do first? Banana peels or Water buckets on doors........." He said aloud. He noticed a grey Pegasus walk by. Of course he wanted to prank this new 'guest' that Celestia had so he introduced him self.


"Ah you must be Wick! I'm your friendly neighbor hood Discord. Nice to meet you!" Discord trusted his arm forward with the shocker on to meet his new target.

  • Brohoof 1


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Wick turned to face the towering, reformed former ruler of Equestria. It wasn't like he had been born yesterday. The stallion knew of Discord, who he had been, and what he was capable of doing. "Yes, I'm Wick," he replied somewhat flatly before reluctantly extending his hoof. He knew better; deep down, he really knew better, but it still took him by surprise when the shock jolted his frame. 


"Buck Luna!" he wailed, pulling his foreleg away quickly. His black and dark grey mane practically stood on end as he shook out his over-volted limb. What do they see in this guy? he thought as he grimaced from the 'blow'. It was more a strike to his pride than anything else. He had been through a lot and just did not need the extra stress. It was enough to cope with the feeling of guilt associated with burdening the princess with his presence. She had allowed him to stay after it was clear that he wouldn't recover quickly. "Honestly Discord," he quipped, "I have plenty of chaos in my life without you inserting your shenanigans into it. Why don't you go frolic with Celestia or whatever it is you normally do to pass the time?" 


He scowled at the dreconequus and let out an overly drawn sigh. Wick figured the beast wouldn't listen. Discord was effectively the god of disorder, while he was a pegasus who could not even muster up the courage to open his wings any more. 

Edited by WingMcCallister

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Ignis stormed down the halls of Canterlot castle. His mind set on one thing and one thing only, to see that Discord pay for what he'd done. As he continued down the halls, a few guards made the misfortune of laughing at him earning a kunai being magically impaled in the wall next to their heads. The white stallion had plenty of patience for lots of things. He was married to Twilight after all, the only stallion that could deal with her paranoia. 


Ignis arrived at his princesses bedroom door giving three sharp taps before barging in without getting confirmation. "Excuse me princess but if it's alright with you. May I go stab Discord a few times?"


Ignis stood in Luna's room his regal armor given to him by her had crayon drawings of the dreconequus all over it. Pieces of his armor started to change colors as well, like he was an attraction at a fair. If that wasn't bad enough Ignis' mane was a bright pink long and unkempt. The length of his mane touched the floor, and when he cut it with his kunai it instantly grew back. His tail on the other hoof....well was for the lack of a better word...gone.


"Please princess, I'm not a violent pony but this time Discord went to far with his prank. I mean he ate my tail right before my eyes." Ignis growled stabbing a kunai into the floor with his magic.

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Luna looked up at Ignus. She chuckled a little but still felt sorry for The obviously pranked stallion. "You do understand that you are his Favourite toy right?" Ignus nodded. "We'll have a serious talk with him about toning his pranks down a bit, but the hair..." Luna started laughing. Ignus rolled his eyes. "Sorry. We'll get that cleaned up." Luna's horn glowed a purple mist and it surrounded Ignus. With one big flash the Armor lost the new 'colorings', His tail grew back, and his mane shortened. "Better?" Luna looked up at the clock above her door. It was 1:36. "Would you like to come to Manehatten with us? We're meeting with the mayor and some other townsfolk to talk about the recent Parasprite problem. So are you coming?" Ignis smiled. It had been awhile since he had last accompanied her on a trip like this and he wasn't saying no.


"I would love to"


"Lets go then!" Luna opened the door and set out to the front of the castle where the carriage was awaiting them.


"It's been awhile since we last did this hasn't it?" She asked. "Two years?" Ignus nodded. "Keeping track of the time I see." Ignus remarked.

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Celestia was pacing back and forth, it was definitely a pain having Discord around, but what could she do about it? Contradict her own orders of releasing him? After all that trouble of getting him "reformed"? No, Celestia was not in the mood for Discord's pranks.

"Oh, i do hope she likes the gift." Celestia thought, she had to employ the assistance of a certain star pupil of hers. She hadn't had a sister in ages and it was Luna's birthday today. Celestia decided to visit the library, she wanted to check up on how Missy was doing in her new job.

"Missy? Missy, are you here?" Celestia called out into the library, it was massive, more than double the size of Twilight's home library.

