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private The Carnival Obscura


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Give them the old Razzle Dazzle,

Give them the old one two…

You don’t know why it makes you wanna cry

But they’ll Razzle Dazzle me and you!




“Ah’m done.”

The pony lay his hoof down on the table, staring at the three hood creatures in front of him with a steely glint in his green eyes. None of them looked up from their work; each was scribbling silently on a notepad. The one on the far left was clearly a unicorn, as deep blue magic surrounded his pencil as it scratched away, but the hulking shape on the far right wasn’t a pony for certain, as a massive paw clutched its own; an ahuizotl, extremely rare even in their own homeland. The one in the middle was of an indeterminable race, but it was quite possibly the most frightening of them all; it near radiated malice. The pony cleared his throat again.

“Ah said ah’m done,” he repeated more loudly, and the one in the middle stopped writing, looking up. The other two followed suit, laying their books on the table and staring at him through under their hoods. The pony could only just make out the glint of their eyes.

“Done?” repeated one, the ahuizotl, in a mocking air. His voice was very deep and it nearly seemed that it vibrated the table. He chuckled as the pony swallowed nervously.

“Ah sed so, didn’t ah?” he retorted insolently, and the unicorn tilted its head back.

“So you did,” it said in a chilling, high voice; it was female. “But you signed a contract.”

“Ah know ah did,” said the earth pony, trying to seem calm. “But ah did not agree ta be a’ductin’ ponies outta their homes, ‘specially not mah own.”

“’I’ believe that you signed your life over to us,” said the ahuizotl, getting more comfortable in his chair. The room was stiflingly hot, and the pony felt beads of sweat dribbling on his forehead.

“That he did…and you know how seriously we take oaths,” agreed the unicorn. The pony opened his mouth to speak, but there was a sudden rasping noise as the middle creature hissed “Silence!”

The other two nodded, but the ahuizotl huffed. The middle creature hacked as though in pain before begging to speak. It had a horrible, raspy voice, one that made the pony want to cover his ears; it was even worse than hooves on chalkboard.

“Are you saying you wish to leave the Carnival?” it asked in a monotone, and the pony nodded eagerly, hoping for a chance. The creature made a nodding movement beneath its hood.

“Then your wish shall be granted,” it rasped, and the pony sighed in relief.

“AH thank you fa yo’ gen’rosty,” he said, bowing. “Ah won’ breath a word ta anyone but mah own fam-“

He didn’t even finish his sentence before the rock came streaking at him like a bullet. In fact, he didn’t even see it before it buried itself into his skull and sent him flying down, dead.

The blue magic ebbed away from the rock and the unicorn signed, staring at the limp form coldly.

“Idiots,” she muttered, rising, and the other two followed suit.

“So I assume the plan remains?” asked the ahuizotl, turning the body over lazily. He made a face as some blood seeped onto the expensive carpet.

“That it does,” said the mysterious figure wickedly, but it seemed to have trouble speaking and it dragged its body as though in pain.

All three laughed as they stepped over the corpse of the faithful Big Macintosh into the night.




Give them the old Razzle Dazzle,

Give them the old one two…

You don’t know why it makes you wanna cry

But they’ll Razzle Dazzle me and you!”

Princess Celestia slammed the music box shut, but the song didn’t stop. She regretted opening that package now; she should have at least run some tests and whatnot on it, and now here she was, stuck with a possibly cursed box.

The verse started again, and she scowled at it, casting a spell to silence it. Instead, it got to ear-shatteringly loud volumes, the exact opposite of what she wanted.



“Oh, shut UP!” she nattered at the box in a rare fit of temper, and she turned to her window and threw it out, where it sank into the lake.

There had been two more abductions since that of Ponyville and the disappearance of the Elements of Harmony years ago, and each year since then the organization behind it had been taunting her, giving her information on whereabouts that turned out to be ambushes and doubling back on other places. It was rumored to be some insane carnival, led by three terrifying creatures, but what sort of child nonsense was that? A carnival wasn’t capable of something this massive.

Celestia paced. They had also targeted Trotonto and Cloudsdale, and even the beefed up security around all the cities didn’t seem to dissipate the rumour of another attack looming.

Celestia dismissed these, but inside her innards were twisting. Every time there had been an attack, they had sent her something…and every time, exactly four days later, there was a disappearance. She had ensured that there was even more eyes on her kingdom, but who was to know?

She heard a small noise behind her, like a clock being wound, and turned. And there, sitting on her desk as though it had never left, lay the music box, opening itself for another song.

Four days later, and Appleloosa was deserted.




It was nearly eight o’clock, and not everyone was there yet.

Rain cursed and pulled her cloak tighter around her and her hood more securely over her face, hiding her brutal scars. She had been expecting them for quite some time, but the group still hadn’t shown up. She put her sunglasses back on, as the sun hurt her eyes, and a distant memory flickered across her mind; search groups…

She shook it off and stood there, waiting patiently for the others. The Princess who had taken over, Cadence, had demanded their presence, in her citadel at the Crystal Empire, and it was a long trip from where they were to get there.

She felt the sudden chill of being watched curl up her spine, but no one was about, and she tried to ignore it, staring out at the distance silently, waiting.




Braith was late. She knew that, and she didn’t like it, but her train had come in from the deep south late and now she was stumbling over her baggage to get to the meeting point.

A hooded figure was already standing there, all her features obscured, but she looked away at the sight of Braith. Irritated by this sudden display of rudeness, she sidled closer.

“Hello?” she demanded, and the other pony gave her a sidelong glance.

“Hi,” she replied, just as snidely, and Braith felt the sinking feeling in her stomach that told her they were going to get along just fine.

“Anyone else here yet?” she asked, and the other pony pulled the black cloak tighter and grunted what sounded like a no.

“Excellent!” Braith exclaimed rudely. “So I guess we have some quality time together!”

The other didn’t even deign to reply, and both fell into silence, waiting for others to save them from the company of one another.

Edited by Morrigan Aensland


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As the train pulled into the station, Erle stepped out of the carriage and onto the platform. He had been looking forward to this. Mysteries like this always proved quite a challenge, and he liked it that way. As he trotted to the arranged meeting point, he saw two figures. He approached the hooded one. "Ah, I see you have already arrived. I assume the others have not arrived yet? I am looking forward to solving this…" he smiled to himself. "...interesting case.”






DJ flew quickly out of the sky and into the Crystal Empire. He mentally kicked himself for falling asleep. He was late now! He landed at the meeting point, to find three ponies standing together, waiting for the others to arrive. He recognised one of them. “Hey! You’re Erle Gray, the detective, aren’t you?”



“I prefer the term Consultant Detective, but yes, I am,” Erle replied. “We are still waiting on the others, but I am sure they will be hear soon.”


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Duskar and Hypno walked alone the sidewalk, not too far from the train now. They were rather silent but Duskar eventually broke the silence, "We were supposed to have a group of three, Hypno. Why did it have to be so hard for you to get out of your bed and talk to the big guy." He muttered with a rather irritated tone.

"Well I wasn't the one who made him angry now wasn't I? Must you always complain too?" Hypno retorted calmly as he adjusted his hat.

Duskar would of replied but he saw the train in sight now. "We'll continue this at later times..." He explained as he walked.


At the other side, Gamble had been walking, taking a swig out of the bottle of cider he had floating in front of him with magic. He finished the last of it and then chucked it aside carelessly. He reached the train station after a bit and admired the scene. He looked up, a slight smile on his face and merely said. "Today is goin' to be horrible." His smile and overall happy mood slowly began to disappear. After he said this he noticed the rest of the group in the distance.


Weaver He had finally reached the train, knowing that the most other ponies would be rather suspicious of the fact he's a changeling, he disguised himself to be a pony version of himself. He adjusted his coat so that his slightly new wings would fit and then walked into view.

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Lost Knowledge stepped off the train, surprised to see that one of the passengers who'd gotten off before him seemed to be heading to the same place as he was. He headed over to the meeting place where, sure enough, his fellow train rider was standing, talking to two other ponies. He cleared his throat to get their attention before bowing his head in greeting. "Professor Lost Knowledge, at your service. I hope the others arrive soon. I must say, I'm quite anxious to get to work. This looks to be a fascinating case indeed."