"Up here you're majesty." Celestia looked up to see Missy with several books surrounding her, she was not reading the books you see, as she was the librariantending to all of the books, it was like a dream come true.

"I'm just here to check on you, how are you faring with the books?" Celestia asked.

"I'm good, there are just so many." Missy exclaimed. Celestia giggled triumphantly, but recomposed herself. She heard Luna discussing something with Ignus... was it? They were just about to get in a carriage.

"Sister, i do hope you like your gift, i'm a little...rusty...as it were." Celestia said to Luna.


((If Missy can't be in this , let me know and i'll change the post.))

Edited by ShyFlutters
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Cadence sat in deep concentration, sweat slicking down her face. She was dealing with the world's most challenging, complex, and difficult 3D puzzle: a shattered Crystal Pony. Every correct piece sealed itself in place when added on. Cadence had succeeded in fixing up to the poor pony's lower jaw; she now needed to search out the rest of the pieces. She sent a guard who responded quickly and went off to investigate the spot on the ground that the pony had shattered on: directly beneath the tallest window in the palace. Cadence inspected her work so far. It was flawless. The guard returned with another bag of pieces and Cadence resumed her concentration. Two hours later, Cadence finished the eyes and the Crystal Pony came back. She blinked before bowing and running off to tend to her chores. Cadence let out an exasperated sigh. She just wished that she'd get more gratitude from those that she had fixed up. Cadence wiped her face off magically and retired from the office. Pieces of lost Crystal Ponies had been seperated and boxed. There were so many that one could make a mismatched pony out of them! Cadence locked the doors to keep Discord out ((there's a spell on the room, too)) and left the site.

  • Brohoof 1

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Shining sat by the door as Cadence exited. She'd been in there for hours, and the stallion had a visible look of concern plastered to his face. "Hey..." he began quietly, "do you need anything?" He gave the princess a fleeting smile and pushed himself up from the wall. "I know how hard it is for you to piece them back together." Watching her emerge exhausted provided one of the few moments when he wished he had powers that extended beyond the scope of shielding. He did not possess the depth of magic that Cadence or Twilie had; he was their armor - and he was certainly good at that job - but that was not all that useful when a pony had to reconstruct broken crystal.


He was walking the fine line between duty and love. The former yelled at him to respect Cadence's responsibilities as a royal, but the latter, well, was an issue of pride. He was her prince! He was supposed to be there for her in every possible way, but all he could do was catch her after the fall.  The notion devoured his sense of honor and left the pony with a sunken countenance. 

  • Brohoof 1

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Cadence smiled at her devoted husband. She trotted up to him and nuzzled him.

"No, but thanks. You'll always be my caring Shine in this world," she whispered. She loved him dearly. "Anything interesting happen? I am so sorry that I took so long! Crystal jigsaws are ridiculous and absurd, but I will do anything for my subjects."

Cadence spotted a familiar tail behind the corner. She peered over Shining Armor's shoulder and made a face.

"We got company," she remarked, pointing her hoof at Discord's tail. She stood there for a moment, but the tail never moved. She poked it, but it crumpled. It was a paper tail taped to the wall to imitate Discord's tail. Cadence scowled and rolled her eyes. She did the princess release sigh, but turned cheerfully back to her husband.

"False alarm. Good thing, too. I can't stand having Discord around. He drives me crazy!" Cadence emphasized with a wave of her hoof.


((Do they have a kid yet? Just curious...and I ran out of characters to type :P Well, let's hope this OOC did the trick...nope, needs 7 more letters))

  • Brohoof 1

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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(I should have put this in Basic roleplays instead of advanced roleplays should I?)


"That was quite the trip wasn't it?" Ignus asked. "Our sister and I deal with situations like those pretty well. We've had along time to perfect it. Now there's something I need to take care of." Luna opened out the window of her bedroom and flew out gracefully. Flying high up into the air her horn glowed. After landing on the roof of the tallest tower in Canterlot she took her stance and slowly but surely the moon was moving. Slowly but surely. After a minute the moon was at its peak. Luna wiped her hoof over her head. Raising the moon was hard work.


[it is now night time]


"Supper will be ready in about five minutes." One of her Shadow Guards had followed her up. "Thank you. I'll be down there soon." The Shadow Guard flew back down to the castle. The others seemed stressed.