Raptor soared through the cold northern sky, heading for the meeting place. He knew he was late, but he hardly cared. Until they earned his respect- which it was doubtful they ever would- he felt no urge to show them courtesies such as punctuality. If they left without him, he would have no trouble tracking them anyway, thanks to his years of hunting experience. Finally, he arrived at the meeting spot, pointedly dive-bombing and landing in the middle of the group for no real reason other than to startle them. He nodded to the hooded pony who seemed to be in charge, but said nothing.

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@@Alex Kennedy

Braith nodded at the griffin admiringly; having grown up around them, she seemed more at ease, than the other, who moved back a step in an irritated fashion.

"Always griffins, never know personal space," she muttered vehemently, and Braith rolled her differently coloured eyes.


Rain turned her attention to Lost Knowledge, extending a hoof (she used her left one; her right side was completely swathed.) 

"Lost Knowlege?" she asked, disguising her voice to be deeper. "I am Raindancer. A pleasure to have your expertise." She nodded. "I believe we have yet another a intellectual joining us, though she is more into the study of runes...Adlais? Have you ever met her?" She sounded as though she were smiling. "Very clever, she is."


Braith looked at Raptor and, noticing his unfriendly look towards them, nodded understandingly. Having grown up around their species, she understood their dislike.

"Bit weird, being on this side of the world, isn't it?" she asked, speaking of the land across the sea where the "lesser" species made their homes. "I grew up in a griffin village, not really a fan of ponies either, even if I am one." She didn't try to sound friendly, as that wasn't her purpose; she merely wanted to learn of this carnival. 



Both Braith and Rain glanced at the new arrivals, and Rain gave a small moan and turned away. Braith, however, was interested in them, as they didn't look like anything she had ever seen before. 


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Rain turned her attention to Lost Knowledge, extending a hoof (she used her left one; her right side was completely swathed.)  "Lost Knowlege?" she asked, disguising her voice to be deeper. "I am Raindancer. A pleasure to have your expertise." She nodded. "I believe we have yet another a intellectual joining us, though she is more into the study of runes...Adlais? Have you ever met her?" She sounded as though she were smiling. "Very clever, she is."


Lost took her hoof and shook it firmly. He had always felt that a good hoofshake was important in making a first impression. In regards to her question about the other scholar, he thought for a minute, then shrugged. "Adlais, was it? I can't say the name rings any bells, but I've been very busy with my own research lately and haven't had much time to study the work of others, so perhaps I should know her but I haven't had the chance. How many others are we waiting for, anyway? As I said before, I'm rather anxious to get started."


As a griffin suddenly landed immediately in front of him, Lost stepped back and scowled.


That was hardly necessary.





Braith looked at Raptor and, noticing his unfriendly look towards them, nodded understandingly. Having grown up around their species, she understood their dislike. "Bit weird, being on this side of the world, isn't it?" she asked, speaking of the land across the sea where the "lesser" species made their homes. "I grew up in a griffin village, not really a fan of ponies either, even if I am one." She didn't try to sound friendly, as that wasn't her purpose; she merely wanted to learn of this carnival. 


Raptor smiled- which was a truly rare occurrence that surprised even him-, thinking back to his homeland. He had been away for far too long. "You could say that. I've been in this part of the world for a while, but it will never feel like home to me. It's good to know there's someone else who understands."

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Hypno almost chuckled. "This is what having a bad mood gets you Dusky, the group looks like they're are already mad at you." He explained. 

Duskar hadn't even noticed Rain yet, "Oh please, you've been locked up in your shack for the last few months without telling a word to anypony. I thought you had died at some point." He commented back. 

Hypno almost looked sad for a moment as he didn't reply, he sighed, his face brightening up with a fake grin. He gave a hello to the group before he sat down at a bench with his partner. 


"Good to see ya made it mista Gallows." Gamble said as he sat in a different bench. After this he took his fedora off and placed it over his face and seemed to take a nap.


Weaver looked around, he didn't really know anyone from the group besides Gamble. But he didn't feel too nervous around them except for the griffin and Hypno. He sat quietly and for now he listened. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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@@Alex Kennedy @

Rain nodded. "Yes, she tends to remain on the...how should I put it...fringe of our society." She grimaced. "Bad family business she got stuck with, and she's not really fully accepted as an academic yet."

She tightened her hood so it obscured her face and turned to them, deepening her voice as she spoke a little shakily. "Hypno, Weaver, Gambler, and...Duskar, is it?" she asked, looking around at them all. She didn't feel now was an appropriate time to share her name; while they would find out what it was later, it wasn't necessary that she say it in the moment, and delaying them moment was better than nothing.


Braith nodded, completely understanding Raptor's words. "That's true. Do you ever think of making your home back there once more?" she added curiously, wondering about his feelings on Equestria. While she marveled the advanced architecture and mechanics, she preferred the solace of her people, even after she was banished.


(OOC: I'm going to use Adlais since I'd like to have a unicorn character, and though Braith was originally designed as one I like her better as an Earth Pony. Razzle will be minor anyways, only acting as a mute key, basically. tongue.png)


Hurrying up the lane, Adlais took a spill, her blue mane fluffing around her in a cloud as she landed with an "umph". Her books spilled out of an over-stuffed bag, and she rushed to pick them up, her horn glowing with dark blue magic as her things tidied themselves and stuffed back in.

"Er, hello there?" she said, lilting her words as though asking a question as she tried to determine who to talk to. "Er, sorry I'm late...but...I...kinda got lost in research..."

Edited by Morrigan Aensland


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Rain nodded. "Yes, she tends to remain on the...how should I put it...fringe of our society." She grimaced. "Bad family business she got stuck with, and she's not really fully accepted as an academic yet."


Lost nodded sagely. "Family business, eh? How unfortunate. It's always a shame when someone with clear intellectual ability gets held back from reaching their potential. At any rate, I look forward to working with her."


Almost as soon as he finished speaking a blue-maned mare approached the group, saying something about getting lost in research. He smiled and extended a hoof welcomingly. "Caught up in you research? That happens to me all the time. Don't worry about it."






Braith nodded, completely understanding Raptor's words. "That's true. Do you ever think of making your home back there once more?" she added curiously, wondering about his feelings on Equestria. While she marveled the advanced architecture and mechanics, she preferred the solace of her people, even after she was banished.


Raptor sighed, now longing for home more than ever. "Perhaps one day I'll live there again, but there are those of my kind who live in these lands, and suffer from discrimination. It is my duty to strive to help them and protect them however I can. As long as I can be more use to my people here than back home, it is here I will remain."

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@@Alex Kennedy @

Rain nodded with a smile that no one could see, and at that moment Adlais cam stumbling up, panting for breath. She looked at the young mare and nodded.

"I'm sorry I'm late!' panted the unicorn, and faced the new man, holding out a hand. Her tattoos were extremely prevalent in the sunshine, and she was carrying several books in runic activity in her bag.

'My name is Adlais," she said hurriedly, sticking out a hoof to shake as she moved around nervously. "I, uh, study runic activity. Felt that it might be helpful on this trip, runes seem a good choice for the disappearances..." She trailed off, mumbling something more. She then blinked and looked up.

"Oh, sorry. I uh, tend to do that. Er, and you are?" She glanced at the mare beside her. "So I guess you and Raindancer are alread-hmmph!"

Rain had stuffed a hoof in her mouth. "No need to be chatty," she laughed nervously.


Braith tilted her head. "So have you met any griffins named Adar or Nos?" she asked. "I mean, just wondering...they moved here a fe years ago, and I was interested to know if you've seen them in your travels. Old...friends."


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"Gambler was my fathers name, mines jus' Gamble for short." He said from his bench, his voice slightly muffled from the hat over his face. 


Waver simply nodded, still listening quietly. He wondered if the group already knew he was a Changeling. But he didn't want to risk asking.


Hypno nodded also. "That would be our names." He said. Taking his hat off and giving a funny bow, before he sat back down and returned to his usual posture.

Even though Hypno seemed fine, Duskar looked differently. Instead of answering, he turned to Adalis. "What was that you just said?" He asked, looking somewhat confused.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Adlais pulled away from Raindancer and turned shyly to the others. She hadn't realized there were more, and she felt suddenly gawky.