"Discord! We need to have a talk with you." Discord turned to the princess. "We know that it can get a little boring with nothing to do around the castle but recently Cadence and Celestia have been really busy. Just please be nicer and tone down the pranks a little." Discord sighed. "Fine." Luna smiled. "Thank you. And don't worry. We'll find something for you to keep you busy." Luna walked out to the dining hall where dinner was about to be served.


(You can usually fill the remaining spaces in with OOC discussion but if it gets too annoying I will make a new one starting from where we leave off.)

Edited by Neon Lights (Ninja)
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((Canonically is obviously no, not yet. In terms of this RP... who knows? lol))


The feel of Cadence's coat made all of his concerns seem irrelevant. He touched his horn to hers when she called him Shine and slowly brushed his muzzle against her fur. "There was some fuss with our resident prankster," he replied, "but given the commotion, I think Princess Luna will be handling it this time." He stepped forward so she could rest her head over his shoulder and smiled. "I'm not all that concerned with Discord right now," he continued quietly. "I have a much more important matter do deal with, namely making sure that my Cadence knows that all of her efforts are appreciated."


He chuckled. "Remember what happened the last time we ran ourselves ragged? I had to throw you at the haunting spirit of a demented king." The humor left Armor's voice and his ears splayed a bit; love and duty once again clashed within his mind and heart, and this time, he feared he would not be able to quell the rift. "Cadence..." He let her name linger in the air for a few seconds. "I know that there are things that you -- and only you -- can do. I also know how dedicated you are to the Crystal Empire. This is coming from your husband, not the Captain of the Guard; you can always lean on me more. I want you to..." 




Wick sat on one of the castle balconies and looked to the moon. He heard Luna absolutely treating Discord, but really wanted no further part in it. He did not particularly want dinner either. Food consumption was a social activity, and lately, that represented the last thing he wanted to do. He breathed heavily and picked out some stars. "What am I doing here?" he muttered while noticing their twinkle. "I should be up there, doing what I was born to do." He lowered his head and stared at his cutie mark - his denied destiny - for what felt like hours. 

Edited by WingMcCallister

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Celestia was in the highest tower of Canterlot, she was looking out at the stars, Celestia never really got the chance to admire the stars which her sister had so meticulously crafted, sure Celestia had to take over for 1000 years but she could never get the stars to...shine...quite like Luna could, perhaps it was her powers of the night, perhaps it was the fact that she was charged with controlling the sun.

"Oh, i fear for my kingdom sometimes, with all the chaos going around at the moment, i fear it may cause bother." Then she remembered that she was late for dinner.

"I have an arranged meeting with Twilight soon, so i can't stay for dinner too long. I can't say it will be fun with Discord around." Celestia thought to herself. "Last time he made my food come to life and made me wear it like a hat." Celestia didn't know what to do with him, she entered the hall where everypony had gathered for dinner.

"Greetings everypony, it's so nice to see you all." Celestia said in the usual loud voice so as she could be heard by the whole room.

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Just before Shining Armor could finish his sentence, a Shadow Guard charged around the corner. He spotted them and his face reddened.

"Pardon me, your Majesties, but the Princesses have required your presences for the evening meal," he nervously relayed.

"I guess that's dinner, then," Cadence said.

The Guard ran off somewhere.

"Those guys are always in a hurry," Cadence remarked. They trotted down the great corridors together until they arrived at the Dining Hall. Shining Armor courteously opened the door for her to allow her think.

"Such a gentleman," Cadence sassily said. She enterred and waited for him to follow. He hurriedly came, and they seated themselves next to eachother at the vast table that spread far down the room.

"I wonder how many ponies it took to carry this thing up into here. That'd be a hassle!" Cadence chatted. "And to build this castle overall? Talk about major magic or tons of horsepower!"

The sky suddenly darkened outside and Cadence watched through the large windows as the moon rose steadily over the hilltops.

"There's Luna, on time as always," Cadence sighed. The moon rising reminded her of her first date with her now-husband. It was awkward but romantic.

  • Brohoof 1

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"I imagine it took a lot of hardworking, dedicated ponies to put of this together, my dear," he answered. "And I'm certainly glad that I wasn't the one that had to drag it up here." He cracked a smile and nudged her gently with his flank. He was truly lucky to have a mare like her in his life, and that was the reason why he had to finish telling her his thoughts. 