"Uhm...I was just saying how I, uh, er...study runes...and, er, Rain here was just introducing me to...ow!" She muttered in suprise, glaring at the cloaked pony, who kicked her and then muttered, "Sorry, muscle spasm."


Braith looked around at the rest of the group. There were two who looked promising, who were talking to the newly arrived unicorn and the cloaked pony, apparently named Rain. The grey pony with her looked okay as well, but the new one she wasn't sure about; she looked booksmart and had a massive satchel.

"Those aren't gonna help you," she muttered to herself.


(OoC: With that, I'm off. Feel free to continue to talk amongst yourselves.)

Edited by Morrigan Aensland


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Duskar's more intrigued look slowly disappeared as he leaned back into his bench. Hypno looked rather confused as his partners face turned rather serious and unpleasant. "Rain you said?" He asked as he then turned to the hooded pony. "It's been quite a while since I've met a pony with that name." He commented with a more smug tone. "I haven't seen that pony for a while too." He added.


Gamble tilted his hat up with a grin, watching the scene as it unfolded. He always loved to watch ponies that argue or fight. It was like a past time for him.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Braith tilted her head. "So have you met any griffins named Adar or Nos?" she asked. "I mean, just wondering...they moved here a fe years ago, and I was interested to know if you've seen them in your travels. Old...friends."


Raptor shook his head, genuinely sorry that he couldn't be of more help. Although he hated to admit it, he was warming up to this mare. She wasn't like most of her kind. "I'm sorry, but I can't say I know them. For what it's worth, I hope your able to find them some day."





"I'm sorry I'm late!' panted the unicorn, and faced the new man, holding out a hand. Her tattoos were extremely prevalent in the sunshine, and she was carrying several books in runic activity in her bag. 'My name is Adlais," she said hurriedly, sticking out a hoof to shake as she moved around nervously. "I, uh, study runic activity. Felt that it might be helpful on this trip, runes seem a good choice for the disappearances..." She trailed off, mumbling something more. She then blinked and looked up. "Oh, sorry. I uh, tend to do that. Er, and you are?" She glanced at the mare beside her. "So I guess you and Raindancer are alread-hmmph!" Rain had stuffed a hoof in her mouth. "No need to be chatty," she laughed nervously.


Lost stared at Adlais curiously as she talked, not quite sure what to make of her. He scowled a bit when Raindancer rather violently interrupted her. "That wasn't really necessary, was it? She was just trying to have a friendly conversation." 

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Erle turned from DJ back to the others. "So, when are we getting started? We do not have all the time in the world!" Erle was impatient. He had been waiting months for a case as interesting as this one. He had only received boring requests from ponies to find missing relatives, solve the odd murder. This would be different, however, and he was looking forward to it!



Raptor shook his head, genuinely sorry that he couldn't be of more help. Although he hated to admit it, he was warming up to this mare. She wasn't like most of her kind. "I'm sorry, but I can't say I know them. For what it's worth, I hope your able to find them some day."


DJ looked over at the griffon. “Hey there! Name’s DJ.” He said cheerfully. “I haven’t seen a griffon in ages! What’s your name?”

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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"It's been quite a while since I've met a pony with that name." He commented with a more smug tone. "I haven't seen that pony for a while too." He added.



"What a coincidence," the pony replied calmly, still not removing her hood. Adlais just blinked in confusion and looked around as if searching for answers. 


"That wasn't really necessary, was it? She was just trying to have a friendly conversation."

When Lost spoke up she nodded. "Perhaps," she said, quietly. "But it would be...preferred that you all call me by a different name." Glancing at the red unicorn, she apologized, and Adlais accepted it with an intrigued look still on her face.




Adlais wasn't sure what was up with this hooded pony (based on size she was fairly sure it was a pegasus, but it had been a while since she had been out). Whatever her secret, she seemed to know this "Duskar" figure, who seemed rather unpleasant. However, she was determined to get to the bottom of things.




Rain cursed herself internally as she stared at the ground. Had she KNOWN, she wouldn't have been so stupid as to give her name up so freely.

"Idiot," she muttered under her breath, and she shoved past Duskar, wanting to just get out. However, she clumsily tread on her cloak hem and tripped, yanking it forcibly over her head. Tge sunglasses slipped and skittered across the ground, shattering.


Adlais couldn't help but gasp in horror and make a face at Rain's right side, which was a network of burns and scars. Half of her face had a particularily long one, giving it a slightly eerie and lopsided look, especially since it crossed over her muzzle and made it difficult to speak out of the right side of her mouth.


Judging by the looks she got, Rain felt as if she ought to be embarassed, but instead she just felt empty. There was a ringing in her ears and her vision qas blurry from the sudden sunlight as she rose, gathered her cloak, and calmly pulled it around herself, leaving the hood down this time.


Raptor shook his head, genuinely sorry that he couldn't be of more help. Although he hated to admit it, he was warming up to this mare. She wasn't like most of her kind. "I'm sorry, but I can't say I know them. For what it's worth, I hope your able to find them some day."


"Ah, well," shrugged Braith. "Perhaps that's for the best, all things considered." She irritably flucked her mane away. "So what do you do?"


Erle turned from DJ back to the others. "So, when are we getting started? We do not have all the time in the world!" Erle was impatient. He had been waiting months for a case as interesting as this one. He had only received boring requests from ponies to find missing relatives, solve the odd murder. This would be different, however, and he was looking forward to it!




DJ looked over at the griffon. “Hey there! Name’s DJ.” He said cheerfully. “I haven’t seen a griffon in ages! What’s your name?”

She was distracted as two ponies approached. One was snooty and impatient, while the other seemed boisterous and overly friendly. While the latter tried to engage the griffon, Braith gave the former a flat, albeit bit distrustful, stare, her eyes slightly narrowed.

"We leave when we do," she said in an equally flat tone. "You ponies are always rushing."


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She was distracted as two ponies approached. One was snooty and impatient, while the other seemed boisterous and overly friendly. While the latter tried to engage the griffon, Braith gave the former a flat, albeit bit distrustful, stare, her eyes slightly narrowed.

"We leave when we do," she said in an equally flat tone. "You ponies are always rushing."


Erle laughed. "Oh, do not worry! I do not usually rush. When you have waited as long as I have for an interesting case to show up, you start to get impatient. All I've had to solve were petty riddles and the odd murder for the last few months. Believe me, I've been waiting for something like this for a long time!"

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Erle laughed. "Oh, do not worry! I do not usually rush. When you have waited as long as I have for an interesting case to show up, you start to get impatient. All I've had to solve were petty riddles and the odd murder for the last few months. Believe me, I've been waiting for something like this for a long time!"

Braith looked at him with apparent disgust.

"You act as though this is some sort of game," she sneered incredulously. "'I've been waiting for something like this'? As though it's no big deal." 


Normally Braith was less concerned about pony welfare, but right now, for some reason, she felt incredibly irritable. Despite her anger at having been banished from her home, she still had grown up there, and if this ghost carnivalspread its tendrils of influence past the borders of Equestria, no one was safe.


Assuming there WAS a carnival. Braith was skeptical, but still...it made her slightly nervous.


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Braith looked at him with apparent disgust.

"You act as though this is some sort of game," she sneered incredulously. "'I've been waiting for something like this'? As though it's no big deal." 


Normally Braith was less concerned about pony welfare, but right now, for some reason, she felt incredibly irritable. Despite her anger at having been banished from her home, she still had grown up there, and if this ghost carnivalspread its tendrils of influence past the borders of Equestria, no one was safe.


Assuming there WAS a carnival. Braith was skeptical, but still...it made her slightly nervous.


"Believe me, in my line of work, it is hard to show remorse," Erle replied. "I am not heartless, as you may think of me. Death and destruction is common, and if your feeling get in the way, only more ponies will be under threat. I experienced the loss of family and friends from one of the abductions. I was in Manehattan at the time, so I was not taken. However, I lost many friends that day. I learned that letting feelings get in the way will cloud your mind, making even the most obvious clues invisible to oneself."

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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DJ looked over at the griffon. “Hey there! Name’s DJ.” He said cheerfully. “I haven’t seen a griffon in ages! What’s your name?”