Once they were settled, Shining restarted the conversation where it had left off. "Cadence..." The rising moon set the moment perfectly, evoking the romantic imagery he had wanted his words to express. At least now it might be easier to convey exactly what was on his mind; although, part of him still cursed the Shadow Guard for interrupting his chivalrous moment. He placed one of his hooves on her nearest hind leg and peered into her purple eyes. "I want you to lean on me more." His tone emerged much calmer than the inner turmoil that had generated the thought. He sounded princely, and the grin that spread the corners of his lips indicated that it had actually taken him by surprise. 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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"Like this?" Cadence teased. She rested her head on her husband's shoulder. He opened his mouth to reply, but he was interrupted AGAIN.

"Greetings, everypony! It's so nice to see you all!" Princess Celestia boomed. Her voice echoed across the enormous room, creating a sense of authority over all the ponies in the room.

"Tone it down a tad, Tia!" somepony yelled from the other end of the room. "My ears are burning up from the volume!"

"How do your ears burn from sound? I thought that they burst or buzzed," Cadence jokingly whispered to Shining Armor. She smiled innocently up at him, his bright eyes registering her comment and he returned the smile.

"Has my dearest sister, Princess Luna, arrived yet?" Celestia asked the crowd in general.

"Sister, where art thou?" Cadence whispered. Tia, who had magically overheard this, rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, clearly trying not to smile at the joke.

((Don't Cadence and Shining Armor live in the Crystal Empire? Or are they permanently living in the Palace now? Oh, wait, isn't that what the rp is a bit about? You know what, I'll just post in the OOC [i needed more characters, too!]))

  • Brohoof 1

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Wick lifted his head and turned back to look at the unicorn. "Oh, hey Ignis," he replied. The pegasus swallowed hard, wondering if it was worth getting into it, but in many ways Ignis was a kindred spirit. He was the head of the Midnights; if anypony would understand, it might be him. "Things just aren't the same without Laizzy," he explained, referring to his sister. "I should be defending the skies, but..." He buried his muzzle between his forehooves. "...I just can't fly anymore." 


The stallion's ears dropped as he uttered the last sentence. The timbre of his voice descended into a raspy, depressed groan. "It's like I don't even exist." He huffed and shook his head rapidly. "I'm sorry, Ignis," Wick said to the rowdy protector. "I don't want to burden you all with these problems. I'm already tired of receiving endless pity. In all honesty, I'm here more for Luna's sake than my own. We had some good times when I was heading Wonderbolt dark-ops, so I don't think she'd ever forgive me if I wandered off in this state. She'd probably start using her crazy shouting voice." 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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"Is Everypony here?" Luna asked the ponies that were seated. "Ah sister! We were looking for you." Celestia took a seat next to her sister and they began talking. "Recently we've been very busy. All these Dragons, Parasprites, and other things that have been terrorizing cities have been making us very busy and we haven't been coming together and talking like this. I think that afterwards we should get together and do something." What Luna was suggesting was a picnic. "A picnic? I mean there's still a lot of duties we still have to do here." Celestia was still worried about the rest of her kingdom. "I'm sure it'll be ok just to relax for a few hours. Would it hurt?" Luna was itching for a break. "Fine. But only a few hours" Luna was happy but didn't jump up and down. The Guards were watching.


After dinner each of them went into their separate rooms. After everything had become quiet around the castle, Luna went into Celestias room. "Thank you for the gift sister. It's been awhile since...." She pulled out the snow globe that had their mother in it. "Have you still got yours?"

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"You know what I mean, Cadence," he replied quietly. He took the opportunity to hold her there. It was the perfect opportunity for the stallion to garner some tender moments while danger seemed to be lurking at every border of Equestria. He made it perfectly clear with the state of his stare that he had her happiness and well being at heart. She had been working herself to the bone, and the last thing he wanted was another King Sombresque incident. "Are your duties done for the evening?" he asked the princess. "I think it would be a good idea if we took some time to relax." Shining's gaze drifted towards the moon framed by the castle's window panes. "Perhaps, we could have a little tribute to our first date -- with more romance and a lot less awkwardness?" He smiled as the prospect expanded in his mind. The memories were sweet to him, despite the initial missteps, and the thought of sharing another moment like that made his white coat rise and ears perk. "Well, what do you say to that idea, Your Majesty?" 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Ignis let out a low sigh, walking up to the broken pegasus and placed a hoof on Wing's shoulder. "Wing I'm not here to give you pity." Ignis stared up into the stars and the moon. He wasn't about to let this once strong pegasus become nothing and fade into the darkness. "I'm pretty sure Laizzy wouldn't want you sulking like this or feeling bad for yourself." Ignis took his hoof off of Wing and walked to the balcony's edge. Using his magic he pulled one his kunai out of it's holster and started tapping at the balcony's railing. "You used to be great Wing I know that but you still can be."