Raptor glared at the overly enthusiastic pony. "Raptor", he replied in a hostile tone, having no interest in talking to this fool pony.




"Ah, well," shrugged Braith. "Perhaps that's for the best, all things considered." She irritably flucked her mane away. "So what do you do?"


He turned back to Braith. "I do what I have to in order to look after my brethren. If they are oppressed, I avenge them and set an example. I remind ponies what we griffins are capable of if you push us.





Rain cursed herself internally as she stared at the ground. Had she KNOWN, she wouldn't have been so stupid as to give her name up so freely. "Idiot," she muttered under her breath, and she shoved past Duskar, wanting to just get out. However, she clumsily tread on her cloak hem and tripped, yanking it forcibly over her head. Tge sunglasses slipped and skittered across the ground, shattering. Adlais couldn't help but gasp in horror and make a face at Rain's right side, which was a network of burns and scars. Half of her face had a particularily long one, giving it a slightly eerie and lopsided look, especially since it crossed over her muzzle and made it difficult to speak out of the right side of her mouth. Judging by the looks she got, Rain felt as if she ought to be embarassed, but instead she just felt empty. There was a ringing in her ears and her vision qas blurry from the sudden sunlight as she rose, gathered her cloak, and calmly pulled it around herself, leaving the hood down this time.


Lost tried his best not to stare at the mare's mass of scares, figuring that she had probably been hiding them for a reason and wouldn't want to talk about them. At any rate, it was none of his business.

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Braith opened her mouth to say more, but she just shut it again. Getting in a petty argument with an equally petty pony. Rather, seeing that the griffon had dealt with his own problem, she looked back at him.


@@Alex Kennedy

"So...I'm guessing you're some sort of..." She looked at the other two and decided not to continue with her sentence, lest that self-proclaimed detective decide to do something rash. Instead she cracked a wry smile. 

"I'd be surprised if anyone wanted to approach you," she said dryly. "Griffins are indeed not the best-loved species here, unfortunately...I suppose a nudge every so often keeps us in line." She gave a short, hard laugh.

Edited by Morrigan Aensland


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Raptor glared at the overly enthusiastic pony. "Raptor", he replied in a hostile tone, having no interest in talking to this fool pony.


DJ stepped back, slightly alarmed by how overly aggressive the griffon was. being "Ok! Cool it! I was just asking you a question! No need to get all grumpy about it!" He turned back to the others. "So, what are we planning on doing? I'm guessing that we do have a plan, right?"

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As Rain tripped and revealed her face, Hypno and Shadow seemed to keep the same faces they had before it happened. Clocks just simply muttered. "Well, that escalated quickly." Before he put his hat back on his face, and waited for the signal to have the ponies leave. Weaver still kept quiet, not really phased.


Duskar spoke after a few moments. "...I see you're still as clumsy as you used to be, Rain." He commented. "It seems a lot of time really has passed." He added. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"So it does, Shadow," said Rain offhandedly, not giving away any emotions that she felt. Internally she wasn't really feeling much of anything, truth be told; this seemed rather dreamlike, too obscure to be real. "I trust you and your little...gang have been well?" she added, looking at the others with a tilt of her head.


Adlais sat there, looking between the two. She held up her hoof half-heartedly to interject, and then, realizing that she probably wouldn't be much use in a fight, thought better of it and made a feeble noise that sounded a bit like "Stop it."



Braith sighed and stomped her foot in irritation.

"No, sorry, no plan," she said in a sarcastically cheerful voice. "We're just going to go on a wild goose chase over the world looking for a potentially thought up carnival! Does that sound like fun to you?"


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Braith sighed and stomped her foot in irritation.

"No, sorry, no plan," she said in a sarcastically cheerful voice. "We're just going to go on a wild goose chase over the world looking for a potentially thought up carnival! Does that sound like fun to you?"


DJ laughed at this. "Haha! I suppose you're right! It wouldn't be the best thing, would it? Anyway, what is our plan then?" Erle meanwhile was still thinking over the series of events that had led to the abductions. Was there a link or pattern to the towns taken? He was sure there had to be.

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