Ignis whipped around and threw the kunai at Wing. The small weapon landed in front of Wing. "Only you can decide what to do with your life Wing. I can make suggestions but it's ultimately up to you. But I won't stand idly by and watch you sit and wallow in self pity." Ignis noticed Wing hadn't moved at all in the time he'd been talking. Walking over to Wing he stopped right before the kunai. "If you're a true pegasus warrior then pull yourself together and become what you once were not just for yourself but for Laizzy as well." Ignis waited wondering what Wing would do.

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Laizzy expected better of me," Wick responded. His sights fell upon Ignis's weapon as the unicorn spoke. "She expected her big brother to be the hero, and he wasn't. It's not as simple as making a choice. Did you hear what I tried to do before Luna asked me to come here? I jumped off a cloud just to see if they'd open. They didn't. It's going to take more than one speech on a balcony for me to fly with any sort of confidence, and I know it. Don't get me wrong, Ignis. I appreciate what you're trying to do, but it'd be like me coming up to you in the old days and telling you that your jealousy towards Shining Armor was a choice that you could just will away at any time." He pushed the final statement through his teeth with a bit more bite just to drill home the point. 


Wick paused and pushed himself up, grabbing the kunai in the process. "That was deep seeded, and so is this. Those images linger, and I already know that the only person who can get through it is me." He squinted as memories of the little filly dripped through his mind. "I'll either endure it, or I won't, which is exactly why I don't want to be a burden. It has to be me, and if I fail, then I don't want those I care about getting dragged down in my mess." His voice cracked on the last sentence, and he snapped his muzzle to the side so Ignis wouldn't have to watch the tears dampen his coat. He held out his hoof with the kunai towards the stallion. "I think you dropped this." 

Edited by WingMcCallister

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Celestia was once again pacing back and forward, but this time it was due to nerves, it was the first time in four months that Luna and Celestia had any actual time to spend together, Celestia walked over to the window and opened it, when she looked outside, she could feel the moon's soft glow on her face, it was a familiar feeling, often related to her sister. Luna knocked on the door.

"Celestia, may we come in?" Luna asked in her typical Canterlot voice, she could tell because it was tiring Luna out.

"Of course little sister. You're always welcome in here." Celestia said softly. They both sat down next to a fireplace. They were deep in conversation, when the subject of the gift came up.

"Do you still have yours?" Luna asked her, it was the most important object in Equestria to Celestia, of course she still had it!

"I do, although sometimes it causes me despair, as it reminds me that all things have to end, no matter how pure or good." Celestia said sadly. "It makes me wonder, that's all." Luna walked over to Celestia and put her hoof on her shoulder.

"Cheer up, Tia, there's no need to be upset." Celestia smiled.

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 Ignis gave a sigh picking up the kunai from Wick's hoof, he holstered the kunai and headed towards the door. He stopped just before the door. Ignis didn't know what to say to the broken pegasus, but nothing he could say now would do any good. Wick did have a point though, Ignis couldn't just force him to put everything behind him and just start fresh. His jealousy of Shining when he was younger was something that he didn't like to talk about either. "Look Wick, you're not a burden to us. You were once one of the best and I would like to see you like that again." With that Ignis took his leave, he figured it would be better for Wick to sort this out on his own.


Ignis walked through the halls, it was eerily quiet and his princess was not in her quarters. It was then that he realized that she must have gone to see her sister. It would be rude of him to interrupt them in their personal time together like this. Instead he took the time to head outside after grabbing a quill and parchment from his quarters. Ignis then proceeded to write a letter to Twilight keeping her informed of the goings on at the castle.

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Ignis," the name dribbled out of Wick's mouth moments after the unicorn left. He looked back up to the sky, and something caught his attention. There was a single cloud, hovering close to one of the castle towers. You don't think I'm a burden, the pegasus thought. He started at that cloud for a few minutes before deciding. He wouldn't dare try to fly - not alone - anyway, but he wondered if he could still do it.


The stallion ran inside and darted up stairwell after stairwell until he reached the top of the tower. There it was, sitting for him a pony's stretch outside the pane. He popped the latch on the window and took a step back. He'd have to jump for it, but at least that was an activity he could do without feeling swallowed by guilt. He ran and jumped, landing on the soft fluffy mass with ease. "You used to love this one Laizzy," he spoke quietly. "I wonder if I can still do it." He pressed each of his hooves into the cloud and pulled up slowly. His eyes widened as little swirling fragments of the cloud spun around his hooves. "Not.... a burden."



Moments later, the pegasus was inside. He stormed through the corridors like a changeling straight out of Equestria's hell. "Ignis!" he wailed, practically crashing into the stone wall as he sprinted. Luna was not around, which meant the guard would be in his room. The stallion was already huffing. He hadn't done much for exercise in the previous three months, but one thing was crystal clear as he stared at the vapor still spiraling around his hooves. He banged on the quarter door, tears -- for once of joy -- starting to roll down his muzzle. "Ignis... I can at least protect them..." 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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"Depends on what you mean. I have at least twenty guards out searching for lost pony pieces, but one of them shattered. I just pieced together one that had fallen out of the highest window in the Palace, heaven knows what she was doing. I should retire for the night, but there are at least fifty crystal ponies I still need to piece together. I am hoping that Luna found the spell for instant piecing together that she used to use to fix jigsaw puzzles when she was little. Anyway, how's the Captain of the Guard? Anything interesting happen?" Cadence replied.

"Dinner is served," a dozen unicorn waiters announced as they carried in the dishes of food. A single dish was placed before each and every pony.

"I don't understand why they serve so little food," Cadence whispered. "Good thing the chef likes it when we ask for seconds. Piecing ponies is hard work!"

 A clumsy crystal pony staggered into the room.

"P-Princess....C-Cadence," he stuttered. "Message f-from" *hiccup* "somepony." With that, the poor stallion crumpled to the floor, shattering his head and hind legs clear off. Cadence sighed.

"Now I have to piece this one for answers!" she said.

  • Brohoof 1

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Shining let out an undeniably long sigh. Every time he tried to spend some time with Cadence, there was another interruption there to metaphorically slap him in the face. "Don't worry dear," he spoke, standing up before crouching beside the shattered pony. He carefully collected the pieces for her, making sure not to lose any or damage them any further in the process of gathering them. The stallion looked up to his wife. "Nothing unusual happened today in terms of Captain duties. It's been pretty quiet - aside from Discord of course." 


With the pieces gathered, he passed them off to an attendant and sat back down. "I take it this means you're going to be having another busy night?" he asked, traces of disappointment flickering in his tone. "Hopefully, I can do something to help you this time... I really wish Luna or Twilie would come up with something that could make this a bit easier on you. It would be amazing if there were a way to make them a bit stronger." Shining Armor's head perked up as if the proverbial light bulb went off in his brain. 

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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"You know what, a steel reinforced crystal pony actually sounds like a good idea. Maybe we could through in an Attraction spell as well! That way, whenever the crystal ponies shatter, the metal attracts all the pieces together again!" Cadence cheered. "I say we go talk to the Princesses about this idea right away! You are a genius! And I'm sorry I've been so busy...running a kingdom is tough! But it's tons easier when you have a loving, loyal husband such as yourself by my side..."

A banging noise echoed through the room.

"That'd be Discord," Cadence muttered. "Crap, let's go! And please excuse my utterly unlady-like usage of words!"

Cadence took her husband by the hoof and led him down the hallway to the Princess' room. She tapped on the door.

"Who is it?" Celestia answerd.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her husband, Shining Armor," Cadence replied.


"Enter," came the reply. Cadence pushed the door open with her hoof. Inside were two puppets of the Princesses.

"Discord, that's not funny," Cadence scolded. "Imitating the Princesses like that..."

Discord flew down from the ceiling.

  • Brohoof 1

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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